ELF 17

Disclaimer: Yes, sadly it's true. I own nothing. All Pretender characters (excluding Elf 17 and a few minor roles) belong to some major television corporation who probably rake in thousands of dollars off of the show, merchandise, books (etc)… Life just isn't fair.

Rating: At worst I'd say a PG-13. I don't do the "F" word. Sorry if (for some insane reason that only your psychiatrist knows) you like words like that.

Time and setting:  Set before Jarod ever found his father or the clone. Raines is alive, evil, and still with power, Mr. Parker is still the Centre figurehead, and the Centre and Triumvate are growing impatient. The year is 1999. I have no real particular reason for choosing this year I just need it for a small explanation in the story. I'm no good with dates though, so if the original Pretender storyline dates are all screwed up then I'm sorry but you'll just have to try and remember that this is my personal world of fiction. (No matter how scary it is.) ;)

Summary: When a special project Raines has kept hidden for thirteen years is unveiled; the Centre decides to use it to their advantage…and Jarod's capture.

Note From Author: I loooove the Pretender and I hope I have all my facts straight about it. This is my very first fan fiction though I have a lot of writing experience and am also currently working on a second novel of mine (non-Pretender) in my spare time.

Feedback: Please and thank you!

Special note: When words are italicized and not in quotations the person is thinking. For Raines, (…) means that the wheeze bag is pausing to breath. Thanx and enjoy!


And Now On To The Fiction!

9:50 am, Friday

Blue cove,Deleware

The Centre

Raines' Office

  "Sir?" A timid voice from the doorway of Raines' office.

   "Come in."

   Willie cautiously entered and tried to hide his fear. Raines may look like a corpse, but the man was scarier than the Anti-Christ and twice as ruthless. He knew all too well the fate received for getting on his bad side.

   As if testing the waters he asked, "you wanted to see me, sir?"

   Raines got up out of his seat and wheeled over to the sweeper, the eerie sound of the oxygen tank raising shivers up Willlie's spine.

   "Yes," Raines replied and breathed in deep. "It's about the girl."

   Willie had to keep from sighing in relief. It wasn't about him. He wasn't going to die today. He paused in his giddy thoughts. What if she was gone? What if she had…dare he think it, escaped? A new panic overtook him and his eyes widened. He quickly hid his reaction though, and forced himself to calm down and think logcially. Get the facts before you die of a heart attack! He chided himself.

   He cleared his throat. "What about the girl, sir?"

   "Somehow the Centre has found out about her and I (…) am being forced to bring her forward." More wheezing. "I want her prepared and where T-boards are held (…) in no less than ten minutes."

   Willie silently praised whatever deity was looking out for him, and then nodded to Raines. "Yes sir. Immediately sir."

   But before he was through the door Raines called out to him once more.

    "Be careful about how you act. (…) Nothing can go wrong."

   Willie nodded in comprehension before practically jogging out into the hall.

   Raines used his intercom, telling a secretary to inform Mr. Parker that he'd be arriving shortly, and then also exited the office.

   Only after the lights had gone out and all was quiet, did a worried Angelo turn to travel through the air ducts to SL-26.

9:52 am, Friday

Blue Cove, Delaware

The Centre

SL-26, Cell 14

The clanging and banging of the air ducts overhead fifteen-year-old Elf 17's cot caused her normally sparkling emerald green eyes to splice and change to an orange-yellow shade. Her slim, pointed ears moved independently, searching for a similar sound. She moved out from under the thin and scratchy blankets slowly and crouched on the cold stone flooring, her abnormally hard and sharp fingernails clawing the ground in anticipation. Her slightly small nose gently tested the smells in the room and her strong and flexible body tensed.

   Suddenly she stopped sniffing, and a smile came to her perfectly crafted red lips, revealing canines of an unusual length. With a blink her eyes shifted back to normal and she stood in a graceful motion.

   "Angelo? What are you doing here?" Elf 17 asked, amused.

   The air duct opened and Angelo slowly crawled out, giving her a small wave that she happily returned. She brushed back her short, ebony black hair and gave him a grin that lit up her joy-filled eyes.

   "I haven't seen you for five days, Angelo. What are you doing here now?" She spoke gently, and sat down on her cot, looking at him expectantly.

