Author's note: I want to apology for the long wait and announce you that this story finally ends with this chapter! I hope you'll enjoy, and thank you for reading my fanfic! 3

"Eren! What happened?"

The worried and firm tone of Mikasa startled Eren and he looked at her, a little disoriented. The moment he had heard her voice and had seen her, he had hurried to where she was, trying to leave behind him the confusion of what could have happened if she hadn't come to seek him out.

Levi and him had almost kissed. Only a few more seconds and their lips would have touched. Eren knew he wanted it, but was it the case for Levi too? It wasn't like the man had tried to move away, on the contrary, his hand had firmly held the brunet's cheek as if to bring him closer and prevent him from moving away, but Eren didn't want to have false hope. Maybe it had only been something on the spur of the moment. Maybe it was only because Eren had been crying. He had no way to know for sure.

Eren put all those thoughts away and concentrated on his best friend who was still standing in front of him, her two hands on his shoulders, staring intensely at him. Levi had said his eyes were red, so it was safe to assume Mikasa had noticed as well and was thinking something had happened. Or more particularly, that Levi had done something to him.

Eren smiled in a soothing way, putting a hand on her arm to calm her down.

"Don't worry, Mika. I'm fine."

Her frown increased and she glanced behind him, undoubtedly at Levi. "Are you sure? He didn't do anything to you?"

There it was. He knew she would come to that conclusion after seeing his face. He couldn't blame her, she was only worried and didn't know Levi, except from what he had told her. And with what had happened a few weeks ago, it wasn't surprising she was focusing only on his bad side. She was just trying to watch out for him.

Eren gently removed her hands from his shoulders and kept them in his hands, squeezing them reassuringly.

"He didn't. We were just talking, that's all. And I… I got overwhelmed by my thoughts. That's it"

She looked straight at him, trying to figure out if he was telling her the truth. Her dark eyes shifted a little to the side of his face, and then she finally sighed, squeezing his hands back.

"I believe you… I was only- I was just worried. You were gone for a while."

"Yeah, I know, sorry about that. I needed some fresh air."

She hummed noncommittally, acknowledging what he had said but not picking up the subject. Instead, she told him that she had decided to stay in Shiganshina at her parents' place for a few days, to visit them before starting her summer job. He vaguely remembered her telling him something of the sort a few weeks ago, and only smiled at her. It was better to stay directly instead of making another trip to come back here again.

She then informed him Jean had decided to stay the night at his place too and only go back to Trost the following morning by train. Eren nodded at the new piece of information, trying to think about the logistic behind their way back – or at least now, his way back. If Mikasa and Jean were both staying in Shiganshina it meant…

He would be alone with Levi.

The brunet looked over his shoulder at that thought, eyeing the man who was now leaning on the side of the car, showing only his back. He had probably changed location to give them some privacy, which wasn't a bad idea. At least like this he couldn't see the glances Mikasa and him were throwing his way.

Eren swallowed nervously and said goodbye to Mikasa before walking towards the car to join Levi. The raven only raised his head once Eren was standing on his right side, a questioning look on his face, and the brunet cleared his throat before answering his silent question.

"Mikasa and Jean are staying here tonight."

"And you?" Levi only asked, his tone a mystery to Eren.

"I'll go back with you if- if you don't mind."

Levi rolled his eyes, as if Eren had committed a great offense by saying what he had. Of course, the brunet knew in a corner of his head Levi didn't mind since he had offered to drive them for the day. The fact Eren was the only one left didn't change anything, especially since Levi would still need to go back to Trost anyway, but he was too nervous to be coherent with his thoughts.

Levi motioned him to go inside the car and they both sat, quietly putting their seatbelts, but Levi didn't turn on the ignition. Silence surrounded them and a thought Eren had put aside during their outward journey came back to the forefront of his mind. Should he try asking Levi? It would actually be easier now that it was only the two of them.

"Um… Levi…?" He tried, still a bit unsure of how to ask.


