Chapter 1
The Light Becomes Dark
Neal picked up the dagger "dark one, I summon thee" nothing happened. He cleared his throat and tried again "dark one, I command you, appear before me" when nothing happened again he added meekly "please". He turned to the others, not expecting they knew the answer asked "why isn't this working"?
Regina said "you're the dark one's son, you should know how that dagger works".
Neal answered "of course I do, if I order her to return she must from anywhere in the world".
Regina said "exactly, so we must assume she is nowhere in this world, she's back in our world".
Neal asked "so what do I tell my children".
Mary-Margaret suggested "the only thing that makes sense, the truth.
Hook mentioned "I'm guessing telling two kids their mother has turned into a cold blooded monster won't be easy".
Mary-Margaret said "well I wouldn't put it like that, Emma is the saviour, she's still good".
Regina replied "I hope so, but it's not like she rode off on a unicorn, she got scooped up by a dark vortex of evil".
David said "maybe the apprentice knows how to get Emma back".
When they returned to the shop Tally asked "where's mommy"?
Neal said "there was a... situation, mommy handled it but now she's missing, but don't worry, we're going to find her".
Hook was more direct with the apprentice "that darkness disappeared with Emma, where did it take her"?
The apprentice replied "she is where all dark ones are born".
Tally asked "why would mommy be where all dark ones are born"?
Neal said "sugar plum, when mommy handled it she had to... The darkness looked for a new host now it's out of Grandpa. To save anyone else being infected with the darkness she took it on herself".
Henry mentioned "but she's the saviour, a hero. Maybe that means she's strong enough to resist the darkness".
Neal said "I hope so, right now she's back in the Enchanted Forest".
Hook said to the apprentice "you have magic, take us there".
The apprentice replied "I am too weak, but..." he produced a wand. "This can take you there. It was a gift from the sorcerer, from Merlin on the day I became his apprentice. It is full of light magic".
Mary-Margaret asked "so it can take us to our daughter".
The apprentice said "not on its own. To cross realms it must be used as it was forged with both sides of the coin, light and dark..." The apprentice slipped out of consciousness again.
Everyone looked at Regina, something that needed light and dark magic could probably only be wielded by Regina. She took the wand saying "I guess that's my cue". She waved the wand and nothing happened, she tried again and nothing happened. "Why isn't it working"?
Hook answered "I think it's obvious, you've gone soft"
"You want to see soft, how about I use that hook to show you your intestines" Regina snapped.
Hook replied "oh you've got the fire alright but not the blackness, not anymore, how's this for irony you've done too much good".
Neal said "Hook's right Regina, we need someone else, someone evil".
Hook said "no, someone wicked".
"No" Regina retorted knowing he could only be referring to one person "not my sister"
Neal asked "know anyone else"?
Regina said "anyone but her, she's not just wicked, she's deranged".
Neal said "this is for Emma. That darkness was after you and she took it to save you, because she believed an Evil Queen could be good. The least you can do is be willing to tolerate Zelena to help Emma".
With no other option at the present Regina, Robin, Hook and Neal went to Zelena. When they entered her room she was sitting cross legged on the bed. She glanced at her visitors and said "Regina I'm trying to meditate, it's good for the baby, go, you're ruining my chi".
Hook said "we need your help".
Zelena let out a soft cackle "you must be desperate". She went to Robin and added "unless someone just wanted an excuse to see me".
Regina grabbed her wrist and said "careful"
Neal said "you and your madness is worth the risk for my wife".
"So it's Emma who needs me" Zelena said.
After explaining everything to Zelena Robin said "help us and we can rid the world of the evil forever. Don't you want that for our baby".
"My baby, and mine alone, I'm doing all the work, you were just and unwilling pawn in its creation"
"Quite unwilling"
"If it makes you feel any better I didn't enjoy it" she turned to Regina. "I'm not sure what you see in him".
Regina stated "you can still deliver a healthy baby without a tongue".
Neal said "before any extraction of body parts could we focus on the task at hand, my wife".
Zelena requested "fine, let me take a look at that wand". Everyone was a little wary to let her even touch the wand. "Don't worry" Zelena said showing them the cuff "this cuff you put on me neutralizes my magic, I am powerless".
Feeling reassured enough Regina relinquished the wand. As she was inspecting the wand Zelena said "yes, this is powerful, all it needs is someone to wield it and a little direction."
"Direction"? Neal asked.
Zelena explained "you need something to guide you to where you want to go".
Neal said "something belonging to Emma".
Zelena replied "not just something belonging to Emma, something meaningful to her".
Regina snatched the wand back "that we can do without you".
"No you can't" Zelena said "it you could you wouldn't have come to me in the first place".
Hook asked "can you make it work"?