   Angelo nervously scratched his head and stared at her with a blank expression before attempting to form an answer. "W-Willie. Meeting, T-board…" he trailed off and looked at her with yearning eyes.

   Elf 17 gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Angelo. Willie has taken me to meet with Raines loads of times. It's nothing new. "

   Angelo shook his head violently. "No! Find Jar--"

   He was cut off abruptly by Elf 17's hurried whisper.

   "Shh!" She urged. "Someone's coming!"

   Angelo quickly scampered back into the air duct and Elf 17's eyes changed once again. She lowered her head and gave a warning growl to whoever was at the door. Even though she knew it was Willie, and she was usually okay about him, her more animal instincts told her to be prepared for any possible danger.

   When Willie came into the pitch-black room and turned on the lights, he almost jumped out of his skin upon seeing Elf 17, belly low to the ground and preparing to leap up.

   "Gaah!" he yelled, papers flying up into the air.

   Elf 17 suddenly sat on the floor and laughed with youthful abandon at his reaction.

   After he'd collected the papers he tried in vain to give her a look of authority. In the end though, he couldn't keep a grin from marring his usually stoic expression.

   Having had her fun, Elf 17 stood up and folded her arms, ready to hear what Willie had to say.  

   Willie gave her a smile, happy that he could relax in her presence. "I don't know how much Raines would like you attacking me."

   "Sorry," she responded sincerely. "Instinct…sort of."

   He gave a warm chuckle. "Of course. Putting that aside, Mr. Raines has instructed me to prepare you for a meeting in the T-board room.  Get clean, and be ready to stay silent unless spoken to."

   "Alright. Mr. Raines will be there, correct?"

   "Yes. He'll ... he'll be speaking on your behalf." He laughed suddenly. "Now get ready before you get me killed!"

   She bit back a smile. "Okay. Do I change clothes?" She gestured to her gray pants and shirt, which had her ID number stitched militarily on the right sleeve.

   Willie shook his head. "No. Be ready in 3 minutes." he reached into his suit pocket and handed her two items. "Use the washcloth with the water in the sink and just comb through your hair."


   After he'd shut the door Elf 17 turned back to the small air vent opening.

   "Alright Angelo, I can smell that you're still here, so go on and leave now, okay? Willie will be back soon and I don't have any more time to chat with you safely." She gave a small, sad smile. "Come back soon."

   When she was sure he'd gone for good, she began to wash her face and brush her hair. While doing so, her always-active brain analyzed the clues and hints that she'd picked out of Willie's words.

    Great. A meeting in the T-board room. Raines will be there and since he's supposedly speaking on my behalf than somehow the others at the Centre have found out about me. I'll bet that there'll be at least one member from the Triumvate. It'll be important, but seeing as they don't care about my look, it'll be mainly focused on someone else. The fact that I'm involved means that they can use me somehow. Raines will probably be judged on me though and asked why the Centre wasn't aware of me before. Whew. I think too much.

   She chuckled and continued brushing.

9:56 am, Friday

Blue Cove, Delaware

The Centre

Pursuit Team's Main Office

Sydney looked curiously over the letter he'd been given just a few moments earlier, with Broots furiously typing away on the computer. Once the psychiatrist had read it through, his eyes widened in shock. Broots glanced over at Sydney, about to tell him he'd found a possible lead on Jarod, when he saw the expression on his comrade's face.

   "Uh, Syd? You okay, Sydney?" The computer technician asked tentatively.

   "No Broots," Sydney replied a bit sadly, a hint of confusion in his voice. He stared at the message. "No, I don't think I am."

   Broots's brow furrowed and he slowly got up to look at the paper in Sydney's hand. The psychiatrist handed it to him, and he realized the reason for Sydney's behavior.

   "They want you to attend the T-board?! What did you do wrong, Sydney?"

   "Apparently nothing. They want me to be part of the board."

   Broots got a worried look. "It's not because of…well, you know, the uh… the information I found?"

   Sydney looked up at him in an attempt to calm his fears. "It's probably not your fault, Broots. I assure you."

   Broots let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. Oh! Before I forget." He turned and sat back down at the computer, and Sydney walked over, ready to check out the latest tip.

   Just as they'd started talking, a familiar female voice rang out.

   "What the hell is going on?!"

