I want to start off by saying that I'm sorry for the very long wait for this update. I blame the writers' block and life getting in the way. Second, I would like to say a big thank you to Darkfire1220 for creating the previous chapters and allowing me to adopt his story. Now I would like to officially welcome you all to the first chapter of the continuation of 'Dragonearth,' and as always, please review, and thanks for reading!

Chapter 31: Decisions

Since it was intended for draconic use, the Fairy Tail Thunder Hall was naturally big. The hollowed-out mountain's Great Hall is a vast cave that has a high ceiling that can allow for a dragon to stand at full height or even hover a little off the ground and is wide enough to accommodate all of the dragons of the Thunder to be present and still have room left over.

Because the Thunder Hall's intended for dragons, it had been clear of obstacles, so the dragons have room to live. However, that doesn't mean that it has nothing in it. Even though built for dragons, the Hall was still open for all of the people of Magnolia to come and go as they pleased, though few ever did. When humans did stay for more extended periods, there were tables built into an alcove that was the right size for any human visitors.

Inside this alcove, there were several tables made of stone. Each table was about three feet tall and had enough room for six people to sit on. The tables are spread out around the alcove, to give each table both space and privacy. The entire place looked like an indoor picnic area. As such, Lucy and the two dragonelles were the only ones there.

"Wow, Luce, these new chapters you wrote are amazing. The character development has progressed so much since the last time you let me read it, but I like it. It really adds a depth of character to the entire story. Plus that twist in the middle, I totally didn't see it coming!" exclaimed Levy, in her humanized form, while holding Lucy's manuscript.

Lucy's cheeks turned slightly pink at her friends' compliment. "Thank you so much, Levy. Finding good inspiration hasn't been hard with all that's been happening recently."

"And I'm sure that fishing trip with Dragion wasn't any help at all, right?" Levy said in a teasing voice with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I-I wouldn't go th-that far," Lucy stammers as her face turns from light pink to dark red. "I-it did help me get over my writers' block at least. Anyway *cough*, what do you think of the book Wendy?"

Wendy, who had been sitting with the two girls this whole time, looked up from her copy of the manuscript and said, "This is amazing, Lucy. I may not be as far into your book as Levy is, I really like it, and I'd like to read more if I can."

"Of course you can read more, Wendy. You can read as much of my work as you would want."

"Thanks, Lucy. By the way, I was wondering why you started writing these stories in the first place? I'm confused about why a human would want to since they don't live very long."

Lucy looked over at Levy as her face morphed into one of nostalgia that the dragonelle mirrored.

"Well, Wendy, it's a long story from a long time ago. It was well over a decade ago, a few years before you and the others started raiding our territory as a matter of fact, when I was still just a little girl. When I was little, I was very hyper and full of energy, always running around the house, crashing into stuff and causing my parents to worry.

"It was especially hard to calm me down when it was dark and time for bed. No matter what anyone did, it was impossible to calm me down. The only thing that ever worked was the storybook legends my mother would tell me before bed. I always loved hearing those legendary stories about heroes fighting ancient monsters and villains with the help of their dragon friends and the guidance of the spirits.

"Back then, I hadn't gone up to the Thunder Hall and met everyone yet…"

"Yeah, cause Layla didn't think that she could handle a young Lucy running wild with a bunch of huge dragons walking around that might step on her by accident." Levy interrupted with a small laugh at the memory.

That caused Lucy to stiffen and blush while it made Wendy giggle behind her hand.

"*cough*…Anyway, back to what I was saying, since I hadn't met everyone yet, all I had to look forward to was that book of stories. They always made me so happy when I heard them and made me want to be involved in one of those adventures. I became so fascinated by those old stories that going on an experience like that became my dream.

"So one day, after reading that book again, I somehow worked up the courage to go up to my mom and ask her to teach me how to be a Spirit Priestess. She was surprised at first, but after she learned why it was that I wanted to learn, she was more than willing to teach me, and the training wasn't by any means easy. But learning how to be a Spirit Priestess was something that I needed to learn to fulfill my dream.

