Kris Dreemurr (Original last name is Feniqua) -
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red (a common thing in his real family)
Skin: Pale (yellow-ish in game)
Hair: Dark-ish brown, shoulder-length (his bangs cover his eyes)
Outfit (Normal): (Most of you probably already know by now)
Outfit (Dark World): (Most of you probably already know by now)
Personality: Calm mostly, doesn't really care for living anymore, secretly depressed, quiet half the time, takes on the team leadership, tries to hide his past
Creature Race: Human
Dustin Jefferson -
Gender: Male
Eyes: Orange (a common thing in his family)
Skin: Dark
Hair: Dark brown, short
Outfit (Normal): Black and white sneakers, dark blue jeans, a pale orange short-sleeved shirt, an orange long-sleeved jacket
Outfit (Dark World): Black boots, golden orange pants, a white sleeveless shirt, a reddish orange vest, a reddish orange bandanna
Personality: Can get mad easily, fights whenever he thinks he should (almost never), a little bit all over the place, tries to remain chill, stubborn
Creature Race: Human
Brianna Evans (Often called Bree) -
Gender: Female
Eyes: Yellow (a common thing in her family)
Skin: Pale
Hair: Brown, half-way down her back
Outfit (Normal): Pale brown flat-heel shoes, grey leggings, a long blue skirt, a pale brown long-sleeved shirt with dark yellow ends, a fake yellow flower crown
Outfit (Dark World): Brown boots, dark brown pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, a reddish brown vest, a short golden orange poncho, a pale brown cowboy hat
Personality: Gets straight to the point, has fake accent, sometimes an easy-goer, is strict when needed
Creature Race: Human
Kaeleb Drew -
Gender: Male
Eyes: Dark green (a common thing in his family)
Skin: Pale
Hair: Bleach blonde, short
Outfit (Normal): Light and dark grey sneakers, black jeans, a very dark green short-sleeved shirt with long pale green and white striped sleeves attached
Outfit (Dark World): Dark brown boots, dark grey pants, a very dark green long-sleeved shirt, a dark brown cape
Personality: Caring, only fights when he has to, disapproves of Dustin's antics, sometimes can get mad, sweet
Creature Race: Human
Isabelle Stevens (Often called Izzy) -
Gender: Female
Eyes: Aquamarine (a common thing in her family)
Skin: Tan
Hair: Dark red, shoulder-length
Outfit (Normal): White sneakers, black leggings, a sky blue long-sleeved shirt, an icy blue long-sleeved sweater, a pale blue ribbon at the side of her head
Outfit (Dark World): Grey boots, dark aquamarine pants, a dark grey long-sleeved shirt, a grey-ish teal hood
Personality: Calm mostly, stands up for her friends, never really approves of violence, bossy, a little bit annoying
Creature Race: Human
Milly Caster -
Gender: Female
Eyes: Deep blue (a common thing in her family)
Skin: Very dark
Hair: Black, shoulder-length (she has her hair up in pigtails, it's in a ponytail when she's in the Dark World)
Outfit (Normal): Black high-heel shoes, black shorts, an icy blue skirt, white knee socks, a pale blue long-sleeved shirt with paler blue stripes
Outfit (Dark World): Midnight blue ballet shoes, a fancy midnight blue and golden yellow shortish-skirt strap-sleeved dress, a golden yellow and light blue tiara
Personality: Calm mostly, never really approves of violence, kind of a narcissist, cares for others' well-being, always tries her best
Creature Race: Human
Lyman Carlson -
Gender: Male
Eyes: Purple (a common thing in his family)
Skin: Dark-ish
Hair: Dark red, short
Outfit (Normal): Light and dark grey sneakers, black jeans, a dark violet long-sleeved shirt with white stripes, a pair of glasses he needs
Outfit (Dark World): Silver grey boots, lavender pants, a lilac long-sleeved shirt, a wizard-like dark violet long-sleeved robe, a pair of glasses he needs
Personality: Calm mostly, only fights when he has to, seemingly apathetic, is actually really sensitive, smart
Creature Race: Human
Susie Crocodil -
Gender: Female
Eyes: Yellow eye-whites and black pupils
Skin: Purple-ish pink (purple in game)
Hair: Dark purple-ish brown, half-way down her back
Outfit (Normal): (Most of you probably already know by now)
Outfit (Dark World): (Most of you probably already know by now)
Personality: Calm sometimes, rude, school bully, aggressive, warms up to her team
Creature Race: Monster from the Surface
Ralsei -
Gender: Male
Eyes: White with hat on, pink with hat off
Fur: Black with hat on, white with hat off
Horns: Black with hat on, pink with hat off
Outfit (Dark World): (Most of you probably already know by now)
Personality: Calm most of the time, friendly, believes in mercy instead of fighting, most emotionally stable person in the team, a real sweetheart
Creature Race: Monster from the Dark World