   Broots jumped and his new computer chair rolled out from under him, his butt landing rather unceremoniously on the concrete ground. Sydney, smooth as always, just calmly turned around. When Broots finally looked up, he was greeted by the smirking face of the pretty, though many times frightening, Ms. Parker.

   Broots let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, and put a hand to his chest in a futile effort to calm his rapidly beating heart. "Please don't do that, Ms. Parker!"

   "Sorry Broots," she said in a tone thick with insincerity. "Where's the doc?"

   "I'm right here Ms. Parker," cut in Sydney in a cool, even manner. "What is it that you want to know?"

   She turned to him and crossed her arms, her self-satisfied smile changing into a frown. "I want to know why everyone's running around like a bomb's exploded."

   "Good analogy," Broots muttered, sitting back down in his seat.

   Ms. Parker turned swiftly in his direction. "Know something, Broots?"

   His eyes widened. "N-n-no I-"

   "Calm down Broots," Sydney said, cutting him off. He faced Ms. Parker. "There's a meeting being held. T-board."

   "T-board?! Why?"

   "When searching various Centre files yesterday, Broots stumbled upon a pet project that Raines has been keeping secret from the Centre. Raines is being asked to bring it forward."

   She smiled, a malevolent glint in her eyes. "Oh, good. I love to see that wheeze bag burn. Who's going to be there?"

   "The people questioning him will be a member from the Triumvate, Bridgett, Lyle, your father, and…well, me."

   Ms. Parker's eyes widened in astonishment. "You?!"

   Sydney chuckled. "Yes, it was quite a surprise to me as well."

   "Unbelievable," she muttered. Then, in a louder tone, "when is it?"

   Sydney checked his wristwatch. "Actually, in approximately four minutes. I should get going."

   "All right, Sydney. I think Broots and I will go watch."

   Broots spun around from the computer. "What?!"

   "Of course. I'd love to see the death glare Raines gives you when he find out that you're the reason his secret project is out in the open."

   A horrified look slowly crept onto Broots's face as he realized the truth of her statement. He took on a pained expression.

   "Oh God."   

9:59 am, Friday

Blue Cove, Delaware

The Centre

T-board Entrance Hall

Elf 17 and Willie slowly walked down the hall that led to the T-board room, Elf 17's bare feet moving silently on the polished floor.

   After Willie had come back to fetch her, he'd thrown her a pair of jean shorts and a slightly revealing white halter top, and told her to change into them. She'd asked why Raines had changed his mind, and Willie had told her somewhat reluctantly that Raines's exact words had been, "the more they can see of her, the better they can judge her." Elf 17 was used to being referred to as an item, or a pet to show off, and what Willie told her hadn't fazed her in the least.

   Willie was walking in front of her, looking around nervously with his hands in his pockets to keep them from twitching. Elf 17 was his opposite, completely calm, but she had known the second they'd entered the hall that Willie would be nervous. She pitied him as she watched him. She'd pretended to be a sweeper once or twice, for sheer fun, and she knew how hard they had it. Finally the silence became too much for her. She decided to start up a conversation, if only to take his mind off of the T-board, in which she was sure were unpleasant memories for him. Not wanting the conversation to be too unnatural, she decided to complain about something slightly, so that he could get into the role he knew best: a scolding parent-like babysitter.

   "Did Mr. Raines really have to put on the controller anklet?" she asked in a pretended whine, referring to the metallic band around her ankle.

   Willie took the bait easily and without prompting, as Elf 17 had known he would. "Do you always have to be asking so many questions? You know the answer without me wasting my breath telling you," he said, never once turning around.

   "Yeah, but bugging you is so much more fun." Not to mention all of the extra info you unknowingly give me, she added silently.

   Willie's eyes rolled towards the ceiling. "And that's why you have the anklet. You're too childish. You see everything as a game to play."

   Elf 17 dropped the pretend, actually getting into the conversation. "Well you and Raines would have me act like some respectful slave. Which, by the way, you're not very good at, friend."

   Willie nearly jumped at the word 'friend'. "Don't say that!" Then, more softly, "at least, don't say it in the T-board room. Just try to remember, I'm not your friend. I'm your…bodyguard. Your protector."

   Elf 17 had to keep from laughing out loud at the outrageous lie. "Sure," she scoffed, still biting back a giggle.