"Can we… Um… Make a quick stop somewhere else before going back?"

Eren worried at his bottom lip, hoping Levi wouldn't think he was treating him like a chauffeur and abusing his kindness. He really needed to go to that place and he couldn't have imagined better scenario than to go there alone with the man.

Levi's features, which had been neutral per usual with a small frown between his eyebrows, changed to one of surprise, like he hadn't expected Eren to ask him that, or had been waiting for something else to be said. The raven stared at him for a few seconds too long before starting the car.

"Where to?"


It was only a short trip from Armin's house, they therefore arrived rather quickly, after a very silent drive. It wasn't different from their journey to Shiganshina, but at the same time it was. Levi never talked while driving, no music was playing, but Eren could feel an invisible tension in the air. The both of them were alone and all the brunet could think of was what had happened – or more like didn't happen – earlier.

He couldn't tell if Levi was thinking about it too, or if he had already forgotten it had happened. It was very difficult for him to discern if the man was bothered by it even a little bit, whereas it was probably obvious Eren was on his side. He couldn't help but keep looking around; at Levi, at the window, or at the road. He was also squirming a lot in his seat, but he couldn't help it. He was almost starting to feel claustrophobic in the car and needed to get out, if only to get a long breath of fresh air and be able to walk around to calm his nervousness.

The moment Levi parked where Eren told him to, the brunet was out of the car, stretching and going near the steps he had climbed many times before. However, before taking the familiar path, he turned around and motioned Levi to come with him. The man frowned at the gesture, but he eventually gave up and climbed out of the car when he saw Eren insisting and waiting for him.

They climbed the hill together, Eren in front and Levi following him silently. The sun had almost finished setting and a few stars were already shining in the darkest part of the sky. It was the perfect moment to come here, and Eren couldn't help but smile. He had thought a lot about bringing Levi here, and every time he had, it was with a starry sky above their heads. It was probably because the first picture he had sent him had been during one of those nights.

Once at the top, Eren automatically went towards the bench, standing in front of it and looking down at the city. He then turned around to glance at Levi who was scanning their surroundings, probably trying to figure out where they were. He then turned to Eren and recognition appeared on his face. The fact he could figure out their location based on one picture the brunet had sent him so many months ago did strange things to his heart, and Eren smiled wistfully at him.

"Armin and I used to go there all the time," Eren said, breaking the idly silence and giving Levi confirmation of what this place was.

"Yeah," Levi acknowledged, coming to stand next to the brunet.

"I didn't have the strength to come here last year. Not the hill, I mean. Shiganshina," Eren clarified, eyes on the horizon. "It was too much for me. I spent my day hiding in my bed, looking at the ceiling or at my phone, not doing anything. It was actually quite pathetic," he confessed, a bit embarrassed. "Until I couldn't take it anymore and sent a message to Armin."

Eren turned his head to look at Levi who was already staring at him, listening to him intensely. His heart seized at the memory, at how much he had been in pain that day, but then he smiled slightly, another memory coming to mind.

"To you."

He had almost whispered it, as if it was a secret meant for their ears and theirs only, even if they were very much alone on the hill. Levi's features softened when he understood what Eren was trying to say, and Eren's smile grew wider.

"That day, exactly a year ago, you saved me from my misery. I might sound like I'm exaggerating, but that's how I feel. I was drowning and you saved me. And I-" Eren cut himself, his throat constricting because of the turmoil of emotions he was feeling.

He had so many things he wanted to say to Levi. Words were flooding his mind and it felt like his head was about to explode. His heart wasn't in a better condition, filled with too many different feelings he had no idea how to contain, nor which one to concentrate on.

However, as he glanced at Levi's face, he decided on the one he wanted to convey first. The one he had been nurturing since that famous night a year ago, the one which had been the essence of his life ever since then. The one which had pulled him out of the darkness.


