Chapter 25: Destruction and Redemption (Part 2 of 2)
Continued… Make sure you read chapter 24 before this.
The entire house was destroyed in the explosion. The Loud family looked on in horror as they saw their beloved house blown to bits.
"It's… gone." Lynn Sr cried in disbelief.
"I don't believe it!" Luna said, shocked.
"Everything we've been through together, all the memories…" Lincoln followed with intense sadness.
The family could only stand there and gasp at the sight they had just seen. Their whole lives revolved around that house, and just like that, it was no more.
"I'm… sorry." Lynn said, more apologetic than she could have ever been.
"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." Rita reassured her daughter.
"We had time to throw the bomb outside! Why didn't we?!" Lola questioned.
"We didn't know how much time we had! We just knew we had to get out!" Lana reminded her.
"Yes. What's most important is we're safe." Lori said.
The Louds on as what was left of the building slowly crumbled to the ground in flame. They all held each other's hands to give a feeling of mutual unity for each other and a little bit of comfort. Then it seemingly went from bad to worse as another grim thought occurred to them.
"Oh no! I just realised. What about the animals?!" Leni pointed out.
"Charles? Geo? Walt? Cliff?!" Lincoln voiced out of concern.
Fortunately, at that moment, the pets came running over to their masters in a group.
"They must have been playing the doghouse together when the house went up!" Luna deduced.
"Oh, thank heaven for that!" Lynn Sr let out in relief.
"But Lana, what about Hops?" Lola asked to her twin.
To answer that, Hops leaped out of Lana's pocket.
"He was just taking a nap." Lana said casually.
"Good thing, too, or he'd be roasting right now." Lincoln said.
Some of the sisters then kneeled down so they could embrace their pets, who had also managed to narrowly survive the cataclysm.
As the family waited to see their precious house burn to ashes before their very eyes whilst trying to comfort each other, siren noises were growing in the background. The other criminals had been recaptured and the crime spree was over, but the local services still had jobs to do.
For a start, the fire service was called out to deal with the house fire…
…and the police had unfinished business of their own.
Later, after the initial grief had passed, the family decided to talk about what they needed to do next.
"Well, I think we're going to have to turn to our relatives to take us in for a while until we get this place rebuilt." Rita stated.
"Just like before, half of us will need to stay with Pop-Pop, and the other with Aunt Ruth." Lynn Sr said.
"Oh, darn! I just know I'm gonna get the short end of the stick!" Lola angrily said.
"We'll probably have to decide who goes where with the names in a hat game again. And no calling dibs on anywhere!" Rita enforced.
"Eh, I'm not worried about that. I don't think I'll be going with either half." Lynn admitted with a regretful tone.
As she said that, a police car came driving down the street. The sporty Loud girl knew what was about to happen, and braced herself for it as the officer got out of the car and walked towards her.
"Lynn Loud Junior. You are under arrest for escaping the juvenile detention centre!" said the police lady who approached her.
Lynn, without putting up any sort of fight, raised her hands and allowed herself to be cuffed.
"Wait a second, officer! You can't do that!" Lincoln protested.
The police officer then turned to face the family.
"Oh really? And why not?!" she sternly asked.
"If it wasn't for Lynn, this whole town would still be run with criminals!" Luan said.
"That's right. Lynn literally just saved the day!" Lori added.
"She saved Royal Woods from eternal darkness…. Figuratively." Lucy said.
"You shouldn't be arresting her, dude! You should be giving her a Nobel prize!" Luna declared.
"Sorry, but the law is the law, and this one will have to return to serve the rest of her sentence! She escaped from prison willingly, and this may increase her sentence substantially." the officer stated.
"BOGUS, dude!" Luna protested.
"I'm just doing my job! I'm sorry, but this one has to come with me." the officer said.
"But that's not…" Lincoln started.
"Guys, it's okay! She's right. I have to go back to juvie. Don't worry. Things will be okay. I promise." Lynn said in an effort to calm them down.
The jock then left in the police car while the Louds looked on. Lynn looked back one last time at her family as she was forced into the back seat of the vehicle as they all teared up at the sight of her leaving.
Not only had they lost their house, but they also lost their daughter and sister for a second time. They were completely devastated at that moment. Despite the fact that they prevailed over a major threat and saved the entire town from total destruction, it certainly didn't feel like a victory on a personal level.
As for Lynn, she had a whole range of emotions flowing around in her head. On one hand, she was proud of herself from defeating Viribus and saving her family, as well as the entire Royal Woods. On the other, she was filled with a massive sense of regret. She regretted falling for the enhancements setup in the first place. She regretted getting tricked by the coach, the snake girls, and even Viribus himself throughout the whole ordeal she had been through. Not to mention being responsible for some much pain and loss that her family had to endure. Like the other Louds, while Lynn technically won the battle, she felt like she had lost.