    Willie sighed. "Just keep a quiet and civil tongue. You're a pretender; act like one."

   "Ah, but a pretender is many, so how can one possibly conceive of a set of mannerisms and thoughts patterns that would fit one who copies them from others?"

   Willie stopped walking. "You're too smart for your own good, you know that?"

   Elf 17 laughed. "Yeah."

    He started walking again and was affected by her good-natured mood. "You know, it's amazing that you can still have a sense of humor after working under Raines all your life."

   Elf 17 smirked. "Pretender skills, remember?"

   "You must be one hell of a pretender."

    Her smile disappeared. "I was taught that way," she replied softly.

   Willie didn't notice the change in her tone and continued until he'd reached the door. He turned and faced her, and she put on a fake smile to keep him from noticing how her own mood was falling. "Well, we're here."


   He was obviously uncomfortable and so she helped him by just putting out her hand. He sighed and shook it.

   "I wish you luck."

   At his kindness, her true smile returned. "Thanks."

   He put a hand on her shoulder and then turned to leave back down the hall.

   "Oh, and Willie?"

   He turned around.

   "A prayer wouldn't hurt."

   He let out a laugh despite himself and then walked away, shaking his head in amusement.

   Elf 17 looked at the door and prepared to wait.

10:03 am, Friday
Blue Cove, Delaware

The Centre


The room was a pit of shadows, and fear hung thick and heavy in the stale air.

    Broots, sitting near the entrance with Ms. Parker, glanced over at the Right now it was empty, but Broots remembered a time when he had been locked in there along with Ms. P and Sydney. It had been one of the most terrifying moments of his life, and, remembering, he quickly glanced away. He shook his head, dispelling the nightmarish reminiscences, and gazed around.

   Near the back of the room was the T-board itself and the five questioners (Mr. Parker in the middle, Lyle and Bridgett on his left, and the Triumvate member and Sydney on his right), sighed impatiently or simply clasped their hands, bored and waiting.

   Just knowing that so many of the people that scared him were there, watching and listening, gave Broots goose bumps. Luckily, however, they weren't watching or listening for him.

   He looked down at his watch and pressed the 'light up' button and read the time by the faintly glowing green light.


   He gulped and looked over at the single lit up area in the room-- the pool of blinding light that Raines was standing in. The proceedings were about to begin and Ms. Parker shot Broots a look that clearly said, 'don't make a sound or I'll wring your neck. I've waited too long to see Raines go down and I won't let you spoil it for me.'

   It was amazing all of the things a look could say.

   Mr. Parker cleared his throat. "Come forward, Raines."

   Raines walked purposely forward, his breathing oddly reminding Broots of Darth Vader.

   "I'm here," the doctor wheezed.

   "It has come to our attention that you have used Centre financing for a secret project without authorization or even the awareness of the Centre," Mr. Parker stated professionally.

   Raines gave a chilling smile. "And you wish (…) to know the nature of the project."

   Lyle grinned in the dark. "Quite frankly Raines, yes."

   To his left, Bridgett pulled out a lollipop she'd been sucking on. "You've spent thirteen years on this project, luv. Hope it was worth it."

   "It was," answered Raines coolly. "In fact, I think you'll (…) all agree wholeheartedly."

   The Triumvate member, a spindly and almost snakelike man named Nathaniel, grew impatient. Everyone in the Triumvate had been on the edge of their seats the past day or so, trying to figure out Raines' project. To the Triumvate it was like finding out that you have an extra present on Christmas morning.

   "Then show us," Nathaniel nearly pleaded. Then, more softly, "explain why you put so much time and effort into this."

   Raines had known how curious the Triumvate would be, and knew that if this went well, he'd be promoted a few notches. "Of course." He turned to the sweepers. "Open the doors."

Elf 17 stepped through the double doors with a wary, half-smile on her face. She searched her mind, and then assumed a stance that she believed would please the five people sitting before her. She walked forward cautiously with a blank face and downward gaze. She had assumed the role of a servant-- one that knew her place.

    She looked out of the corner of her eye when she walked past the two people sitting on the bench, her nocturnal vision allowing her to see everything in the room.  The woman she recognized as the directors daughter, and the man…then it hit her. This was the computer technician, part of a pursuit team of some kind. Broots, she thought his name was. She smiled at him, though all he could see was her outline in the dark.

