When Sonic looked at the clock, he knew he was screwed.

Last week after being cornered by Amy yet again, Sonic finally gave in and agreed to go on a date with the pink hedgehog. Now that day came and he ended up forgetting about it. That was until he managed to gaze at the clock and it clicked in his brain. He ran as fast he could down the street, without breaking the sound barrier as he normally did. He screeched to a stop in front of a small pink house and knocked on the door.

"Amy? You home?"

The door opened and Amy appeared in the doorway. She didn't look mad, but she didn't look happy either. She just stared at Sonic with a blank face.


"I'm sorry I'm late, Ames! I didn't see what time it was."

"it's fine. Just go.", Amy's eyes flashed softly with something that looked like sadness, but it was gone before Sonic could tell

"Wait, go? What do you mean?"

"You heard me Sonic. Leave." Now anger burned in Amy's eyes

Sonic took a step back, surprised by Amy's bluntness. He looked at her and saw she was trying to maintain a calm demeanor, but she snapped and shoved him farther away from her doorstep.

"Get out! I don't want to see you again. I'm tired of you always blowing off our dates. I'm tired of you always running away from me whenever I'm around you."


"I'm tired of you, Sonic The Hedgehog!"

Then before Sonic could get another word in, Amy slammed the door in his face. He stood there, dumbfound. Amy had yelled at him. I mean, sure she had yelled at the Blue Blur before, but most of the time she soon gave up and just pulled him into a rib-crushing hug. Sonic stood there for a few more seconds. He knocked on the door a few more times, calling for Amy to come back out. He wanted her to open the door again, even if it was just to hurt him. But the door remained closed. Sonic knew she would never get tired of him, she'd never want him to really leave, so Sonic sighed and started to walk back home, muttering to himself.

"Okay, no big deal. She just needs some time alone. Then by tomorrow or the next day, things will go back to normal. . ."

After all, this was just the pink hedgehog's plan or something to get Sonic worried. She'll be back, Amy couldn't be tired of him, she just couldn't.



Sonic was wrong.

As soon as she slammed the door on Sonic, Amy felt all the day's emotions coming crashing down on her at once. She felt sad. She felt angry. She felt tired. She ignored Sonic's pleas to open door as she slumped to the ground and sat against the door. She then started to cry. She cried for what seemed like an eternity for her before sighing wearily, wiping her eyes.

"No, I'm not gonna cry anymore. I won't suffer because of him anymore. I need Sonic. I don't."

And with that Amy got up from the floor and vowed to herself never to think of her Blue Blur again.


Much like Amy, although not as major, Sonic was feeling a lot of emotions too. When he went home, he couldn't get to sleep as Amy's harsh words kept bouncing around inside his head. The next day, Sonic just seemed out of it, from a lack of sleep and just general worry. Tails and Silver both saw this and Tails decided to stop Sonic when they saw him walking down the street in town to question the blue hedgehog.

"Hey, Sonic."

Sonic had been walking down the street, not running like he usually did and was staring at the sidewalk, so he looked up, slight surprise in his eyes when he saw his friends, "Oh! Hey, Tails. Hey Silver."

Tails frowned slightly, seeing how his friend looked away after he said hello, "Sonic? Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself."

Sonic knew he couldn't let his friends know about last night, so he flashed them a grin, "Not like myself? What are you talking about? I'm always like myself, buddy."

Silver butted into the conversation, "Sonic, everyone can see something isn't right."

Sonic sighed, he knew he couldn't just keep lying, so he came clean, "Fine. The truth is. . .Amy got tired of me

Both Tails and Silver were shocked when he said that, Amy never would have given up on going after Sonic after all these years. Silver looked at his friend with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about? Amy would never give up on you. That girl is crazy for you."

Sonic gave Silver a sad smile, "Correction. Was crazy for me. Now she's done."

"Are you gonna be alright, Sonic?"

"Yeah, Silv. I'm just gonna go grab a bite to eat, then head home. I'm sure I can fix this, I know I can."

And with that, Sonic waved goodbye to his friends and ran down the sidewalk. Both Tails and Silver looked at each other and they immediately knew they were thinking the same thing.

"But what if he can't?"