Bertha Duff was the meanest girl in the town. Her glare could even stop the most dangerous criminal in his tracks. When the billfold chains on her clothes rattled, every one knew that she was coming and got out of her way. Well, almost everyone.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here," a girl with turquoise braids said. "If it isn't Bertha Duff."

Bertha glared at the girl and her two friends. "Well if it isn't Coraline and her croonies. What do you call yourselves again? The Plastics?"

The girl to Coraline's left, Tiffany, scoffed. "Like you would know anything about fashion. Look at your clothes.'"

"She is totes right," the girl on Coraline's right, Eva said. "Black is so last year. And chains..." She scrunched her nose. "Ugh. You are definitely no match for our group."

Bertha glared at them. "Wanna bet?"

"Hmph." Coraline took a step towards Bertha. "And what do you suggest?"

Bertha narrowed her eyes. "Arm wrestle, cafeteria, noon."

Coraline glared back. "You're on, see you then."

They turned to walk away, but Bertha had a few more words for them. "Oh, and by the way, I'm having a party. Guess who's not invited?" Eva scoffed and turned around, briskly walking away with the rest off the rest of the group. Bertha only scoffed. Eva deserved it anyways. They used to be best friends when they they were younger, but once they turned six, Eva invited everyone except Bertha. She didn't know what happened that day, but ever since then Eva always hung out with Coraline and Tiffany. But Bertha had finally gotten back at her the week before, when she trapped Eva in the janitor's closet.

However, Bertha shook that memory to the back of her mind. Something weird had happened during that. One moment she was laughing maniacally while shoving Eva into the closet, then she had a flashback, or at least it felt like a flashback, even though she didn't remember it happening: She was leading Eva, who for some reason had blue hair, into some kind of closet in some sort of house. That had been weird, even weirder then the name that surfaced in the back of her mind every now and then: Ben. She didn't know anyone with a dorky name like that. None the less, she continued walking to get class, even though she would be late.

Later that day, Bertha trudged into the cafeteria, where Coraline was of course already sitting at a table, waiting for her.

"So, here's the deal," Coraline said.

Bertha glared and sat down at the other end of the table. "There's always a deal with you, isn't there?"

Coraline scoffed a little. "If I win, we get your territory within the school. However, if you win you get to keep your territory, hmm?"

Bertha put her raised arm on the table, as if excepting the challenge. She wasn't afraid, as she has won arm wrestles with Coraline before. "On three."

Coraline grabbed her hand. "One..."



They were at it. At first it was neck and neck, until Bertha's arm started to lower Coraline's arm. However, as their arms were half way towards the table, something happened. Memories started to flash before her eyes.

Her mother's scepter

Arriving in Auradon

Her first date with Ben

Ben's coronation

The Neon Lights Ball

Jewel Belee

The catacombs

The trident

Saving Ben


Mal Bertha's eyes flashed as she gasped, however it was so quick that the only thing people noticed was her gasp, as well as Coraline/ Uma slamming her arm against the table. Everybody cheered as Uma stood up and raised her fist triumphantly. However, Mal glared at Uma before walking out of the cafeteria, a million thoughts swirling through her head.

Uma, Ursula, the curse... what had happened?!

Mal rushed into the bathroom, immediately looking at her reflection in the mirror. "What the heck am I wearing?!"