Zelena answered "I believe so, but there's a teeny weeny little problem" she held up her wrist and gestured to the cuff".
Regina replied "never".
As Regina and Robin left Zelena said "suit yourself" she turned to Neal before he left. "May I suggest talking my little sister into reconsidering because I might be your only chance of finding your beloved wife". It was clear in his eyes he was considering it.
When he told Hook what Zelena said Hook knew Zelena could wield the wand successfully but Regina would never let Zelena out but he had another idea. He and Neal found Henry and Tally in Granny's Diner "Henry, you can fix this" Hook said.
"My son, that's your idea" Neal said.
"He's the author now, he could just write the darkness out of Emma, it's that simple".
Tally asked "if the darkness wants a host, who would you pick"?
Confused Hook asked "what"?
Tally replied "Henry told me it's not as simple as simply writing what you want, it has to be realistic. If it took mommy because it wanted a host if it was out of her it would pick someone else".
Hook said "then pick someone else, someone like... Zelena, she can't use magic with that cuff and we know it work on the dark one".
Henry said "I can't".
Hook said "but Henry".
Neal interrupted "Hook, Emma was so mad at her parents for putting her darkness into another, if we put the darkness in Zelena it would be just like that. It wouldn't be right, that's why Henry is refusing".
"Well that" said Henry "and I literally can't, I broke the pen".
Hook cried "what"?
Tally said "but the pen allows you to do anything, it's fun".
Henry said "no it's not, changing things is how the last author got in trouble, he started using the pen to change history instead of recording it. I broke it so I wouldn't be tempted, it's too much power for anyone to have".
Neal said "that's my boy, I'm proud, giving up that power couldn't have been easy".
Hook said "but it doesn't fix our problem. Tell me Henry, will you not break any rules".
Henry said "depends on the rule".
Worried Neal asked "Hook, what are you thinking"?
Hook said "there is a way to save Emma but something Regina wouldn't agree with"?
Henry said "so you want me to disobey one mother to save the other".
Hook replied "if that's how you want to put it".
It didn't take Henry long to think "okay, what do you want me to do".
Hook smiled "our way to save Emma is the person Regina hates the most, Zelena. We need to break out the Wicked Witch".
They went back to the psychiatric ward Henry brought a hot coco with cinnamon with him. They left Tally in the diner to cover for them if anyone asked where they were. Neal saw to get in you needed a 4 digit code. "We can't get in without a password"?
Hook asked "I thought you had previous experience picking locks"
Neal said "yes locks, this is different, there are a million different combinations it could be"?
Henry said "it's 0-8-1-5". Neal gave him a skeptical look "trust me, that's what it's going to be".
Neal put it in and when it was accepted he asked "should I be concerned how you know that"?
Henry answered "my mom's good with magic, not so good with passwords, she uses my birthday for everything".
Hook asked "so, the same plan we used to break Emma out"?
Henry said "you never use the same plan twice. Besides I already have a pretty good idea".
Neal asked "and what were you thinking"?
Henry said "I go down and create diversion for you slip in without her seeing you and take the keys to the cells".
Henry tried his plan, he asked Nurse Rachett if his mom was there then "accidently" spilt his drink on her and like Henry thought Neal and Hook were able to creep by with no problem.
They went into Zelena's cell "What do you two want"?
Neal said "I want you to take me to my wife"?
Zelena smiled "I noticed Regina isn't here so should I suspect she doesn't know you're here".
Neal said "are you going to help, or not"?
Zelena held out her wrist "not with this one, I can't. Want my help you have one choice"?
Hook said "going to need some assurances first, your history, well you're known for deviating from the plan for your own gain. Regina enchanted my hook once to try and take your mothers heart not that it was inside her but my hook still has that magical property". He pushed his hook inside Zelena's chest but instantly he and Neal got thrown back."
"Back when me and Regina had our fight she warned me if there was one thing out mother taught her it was not to take her heart to a witch fight. Rather than take mine out I cast a protection spell over it after the snow queen fiasco". As Hook and Neal got back up she took a knife from Hook inside coat pocket. "The two look like my protection spell hurt, now this really will". The both closed their eyes as Zelena sliced her hand off. From there she slipped the cuff off and reattached her hand. "You were right not to trust me, I do deviate from the plan for my own gain" with that she disappeared.
Neal asked "how mad do you think Regina will be"?
"YOU LET HER OUT!" yelled Regina
Neal said "we were going to, then she betrayed us and escaped".
Regina replied "idiots, morons, the two of you, this is what Zelena does, you know that".
Hook said "at least we're trying".
Regina asked "do you think I'm not"?
Hook answered "maybe you're not, because that way it's easier to have Henry to yourself like before Emma came into his life".
Regina answered "maybe you like having a Hook for a hand, maybe you'd like another".