"Thank you." Levi looked puzzled for a second, his silver eyes gazing intensely into his own, before his face relaxed. "Thank you for replying to me that day. I've always wanted to tell you that."

They kept staring at each other, Eren smiling fondly at the man standing beside him, at the person who had given him the strength to stand on his own two feet and who had taught him how to move on with his life in his own way. He still had many things to tell him, especially another one which had been burning his tongue for a while now, but its turn would come in due time. Today was just not that day, and it was fine with him.

"You're welcome, pumpkin."


Summer was a busy period for Eren. Even if university was over until early September, which meant no classes, no homework, and no studying, he still had a lot to do. First, he was working at the same coffee shop as the previous year, and then, he was trying to get his driving license. He had been meaning to pass it for a while now and thought it was best to do it before he graduated. Afterwards, he would be too busy to do it.

Another thing on his schedule were meetings with Levi. They were seeing each other more often ever since that day at Shiganshina, either after Levi's working hours or after Eren's. From time to time, Levi would come to the coffee shop where Eren is working too. He would order some tea, sit at a table, and read a book or work on his laptop. Sometimes Eren would be able to come and sit with him for a while, when he had a short break, and other times they would go home together, when Levi would stay until the end of Eren's shift.

The tension between them was finally gone and Eren was completely at ease in Levi's presence. The sensation of bliss and happiness he was experiencing in the company of the older man would most often than not win over the nervousness induced by his feelings for him. He could feel Levi was more relaxed in his presence too, and that only increased the giddy sensation in his chest. Sometimes, when he got back from a meeting with the raven, his cheeks would hurt from how much he had smiled. It was a good kind of pain, however. One he didn't mind.

They had come a long way since their first interaction a year ago. They had passed from texting, to calling, to meeting. A lot had happened, but they were undeniably closer. Every time they met, Eren would feel like the distance between them was decreasing, but somehow, there was still a small gap persisting. It was born from Eren's uncertainty of Levi's feelings towards him, and he knew sometime he would have to cross it, at the risk of falling into it. He wasn't afraid though. He saw it as a challenge, but for now it wasn't in his intention to take a chance yet.

Honestly, he wanted to, but there was always something stopping him. Being excuses like the right timing, Levi looking tired or him being the exhausted one, not the right location, and so on, and so on. Summer passed way too quickly for his taste and before he knew it, university was beginning in a few weeks. It wasn't as if everything would end with the start of a new school year, however. It was only the end of a period.

Before it ended though, Eren went to Levi's apartment for the first time. It wasn't for a good occasion like the man inviting him over for dinner or after a date, however. The end of August meant for Levi the same as mid-June for him, meaning Isabel and Farlan's anniversary. The same way the raven had been there for him, Eren had offered to be there too. Levi had waived him off, saying he didn't really need it, but the brunet could still remember their conversation from a year ago and how Levi had felt awful about it, so he wanted to be there nonetheless. What Eren hadn't been anticipating was for Hanji to be the one to help him convince the stubborn man and be his ticket to the raven's apartment.

It happened during the week, meaning the three of them were all working during the day. They met in the evening, watching movies on Levi's big television while eating take away food. It was Eren's first time meeting Hanji and he had to admit she was both how he had imagined her and more than that. He didn't know if she was always that enthusiastic or if she was overdoing it to distract Levi, but it made for a good atmosphere. Besides, Eren got to see Levi interact with someone he was very close to.

He looked different somehow, reacting in ways he wouldn't in Eren's company, but the brunet didn't know how much was normal between the both of them and how much was Levi being in a very particular mood that day. Even so, it ended being a very nice evening, and Hanji even went home earlier than Eren, leaving the two of them alone in Levi's apartment. It was a good location, they were alone, but the circumstances were not ideal, so Eren didn't try to turn it to his advantage. It didn't even cross his mind. He was there to support Levi, not for his own good, and he wouldn't have had it any other way.