"After a few years, just after I turned ten actually, my parents finally thought that I was old enough to go and visit the dragons in the Thunder Hall. I was ecstatic to finally be able to meet the dragons that lived with us. We left early and made our way up the mountainside to the entrance to the Thunder Hall. When we got up there, we ran into Makarov and Erza in their human forms as they were walking out on their way down to the town, and I recognized them from when they visited our house sometimes.

"Walking in, I was amazed by all of the different dragons that were there. There were so many there that I was mesmerized for a moment, and I forgot why I was there. It only lasted for a second, though, because I was running around like a headless chicken as I tried to make as many dragon friends as I could, and that's how I met Levy." Lucy said as she looked over at her friend with a fond look.

"It was funny watching her run around, so I tried to go up to her to try and stop her. I failed. But I got her to stop long enough so we could start talking," Levy said while returning Lucy's fond look with one of her own. "It was amazing. It was almost like we were born to be best friends; we hit it off so well after only just meeting."

"After that, we spent so much time together doing anything we could think of doing. We would play games like tag and hide-n-seek over by the pond when Levy was in her human form. It wasn't that long after that we learned that some towns were raided in our territory by rogue dragons."

Wendy sweatdropped and turned her head with a nervous laugh.

"Sometimes, I would even offer to take her flying with me since I had just gotten my wings, but she was always too afraid."

"Wait, Lucy, does that mean you're scared of heights?" Wendy asked in a surprised voice.

"No, not anymore. I got over that a long time ago when mom made Erza take me flying." Lucy explained.

"We would also talk about anything and everything we could think of," the dragonelle said, continuing the story, "but what we probably did more than anything was reading books together. We would spend hours at a time doing nothing but reading together."

"That's how my writing career started, with the two of us reading books. It was when Levy and I were reading together in my room. I was reading my favorite book, the one with the legends, when Levy asked me "why I read that book so often," so I told her about my dream to go on an adventure."

"I was astounded and impressed when I heard her dream. We weren't any older than twelve years old, and she wanted to go on an amazing adventure. I asked her what she wanted to do during her dream, and she told me this wild story. When she finished, I thought it was excellent, and I told her that she should write it down."

"I ended up listening to her and wrote my dream down on paper. After I finished writing it, I gave my complete story to my mom and Levy to read, and I haven't stopped writing since." Lucy finished her story with a happy look on her face.

"Wow, Lucy, that was such a nice story," Wendy said.

Lucy was about to respond to Wendy's praise when she noticed that Mira was walking over towards their table, humanizing as she walked.

"Have any of you seen Lisanna? I haven't seen her all day, and I can't seem to find her anywhere." Mira asked as she walked up to the three girls.

The two dragonelles shook their heads no, but Lucy said yes. She had seen the Tigress Dragonelle as she made her way up the mountain.

"Yeah, I thought I saw her flying outside when I got here."

"She's outside? Doing what?" Mira asked, confused.

"Just flying around the mountain in circles, I think. She looked like she was thinking about something pretty hard. I don't know if she's still up there, though. She might have flown off somewhere else."

"Why don't we go check on her?" Wendy offered, standing up from the table, "maybe she could use our help?"

The three girls glance at each other for a moment and shrug. Lucy and Levy stood up from the table as well, and the four made their way towards the entrance to the Thunder Hall.

Upon arriving, they turn their gaze to the sky to see the Tigress Dragonelle still circling the mountain. Even from down on the ground, it was apparent that something was bothering the young dragonelle greatly. The four girls stood there for a while in silence, watching their friend circle the mountain they called home.

"It does look like she's thinking about something pretty hard," Levy said, breaking the silence that fell over them, "It's kind of strange, she never used to go flying all on her own, unless it was to hunt."

"That's true. Lisanna's been acting a lot differently lately. Like she's always distracted over something." Mira said.

"Really? How did she act before?" Wendy asked.

"She used to wear her feelings on her wing, you could always tell what she was feeling at any given moment," Lucy explained, "She didn't like it when the people she cared about, whether dragon or human, got hurt. So whenever an argument started in the Hall or if dragons from another Thunder wanted a fight, she would try everything she could to stop the fighting. She also used to be so understanding. Like if someone were annoying others, she would try to get them to stop being annoying."

"And if something were bothering her, she would always talk with Mira or me or someone else from the Thunder," Levy added.

