Infinite Eyes

A Harry Potter/Naruto Fanfiction Crossover

"Normal Speech"



-Tailed Beast-

"BlAcK zEtSu"








Minato Namikaze, a tall blonde man who is also known as the Fourth Hokage, or Yondaime Hokage to all those stuffy old elders who insist on formalities, was walking down a quiet street on a cold November night. Well, it was more like morning, but it was so close to midnight that he counted it at night. Looking at the houses, he barely knew where he was, they all looked the same. All plain and boring. He knew instantly that the people who lived here were snobs, and wanted out of here quickly. He had to make it to a more un-populated area so no one saw him disappear, they had strange laws about people using their abilities in public areas.

As he passed another plain, undistinguishable house on the street, his eyes, trained from war, caught site of a small bundle on a doorstep shuffling slightly. He looked around, and, seeing no one around, leapt into the front garden, and knelt down next to it. He gasped, as his eyes looked onto a pair of extremely odd eyes, ones he knew all too well. They were Mangekyou Sharingan, but on a child this young…

"What're you doing here little one?"

The child gurgled happily as he looked at him, his eyes reverting back to a bright emerald green colour that seemed to stare into his soul. Minato noticed that they seemed smarter than your average child's, he guessed that this child was around a year old.

"Who would leave a child out in the cold like this?" He murmured, before noticing a letter tucked into the blanket. He took it out, opened it, and read its contents.

Dear Petunia Evans

I regret to inform you that your sister, Lily, along with her husband, James, have passed away, murdered by the Dark Lord who goes by the name Voldemort. The only one who survived is your nephew, Harry James Potter. As his only living blood relatives, anywhere that you live, as long as he lives with you, will be protected from any harm done by Wizards or Witches. All that as ask is that you love him like he is your own, as the more you love him, the more you are protected. I am sure that even though you and your sister had problems, you will love him and treat him well.

Thanks you, and my condolences.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot

Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (ICW)

Minato stared at the letter for a moment.

"Only survivor huh?" The child looked at him with sad eyes, and he knew he had to do something.

Looking around, he saw no one anywhere, and his senses told him everyone was asleep in the houses that had a direct line of sight with this one. He quickly placed the letter on his wrist and storing it in his personal storage seal, which only 3 other people had access to. He then picked the child up, and held him close, before making a symbol with his hand, the index and middle fingers straight up, with the ring and pinky fingers held down by his thumb, the Ram sign. He looked around again, before he intoned,

"Flying Raijin Jutsu" He and the child disappeared, leaving no trace, and with nobody the wiser.

Minato and Harry appeared at the meeting point, startling the two men already there.

"Damn it Minato, what have I told you about… Is that a child?" One of the men asked.

"Yes Fugaku, it is. I found him on a doorstep. I think he may be a relation of yours. He had Mangekyou Sharingan when i first saw him, though it did disappear when I started speaking to him" The man, Fugaku, looked at the child in shock, knowing Minato wouldn't joke about something that serious, "A letter was left in his blanket. Reading between the lines, it seems he saw his parents murdered in front of would probably be enough to trigger it, don't you think" Fugaku nodded, and the other man glared at Minato.

"Still, even if he is somehow related to Fugaku it doesn't mean you can just kidnap him!" Minato sighed, Sakumo was always a killjoy.

"He was left on a doorstep on a cold night, and probably would've died of hypothermia, or snatched by someone with less honourable intentions. What else was I supposed to do?" Sakumo didn't answer, but just glared at Minato, "Anyway, what's done is done, and reading inbetween the lines again, it seems like his mother and her sister who he was to be left with didn't really get along. I'd rather raise him myself than let him grow up in a potentially abusive household. Now, if you'll all grab on, i'll take us home" Sakumo grumbled but did as asked, while Fugaku just looked amused, agreeing completely, especially seeing as the kid may be family. They both grabbed a shoulder, and Fugaku couldn't help but grin back at the beaming child that was trying to grab his face. With another hand symbol, they disappeared, with no one the wiser about what had just occurred.

…...2 Days Later…

The trio of men walked through the gate, with one baby being carried with them, giving the gate guards pause.

"Umm, Lord Hokage… Did you kidnap a child while in the outer lands?" One of the guards asked.

