The sound of clamoring students filled the middle school classroom in the short time before their teacher arrived. Every student fought to be heard above their classmates. That is, every student except one. One boy with dark green hair and large emerald eyes sat in the back of the class saying nothing. He wanted to talk to others, he really did. But he didn't have a single friend among the other students. Unless you counted the ash blonde boy sitting in front of him.

Looking at the clock, the boy saw that there was still a good amount of time before their teacher would arrive. He reached into his backpack hanging from the side of his desk and pulled out a notebook. As he did so, the blonde boy in front of him turned back at the noise. His eyes hardened when he saw the notebook. On it, the words "Hero Analysis for the Future" were written.

He watched the boy open it and start writing. "Deku," he said, his voice low.

Deku looked up, making eye contact for a split second before looking down again. "What is it, Kacchan?" His voice wavered in fear.

"I told you to stop calling me that, damnit. Gimme that!" He snatched the book from the boy's desk, earning a squeak from him. "Hero analysis, huh? I thought I told you to drop this shit. I oughta burn this up right now."

"Wait, Kacchan! I spent so long on that!" He knew his protests would do him no good.

"Like I care. I've been telling you since we were kids that you'd never be a hero!" He glared at the boy through slitted eyes. "You're worthless, Deku."

The classroom door slid open. "Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, stop this fighting at once!" The teacher called. "Bakugo, please return Midoriya's notebook." Bakugo's tsked at him, ready to burn the damn thing up. "In one piece, of you please." Reluctantly, Bakugo handed the notebook back Midoriya. "Right. Now does everyone have their permission slips?" One by one, students started pulling papers out of their bags and passing them to the front. "Alright, everyone! We have a long trip ahead of us. We'll take the bullet train to Kameido Station and walk the rest of the way." The class groaned in protest. "It's only a fifteen minute walk to the Kao Museum. Most of you have longer walks home."

Midoriya's eyes lit up. He'd been told they were going on a field trip, but he hadn't been told where it would be. Only that is was in Tokyo. "Are we going to visit the Tokyo Research Lab as well?" He looked expectantly at the teacher.

The teacher thought for a moment. "I suppose we could stop by on our way out," he said.

Midoriya's eyes widened in excitement. He wasn't a science nerd by any means, but the Tokyo Research Lab was also home to the greatest hero support workers in the country. He could get the chance to see a hero's new gadget before they ever used it!

One by one the students filed out of the classroom and started they're walk to the train station. By this time, the hustle and bustle of the city had calmed down now that most people were at work or school. Midoriya trailed at the back of the class, content with psyching himself up to see the research lab.

Bakugo took side glances back at him now and then. He wanted nothing more than to grab that notebook of his and fry it, but the teacher would notice and he knew he'd get in trouble. 'After class then, nerd,' he thought.

The train ride was uneventful and before they knew it they had arrived. Most of the students oohed and aahed at the exhibits but were now more excited to see the Lab like Midoriya.

When the class finally entered the Lab their anticipation was almost at the boiling point. They were almost floored by what they saw. The place was huge. There was a huge open space at the center that went all the way to the skylight. The wall was lined with doors that went into different departments on each floor, eight in total. Test drones flew the unoccupied space, a holographic directory sat in the middle of the room, and so many other cool things!

The students stood open mouthed, too busy taking it all in to notice one of the lab assistants approaching. "Thank you for coming. We're happy to have you," she said politely. "If you'd like, I can take you on a tour of the facilities."

The teacher turned toward her and gave a polite bow. "Thank you, that would be wonderful." He straightened and urged his students to follow the assistant. The technology being made there was cool enough to catch even Bakugo's attention. The students ogled at devices they understood they'd probably never get to own.

The last lab the assistant showed them was different from the others. It focused on researching animals and wether or not they could posses quirks. When they passed the spiders she noted that one of them was missing and excused herself to inform one of her seniors.

Not long after she left, Midoriya felt a tickling sensation on the back of his neck. Then he heard a shriek behind him and one of his female classmates shouted something resembling the word "spider." At that moment the tickling sensation was replaced with an awful, piercing pain. Automatically, his hand flew to the back of his neck and slapped down. When he pulled his hand back there was a slightly squished spider. It was purplish in color. Suddenly he felt fingers at his neck as one of the assistants examined what was apparently a spider bite. Then his hand was taken as one of the scientists studied the spider that lay in it.

He stood up and sighed. Then, addressing the whole room, he said "Found our missing spider!" He turned back to Midoriya. "This was one of our duds anyway, so you should be fine. Just don't scratch it and it'll be fine." With that he walked away, spider in hand, and left the students with the assistant once again.

"I think this is a good place to stop," she said and gave a nervous laugh.