   She looked at the board of people and recognized nearly everyone from pictures or Sims. There was the psycho Lyle, the deceitful Mr. Parker, the conniving but childish Bridgett, and the good intentioned but naïve psychiatrist, Sydney. She also saw a man she knew was a Triumvirate member, but she was unfamiliar with him.

   She was now at the very edge of the shadows, and all it would take would be one more step and her existence would be known to all of the people in this room. She hesitated. But, seeing the expectant look and narrowed eyes of Raines, she took a deep breath, stepped from the darkness, and after becoming bathed in a blinding light, she did the one thing that sent the boards' reactions over the edge.

   She said hello.

The first audible thing in the room was a series of gasps. Mr. Parker had leaned in closer, Bridgett's lollipop had fallen out of her gaping mouth, and The Triumvate member looked like he'd been bought a puppy.

   Lyle's eyes widened and his mouth curved into a smile. "Wonderful."

   Sydney for one was horrified. He certainly hadn't expected the project to be a girl. Raines are you insane?!?! He was still unable to tear his gaze away from the fifteen-year-old girl, no doubt one of the many prisoners of the Centre.  The images that swam in his mind… It reminded him too much of what it had been like teaching Jarod.

   In the back of the room Ms. Parker and Broots were unable to keep from exclaiming in amazement, "your project's a human?!"

   Elf 17 backed her ears in sudden fear from all of the wide-eyed stares, but this movement only brought even more hurried whispers. She glanced over at Raines and noticed angrily that he seemed to be basking in their shocked reactions. Bastard, she mentally cursed. She'd known that this was how it would be, of course; she just hadn't thought she'd feel the need to mentally shield herself. But all the attention she was receiving was new to her, and if she didn't get into a pretend quickly, she knew the animal instinct to "fight of flee" would surface, and neither of those choices were available options. She sunk into the pretend of the servant she'd tried to look like earlier, and found there stares much more tolerable.

    Raines was grinning from ear to ear. "This is Elf 17," he introduced, indicating the girl beside him.

   "Wh-what exactly is she Raines?" inquired Nathaniel.

   Raines smirked. "What else? A pretender."

   "We already have pretenders. Quite a few of them," Lyle commented, still not taking his penetrating gaze off of Elf 17.

   "But you're not satisfied yet," stated Raines.

   "Why wouldn't we be?" Mr. Parker growled.

   "Because a certain (…) pretender of yours is gone."


   Elf 17 had to stop her head from shooting up. Now this was interesting news. A pretender of the Centre was gone? Why? Was he taken? Her brow furrowed but she didn't move, even though the hole that she was sure Lyle was boring into her made bile rise high in her throat.

   Sydney gave a clearing cough and Raines looked over in his direction. "Mr. Raines, are you suggesting that this young girl is more talented as a pretender than Jarod?"

   Now Raines had everyone's full attention.

   "Her abilities as a pretender are extremely high, and though she is very close… she is still second only to him."

   "Yet you still seem hopeful," the Nathaniel said, a bit confused.


   Bridgett pulled out her lollipop. "Why luv?" 

   Raines turned to look at Elf 17 fondly, as though she were a kitten or baby animal. "Because she has a very useful ability. (…) One that Jarod doesn't."

   Lyle's eyes sparkled. " What ability would that be, Raines?"

   In the back of the room Ms. Parker leaned over to Broots.

   "Yeah," she whispered. "What ability, and did it drive her insane like all of Raines' other projects?"

   Broots held down a laugh.

   Raines took out a small device that vaguely resembled a palm pilot. He pressed the side of the flat screen, and Elf 17's controller anklet tightened suddenly and roughly. Her ears shot back and she quickly turned to look at Raines, as she'd been taught to do.

   Gritting her teeth against the pain, she spoke. "Y-yes, sir?"

   Raines didn't give notice to her expression. "I would like you to spar with Mr. Lyle." When Lyle's eyes widened Raines turned to look at him. "That is, if it is alright with you, Lyle."

   Lyle's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "A demonstration of her 'abilities', Raines? I'd be glad to help." His last sentence was drenched in sarcasm.