Neal asked "please I've already seen one hand sliced off today I don't need to see another".
Regina asked "when did you see a hand get sliced off today"?
Neal answered "that's how Zelena got the cuff off by slicing off her hand and sliding it off, then she used magic to reattach her hand".
Mary-Margaret said "who cares how she got out, she's out that's what matters, but not as much as Emma".
David asked "where would Zelena go"?
Neal said "the best way to find someone is to know what she wants"?
Regina suddenly said "I don't mind sharing Henry with you and Emma, but when we met I didn't want to share him with anyone".
Neal asked "what does that have to do with finding Zelena"?
Regina said "I got being possessive from my mother and since Zelena had the same mother as me I'm guessing she is too. I mean you heard her earlier, her baby and hers alone, she wants to raise that baby alone and the best way to do that is to go to another realm all she needs is a way. The wand is the only way how".
Neal said "but if she's after the wand why isn't she here".
Regina said "she wants me to give it to her, so she needs something else first, or someone else".
Neal realised "Robin".
They were right when they found Zelena she was in the middle of main street having restrained Robin with her magic. "Hi sis I see you fixed the clock tower, it would be a shame to break it again but it might be fun to see Robin fly like one of his arrows".
"If you lay one finger on him" Regina warned,
Zelena replied "oh, I'm not here to hurt Robin, I'm here to trade him, for the apprentice's wand." She put a hand over her stomach "you see this is my future and I am not letting anyone take it away or use it against me so I am going as far away from you and Robin as possible, back over the rainbow".
Tally said "but we need it, to find mommy".
Zelena said "well boohoo for you, I need it". Everyone tried to discourage Regina into handing it over but she couldn't see Robin get hurt. As soon as Zelena had the wand she threw Robin to Regina. "All it needs is a little direction" Zelena said taking out her disguising clover from Oz "a trinket from home". She waved the wand over the clover and produced a green twister. A blast came out of the wand weakening Zelena long enough for Regina put the cuff back on and David to grab her.
Hook asked "what happened"?
Regina said "what happened is I'm not stupid". She faced Zelena "I knew you could open that portal but as a precaution I made sure if you used it, it would weaken you. Now we're taking your portal but we're not taking it to Oz". She faced everyone else "we're taking it to Emma".
They decided to use Granny's as a vessel to take them to where Emma was. They got Roland and Baby Neal, Belle decided to come along two with her Rose which told her how much long Mr Gold had left to live and Granny refused to leave her diner. David tied Zelena up so she didn't try anything to keep them from Emma. Leroy came running in with Happy and Doc, yelling "twister".
Mary-Margaret said "we know, it's going to take us to Emma."
Regina said "out dwarves".
The other dwarves were about to but Leroy said "no way, we've been on the sidelines for too long sister, now it's embarrassing. How do you think it feels when everyone asks how the adventure was and you have to say no one asked you to come along. Since when did we need an invitation. We're not turning out back on you again even in the face of certain death"
Happy questioned "certain death"?
Tally mentioned "the more people who come along the better mommy will feel when we get to her".
Leroy said "listen to the kid".
Regina gave a slight growl then said "fine".
Hook asked "so how do we make this cyclone take us to Emma"?
Neal said "Zelena said it needed something meaningful to Emma so when I went with Robin to get Roland I picked up this" and he held up a dream catcher.
Regina said "I have a better idea" and from her bag she got out a white blanket.
Mary-Margaret said "Emma's baby blanket".
Regina said "she's held onto it her whole life, it obviously holds great value to her". She held the blanket in one hand and waved the wand over it. The blanket glowed just as the cyclone picked them up.
They arrived in the middle of the Enchanted Forest and it didn't take them long to find Emma about to crush the heart of a young red haired girl. "Emma don't" said Hook as he and everyone else approached her.
"I have to" she replied. "It's the only way to find Merlin".
Neal said "my father's first act as the Dark One was to kill the men trying to drag me into the Ogres War. I very much doubt this girl is doing anything that bad and you are so much stronger than my father".
Emma replied "I need the wisp to find Merlin but she's already whispered to it, it's bound to her as long as her heart beats".
Mary-Margaret got the dagger "if you won't stop we'll stop you".
Hook said "no, we can't force her, it has to be her choice".
Emma said "you don't understand what's at stake, the darkness will destroy all of you".
Henry replied "but it you don't stop, the darkness will destroy you".
Emma looked at him "the dark one destroys everything in time. Look at Gold, I can't do that to my family. She has to die".
Hook said "look at us, heroes and villains united for you, because of you".
Neal said "after my father became the dark one I sometimes awoke at night to find him whispering to someone who wasn't there. He told me that by becoming the dark one the past dark ones talk to and guide him. I know you and these words, they're not yours, ignore the dreadful apparition and the terrible things he or she is telling you".