When it had gotten too late for the both of them, since they had to work the next day, Levi called a cab for him. Eren had insisted he could take the bus, that he couldn't afford a taxi anyway, but Levi had shut him down and told him he would pay for it. He would have taken Eren back to his apartment if he had a car, he said, but he didn't and it would be too much trouble getting Hanji's at such an hour. After one particular hard glare, Eren eventually gave up and accepted Levi's offer, not without feeling a bit embarrassed. He had been the one insisting to come to Levi's place and now the man was paying for his way home.

"Buses are full of drunk and stupid people at this hour," Levi told him, as if it justified his action.

The brunet gave him a small smile, actually happy the man was concerned for his well-being even if it had been said in a round-about way. Levi was such a caring man, and Eren was getting to see that side of him a little more every time. For example, with Hanji, even if he was scolding her or dismissing her friendly behavior, he would also move her beer so she wouldn't spill it on her clothes because of her wide movements, or give her a napkin when her eating would turn too messy.

Eren had noticed he would do similar things when they were together too. From walking him home when he worked until late in the evening to taking sugar packets when they were in a coffee shop even though he didn't need them, only because Eren liked his coffee extra sweet. It was really small intentions like those that could easily went unnoticed, but that Eren would always notice. Maybe because he was paying attention to everything Levi did, but at least he had discovered a very endearing side of him.

They stayed in relative silence until it was time for Eren to get into the cab. A few minutes before the car was supposed to arrive, they both went outside to wait for it on the sidewalk, enjoying the evening breeze and the cooler temperature of the night. When the cab was in sight at the very far end of the road, stopped at a red light, Eren felt fingers wrapping delicately around his wrist and he turned to the man beside him, surprise evident on his face. Levi, on the other side, was frowning and looking down, not even meeting his eyes.

Eren waited for him to talk, as it looked like the man was searching for the right words to say what he had on his mind.

"Thanks for coming over."

He didn't say anything more, only stared back at Eren, and the brunet had to swallow in front of the gratitude and honesty reflecting in his grey eyes. He chewed on the inside of his cheek nervously before freeing himself from Levi's grasp in order to gently squeeze his hand, a warm and fond smile on his face.

"Anytime, sunshine."

He only had a few seconds to see Levi's features softened before he was ushered inside the cab which had since then parked next to them. Levi exchanged a few words with the driver, probably paying for the ride in advance, before the taxi pulled away and Eren was left gazing at Levi's silhouette on the sidewalk through the back window. He could still feel warmth where Levi's hand had touched his skin, on his wrist and his hand, and he sunk further into his seat, sighing longingly.


The beginning of the new semester had been quite hectic and Eren was finally able to take a breather from student projects and reports to write. He was already missing the summer, when he had nothing to work on once home and was allowed to go out as much as he wanted. Not that he wished to party or anything of the sort. He just missed his meetings with Levi which had become less frequent ever since the beginning of September.

Seeing Levi less and less found Eren thinking about him more and more, especially about their relationship. What were they really to each other? Friends? Yes, they were, but it wasn't really what Eren wanted to be to the man, not anymore. He couldn't help but think back to all the times Levi had looked at him with softness in his eyes, his lips almost forming a fond smile. Was it really his imagination or was the raven sharing the same kind of affection for him? His frustration over not knowing was increasing day by day and, at some point, it was just too much for him to handle.

Eren knew Levi wouldn't try anything even if his feelings were indeed reciprocated, if the man's behavior was any indication. Therefore, if Eren wanted to take their relationship to the next level, he would have to be the one doing something about it, but he was okay with it. Even if he was feeling quite nervous, he was also eager, hopeful, and mostly, impatient.

It didn't take long for him to come up with a plan. As soon as it was Saturday and he had finished getting a head start in his workload, Eren took out his phone and opened his conversation with Levi.

Hey sunshine! You busy today? :)

Hey pumpkin. No, why?

I'd like to go somewhere but i need a drive

I thought you had your license now.

