Arthur: This is my first time writing Game of Thrones, so be patient with me, please :]
This story is centered on Jon Snow, and his quest to be more than a bastard son of Ned Stark.
Here are some points to consider before you read this story.
Roberts's rebellion failed, he was defeated in combat by Rhaegar Targaryen. The Tully, Stark, Baratheon troops fled the battle of the Trident at the sight of their leader slain.
After the defeat of Roberts's army, Rhaegar arrived in Kings landing and took the crown from the mad king and placed him in a black cell underneath the red keep. Shortly, Aerys died all alone, shouting to burn them all.
Ned Stark and his men used sleeping darts to knock Arthur Dayne, Gerold and Oswell unconscious, fearing a battle between the king's guard, a battle he thought he wouldn't emerge victoriously. Ned entered the Tower of Joy to see Lyanna already lifeless in a bed soaked with blood, and a small bundle wrapped in red and black blankets. As he held the baby securely in his arms, Ned looked into the indigo eyes of Lyanna and Rhaegar son. He searched for a way to spite the new king of Westeros and brought the baby to Winterfell to claim the baby as his bastard son, thinking it's a way to repay for his lost sister.
The royal family still lives, once the word that Robert failed at the Trident spread, the Lannisters made no move to position themselves to place them in the game of Thrones.
After Rhaegar was crowned at the Sept, he ordered all houses to ride to Kings landing to bend the knee and claim him as their rightful king. The Tyrell succeeded in the siege of Storm's end and captured Stannis Baratheon, the younger brother of Robert was sent to the wall for his defiance and Renly because he had no part in the war was to be fostered at Highgarden. House Tully, Arryn was pardoned but Ned stark did not appear at the Red Keep, he called upon Jon umber in his stead, stating a Stark must always be in Winterfell. The small council was outraged at the hidden slight; Rhaegar waved away the accusations and pardon the North. Having no wish to start another conflict when the Rebellion ended only a moon's past.
Well, I think that's it! Enjoy!
Jon Snow, the slight upon lady Catelyn's honor, the half brother of the Stark children, the base born son, and the bastard of Winterfell was tense. He stood tall in the solar of Ned Stark, the warden of the North, and the warden to the secret of Jon's mother's identity.
"My answer is no," Ned said intensely. he gripped the paper tightly that was in his hands. "Do not ask me again."
Angry lilac eyes glared at him. Jon shifted in his leather chair as it creaked from age. "Why can't you tell me who she was!" he almost yelled.
Ned dipped the black quill on the parchment, his hands moving in an erratic pass as he scribbled his words on the paper. "Go to your room Jon, it's late" He ordered, not once looking at the young man who was seated across from his desk.
Jon balked; he clenched his jaws as anger erupted in him."I deserve to know!" He raised his voice. For all his life he wondered who his mother is. What she was like or if she is even alive. To Jon, it was wrong to have to think about that. His deep lilac eyes were the only answer his father gave to him. Ned explained he slept with a woman who sailed Lys. It was common to find women or men with indigo eyes walking about from that land.
Ned seemed to find this unfitting to answer as he kept his attention on the parchment.
Jon swept his hands in the soft dark brown curls of his hair, sadness gripping his heart. The past three years he did his utmost effort to push the truth out of the dark, but he realized it would never see the light.
Jon narrowed his eyes at Ned who was still busy writing letters back and forth. Bitterness at his bastard status and the mystery woman his father refuses to talk about replaced his sadness.
"Why is it so horrible about my mother that you can't share her with me!" Jon finally shouted as he sprung from his chair, the four leg seat hitting the wooden floor.
Ned frowned at the impact of the sound it made and looked at Jon. "This will bring you nothing, Jon." He motioned his hand to the fallen chair. "Pick the chair up and please leave. You have training with ser Rodrik tomorrow, and you need rest."
"Fuck training!" Jon yelled in anger.
"Watch your language," Ned warned, his grey eyes clouded over as it showed a stone wall. A look that often shows when the mention of his mother reached his ears.
Jon overlooked this and continued his questioning. "I lived here for years waiting for the time you will tell me of her, but you never did!" He said.
Ned sighed, he rubbed his face. Tired of the long day of overlooking the castle as it was his duty; a duty that he would not consider he had to do years ago.
Ned dropped his quill on the desk and leaned back in his chair and looked at Jon, considering.
"You wish to know about your mother?" he asked.
Jon nodded as he picked up the chair and sat down. The two sat in silence as they stared at the other. One is steaming with apprehension while the other is debating telling the truth that will cast a danger on his family; a danger that would have no threat to happen if he didn't seek revenge on Rhaegar long ago.
Ned opened his mouth. Jon edged forward in his seat, anticipating the reason behind this mystery will, at last, be conquered.
