Wow sorry this took such an insanely long time. I hopefully mentioned during my last update that once I returned to school things would slow down immensely. Yeah, well I'm back at school, so updates are extremely slow, obviously. Sorry it took so long to get this last little piece out though. I don't really remember what exactly happened at the end of the silver millennium, and as far as I know, it was never explained in the show how exactly they got from that time period to the present, so this is my version. Sorry if its not what everyone has in mind, it's just my thoughts on it. Thank you so so much for all of the reviews, Missy, Dayaja, Wow, and Love Hurts, thank you sooo much guys, I'm glad you enjoyed the story, I'm sorry this update is so delayed! And as always thank you Pyro*Chic for the review.I promise that "one day" for Ever Forever Ever Five will come eventually. Hopefully sooner than we all think! And as for the song? That's awesome, I would LOVE to read it! If you don't mind, definitely send it to me, [email protected].


As the Tears Fell



She looked around the fallen kingdom, the ground littered with bodies of those who had unjustly died, and she sighed. Beryl had succeeded. Queen Serenity continued her walk through the palace grounds, searching for any sign of life, anywhere. She found none. Turning her head away, she thought she saw a familiar face out of the corner of her eye. She turned back, and saw the still, lifeless body of Kunzite lying on the ground, the look of evil still apparent in his face expressions. She shook her head sadly. He was an excellent warrior and a kind hearted person before Beryl took him. "Poor Minako." She said quietly. At the sound of the name, remembrance of Beryl's plan came into her mind. She continued her search, walking faster now, only hoping that she would find them in time. She quickly turned a corner and nearly stumbled over the body in front of her. She cautiously leaned over to see if they were still alive, and nearly fainted from shock. Reeling back she quickly closed her eyes, leaning against the wall of a building for support, her heart racing wildly. "No!" She whispered eyes still squeezed shut. "Please let it be a hallucination, a dream, anything!" But when she slowly opened her eyes once again, the battered and bruised body of Sailor Mercury still lay before her. She kneeled down next to the body, saying a silent goodbye to the fallen soldier. She stood a moment later, wiping a tear from her eye and continued on. She quickened her pace once again, even though she knew that her search was useless, Beryl wouldn't have left anyone alive. She came across a body, and gasped as she realized that the severed head was lying a few feet away. Tears fell quicker from her eyes now as she realized it was Makoto. Unable to look at the body in it's present form, she moved on, and only moments later did she come across Nephlite's body, the blood around him already dried and matted against him. She turned away, only to see the bodies of Rei and Jeadite staring up at her.lifeless as all the others had been. Sobs now wracked her body as she, for the first time, realized that Beryl truly had succeeded. She ran from the spot she was in and moments later, she passed by Zoisite's body, blood still slightly oozing from his fatal wound. She passed by Minako, and a sad smile came onto her face amidst the tears. "I guess you really can't fight destiny." She whispered softly to the fallen girl. That thought broke away what little self-control Serenity had left as she collapsed to the ground, sobbing. She cried for the many innocent soldiers that had died that day, she cried for the families that had been torn apart in the war, she cried for the generals, who had been stolen from their lives in their most prime time, she cried for the guardians who had died at the hands of their loved ones, and she cried for herself. She cried because she was left here, with a fallen kingdom, with few people if anyone left alive. She sat there for what a long time, just sobbing, letting go of everything that had been happening, and everything that had just occurred. After what felt like hours, her tears finally ceased. She had run out. She heard footsteps behind her and quickly dried her eyes before standing and turning around, hoping that it would be a citizen of the moon.

"My Queen." Luna said sadly, bowing her head respectfully, Artemis along side her, repeating her motions.

"Luna, Artemis." She said softly.

They looked up. "We were afraid that they had gotten you My Queen." Artemis said, padding closer to her.

She looked away for a moment, fresh tears appearing in her eyes, before turning back to the two cats and asking, " there anyone alive that you found?"

The two quietly shook their heads.

"What about Serin?" Serenity asked frantically. "Did either of you find Serin? Where is she?"

Luna took a step forward. "I'm so sorry Serenity. She is dead. Along with the Prince and Princess of Earth."

She slowly sank to the ground once more. A single tear trickled down her cheek as she softly whispered the words that she thought she never would have too. "Beryl won."

Luna moved closer to Artemis. "You know, Serenity, this is the first time in my life that I actually envy you." She said softly.

Queen Serenity looked over at her. "Why is that Luna?" She asked. "I didn't think there was anyone out there who wanted to lose their daughter, their niece, their future son-in-law, their protectors and their whole god damn planet to one fucking person!" She screamed in frustration. "Why Luna?! Why would you envy me?" She screamed.