Yup, but you don't like other people driving, so…

In other words: you want to go somewhere, but not alone, and you thought of me?

I'm flattered.

I knew you'll get it ;)

Is that a yes then?

Give me 30 minutes and I'll be at your place with a car.

Thanks! You won't regret it! ;D

Eren looked up from his phone, hoping he was right and that Levi wouldn't regret it. He was taking a huge risk, but Eren wasn't one to do things halfway. He always went all out when he had something in mind, and maybe Levi was right when he called him a 'manipulative little shit'.

He checked the time to know exactly when he'd have to come down, and started preparing himself. He had already chosen the clothes he would wear in case Levi said yes, so he hastily put them on, making sure not to wrinkle them too much in his haste. Maybe it didn't really matter if his clothes weren't perfectly ironed, but he couldn't help wanting everything to be flawless.

Eren took one glance in the mirror, looking at his long hair and wondered what to do with them. They had grown quite a lot, the last time he had cut them going back to a few months, but he somehow liked this new style. They had become straighter and silkier while growing a few centimeters, which made things easier when it came to tame them. Usually he would tie them in a messy bun or a ponytail, but today he only brushed them and put them behind his ears, letting them loose, before continuing to get ready.

When it was almost time for Levi to arrive, the brunet hastily left the apartment, closing it behind him since Jean was also out, and went down the stairs two by two. His heart was thumping rapidly in his chest and he had to take a moment to regain his breath once on the sidewalk, waiting for his ride. A white car stopped next to him and Eren jumped when the window from the passenger side rolled down and he heard a familiar voice.

"Get in."

Eren went inside the car as quickly as the initial shock worn down, not wanting to make the man wait too long for him. Levi's body was turned towards him and Eren's heartbeat increased once again under his gaze, the realization of what he was about to do hitting him like a wave of salt water.

"H-Hey," he managed to get out awkwardly as Levi kept on watching him, his attention fully directed at him. "This car is new."

"That's Erwin's. Hanji was busy," Levi shrugged. Eren still hadn't met him but right now he was very much grateful to the man for allowing his plan to unfold.

There was a bit of silence within which Eren proceeded to buckle his seatbelt, until he realized Levi was still staring at him and hadn't made any attempt to start the car. The brunet looked back at him for a few seconds before avoiding his gaze, nervousness building up inside him in front of his insistent staring.

"W-What is it?" Eren mentally slapped himself. How would he be able to go through with today if he was already stuttering, after only five minutes in Levi's presence?

"You let your hair down today," Levi replied, his voice low and mysterious. Eren's eyes found his once more, his mouth agape in surprise. "Suits you."

Levi gave a small hum of approval before turning the key in the ignition and getting back on the lane, his eyes no longer on him. If he hadn't glanced away, he would have seen the look of utter confusion and embarrassment which crossed Eren's features then, as well as the blush appearing on his cheeks, coloring his skin with a bright red hue.


Levi didn't complain when Eren told him where they were going was a surprise, giving him directions one by one as to where Levi needed to go. The brunet was certain Levi had a vague idea once they started getting closer to their destination, but the raven stayed silent nonetheless and kept on following his instructions until the end. Eren started getting nervous again once they passed the entry sign of Shiganshina, his legs bouncing and fidgeting in his seat. He took one long and deep breath once Levi stopped the car where he told him to before going out of the car and climbing the stairs as he usually did once there.

Eren didn't check if Levi was following him, he somehow knew he was. His fingers were tapping the sides of his legs in a frantic and agitated rhythm and he had to stop himself from biting his lips too much at least five times. He had known he would get nervous about it, but he hadn't thought it would be that bad. He had to pull himself together, had to look more confident, or else it would be harder on him to voice what he desperately wanted to say.

When they reached the top of the hill, Eren went to stand at his usual place, taking in every bit of detail of his hometown in an attempt to calm his nerves. He rubbed his hands on his pants, feeling them becoming slightly sweaty, and closed his eyes for a second. He felt more than he saw Levi standing next to him, bathing him in his presence. His thoughts suddenly became clearer.

