Chapter 1: Kiss Me

Rey took in the words Ben was telling her. It was so tempting to run away with him, where the two of them could just be together and not worry about the war tearing the galaxy apart. However, Kylo's condition was that he be allowed to destroy the Resistance first, along with the First Order. Everything had to burn.

Rey put forward a counter-offer. "If you allow the Resistance to survive, and create a just government with a powerful chief executive, I will marry you."

"You're marrying him?!" The voice startled her, and Rey whirled around to see Poe watching her, agape. It was clear from the way his eyes darted that he could see Kylo Ren was here to. He had discovered their Force Bond.

"Poe, I can explain -" She stopped short, and then whirled back to Ben, clarity descending on her. "You knew he was listening!" she spluttered. Glancing back, she saw Poe storming away, and made to pursue him. "Poe, stop!"

"Rey -"

"Don't!" Rey snapped at Ben, wrenching free from his hand on her arm. "Poe!"

She finally caught up to him when he was under the ladder of his X-wing. "Poe!"

"I'm done..." Poe snarled, the anger and disgust brimming from him. "I'm so done!"

Rey could only regard him brokenly. "What can I do?"

"You can't do anything - I can! By going out there and killing some First Order fuckers! Or maybe I'll just make things easier and let myself get shot down!"

"No!" Rey yelped. "Don't do that! You're not thinking clearly! Poe... stay!"

Poe cocked his head, eyes still flashing as he stalked towards her. "Why?" he asked, and he sounded almost forlorn. "Give me one good reason."

"Because I don't want to lose you!" Rey flailed after a second of silence.

Poe shook his head. "That's not good enough."

"Because you're too important," Rey tried again.

"Still not good enough," Poe turned away.

"POE!" Rey's cry was strangled, and it made him stop dead. Rey knew how he felt about her. But she could not return what he offered, give him what he sought. But, perhaps... if she acquiesced to one moment... he could start to free himself from whatever spell she had over him. So it was with this in mind that she croaked out, "Kiss me."

Poe glanced over his shoulder, to see if he heard right.

"I'm... asking you... to kiss me," Rey repeated.

Silence. Then, glancing up, she saw that Poe was almost right on top of her. She shivered backwards just a fraction, but let him slide an arm about her waist. Her palms found his chest. Dipping his head, Poe finally kissed Rey right on the mouth.

In those next moments, time seemed to stand still. Rey lazily draped her arms about Poe's neck as she dared to kiss him back. His free hand cupped her face, and their lips sprang and snapped apart in an easy dance. Closing her eyes, Rey surrendered, and even allowed them both to deepen the kiss, parting her lips for him. "Hmmmmm..." At last, the pilot and the Jedi broke apart. Rey could only gaze at Poe, stunned.

"That should have been your first kiss," Poe said, his voice sounding almost bitter. And stalking to his X-wing, he climbed inside and flew away.