"Because." She said simply, not fazed by the Queen's outburst. "Cats can't cry."

The Queen offered the small cat a sympathetic smile through her falling tears, but offered no words of comfort. Words couldn't help anymore.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Artemis questioned softly.

Luna shook her head sadly. "There is nothing.unless.never mind, that won't work anyway."

"What?" Serenity asked, a glimmer of hope showing in her voice.

"Nothing my Queen. It's some silly idea that is fatal, and that wouldn't even work anyway." Luna insisted.

"Luna! As your Queen, I order you to tell me what you are talking about." Serenity said.

She sighed. "I thought that maybe you could have used the crystal to heal all of them, to bring them back to life, but then I remembered that that is impossible. If you were to use the crystal it would kill you. Besides, what point is they're bringing them back to life if there is no one alive anymore?" She asked.

Serenity's hope fell once again, but wised a moment later. "What if I healed them, but didn't keep them alive in this time," She said quickly, the plan rushing into her mind. "What if I send them to Earth, in a future time, and allow them all to be born again?" She questioned.

Luna shook her head firmly. "Forget it. The crystal may not even have that kind of power and if it does, surely it will kill you to use it for something like that."

The queen looked at the small cat in front of her with a puzzled look on her face. "Why would it kill me? I know that I am not the chosen one, as Serin was, but still, I'm a part of the moon family."

"But you were never born into the moon family." Artemis answered gently. "It's true that anyone in the Moon family can use the crystal, just not as well as Serin, the chosen one, but they have to have been born into the moon family, you married into it." He explained.

A determined look came across her face. "Well than I guess this is goodbye between us." She said quietly.

Luna looked up in surprise. "What are you talking about Serenity?" She asked. "Surely you can't mean that."

Serenity nodded firmly. "I have nothing left to live for. These children gave their lives, they deserve another chance.and I owe it to them to allow them to have that chance, to give them the chance at a normal life."

"What about the generals?" Artemis asked.

"I'm sending them also. They were not turned evil by choice.even Jeadite, I know that there was a reason that he left, and he, as do all the others, deserve a second chance. They deserve a chance to live again, and to love." She explained. "Now, I will assume that Serin has the crystal, so please, lead me to.where she is." She said, her voice wavering as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

The cats nodded and the three silently made their way over to where Serin's body lay.

Feeling the hot salty tears slide down her cheeks, Serenity leaned over her daughter and opened the locket that she had always worn around her neck. She removed the crystal and stood, turning away from the body. "Now Luna," She said. "I have no idea how to do this, but I'm assuming you do, so I am going to need your help."

Luna nodded her head in defeat, she knew that once the queen set her mind to something, there was nothing anyone could do to change it. "Considering the state that their bodies are would be better off just sending their spirits."

The Queen nodded. "Right.and how do I do that?" She asked.

"First close your eyes and completely clear your head." Luna instructed. "Then lift the silver crystal in front of you, and concentrate on its power."

Serenity nodded once again and did what Luna had said.

"Now think about each on of the guardians, the generals, the prince and the princess and,"

"And Princess Terra." Serenity interrupted.

"And Princess Terra." Luna agreed. "Now, you have to do this slowly to ensure that everyone is sent. One by one, go through each of them and think carefully about them, imagine their spirits lifting from their bodies and being incased in small balls.take as much time as you need, and make sure you are still focusing on the power of the silver crystal." She said. "When you are done, there should be small crystal like balls floating in front of you."

Luna and Artemis sat patiently and quietly for the next few minutes, waiting for the queen to finish.

"Okay. Everyone is in front of me." The Queen said softly, her eyes still closed, her breath getting heavier, making it obvious to the cats that her energy was draining quickly.

"Now concentrate once more. Choose a time and a place where you want to send everyone. Choose how many years into the future you would like it to be, and where on Earth you want them to be. Then simply combine your power and energy with that of the crystal and use that power to send them." Luna gave the last instructions.

Queen Serenity lifted the crystal in the air, and she was suddenly encased in a white light that seemed to glow around her. She frowned in deep concentration. Her face making it obvious how much power and energy this was taking to complete. Her body remained encased in light for a few minutes, when suddenly it disappeared, and she collapsed against the ground, exhausted, barely able to move.

"Serenity!" Artemis exclaimed running over to her side, Luna right behind me.

Her eyes fluttered open, but she was unable to raise her head from the ground. "I sent Earth." She paused numerous times, trying to catch enough breath and energy to finish the simple sentences. "To earth.100.I mean 1,000 years into the future. I sent them all to a place called Tokyo, Japan. I pray that they will be happy there." She gasped. "And it is time for goodbye between us."

