Jay had his father.

It made him somewhat of an out-lier most only had their mother or was raised by henchmen. Yet, while Jay had been with his father all his life, he has no soft memories of him, and only one instance of Jafar scaring him for life. However all his softer and tender memories compromise of a woman. The memories are faint but give him comfort. She's leaned over him, her long black hair tickles his cheeks and further falls to mix with his own. Her warm thin fingers rub the lobes and tops of his ears, her sharp hazel eyes are locked into his and she sings to him with words he never learned the translation of.

"Nami, Nami

sawf tajid alsalam

mataa tunam

Nami, Nami

kanzi. tharuti"

Then she was gone, he only remembered hazel eyes and that if he rolls is tongue just right, when his mouth is dry enough and Jafar is gone. He can recite the words he never learned the meaning of.

"Hey FG! You wanted me?" announced Jay as he walked into her office and made himself at him in the chair in front of her desk. It made the fairy woman both roll her eyes but smile.

"Yes Jay, I have a potential assignment that is very important and I think you ca be the only one to do it." she said and Jay turned his head tot he side a bit and crossed his arm.

"Okay, you got my attention." he said and she huffed.

"Okay, so we have four students transferring from Agrabah in a week and I'd like you to help welcome them and show them around. I would have Aziz but he is currently in the Florence Kingdom doing some side study and you are the only Agrabahian student we have at he moment right now." she explains but trails off any more information to take in the blank and uncomfortable expression that has crossed Jay's face.

"I'm a what?" he asked and dread filled Fairy God Mother.

"Jafar...he's from Agrabah, so therefore you are Agrabah. Do...do you even know where Agrabah is? Do you even know Arabic?" SHe asked and Jay quickly covered his bubbling confusion and sadness with rage.

"I don't give a damn where this Abrakadabra place is! Jafar never told me any of this!" he yelled, getting up quickly and sending the chair he sat in back to the floor. FGM swallowed nervously as Jay's hands slammed on the wood of the desk.

"I don't know if you've noticed or not FG but the only place I'm from is the Isle!" Jay yelled and quickly stormed out, Fairy Godmother shuttered as she grabbed her phone and called two people who could help.

"Pick up your slack! Am I the only one who wants to win a damn on this prissy team of princes!" Jay yelled, both scaring and annoying the others as they ran through the 20th drill in a period of an hour and a half. All their muscle were screaming, chest ached, bruises littered all of them and sweat was mixing with the mud on the ground.

Carlos had to stop Jay before he hurt someone or himself.

Carlos marched over to Jay causing tension to grow as the other players watch him defy the captain. Jay glared Carlos down until the boy stood toe to toe with him and threw down his stick down at Jay's feet.

"Enough! This is off season and unofficial practice, we've been out here for only two hours and you are running us like dogs!" Carlos announced and slammed the face guard of his mask into Jay's forcing the two to have a stare off and Jay to angrily grab at Carlos's practice jersey and actually lift the boy.

"It's cause you all suck!"

"No, it's because your pissed at something! We're Isle boys I know when you mad!" Carlos argued and Jay snapped into a black out.

Next thing he knew, he was on his back and his hands felt wet with blood as Carlos had his arm wrapped around Jay's throat. The blue of the sky and was being blurred by the black spot coming across Jay's vision from the lack of air and he slammed his elbows back and gasp for breath at the chocking gasp from Carlos and he rolled off the boy. Hands pulled at him away with various shouts. Chad had pulled and dragged Jay away just in time for Jay to be pulled out his red rage to see Carlos curl over on his side and cough out for breath.

"Chill out man!" Chad screamed in his ear and Jay shook him off and bolted into the woods.

Coach G found him an hour later punching trees and throwing limb aggressively into the lake. He frowned at the scratches on his face, black eye and bruises around his neck. Sometime he rejected living off campus because he should have been at the school ground sooner to stop this.

As he came closer he saw Jay throw throw on more punch into the bark before collapsing onto the ground and breaking out in quiet sobs. He quickly made his way over and sat down next to the boy. Jay quickly suck in the need to cry and let burning tears drip down his face as Coach G pulled him out of his shoulder pads and wrap his letterman around his shoulders instead.

The two sat there in silence, Jay trying to bury his cries and shakes.

Another five pass and Jay sniffs then whispers.

"Evie know German."

Coach G looks over at the sad and hurt boy and nods, jay continues.