   Elf 17's eyes begged with Raines in what she knew was a futile plea for mercy. "Please sir," she whispered, barely audible, "I will fight him, but do I really have to use my ability? You know that I'm still learning to control it. I don't want to put anyone in dang-"

   Raines's hoarse laugh cut her off. "That cocky are you?"

   She frowned. "I'm just stating fact and you know it."

   His eyes blazed with anger. "You will fight, and you will use your ability. (…) Should I have to, I will use the controller anklet. (…) Mr. Lyle will be fine." His jaw set. "Now go."

   Elf 17 sighed and nodded. It's his funeral.

   Mr. Lyle took off his expensive suit coat and tie, rolled up his sleeves, and then walked to the center of the darkened room. Raines took Lyle's seat and motioned for the room lights to be brought up.

   Elf 17 blinked once or twice, allowing her eyes to adjust to the light. Lyle grinned at her with a predatorial look. Elf 17's face remained blank.

   Suddenly, Mr. Parker called out, "Lyle, catch!"

   Lyle turned and caught a black object that was thrown to him. It was a gun.

   Elf 17 snapped her head to where Raines was seated, but all he did was smile and nod.

   "Go ahead Lyle, they're blanks." Then he growled. "But if you mortally wound her (…) I will use you as the next test subject. (…) I've put thirteen years of work into this and I won't (…) have you ruin it out of blind anger. (…) No killing."

   "Understood perfectly, Raines. I won't kill." He grinned. "I wouldn't want to mess up dad's floor."

   Everyone but the pursuit team and Elf 17 laughed at the joke.

   Elf 17 flinched. No killing, but wounding was fine. Raines' lack of respect for life was sickening. She felt a shot of electricity jet through her leg and her ability rose up involuntarily, her eyes spliced and yellow. She lowered her head and bared her teeth, showing her sharp canines. A growl rose from low in her throat and she loosened her muscles, letting herself become as fluid in her movements as water.

   Lyle could hardly keep from licking his lips in anticipation. This is going to be fun.

   Everyone in the room kept their eyes trained on Elf 17 as the two combatants began to circle each other. Elf 17's long, pointed ears were flattened against her skull and the intense concentration of her eyes was focused on the gun that Lyle was keeping trained on her.

   Suddenly Lyle lunged at her, meaning to hit her with the handle of the weapon. Before he could even raise his arm though, Elf 17 practically jumped down to the floor of the room and swung out her leg, catching his ankle.

   Lyle toppled over but turned while falling and landed on his back. He began firing off shots at where Elf 17's legs might be, but she was able to see every time his finger pulled the trigger and moved accordingly. Lyle was slowly getting up and when he realized he was out of bullets, he threw the gun to the side of the room and charged at her.

   Elf 17 waited almost patiently as he came running and then jumped straight into the air and did a small leap off of Lyle's back as he passed under her, thus able to reach a pipe that was bolted into the ceiling. Lyle was knocked to the ground on his stomach and she let go of the pipe and landed in a crouch on his back. He surprised her though, and rolled over, causing her to lose her balance. The two began to wrestle.

   Elf 17 kicked his stomach when she couldn't free her arms from his grasp and when he let go because of the pain she scratched his face with her claw-like nails. He howled, four thin and bleeding cuts marring his cheek. Elf 17 jumped off of him and the two stood .

   Lyle still had a hand to his cheek, and she crouched low and leapt at him, using the force and energy from her previously coiled up leg muscles. She had hit him in the chest and knocked him once more to the ground when her body began convulsing.

  Lyle pushed her off of him and stood up speedily, watching as her body's muscles began to spasm. When she had stopped she was curled up in a fetal position, tears of pain rolling down her pale white cheeks. Her eyes had turned green once more and she hugged her arms.

   Lyle's breathing was ragged and he stared down at the beautiful but deadly fifteen-year-old girl in awe. He hadn't had that good of a fight in years. He picked up his gun from the corner of the room and walked back to his seat, trying to ignore the stinging pain in his cheek.

   Raines stood up and let Lyle sit down, and then walked to where Elf 17 lay softly whimpering. He motioned with his fingers and a sweeper came over and grabbed Elf 17's arm, using it to haul her up from the ground.

