
Chapter Twenty-Epilogue

Several Months later:

"Do you see them," Cyborg's voice echoed through the mic as he hurried down an alley off main street.

"They're not heading north," Raven confirmed on her side.

"How bout south? Anyone over there?"

"Nothing over here," Starfire confirmed as she flew overhead.

"It's not like they could just disappear," Cyborg added letting out a frustrated groan. "And who attacks an empty robot factory anyway?"

"It belong to Chang so maybe their looking for him," Raven pointed out.

"Is he even still in Jump City," Beast boy asked.

"We have not fought against him in some time, yes." Starfire added.

"We need to focus on the mission. Everyone keep your eyes open." Cyborg grumbled something under his breath in response to their leader's order but did as he was told.

"I spotted em! Heading east towards the docks," Beast boy announced before changing into a cheetah to chase after their target. Cyborg pulled up a map on his arm to confirm Beast boy's location for the rest of the team to see.

"Isn't that near Slade's old place," Raven asked.

"It is. I'm close to that location. I'll head that way now."

"Are you sure," Raven's tone had a hint of concern to it.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"We'll head that way as well then," Cyborg stated as he turned on his heel in the opposite direction.


It seemed that he got there first. The place was clearly abandoned as a layer of dust covered everything. The computers had been removed and the pile of destroyed commandos remained untouched since that last fight here. Being in this place brought back so many unsettling memories but they had faded over the last several months. Still he took a minute to inhale a deep breath of stale air in order to clear his head.

There was a noise behind him and he turned just as a blade was swung in his direction. He moved quickly, grabbing his staff off his back and blocking his front just in time. It was difficult not to stare in shock. The woman before him was the same one that helped Slade the last time he was here. Starfire was right-everything about her was like Slade. From her outfit to her eye patch, there was no mistaking she was in league with him. She was also equal to him in strength as he was unable to push her back quickly. She suddenly grinned deviously.

"You're not who I was expecting," she pointed out. He let out a grunt of exertion as he shifted his weight forward more.

"Same goes for you." She finally jumped back, spinning around to attack from a different angle. He managed to block that blow as well. He quickly kicked her away but didn't manage to knock her off her feet. "So what do we call you? Miss Slade?" The woman sneered at his statement.

"It's Ravager. And what are you, Blue bird?" She pointed her sword at the emblem on his chest.

"Nightwing, actually. So we doing this?" He tightened the grip on his staff and it expanded.

"I guess I can play with you for awhile," she decided as she charged forward.

The End