"Evil Queen taught her as part of her 'princess' training. Also because that's what Evil Queen's mother taught her and she even taught German to Snow White. Mal know some ancient fairy langue because Maleficent would read spells to her in the langue to sleep too. Because that's how she was raised before she was kicked out of the Magic land or whatever. Carlos used British sang a lot and when he turns 21 he said that he get the DeVil fortune from Anita. All my friends Coach...All my friends are more than just Isle kids. They know what they are made of and where their from and have like...a..um...what's that word...a self?...oh...an identity. They know what being them means and where that stuff comes form and even their parents had enough...love or pride or whatever, care even to teach them about who they are...Jafar didn't with me" Jay rambles and Coach nods as the boy continues.

"The only thing about Ark-...Ag-ra-bah. Yeah, there. He only taught me one story or law or whatever. If the apple seller catches you stealing an apple, he'll cut off your hand. But is you steal an apple and give it to me with both hands, I'll give you half of the fruit. That's it. All I know from him. Coach you can' tell anyone but I only know a few words or Arabic but I don't even know what the words mean. I didn't get the word from Jafar so I never asked him."

Coach frowned but nodded.

"She would sing them to me...she...she had long hair like me and she would sing them and I felt...I felt like...like I was hers...like I was more than a thief...like I was a part of something special but. I never learned what they means!" He cried and hiccup as a sob mad a chocked lump in his throat. He swallowed harshly and allowed himself to be hugged by Coach and fist the side of the older man's shirt.

"Nami, Nami

sawf tajid alsalam

mataa tunam

Nami, Nami

kanzi. tharuti"

"She would sing it to me when Jafar was drunk in the shop and only at night. Just like that...I wish...I just wish I knew what they meant...I wish I knew who I was. Where I'm from." He cried and Coach G clutched Jay a bit tighter.

"Listen Jay. You are more than a thief and there is more to learn about being an Agrabahian then some outdated law that hasn't existed in a century that was told to you by a twisted and scorned sorcerer. You are your own person now, your free to find out who you are and we have many people who will help you. Granted, there is a bit more of hurt to it because your father may not have taught it to you but will work with it. I promise, you made family and friends here and they all care a bit you and will help you. Now let those tears go boy. We are in a middle of a forest." Coach G stated and nodded as his shirt became wet with Jay's sobs.

"I hurt Carlos." Jay mumbled and Coach shrugged.

"Yes you did and he told me to tell you he did it on purpose. He'll be fine. He said something about your nothing compared to her." Coach G said with a cringe and a mental note to talk to the freckled boy, but it made Jay give a dry chuckle from the sick humor.

"He would say that." Jay rasped out, spent out but still tears leaked out his eyes, holding back the need to cry for years will do that to a person. He was worried it may never stop. They became silent again when Coach G spoke up.

"Sleep, Sleep

You will find peace

in your dream

Sleep, Sleep

my treasure"

"That's what those words mean. You remember that Jay, you are very angry, but you will find peace. Trust me, you question will be answered." Coach Genie whispered but smiled when answered by Jay's snore.

"Jay, if you don't get away from me I'll have Dude eat your homework! I'm fine you big baby!" Carlos yelled and Jay huffed and ran his hair back.

"Sorry okay! I feel bad I hurt you and that you let me hurt you! I broke your ribs." Jay explained and Carlos snorted a laugh back petted Dude who was snuggled in his lap.

"First off, they're bruised and second off, I sort of let you do it. Now chill." Carlos said and Jay sighed and sung further in his chair in the library. Carlos and Evie were with him on the table laid a giant map and some book with common Arabic sayings and a started into learning the langue. Evie was busying herself with trying to find the audio book so Jay could properly learn as easily as possible.

"Jay Jafar to Fairy God Mother's office please!" came over the intercom and Jay groaned. He was put on some sort of grounding from sport for a but, he sits out the first two game and was put on some sort of 'leave' from his captain position for the next two month.

"I'll text you guys when I'm done." Jay said and left out. He hurried with an unknown energy to the office,he felt lighter in a way he never had experienced before and he was thankful. He gave a quick knock as he came tot he doors and pushed on in.

"Hey FG, I'm sorry about yesterday an- whoa." Jay trailed off.

Standing there waiting to meet him was more that just Fairy God Mother but Sultana Jasmine and her Adviser/husband. Aladdin.