Levi hadn't asked him anything since they had left, being to know where they were going or why Eren had asked him to come with him. He had only silently accepted everything, accompanying him until the end. Eren felt his heart fluttered at the thought. Levi was this silent and soothing presence in his life, asking questions only when Eren wanted them to be asked, supporting him when he needed to, and that was all he had ever wanted. Not someone who would worry over him every step of the way, nor would try to pry into his thoughts in order to try to help him. Someone who would be there, understanding when he just needed the company or when he needed someone to listen to him.

Levi was this person. He was his person, and Eren wanted to be his as well.

"You're not going to ask me why we're here?" Eren asked softly, opening his eyes without looking at the man beside him just yet.

"Not unless you want me to," Levi shrugged, and it was then that Eren took a peek at him.

His eyes were set on the horizon, taking in the scenery in front of them, until his grey eyes stared back at him when he felt the brunet's gaze on him. Eren bit his lower lip, his brow furrowing slightly in discomfort, racking his brain to find a way to start the conversation he had come here to have with the man.

"Why did you want to come here?" Levi inquired, probably sensing Eren's hesitation, and the brunet sighed in relief.

"I need Armin to give me the courage to do something I've been meaning to do for a while."

"Is it working?" Levi asked while tilting his head to the side, and Eren couldn't hold it any longer.

"Yeah, I think so."

At the same time the last words passed his lips, Eren put his hands on Levi's shoulders and closed the distance between them, finally acting on his impulse of the last two weeks. He tilted his head in the opposite direction Levi had his, and softly pressed his lips to his, feeling every cell of his body burning with excitement. Levi's lips were soft - like he had always imagined they would be - and for a second everything around them disappeared, all he could feel and sense being Levi and the places they were connected together.

After the rush of adrenaline died down a little, Eren realized two things. First, when he had grabbed Levi's shoulders and locked their lips together, Levi's body had jolted under the surprise, his shoulders tense under his touch. Second, Levi hadn't moved an inch, either to reject Eren or to reciprocate his gesture. His lips were unmoving against his own, almost frozen, and an alarm started ringing inside the brunet's head. Had Eren read all the signs wrong? Even if he had, he couldn't bring himself to regret his action. In that moment, it only felt right to feel Levi under his fingertips and to kiss him tenderly. Even if it was the last time they would see each other, even if after this everything between them was over, he couldn't consider it a mistake.

Eren backed up, putting an end to their kiss, and pressed his forehead to Levi's, keeping his eyes shut. He didn't want to get out of his bubble of pure bliss, didn't want to see Levi's expression or reaction just yet. There was still something he needed to say.

"I like you."

His voice was trembling, overwhelmed by the numerous emotions passing through his body; his fondness and feelings for Levi, the apprehension of his reaction, the fear of being rejected, the bliss he was still in after finally kissing him. The weight of the words he had whispered were making his heart heavier with every second of silence between the two of them, but still Eren hold on to them like the feelings behind those three words would disappear if he let go.


Eren flinched after hearing his name being called, but his eyes stayed closed. Levi's voice sounded weak, low, slightly trembling, and the brunet was even more scared to see the raven's face than before now.


There was some kind of urgency in Levi's voice, his tone firm and insistent, as if he was pleading Eren to do something. The brunet finally decided to open his eyes when he felt a hand on his cheek, but regretted immediately when he saw the look on Levi's face. He was frowning, an emotion Eren couldn't recognize shining in his eyes, and his lips were pressed together in what the brunet could only identify as annoyance.

He winced in front of the man's expression, his body still shaking and guilt suddenly overtaking him. Did he ruin everything between them? Was everything over now? Eren pulled away from Levi as far as his arms allowed him to, his hands still on the man's shoulders. He resumed biting his lower lip in both stress and embarrassment, looking down at his feet. His mind was yelling at him to run, but Eren didn't move. He wasn't a runner so whatever Levi was about to say, even if it was to reject him, Eren would listen to it.

