Chapter One: The Revelation

Naruto walked home from Ichiraku Ramen, a content smile on his face. The afternoon sunlight danced through Konoha, joined by a light, playful breeze. Naruto sighed. Konoha, no, scratch that, every village of the Elemental Nations was at peace. But, something was bothering Naruto as he entered his apartment, and it wasn't Sasuke.

It was the fact that he.. was alone.

Despite that fact that Naruto was the village hero, relationships apparently weren't his thing. Naruto flopped on his bed and sighed. Let's see… there was, firstly, Sakura. She'd married Sasuke. Second was Hinata. She'd unfortunately married Kiba. Ino had hooked up with Sai. Temari was dating Shikamaru. Ayame was dating Kakashi.

So that left Naruto… with Naruto.

Well, there was Anko. But she scared Naruto. A lot.

Naruto rolled over, closing his eyes. Maybe he'll find someone, someday.


Kyuubi frowned at her container's thoughts. Naruto had been depressed recently, and bored. Kyuubi knew humans were social creatures, and all the time Naruto was spending alone was not healthy. She'd taken a liking to Naruto in recent years; he was a genuinely caring and compassionate person.

Naruto had even taken the time to improve the Nine Tail's living conditions within his subconscious. It was no longer a cage, but a comfortable living space. The fox now had an actual bed, the floor was a dark hardwood, the ceiling was filled with decorative chandeliers, with red crystals. There were several priceless statutes in the room along with a serene koi fountain in the center. Kyuubi shrugged. Maybe she could do the kid a small favor…

Naruto opened his eyes and found he was laying on a smooth white couch. He took in the pristine white walls and dark floors and instantly knew where he was.

Kyuubi's room.

"Kyu-chan?" he called out. "Kyu?" The fox materialized in front of Naruto as he sat up on the couch. "Oh, Naruto," The fox said, "You're awake." "Why'd you bring me here?" Naruto asked, "Is something wrong?" Kyuubi yawned and shook her head. "Yes. There is something wrong."

Naruto snapped to attention. "What is it? Is the room not right? Are you sick? What is it?" Kyuubi chuckled, "Kami Naruto. Calm down. Breathe." It was adorable how much the teen cared for her. No other container had ever cared, except for the boy's mother, Kushina. The rest just used the Bijuu for her power.

"I brought you here because I worry about you, Naruto," Kyuubi answered. "Since I live inside your mind, I have to keep an eye on your health and threats to it." She paused. "So your recent… depression is affecting me too. So come on. Talk to me. What's wrong?" The fox knew what was wrong. But maybe Naruto would feel better if he talked about it.

Naruto sighed. "I just feel… lonely, you know?" Naruto said. "Ever since the war ended, everyone went back to their own lives. I'd just forgotten how lonely mine was." Kyu noticed the slight sadness in his eyes, but they soon brightened. "But, at least I have you, Kyu-chan!" Kyuubi laughed. Naruto loved that laugh. It was so noble, yet light and bubbly. But still dignified in a way.

"Even so," Kyuubi continued. "I'm in your mind. As such, I am limited in our interaction." Naruto nodded sadly. The Nine Tails was a great friend to him, best friend, even, but their talks were short, and Naruto wouldn't mind living with the Kyuubi in his own apartment.

Granted, he'd have to unseal her first, which could easily kill him.

"Naruto?" Kyu said, grabbing the blonde's attention. "I have an idea that can help us both." "Really? What is it?" Naruto inquired. "Well, I want to be free and you are in desperate need of a woman," Kyu said bluntly, "Give me freedom and you have a woman." Naruto laughed. "I'd gladly give you freedom if I could," he chuckled, "And Kyu-chan, you're a fox, not a woman."

Kyuubi sighed as he said this. She loved the kid, but he could be so damn dense.

Kyuubi focused her chakra, and in an instant she was surrounded by a brilliant red flame. It circled around her quickly, and Naruto shielded his eyes. As the flame abruptly went out, and took the bright light with it, Naruto uncovered his eyes, and what he saw made his jaw drop.

Kyuubi was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

She was 5'10", with long, flowing dark red hair. Her hair was as straight as an arrow, and her bangs were short, just covering her forehead. Her eyes were crimson colored, blending nicely with her creamy white skin. She had a bouncy, generous D cup bust sporting perfect pink nipples, and a full, highly enticing ass. Her stomach was toned and flat, the smooth skin of her abdomen beckoning to Naruto. She had full, plump lips that were practically made for kissing. Her cheekbones were high and rosy, even her eyelashes had a noble beauty to them.