"As I said before, my answer is no." Ned rolled the parchment and stamped the Stark sigil to seal it. "And give this to Luwin in the rookery." He extended his arm over the desk to hold the parchment in Jon's area of reach.
Jon shrunk away from the paper as if it was a contagious thing that harmed his very being.
He once again stood up. He pressed his hands on Ned's desk while he glared at him. "Everybody should know who their mother is!" Jon yelled. "No matter if I'm a bastard! I deserve to know who she is!"
Ned placed the parchment back on the desk and stared right back at Jon, a steely look still on his face.
"Sorry son, but it's not meant to be."
Not meant to be?! Jon growled and swiped his hands. Books, notes, parchments were knocked clean off the desk and crashed to the floor. Pages were flapping in the air and were floating everywhere in the solar before falling gently to the ground.
Ned bolted from his seat. "JON THAT'S ENOUGH!" His yell shocked Jon and silenced him. The room was deadly quiet.
After several minutes of doing nothing but staring at each other, Jon grabbed the parchment his father had wanted him to deliver and made his way to the door.
"Jon." His father's low voice compelled Jon to turn around. Ned gazed at him through cloudy grey eyes. "Don't ever forget, you are a Stark."
Jon swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. "No, I'm not. I am a bastard." He turned his body forward and closed the door with a slam.
Jon stalked in his way to the rookery. Despite his actions, he couldn't help but be mad at his father. He knew the anger will linger until he talked about his mother; a mother Jon wanted to desperately know.
He slightly crumbled the parchment as he sniffed. He stopped his walk to look at the courtyard. This particular area held so much meaning to Jon. This is where he and Robb spent countless hours trying to emerge on top to prove who was better. This is where he taught Arya how to use a bow, and this is where he came to realize what the term bastard meant.
Clank' Clank' Clank'
"You are no match for Aemon the dragon knight! I am the best knight that ever lived!"
Clank' Clank' Clank'
"You may be good, but I, the lord of Winterfell shall defeat you!"
"But Jon, that can't happen."
"Why not?"
"You are a bastard."
Jon struggled to hold the tears at bay as he sniffed loudly, and he wiped his eyes. Small gentle snowflakes dropped from the dark skies and rested on his hair. He caught one out of the air and looked sadly at it as he thought to himself.
I do not belong here.
The snowflake melted in his palms under the watchful gaze of his indigo eyes. Footsteps can be heard in the distance, and Jon hastily dried his eyes and wheeled behind him to confront the person.
Theon Greyjoy peered at him curiously through the snow and took a swing of ale from a cup.
He is drunk. Jon thought in disdain. His lips curled, and he straightened his back in the preparation with the squid.
"What are you doing here bastard?" Theon smirked at him from behind his cup as he shifted uneasily on his feet.
"Nothing you should be worried about," Jon replied shortly.
Theon tilted his head to examine him more closely. "You were crying, weren't you?"
When Jon had nothing to say, Theon chuckled. "Not going to say anything bastard?" he asked as he sipped from the cup, drips of ale escaped from the rim and fell on his lips to his chin.
"Do not call me that no more," Jon growled. At this moment, anything can set him off. He felt like a ticking Dragon as it got itself ready to spray enemies in a burst of flame.
Theon howled with laughter, and he shook as he held his stomach "What are you going to do bastard! Broo-"
Jon lunged forward and smashed his fist in Theon's face. He stood over him as Theon groaned in agony. He then kicked him over in the stomach, causing the Greyjoy to gasp.
Theon grimaced then his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he stayed on the snowy ground, unconscious.
Jon scowled and threw the parchment on Theon's body. He rushed to his room, his mind made up.
He was leaving.
He will never know that Ned wrote a request to Rhaegar to ligentnimize him for the Stark name.
Sunlight rays peeped into the Room to shine on the two sleeping forms on the bed. Ned stark slept blissfully with his wife in his arms. He slowly opened one eye and smiled. He was just about to go back to sleep when a loud fist knocked on the door. Ned signed and the move to get up. He unhooked Catelyn from his shoulder and stood up from the bed. The knocks still persisted as he opened the door.
Jory froze his hand mid-air as the door was replaced by the stern face of the warden.
He lowered his hand and nodded at the man he guards with his life. "Milord." He said in greeting.
Ned nodded back at the guard. "Jory." He glanced behind him to see his wife yawning as she sat up in the bed. He looked back to Jory. "What is the matter?" he asked concerned.
Jory took a deep breath and met the lords searching gaze. "Jon is missing."
Jon stood on the ship as he and many others were watching the city of White harbor get shorter and shorter with every breath they took. He rubbed the white fur of his direwolf, and ghost eagerly met his hands and whined.
Jon turned his back at the city and looked ahead, to his path, his future.
To Essos.
Arthur: there we go! The very first chapter! Leave your thoughts in your review!