The two cats exchanged looks. "Serenity.I doubt that we will live any longer than you, we shall be together shortly." Luna said.

The queen slowly shook her head. "I ask.the permission of the.two of you."

"The permission to do what? Serenity, you are the queen, you don't need any one's permission to do anything." Artemis said.

She nodded. "This I do. I want to send the two of you to Earth along with them, just in case evil ever rises again."

The two cats were speechless. "We will be reborn?" Artemis asked in surprise.

"You will be reborn.but differently than the others. You two will.will have memories of.the silver millenium.of everyone's.lives.the way they were now.before.before Beryl came." Serenity managed to get out. "I want you to watch over them, to make sure they are allowed to live a normal.a normal life.but in case.god case.evil ever finds.finds it's way there.and threatens.threatens the lives.of the people.the people on Earth.I am granting.granting you two.the power to.the power to."

"The power to do what?" Luna pressed gently.

She was silent for a few minutes, attempting to catch her breath. "The give them their memories.of being a scout." She finished.

The two exchanged looks once more, a silent conversation being spoken between them. "We give you our permission." Artemis said finally.

She managed a faint smile. "I will two dearly." She struggled to a sitting position and repeated the motions that she had gone through before. It took longer this time, but eventually the two cats were encased in small crystal like balls and were floating before her. Using another bit of energy that she didn't realize she had, she made them fall asleep so the reincarnation could take place. As they drifted off to Earth she opened her eyes and watched them until they disappeared into the vast sky. Groaning in pain and exhaustion, she forced her weary body to gather its energy for the final time. She had just enough left to check that everyone had gotten to the Earth safely, and were waiting for their time to be reborn. One by one, each crystal floated by in her mind, Serenity, Endymion, Mars, Jeadite, Venus, Kunzite, Jupiter, Nephlite, Beryl, Mercury, and Zoisite. Her mind reeled for a minute in shock. Beryl?! What happened to Terra? Frantically she pushed herself around, and behind her, slightly hidden by the shadows of the trees, was the body of Princess Terra of Earth. "Oh God no!" She whispered. She had just sent the enemy to Earth, instead of the Princess. She thought back, her mind wondering how this could have happened. It was impossible, she knew she had thought about the princess! Her mind replayed her sending the children to the future, and stopped suddenly when she came to Princess Terra. She raised a hand to her mouth in horror. After each person was encased.and while she was sending them to Earth, she heard a small shattering noise, the sound that would have been made if one of the balls had somehow shattered. She had quickly counted them, and there was the right amount, so she shrugged it off to nothing. Now however.seeing the girl lie behind her, she realized that Beryl had used her power to switch places with the girl. She attempted to gather her energy, hoping that at the very least, she could still send Terra along with the others to the future. After a moment of strained effort, Serenity gave up. It was hopeless, she didn't have enough energy left, the crystal was killing her, just as Luna had said it would. She looked out towards Earth and said a silent prayer that the cats would be able to awaken them in time. And as she took her last breath, she spoke the words that would forever echo throughout the fallen kingdom. "May God have mercy on their souls."

The fight had only just begun.

* * *

The book slowly closed. It was old and dusty, leather bound and thinly worn, but whether from love or age it was unknown. Either way, it was perhaps the most beloved possession any child could own. It was the story that made children believe that dreams, and fairy tales, and 'happily ever after' really could come true. It was the story that made a person of any age believe, and feel innocent and childlike again. Looks can be deceiving, and this book is perhaps the most deceiving of them all. Regardless of what it looks like, inside contains the story of a lifetime. It was a story of a Princess, who found her Prince, a story of never ending friendship, a story of protection, and defeat, but most importantly, it was a story of true love.

~Two Together~

~Through All The Years~

~Echoes Of Laughter~

~Ribbons Of Tears~

The End

From every ending, comes a new beginning...

So yeah, that's it, the saga is over. It's weird to be writing these notes again, so long after I wrote the story for the first time. I hope that everyone enjoyed it, thanks for continuing, i know its an extremely long story, you guys make all the difference though. Thanks for the reviews and the emails, both times around. I'm not sure what's coming next. Before I start posting Ever Forever Ever, I want to post Courage Under Fire and I'll Be Seeing You, but I think that they need to be rewritten before they are ever posted again. ^_^ So we'll see what happens. I promise though that if EFE hasn't started to be posted of FF.Net by the time Chapter 5 comes out, I'll make some sort of announcement to let all of you who have been waiting know that it's done. So keep checking back here, or my website, i'll definitely be writing and updating something. Thanks for reading!