"Not exactly. Needless to say I probably saved him. I plan on finding him a loving home. For now, just sign us in, I'll be at home. I think this kid needs a bath" He grins while looking at the sleeping child. He was just so adorable.

"Yes Lord Hokage" The three men split up there, their houses in different parts of the village, and Minato headed straight home where his wife, Kushina, was waiting for him. He walked in and called out,

"Honey, I'm home" As soon as he said that, a slim young red haired woman walked out of the kitchen, an apron on and a ladle in her hand.

"You're late ya know! Where were…" She trailed off with a gasp as she saw the baby in his arms, dropping the ladle and rushing forward with a squeal, snatching the baby and looking at him carefully, "Oh my god! How cute! Where did you get him?"

"Somebody left him on a doorstep on a cold night, and i saw him as i was on the way back, so I thought I could find a better home for him one way or another" Kushina's mood did a 180, and she growled slightly at the thought of a baby being left alone, possibly to die, causing her hair to wave around in 9 tentacle like appendages, reminiscent of her burden, "Relax, I don't think he'll ever find us, but I want to take him to Inoichi to see if he can find anything" Kushina nodded, then sniffed before gagging jokingly,

"Right after he has a bath of course. He stinks ya know" Minato chuckled,

"That's why I brought him here first. You bathe him, and I'll go and get Inoichi" Kushina nodded again, and took him to another room while Minato shunshined away.

10 minutes later, after explaining what was happening, Inoichi nodded and said,

"I'll have a look. I'll have to go slow though, I don't want to risk damaging his mind while he's this young" Minato and kushina nodded, while Harry looked up at him curiously, wondering what this man was going to do. Unbeknownst to them Harry was actually quite smart for his age, and understood what had happened. He just hoped his new Mommy and Daddy were nice like his old ones. His new Mommy looks like his old one too. He saw the man reach over and place a hand on his head, and then everything went black.

Inoichi was immediately immersed in a memory that reeked of evil. He looked around and saw a young woman who reminded him of Kushina kneeling in front of a crib, whispering to a child he could only assume was Harry, while bangs and shouts were heard from downstairs. Then, they ceased suddenly, and Inoichi had a feeling that it wasn't a good thing. Steps were heard coming up the stairs, and they stopped just outside of the door. Even though it was a memory, Inoichi still held his breath. The silence seemed to drag on forever, even though it was more like a few seconds. The door was suddenly ripped of its hinges, causing the woman to scream out in panic and fear, guarding Harry with her body and life. Then, a… thing… wearing a cloak slowly drifted in, and he stifled a gasp when he saw what was under the cloak. Its face was smooth and pale, pretty much white, and it had no nose, just slits, like a snake. He'd get along well with that bastard Orochimaru. Inoichi though. He also noticed the red, slitted eyes that stared almost hungrily at Harry.

"Sssstep assside girl… and I sssshall allow you to live" The creature hissed softly, but the woman looked at it defiantly,

"Never! You'll have to kill me" She snarled.

"Move you ssssilly girl!" It snapped, "I have promisssed you to one of my loyal sssservants, but my patiencccce only goessss so far" She glared, and drew a stick from her waist, but the creature was quicker, "Avada Kedavra" It pointed its stick at her, and a green light burst out of the end and hit her dead in the chest. She dropped to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut,, a look of despair flashing on her face, while the creature laughed evilly.

What the hell is this thing? Inoichi thought as he watched it drift over to Harry. Harry had his eyes shut, but Inoichi's well trained eyes easily picked up blood at the corners of his eyes.

"Now it'sssss your turn young Harry. It'sssss too bad that the prophecy putssss usssss againssssst each other. I can ssssenssssse the magical power in you" The creature pointed its stick at Harry's forehead, "Goodbye Harry. Avada Kedavra!" The green light burst out again, and just as it hit Harry's forehead, his eyes opened, revealing a blood red iris with a jet black star dead center, a red circle in the middle of that, which Inoichi noticed was a bit paler than the rest. The light hit his forehead, and he screeched in pain, eyes bleeding freely. Then, black flames enveloped the creature, making it screech as well, as its body disintegrated. After a few seconds of nothing, a swirl of… something… rose from the pile of ash and swept out of the room, screeching in rage and pain. Inoichi looked over to Harry to see that he was asleep. He was about to leave when a bang came from downstairs.