The train ride back was a bit more lively than the first one, with students clamoring around Midoriya to see what a bite from a "science spider" was like. Needless to say, he was just a little claustrophobic by the time the train brought them home. The students stepped off the train with Midoriya bringing up the rear again. Suddenly his eyes clouded over and he fell face first toward the pavement. He was vaguely aware of a hand on his chest catching him before he blacked out.

Midoriya slowly opened his eyes. His room was pitch black. 'How long was I out,' he thought. He turned to look at his alarm clock. '2:00 AM!' He jumped out of bed, stumbling around from the unexpected force of it. 'I'm thirsty,' he thought. He made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When he reached the kitchen, he heard something move behind him. Panicked, he jumped, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he was face to face with the ceiling. He was about to scream when he heard more movement. He looked up (or down?) and saw his mom come into the kitchen.

"Izuku, is that you, baby?" While she moved about the room looking for him, on instinct, Midoriya's hand moved off the ceiling and forward.

'I can't let her see this until I know what's going on,' he thought. Slowly he made his way out of the kitchen, praying that his mother wouldn't look up, and back to his room. He breathed a sigh of relief as he willed whatever was keeping him stuck to the wall to turn off. Suddenly the world moved in slow motion as he fell from the ceiling straight to the floor, right beside his bed.

He heard footsteps outside his door and his mother came in. "Oh, Izuku. You must be really sick! You haven't rolled out of your bed since you were eight!"

Seeing his way out, Midoriya seized upon it. "Yeah! I forgot what it feels like!" He gave a nervous laugh as he stood up. "But I'm not really sick. I think I was just tired." If it wasn't for him having to lie about bruises and scorch marks so often, she might have caught on that something was off.

"I was so worried when Katsuki brought you home! You looked half dead!" She started fussing over him again.

Now that last thought got to him. "Wait. Kacchan brought me home," he asked.

His mother nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, he carried you on his back all the way from the train station. He said you didn't look very good." She looked him up and down looking for any sign of something wrong. Satisfied that her son was fine, she turned to leave. "Well, since you look like you're better, I'm going back to bed." She was almost out the door when she stopped and turned her head back. "By the way, you might want to change out of your uniform," she said, giving him a pointed look that said, loud and clear, 'do as I say.'

When the door closed, Midoriya allowed himself a little freak out time. Meaning silently screaming for an hour. When he finally calmed down enough for rational thought to take over again he started contemplating how he got his powers. No one in his family had a quirk that let them stick to walls so that was out. But then how did he get them? Eventually he decided that that was a question for future Midoriya and started getting changed.

When he took his shirt off he glanced at himself in the mirror above his dresser. He was almost floored by what he saw. Muscle! He could make out every single muscle on his chest, his abs, and his arms. But while he was toned he wasn't overly bulky, so you couldn't even see a difference with his shirt on. He took a moment to admire himself for a bit.

Now more curious about his powers, Midoriya decided that he should experiment sooner rather than later, lest he find himself unable to control them at school. Quietly as he could, he opened his window, and, shirtless and barefoot, started climbing out his window. He put a hand on the outside wall and gave an experimental pull. It stayed in place, almost like superglue. He noticed that only his fingertips stuck and not his whole hand. Carefully, he started climbing up the wall to the rooftop of his apartment.

Safely on the roof, Midoriya decided that some stretches might be good. He was immediately surprised when he went to touch his toes that he felt no pull at all. First he put his hands flat on the ground. Then his forearms. Amazed, he started going through stretch after stretch and finding he could twist and contort his body in ways most would think impossible. "Apparently agility is another part of my powers," he said to himself.

He remembered in the kitchen when he had jumped straight to the ceiling. "Time to test my jumping limits." He squatted down and leapt straight into the air. He looked down at his peak and balked. '15 meters?!' He was now afraid of hurting himself when he came down. But when he landed, his legs automatically bent in such a way that they absorbed the impact, his shoulders coming to a stop between his knees, and his fingertips placed delicately on the ground below his chest.

After that it was easy to make the connection. "This is all just like a spider," he said. He flashed back to the lab where the spider bit him. "They said they were researching quirks in animals. What if that spider wasn't a dud after all?"

After that, he started running through the possibilities of maximizing his powers. He had a flash of his history teacher telling them about the first heroes. There was a spider themed hero and he used webs to swing around the city. Man-Spider? It didn't really matter. Now he had a new goal. He had to find someone who could make something like that for him.

By the time he looked up, he saw that the sun was coming up. Deciding that there wasn't anything more he could do right now, he crawled back into his room to get ready for the day.

A/N: Whew! That was fun. I realize Spider-Deku stories aren't that hard to find, but most of them don't go on for very long. So I want to keep this going for a while. Right now I know I want IzuOcha in this, but if you want more pairings or even a harem, let me know! I'm interested in seeing how something like that plays out. So, how's Deku gonna get his hands on those web shooters? The one who guesses right gets a cookie!