"You really are a brat," he heard Levi sigh.

Eren immediately raised his head, his eyebrows knitted together and his cheeks flushed red.

"How can you say that after I just-"

Eren was cut off by a pair of lips pressed on his, the suddenness of the action making him take a step back before two hands grabbed his jaw to keep him in place. It took Eren a moment to realize that, yes, Levi was kissing him. The brunet reciprocated the gesture, his lips moving against his, his eyes finally closing as he grabbed a fistful of dark hair to keep himself grounded. The passion and desperation he could feel Levi putting into the kiss was making Eren dizzy, his heart beating wildly in his chest. All of a sudden, he was able to understand the words Levi could have said in this moment but chose to express with actions instead. He felt how much Levi wanted this too, how much he had been eager for it to happen, probably as long as Eren.

The man's hands couldn't stop moving from his face to his hair, then to his neck and shoulders, and back to his jaw again. There was nothing tender about the way Levi was kissing him, almost devouring him, and Eren couldn't help the moan that left his mouth as the raven pushed his tongue past his lips to deepen the kiss. Eren had almost forgotten how to breath when they finally parted from each other, allowing them to take shallow breaths, their eyes locked on each other.

Eren felt a shiver run down his spine as Levi resumed their kissing, this time slower and softer, the desperation gone as they had both conveyed their desire. The brunet's hand was gentler as he threaded his fingers in the man's hair, the other one tenderly stroking his side. Once again, Eren could understand everything Levi wanted to say with the contact of his lips on his own, and the caress of his hands in his hair and on his face. His heart was overwhelmed by all he could feel and perceive, his eyes becoming wet under such intense feelings.

Eventually they stopped, their foreheads touching and their breaths meddling as they panted into each other's mouth. Their eyes were locked in an intense gaze, not breaking eye contact even for a second, both of them staring into each other's soul. Eren shivered as he felt Levi gently wiped away a tear from his cheek, the tenderness of the gesture making him smile fondly at the man caged between his arms.

"I like you too, pumpkin."

Eren's heart stopped for a second at Levi finally saying the words he had been longing to hear for a long time. The way he had whispered them against his lips, his grey eyes filled with a kind of affection Eren had never been the subject of before filled his heart with warmth and excitement. Another tear ran down his cheek as Eren gleamed at him, his eyes now closed to bask in the feeling of delight surrounding them. Levi's confession was running in a loop inside his mind, until another detail made his smile grew wider.

Levi had called him by the nickname he had specifically chosen for him almost a year ago, and his heart skipped another beat at the thought. Anyone could call him Eren, but there was only one person calling him pumpkin, making those words even more special to him than they already were. It felt like this moment had been written for them and them only, like Eren was the only person that mattered for Levi, as Levi was for him.

Eren softly pecked Levi on the lips, trying to convey to the man how elated he was in this moment, sharing with him the excitement that was overflowing from his heart and emanating from every pore of his body. If he let himself being carried away, the brunet would keep on kissing him, touching with his lips every parcel of skin he could reach, but he restrained himself by only planting a tender kiss on Levi's forehead while tightening his hold around the short man's body.

The raven nuzzled his neck in response, humming his approval. His arms wrapped around the tall man's middle, making the latter sigh in contentment. Eren had dreamed countless of time of being able to hold the man in his arms this way, and now that it was finally happening, he had no intention of letting him go. He loosened his hold on Levi a few minutes later though, just as he felt the raven's lips twitching against his skin.

Eren sucked in a breath when he was finally able to look at Levi's face. His eyes still had this tender and gentle gleam in them, but it wasn't what caught his attention. Levi was smiling, his lips stretched in a soft, bright grin, which made Eren's heart skip a beat and blood rush to his cheeks. It was the first time the brunet was able to see such an expression on Levi's face, but he would be damned if it was the last.