   Her black hair, now wet from tears, fell around her face and stuck to her cheeks. She was barely standing and ignored the tight grip on her arm as red-hot shame washed over her. She didn't like losing herself like that, and she hated that Raines had been forced to use the controller anklet to keep her in line.

   Suddenly, the shame was replaced by a spark of anger at letting herself cry and show weakness like this. She swallowed against the urge to vomit and stood, straightened, and pushed back her shoulders. She wiped the tears away with one arm and then lifted her head, staring defiantly at the board members. With a jerk of her arm the sweeper released her and went back to his post at the door.

   For a few moments all was quiet.

   Then Mr. Parker began to laugh. "Hah, hah! Raines I think you're on to something here! Please, give us the basic outline of the project that you'd begun. What was that?"

   Raines practically beamed at the praise. "Thank you, director. As you know, being a pretender has to do with certain genes and cells within the persons body, (…) which allows their brain to absorb traits, mannerisms, and to acquire knowledge easily and be able to retain it. (…) Their brain is able to understand nearly completely the human psyche (…) and to use it to become people in certain situations, using the psyche of the person they (…) are pretending to be to make an accurate judge of how a person with that specific mind frame would react."

   He paused and looked at them seriously, taking in some deep breaths as he did so. "You also know the dangers of letting a pretender become certain people, such as the clinically insane, or the homicidal and psychotic (…) because the body and mind will not be able to deal with the change, and they may become that person indefinitely, (…) their own psyche rearranging to fit the profile of the person they are pretending to be. (…) Knowing this, I decided to try something."

   He looked at Elf 17. "I began to see is a pretender could pretend to be an animal…And I found that (using a chemical made in the labs), by injecting the cells of the animal they were trying to pretend to be, the body accepted the cells and the mind was able to actually see things from an animal perspective and mindset (…) Elf 17 was the first successful feral pretender. (…) Later on, I discovered that since the psyche of an animal is different from a human, her body began to evolve at an alarming rate to fit the psyche change. Her muscles were getting stronger and developing faster, she had gained a cat-like balance and flexibility, and her bones were slightly lighter and able to move in abnormal directions."

   He wheezed. "The most prominent change was that of her ears, nails, eyes, and canine teeth. She also began to show the heightened senses of sight, sound, and smell. (…) She has become quite a profitable project."

   Once Raines had finished Mr. Parker and the others began to talk among themselves, but Sydney stayed out of it. He couldn't keep his eyes off of the girl. He understood what Raines had said, and he could hardly imagine the strain that must put on her mind and body. He wondered how many other "feral pretenders" Raines had tried to create, and how many others had failed. He shuddered involuntarily.

   That's when a question came to his mind.

   "Raines, where did Elf 17 come from?"

   The chatter beside him stopped and the board members brought their attention to the doctor.

   Raines smiled. "She was an orphan from a child care services in California… The Centre has connections with them and they had been previously told to look for any signs of a pretender being brought over."

   "Well Raines, " Mr. Parker said, apparently at an agreement with the others at the table, "it seems that you have gotten yourself off of the hook for keeping this project a secret."

   Broots quickly risked his life by placing his hand over Ms. Parker's mouth before she could shout out in protest. She glared at him and Broots clenched his eyes, waiting to be slapped or hit. After a few seconds he removed his hand and opened his eyes, realizing that nothing was happening. Ms. Parker had her lips pursed but was paying absolutely no attention to Broots, her eyes once again focused on her father's conversation with Raines. It was at that moment that Broots became a religious man.

   Mr. Parker continued what he'd been saying. "So Raines, you may stay in control over the project. But," he looked at him meaningfully, "though beating up an armed Lyle is a great feat, how can we be sure that she's actually…worth, Centre finances?" 

   Raines was silent for a moment. " I thought she might need to prove her worth to you, and I have already planned a suitable test for her."

   "And that would be…?" asked Lyle, gently rubbing the healing scratches on his face.

   "Capturing Jarod, of course."

Dun, dun, Dun!

   So how was it? Was it horrible? Should I change my penname to "ShadowElf-Who-Couldn't-Be-A-Bard-If-Her-Life-Depended-On-It"? Or would that be too long? (Desperately and nearly hysterically) Do I need to give up writing and ask people if they "want fries with that" all day long?! What do you people want from me?! [Weeping uncontrollably on knees] Just tell me already!!!