To top it all off, for someone so used to feeling like such a winner, she was taken aback by the fact that she failed to save Jake Kelly from his own self-destruction.
But her self-reflection was interrupted by the officer who had arrested her, who spoke from the front of the car whilst driving…
"Hey, kid. I know what you did today. I understand you must be feeling horrible right now, but there are some things you should be proud of. I recognise your voice, you're the one who called us about that big heist where you set up the other crooks to get caught, aren't you? Your family was telling the truth about that. Well, that was great work. It would have taken us weeks to round up all those guys without you! The amount of chaos you've prevented is significant, don't underestimate that. In fact, I think with that act under your name, you'll get let out early." She praised.
"But, what about that stuff you said where my sentence would get longer?" Lynn asked.
"I said it MAY get longer. I mean, you did break out along with everyone else. But I think what you did today more than makes up for that. I'll inform the local police and judges what you've done. I've been ordered to take you back to juvie. But if you're lucky, you may receive a pardon for your crimes." The officer said.
Those comments gave Lynn just a little bit of happiness amidst all the pain and regret. Just briefly, a small smile emerged on her face…
"Royal Woods Municipal Court is now in session. Judge Daniels presiding." soon enough were words heard once again by the Louds.
"We are all here to review the sentence of Lynn Loud Junior for her crimes of assault and violence, abuse of a harmful substance, and unsocial behaviour, as well as accusations against her involvement in the recent crime spree that resulted from the prison breakout." the judge said.
This was an occurrence the Loud family were all too familiar with. Waiting anxiously for the verdict to be delivered, whilst hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst.
But this time, the evidence was stacked in their favour. An officer of the law spoke on behalf of Lynn, and the heinous acts of Henry Fredericks were apparent to everyone.
"Officer Swinson. Can you inform the jury your knowledge of the accused's involvement in the recent breakout?" Judge Daniels asked her.
"Yes, your honour. Lynn Loud dialled 9-1-1 the night of the breakout and told me about the planned bank heist she had set up. She told all the escaped criminals to attempt a combined effort at a specific moment in time where she insisted the police would be occupied with a diversion. However, she then told me to hide and wait with my fellow officers so we could hold them at gun point and arrest them." the officer explained.
"So, you're saying that without miss Loud, Royal Woods would have been subject to a lot more crime for many days and weeks?" the judge asked.
"That's right." she replied.
The faces of the Louds lit up as this evidence favoured Lynn's chances of a desirable outcome, as did the next part…
"Henry Fredericks. The evidence against you is appearing overwhelmingly conclusive. It is confirmed you ceased your position as baseball coach after Lynn's trial, suggesting you only took the role on as part of the setup you arranged with public threat Jake Kelly to get her sent to juvenile detention." said Lynn's lawyer.
"Hey! I already told you! I left because of the stress of one of my star players succumbing to the influence of drugs!" Henry defended.
"Yes… you also rented a property in the local area and were overdue 4 weeks rent. In addition to that, we found some very interesting items in said property, Mr Fredericks. Not only were there large quantities of the same illegal substances you claim the accused stole from you, but there were also some stripped-down boxes lying around. These boxes were identified as those containing explosive devices within them. TNT-filled bombs, if you will. Our local police have found several of these items scattered around town, and they all have your fingerprints on them. Furthermore, your involvement with Jake Kelly's plan to sabotage the local community area has been supported by various witnesses of the events that transpired." the lawyer accused.
"That's all a load of complete trash! Who told you that anyway?! Probably those dumb LOUDS!" Henry bit back furiously.
"No, it was none other than two of the notoriously known snake girls, who are in this court room right now. They were also involved in Mr Kelly's web of strategic planning, were they not?" the lawyer rhetorically asked as he pointed to the two snake girls sitting down in seats.
He was taken aback as he knew he had no way out. The evidence was too strong against him. His heinous acts were clearly obvious to everyone. He decided he was not going to go down quietly…
"ALRIGHT! FINE! Yes! I did all of it! I worked with Viribus to blow up this stupid town, all for the money! I ADMIT IT! THERE! Are you happy now?! I planted bombs across town, I gained access to illegal substances from screwy labs! I manipulated a young girl into committing acts of violence and set her up to take the fall! AND I'M PROUD OF IT! Because you're all a bunch of jokers! Look at you, so pathetic and weak and stupid! It's a shame our plan didn't work out, because the world would be better off without you people and your dumb town!" Henry angrily let out to the courtroom.