Naruto's eyes went southward, about to lay eyes on Kyuubi's decadent womanhood, adorned by a beautifully trimmed triangle of crimson hair, when a bright light flashed again, and Kyuubi was dressed in a stunning black kimono with crimson trim. It was designed with black and red raging but subtle flames, representing the Nine Tail's fiery spirit.

Kyuubi's tails swished behind her, as her fox ears twitched in amusement at Naruto's expression. She leaned down and push his dropped jaw up with an audible "clop", and smirked. "You are quite the peeper, hmm? All that time with Jiraiya must've rubbed off on you."

Naruto could only stare into her crimson eyes. They were so captivating.

Kyuubi chuckled at the boy's blank stare. It was like she fried his brain. "Let's make one thing clear," she said cupping Naruto's rapidly growing groin. "You do not stare, you do not peep, you do not touch without my permission." Kyuubi's eyes flared with demonic chakra. "If you do, very bad things will happen." She squeezed little Naruto rather harshly. "Am I clear?"

Naruto nodded quickly.

Kyuubi smiled, her eyes losing their malicious gleam. "Good." "You're gorgeous Kyu-chan," Naruto finally said, "Absolutely stunning." Kyuubi blushed a little at Naruto's kind words. "But I don't know how to unseal you," Naruto said sadly. "Well I have an idea for that," Kyuubi said, "Have you heard of a seal being "shattered" before?"

Naruto shook his head. "No."

"It's an old unsealing technique that hasn't been used in several hundred years," Kyuubi explained, sitting beside Naruto on the couch. His face turned a light shade of red as the Kyuubi's thick, creamy thigh was lain over Naruto's a little. Oh, Kami, how he wanted to kiss and grope those thighs and ass.

He forgot the Kyuubi could sense his perverted, and vivid, thoughts.

She blushed furiously as the boy thought about pulling her tails and slowly stripping and kissing her. That was a kink the Kyuubi thoroughly enjoyed, but she had to make Naruto focus. Kyuubi's blushed deepened as Naruto thought about bending her over and ruthlessly pounding her, while, oddly, nipping at her ears. Kyuubi felt the tell tale signs of moisture between her legs; her ears twitched slightly.

Kami this boy is kinky.

"Naruto, focus!" she finally snapped. "I can hear your thoughts, you know!" "Oh, s-sorry, Kyu," Naruto stuttered, shaking his embarrassing train of thought. "As I was saying," Kyuubi continued, moving her legs, hoping Naruto didn't see her rub them together.

"A Jinchurikki's seal is designed to hold a specific amount of demonic chakra. But, it is possible to overload a seal, which will cause it to Shatter. The problem is you need two Bijuu and their hosts to work together to do it, or more depending on the seal."

Naruto understood. It was like putting too much chakra into a shadow clone. It would pop.

"Well, that means I'll have to find another Jinchurikki," Naruto said, "Oh! I know! Gaara!" The bijuu smiled at Naruto's enthusiasm. "Well, Naruto, you'll need more than one Jinchurikki to shatter my seal," Kyuubi admitted. "You'll need the other eight." Naruto eyes widened in shock. "You'll also need to break their seals first. If you can track them down, free them, and get them to work together, you can free me," Kyuubi finished.

Naruto thought about it. If he was to free the Bijuu using the shatter method, he would need practice. If he started with Gaara and the One-Tailed Beast…

"Her name is Ichibi no Tanuki," Kyuubi said. "She'd be more than willing to help. But you need to have Gaara on board with releasing her, or it won't work."

Naruto nodded and stood to leave. "I promise, Kyu-chan," he said sternly. "I'll free you, and your sisters." As he neared the exit, Kyuubi called, "Oh, and Naruto?" He turned to be suddenly pinned to the wall by the redheaded goddess. She kissed him forcefully, pushing her tongue into his mouth and quickly beating his tongue into submission. Kyuubi pulled away, and Naruto flinched as she rubbed her lower half against him, and he felt something moist rub against his leg.

"It's thanks to you I've gotten rather… aroused," Kyuubi whispered sultrily in Naruto's ear. "Once I get out of here you will pay in full for this." She sensually licked his ear, and smirked as Naruto shuddered slightly. "And, by the way, I love having my ears nipped and tails pulled." Kyuubi licked his cheek, and sashayed away, swinging her hips.

"Goodbye, Naruto," she said huskily, winking over her shoulder. "I'll see you soon, ne?"

With that, she vanished.

Naruto jumped awake in his bed. He sighed noticing his raging hard-on. "Kyu-chan is a tease."

He could've sworn he heard her chuckle in the back of his mind.