Emma was shaking and then pushed the heart back inside the girl and Neal held Emma and said "well done, I'm so proud of you, I know that couldn't be easy".
A while later the red haired girl who they learned name was Merida was watching the willow o wisp Emma asked "how are you feeling"?
Merida replied "for someone who just had their heart outside their body, grand".
"Thank you for understanding"?
"Don't, in fact I should be thanking you"
"For what? I almost killed you".
"I'm well aware, for showing me the darkness in me, it reminded me I have darkness in me too. I was on my way to kill the men who took my brothers but maybe I'll show me them mercy instead. Mercy that can heal my divided land".
Tally said "that's one of my favourites".
Merida asked "what is"?
"One time mommy spared the life of a giant and told us a way to be heroic is to show mercy. I like to think it applies in everything, no one needs to get hurt" Tally answered.
Merida replied "oh no, someone's getting a punch to the gut first for putting me through this, then mercy".
As Merida went to follow the wisp Emma properly greeted her family. Hook commented "you don't look like a crocodile".
Emma said "I guess I lucked out".
Mary-Margaret held out the dagger "here, you should have this".
David added "take it, you'll be able to control myself".
Emma shook her head "it's too much power. I don't want to risk going so far I get to a point I can't come back from"
Hook replied "but if it were to fall into the wrong hands the results could be disastrous".
Emma said "that's why someone has to watch me". She took the dagger and held out the dagger to Regina.
"Me"? Regina questioned
"I saved you, now save me and if you can't do what no one else will and ... destroy me".
Henry said "it won't come to that".
Emma said "I know, this is just a precaution" Regina took the dagger. "So want to tell me how you all got here"?
Neal said "let's just say we brought you some home comforts".
7They led Emma to where they landed, surprised Emma said "you brought Granny's"
Granny came out and said "back-up generator's working but the fryers are down".
Tally asked "does that mean no fries"?
"Afraid so" Granny answered.
As Tally groaned Emma added "and granny" Leroy came out and she added "and Leroy".
As other people came out Neal said "you're more loved than you know".
They heard someone inside shout "is anyone gonna untie me"?
Regina said "and we couldn't leave her in Storybrooke without proper supervision".
As David and Hook went to get Zelena Granny sniffed the air and said "I smell men on horses approaching".
As she said a group of men in armour on horseback arrived. Defensive Emma asked "who are you and what do you want"?
The man leading them said "I'm King Arthur of Camelot, we've long awaited your arrival".
Seeing the surprised look on their faces one man commented "my lord, they think their arrival here was unexpected".
Mary-Margaret said "you were expecting us"?
King Arthur announced "it was Merlin, he prophesied your arrival a long time ago, just as he prophesied many other things".
Emma said "we heard he's been missing for a long time".
King Arthur replied "indeed he has, for years, and the prophesy stated that one of you would reunite him with us. Now if you'll kindly come with us"?
Emma asked "where to"?
"To Camelot of course".
Everyone gazed at Camelot in wonder as they passed through the doors then they found themselves on the floor of Granny's in high class medieval clothing. Sneezy opened the door wearing Emma's jacket with Bashful "what are you all doing here"?
Picking up baby Neal Mary-Margaret asked "what happened"?
David stated "we're back"
Regina said "this makes no sense we were just walking through the doors of Camelot".
Leroy asked "what are we wearing? Sneezy, how long were we gone"?
He replied "six weeks".
Neal stated "then the last six weeks have been erased from our mind. Anything we did or discovered is just gone, but why"?
Tally asked "and where's mommy"?
"Never fear, I'm right here" Emma said from behind Sneezy and Bashful. They were in shock, Emma wasn't wearing the same style of clothing as them but it wasn't her usual style either. She was dressed all in black leather, looked half frozen with frosted white hair and blood red lips. When she walked in she looked at Sneezy and said "that's mine" and as he sneezed she turned him to stone.
Henry asked "Mom what happened"?
Emma replied "I think it's evident what happened, we went to Camelot to find Merlin, and we failed. And now for what's happened to me you'll all pay"?
"Pay" repeated Neal. "Come on Emma, this isn't you, you're so much stronger than this".
"That worked six weeks ago" said Emma. "A lot has happened since then, your words don't work anymore".
Regina said "you're not going to do anything or I'll do exactly what you asked me to". As she reached for the dagger she found she didn't have it anymore".
"Looking for this" said Emma revealing the dagger. "No one is going to hold this dagger but me".
Henry asked "mom, why are you doing this"?
Emma replied "because I'm the dark one" and then she disappeared.
A new year, A new story
If you followed the show you know there is another dark one by the end of 5A. I'm not sure about keeping it the same person so cast your votes for who you want it to be in the reviews.