"Get him out of my sight!" the judge demanded.
Henry was then taken out of the room by two cops. He walked past the Loud family on his way out to give them one last dirty look. It was clear to everyone that he wasn't going to see the light of day for a VERY long time…
With that, the blame placed against Lynn for her crimes was completely removed from the situation. All that was left was the official verdict to be stated outright.
"Given all the new evidence that has to come to light, there is nothing left but to overrule the verdict from your previous trial. The blame for your crimes of violence and misuse of enhancements has been lifted. Full responsibility is to be attributed to Mr Fredericks, who has admitted to manipulating your actions and pressuring you to take the supplements. Also, with no conclusive evidence for your involvement in the death of Jake Kelly or his plan to demolish Royal Woods, nor any role in the cause of the breakout, as well as taking into account your noble act of helping retrieve all the escaped convicts, it is only right that your sentence is uplifted and I tell you that you are free to go." the judge decided.
The whack of the hammer then made that decision final.
"WOO HOO!" the Louds collectively shouted as they jumped for joy.
Lynn then ran across the room towards her family, and embraced her father, with her mother and siblings joining in. Finally, the Loud family was truly one again. Pop Pop and Aunt Ruth, who were temporarily taking care of each half of the family and present in the room, also shed a tear out of happiness for their loved ones.
"It's good to see you back, LJ!" Lynn Sr said.
"We all literally missed you." Lori stated.
"Thanks, guys. You have no idea how great it is to be back!" Lynn responded.
Shortly after the trial had concluded, the family were making their exit. On the way out, Lynn tapped her brother on the shoulder, signalling she wanted a quick talk.
"Um, Mom, Dad, I just need to use the bathroom for a minute." Lynn said.
"Er, yeah, me too, just wait for us out front." Lincoln followed.
Lynn then walked with Lincoln over to a quiet corner where they could talk.
"What is it, Lynn?" asked Lincoln.
"Um, yeah, I just wanted to say… thanks." Lynn awkwardly let out.
"What for?" he asked.
"I was told it was you who fought my case for me while I was in juvie and questioned that creep Henry." Lynn said.
"Yeah, I was happy to help." Lincoln told her.
"Well, I'm grateful. Everybody knows I haven't done anything to deserve your love or trust." Lynn regretfully admitted.
"What do you mean?" he questioned.
"I can't believe you would do such a thing for me after all the times I've attacked you, threatened you, worked against you… I really don't deserve such a good brother." Lynn said.
"Lynn! You just saved the entire town by yourself! That's something to be proud of! If anything, I should be envious." Lincoln stated.
"Yeah, but I did a lot of terrible things, too. For years, I've let my harsh past and aggressive, competitive obsession lead me to doing so many selfish, horrible things. I've not always acted the best towards others, and you're one of the biggest victims of that. Heck, even when I tried to help you that one time in Middle school, my screwed up ways messed things up for you!" She said.
"That's all in the past." he comforted her as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Gee, you really are forgiving, aren't you?" she rhetorically asked, causing the two to share a brief chuckle.
"I just know that you mean well, and you care about all of us. You just have problems showing it, sometimes." he told her.
"Lincoln, please believe me when I tell you, I'm going to be a WAY cooler big sis to you from now on. I saw what over-competitive violence can do to a person, and so have you. I don't want to end up like Jake!" Lynn promised.
"But Lynn, you're nothing like him! You may have similar pasts and some common quirks and flaws, but you're different where it counts. You still care about others, you still stop yourself from going too far. You proved that when you fought against him. Jake had you believe you were the same and that you were hated and beyond redemption. You've demonstrated that's not true." He said.
"Thanks, bro. That means a lot. Still, I'm going to make sure I'm a lot nicer and closer with you. Just see, I'll be the best sister ever!" she declared.
"Um, Lynn…" Lincoln subtly nodded.
"Oh, right. Too over-competitive. Sorry. Baby steps." She corrected.
Lynn then gave Lincoln two light punches to the arm. However, unlike previous digs, these punches were purely light-hearted fun, and gave Lincoln no physical pain.
"You know, you could just hug me instead." Lincoln joked.
"Eh, that would just be too mushy." Lynn joked back.
Lincoln then held his arms out as he encouraged Lynn to put her macho image aside for one moment and hug it out. After a second of hesitation, Lynn gave in and embraced the hug.
The two then laughed as they walked out of the building, sharing a new understanding and closer bond with each other.
As they walked back to the rest of the family, they shared one final brief exchange…
"You know, I still regret one thing. I still wish I could have saved him." Lynn recalled.
"I know, Lynn. I know."