"JAMES! LILY! HARRY!" It was a man's voice. Said man stormed up the stairs, and upon seeing Lily's lifeless body, closed his eyes, centering himself so he can keep calm. The man walked over to where Harry was sleeping, and sighed in relief that he was still alive. He picked him up, along with the woman's stick, placing it with what Inoichi assumes is his own and the other man. James'. He follows the man downstairs and out of the house, where a giant of a man was waiting.

"Hagrid?" The man asks, confused.

"Sirius… Are they…?" Sirius bows his head, and Hagrid lets his tears fall.

"What are you doing here Hagrid?"

"Professor Dumbledore sent me. He's too busy to come here himself, and asked me to pick up any survivors. Something about a Ravenclaw with the Dark Mark. Anyway, is little Harry the only one?" Sirius nodded, but didn't hand him over.

"I'm his Godfather. I should be the one to raise him"

"I'm sorry Sirius. I have my orders" Sirius sighed, and Inoichi saw rage fill his eyes. He leaned down to Harry, and Inoichi leaned in to listen.

"Harry, I'm probably going to go to Azkaban soon. No matter what everyone says, I'm innocent. Peter was the traitor. We made people think I was the Secret Keeper. I'm sorry. Please, be safe" He raised his head and handed Harry to Hagrid, who smiled sadly, "Use my bike. I won't need it anymore" Hagrid nodded to Sirius, before turning and sitting on a motorcycle, and activating it before riding off. Inoichi was pulled with him, into the sky. Having seen enough, he started to draw out of his mind. When he left the memory, he felt a dark presence in there with him.

"Who are you?" He turned, and he paled as he saw the a shade of the creature from the memory, "I assssked who you are. What are you doing here in my domain?" Inoichi pulled out of Harry's mind while he still had a chance, and collapsed next to the bed, from both exhaustion and relief.

"Inoichi! Are you ok?" Minato shouted in alarm.

"Yeah… I'm fine… Just a little exhausted" He then told them all about what he'd seen and heard, including the shade that confronted him.

"Hmmm. If I know my Fūinjutsu, which I like to think I do, it seems like a piece of his soul splintered off and attached itself to Harry, causing the scar on his forehead. I think the lightning bolt is a symbol, one used long ago. The symbol is Sowilo, a symbol of the sun. It has a lot to do with the soul, and fire, meaning we know what his main affinity will probably be. If what i'm thinking is true, without destroying that piece of soul, this creature you speak of can't be destroyed. And if he has one, even accidentally, it's probably a not a stretch to say he has several. To split your soul to gain immortality, not even Orochimaru would go that far. It requires cold blooded murder, and then consumption of the victims flesh" He went slightly green, and Inoichi, in his exhausted state, threw up. Luckily, Kushina was prepared, and pushed a bucket into his hands, face pale.

"What do we do Minato? We can't leave it in there ya know" Kushina said anxiously.

"I know. Does the Fox have any ideas?"

"No. He's just cussing at me. He's not very nice ya know" Kushina frowned, wishing she could do something to help it.

"I see. Are you ok there Inoichi?" He nodded, before standing, swaying slightly.

"I'm going home to rest. I'll write up my report about this tomorrow, and review the memory for anything I missed" Minato nodded, and let him walk out.

"Minato, how do you think he survived that green light thing Inoichi talked about?"

"I don't know. But I do know that Fugaku should know about this. He may be related to him after all. I'm going to, with your permission of course, file adoption papers to legally make him our son. I know how much you want a child" Kushina's eyes went wide, before she rushed him, glomping him and sending them both to the floor.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Kushina cried out.

"No problem Kushina. I also know a Kinjutsu Jujutsu mix that uses out blood and chakra to make him ours, in blood and spirit. He'll probably end up with red hair too, like his two mothers. There's a 6/16 chance, as your parents were both redheads and I saw that Lily's sister was a brunette" Kushina smiled, thinking about how cute he'll look with long red hair like hers. "Anyway, I need to go do the paperwork. You ok to keep an eye on him, maybe do some baby shopping"

"Of course! I'm ready to be a mother ya know!" Minato chuckled at her little speech impediment, and shunshined away, ready to make himself a father at last.