The Life Of The Wind Tribe


It just another day in the wind tribe and everyone was very busy but except Hak who was kissing Yona's neck. "Hak," Yona said, feel Hak's hand run up her legs.

"..." Hak said, kissing her lips and looked down at her.

"Everyone is busy shall we go and help them?" Yona asked, looking up Hak.

"It fine," Hak said, kiss her neck again.

"But," Yona said but was cut off by Hak.

"If someone who wants a family you should are avoiding it," Hak said, open Yona's kimono and run his hand down her body. Yona bites her lips when Hak slowly rubs his finger against Yona womanhood. "Don't hold back your moaning," Hak said, pushing his finger in deeper.

"Hak," Yona moan, put her head back into the pillow. Hak lends down and spreads her legs apart. "Hak don't put your head there," Yona said, feel Hak's tongue lick her womanhood.

"Do you like that my princess?" Hak asked, put his finger in her while he was licking her. Yona nods her head and moans louder. "Good," Hak said, put his tongue deeper in Yona.

Hak sat up and getting himself into a position that he's more comfortable with. then Yona fills a sharp pain going through her whole body. "Hak it hurt," Yona said letting out a painful moan.

"Don't worry you will feel good soon," Hak said, laying down and kiss Yona on the lips before he continued going in her.

after a while, it feels so good to Yona that she let out a moan. "Hak," Yona moan, feeling Hak push in deeper.

"You feel so amazing, Yona," Hak moan, push in one last time before he pulled out of her. Hak lay down beside Yona and wrap his arm around her "I love you," he said.

" I love you too," Yona said, lay her head on Hak bare chest.

"Do you want to go for round two?" Hak teased.

" I think once is enough for me for today?" Yona answer, looking up at Hak.

"Okay," Hak said, both his eyes.

nine months have passed and Yona was getting ready to give birth to their first child.

"Okay, princess on the count of three I need you to push," the doctor said then started to count. Yona then started pushing when the doctor said push.

meanwhile, Hak was standing with his back against the wall his arm crossed over his chest and waiting for his wife to give birth to his child. he can't stand the pain that was coming from Yona. 'what can I do she's in pain I hate hearing her like this," Hak said to himself.

After 8 hours, the door finally opens and walked out the doctor holding a small baby in her arm. "Do you want to meet your New Daughter?" she asked looking at Hak.

"Yes," Hak answer, walked up to her and looked down at his new daughter. She has Hak's black hair but Yona's eyes. "Can I hold her?" Hak asked.

"You can," She answer, hand the baby tell Hak. "And you can go and see Yona now," She said, walked away from Hak.

Hak walking into the room and saw Yona sound asleep. Hak sat down beside her and took one of her hand. " you did great job honey," Hak said, lift up her hand and kiss it.

"Hak," Yona said, opened her eyes and looked at Hak.

"Yes, I'm here." Hak said, looking back down at her.

"our daughter is here," Yona said, looking at her daughter in Hak's arms.

"Yeah, she is here. What do you want to call her?" Hak asked.

"I want to call her after my late mother," Yona answer with a smile.

"that will be a great name for her," Hak said with a smile.

thank you for reading this story :)