We now bring you Royal Woods local news. Today's top story, the recent mass breakout of criminals from the local Royal Woods Prison and Juvie Centre has been effectively dealt with by the police. All of the escaped prisoners were found in a joint effort trying to pull off a heist against the Royal Woods Bank. However, because of a call made by one of the escapees, Lynn Loud Junior, to the station, the police arrived at the scene and took them back into custody.
Other escaped criminals not found at the heist have also been found and taken back to confinement. One example including 'Black Mamba' and her Snake Gang. Her real name Ashley Drake, Mamba actually returned to her prison willingly after having spent time in a hospital outside of town, claiming she wanted a chance to see her dying mother one last time. Three juvenile inmates, plus one adult prisoner, all of whom claimed they wanted "no part of it" all remained in their cells despite the opportunity for them to try and escape.
Lynn Junior, as well as being praised for her role in neutralising the mass outbreak situation, was cleared of all charges at her review trial today and has been released from her juvenile sentence. She was trialled for being responsible for the consumption of dangerous drugs and acts of violence. However, the review brought up new evidence that concluded these crimes were because of the actions of her former baseball coach, Henry Fredericks. Fredericks has been sentenced to life behind bars.
He was also involved in a plot with escaped offender, Jake Kelly, alias Lord Viribus, to plant explosives across the town and blow up numerous important buildings. The plot was thwarted, however, and the bombs have now been found and deactivated. Only one of these bombs was known to have been set off, and this was at the house of none other than the aforementioned Lynn Loud and her family.
Due to Lynn's role in stopping the crime spree, neighbours and residents of the area have offered to help with the funding and reconstruction of the building to be completed as soon as possible. The Loud family have stated they have temporary living arrangements with their relatives until the house is rebuilt. One of the Loud children, Lincoln, had this to say:
"Pop-Pop and Aunt Ruth have taken very good care of us since our house was blown up. They've done well to give us the best experience possible while we wait for the house to be rebuilt. Also, we'd all like to say thank you to everyone in the local area for helping with the house. It means a lot."
Jake Kelly was in the house when the bomb exploded. His remains were found in the wreckage. He was an inmate at the prison for his crime of holding Royal Woods Elementary School hostage and threatening the lives of many innocent children and teachers. He was believed to be the cause of the outbreak. Unfortunately, due to events, he cannot be questioned about this.
Later still…
Many weeks passed before the family could return to their normal lives, considering the consequences of what happened.
Lynn Jr eventually found the courage to face her baseball team again after the whole mega-roids scandal. She wandered in one morning when they were practicing on the field for an upcoming game.
She walked over to the team, consisting of many of her friends: Margo, Paula, Polly, and so on. All instructed by their new coach, who took over after Henry's resignation.
"Hi, guys." Lynn nervously said to her team as they all turned around to face her.
She then braced herself as she prepared for a fierce roasting. However, she was surprised by the reaction she received…
*Clap clap*
Lynn looked on as her best friend, Margo Roberts, who she had last saw that morning when the two almost got into a fight, was the first one to congratulate her.
Margo was then joined by Paula, the coach, and finally the rest of the team as they all clapped in praise of what the lovable young jock had done for the good of the town.
"Huh? You guys aren't mad at me?" Lynn asked.
"Mad? Lynn, you saved the entire town!" Margo responded as the girls ran over and threw Lynn in above their shoulders.
"LYNN! LYNN! LYNN!" the girls shouted in unison.
"We all heard what happened, Loud. You did all of us proud." the coach said.
Lynn was surprised, but came to understand. In spite of her mistakes, and her flaws as a person, she was still a noble and good human being, and her good deeds outweighed the bad. She embraced the praise as she saw that dwelling over her bad actions and moments was never going to be a healthy way of looking at things.
Lynn enjoyed the moment, she earned it.
Well, that's all, folks. I hope you've enjoyed this story and what it had to offer. Now that my project is concluded, I will be shifting my focus back onto the televised content, such as the upcoming Ace Savvy episode as well as what seems to be an upcoming (actual) separate spin-off show for the Casagrandes.
As usual, feedback is welcome and appreciated. I understand a few individuals have had their faults and dislikes towards this fandom, and that is fair, given their right to exercise an opinion, but there have been some favourable comments as well. The praise is nice, of course. Still, I always enjoy reading the feedback comments, whether favourable, hostile or otherwise, since they always provide interesting perspectives and debates regarding the content of my work. I encourage you all to say your piece. Though, it would be preferable to remain civil, of course.
Anyway, have fun and remember to check out my other content on DeviantArt, if you don't do so already. Ta-ta for now.