"Yeah, and now she's been acting secretive, she participated in the fight with Jose, and she's snapped at people when they do something stupid or are annoying." Mira finished.

"You know, now that I think of it, she didn't start acting differently till about a month or so before Wendy, and the others came to the Thunder. And she's been spending a lot of time with Natsu recently. I wonder if there's a connection." Levy pointed out.

Lucy bites her lip as the memories of Lisanna's past with Natsu comes to mind from what Levy said.

"I doubt that there's a connection between those two, and besides, we shouldn't get involved in their personal lives. It isn't any of our business."

"Lucy, aren't you concerned with how Lisanna has been acting?"

"Maybe a little, but I'm sure she has a good reason for it."

"If she does have a good reason for how she's been acting, then I want to hear it." Mira interrupts, "Why don't we just go ask them."

"Mira, I really don't…"

Lucy's concerns fall on deaf ears as Mira reverts to her dragon form. The Demon Dragonelle took off and hovered in front of the others, turning to look at them.

"Levy, why don't you come with me to talk with Lisanna. Wendy, Lucy, why don't you go talk with Natsu."

Levy and Wendy nodded while Lucy just sighed in defeat.

(Natsu, if you're awake, Wendy and I are coming to talk to you about Lisanna.) Lucy told Natsu through their link.

(Why are you doing something so pointless?) Natsu sent back.

(Because Mira and Levy are concerned about how she's acting and they figured out that you have something to do with it.)

(How the hell did they figure that out? I thought we were careful.)

(Obviously not careful enough. Now, Mira and Levy are going to talk with Lisanna, and they're making Wendy, and I talk with you,)

(*Sigh* fine. I was getting ready to leave, so let's make this quick. I'll try to throw them off a little. You try to do the same.) Natsu said, ending their mental conversation.


The two girls made their way over to Natsu's cave. It was easy to find the Fire Drake's cave since it had scorch marks all around it.

Walking in, Wendy expected to find Natsu still asleep in his cave, snoring louder than an avalanche. But what they found was the drake wide awake and looking like he was preparing to leave.

Wendy reverted to her dragon form and padded up to the larger dragon, "Are you going somewhere, Natsu?"

"I'm just going hunting Wendy, nothing major. So, what's up?"

"We were talking with Mira and Levy about Lisanna's behavior, and Levy noticed that something was going on with you two."

Natsu tried to act surprised and confused by what Wendy told him, "I haven't noticed anything weird about Lisanna lately. What did Levy see that made her think something was going on with us?"

Lucy strode further into the cave to stand near Wendy's side, "She noticed that the two of you have been spending a lot of time together, anything you want to tell us?"

Lucy winked at her dragon partner to show that she was just putting on an act as they agreed. Natsu inwardly sighed at his partner's bad acting.

"Guys, we're just friends. The Thunder doesn't let us be anything different, remember?" Natsu said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I guess you're right, but then why are you spending so much time with her?" Wendy asked, still pressing the issue.

"I'm allowed to spend time with my friends, right?" Natsu responded, trying to throw the young dragonelle off.

Feeling that the conversation had ended, Natsu lightly flicks the little dragonelle with his tail playfully and strides out of his cave.

Jumping down into the Great Hall, the drake walks over towards Erza.

"Hey Erza, let the old drake know that I'm going hunting for a while 'kay."

The Blade Dragonelle looked at him in bewilderment, "You know Smaug isn't going to like that you're skipping out on training to go eat. Why don't you go tell him yourself?"

"Because he seems to like you better. If he asks, tell him that I'm not going to take any more moments for granted. He'll know what I mean by that."

With that, he extended his wings and took off out of the Thunder Hall, passing a certain Tigress Dragonelle, her sister, and her friend as he went.



While the others were talking about her, Lisanna had a little internal debate going on.

I want to go and join Natsu at the waterfall cave.

If I go, I'll be taking a pretty big risk that I can't take back.

But if I don't go, then I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

But if I do go and we're found out, there will be severe consequences for both of us.

Who cares if there are consequences, I care about the hothead and isn't that what's important?

But what about Mira and Elfman? If we're found out, it won't just hurt me and Natsu but them too.

It's just like Layla said, don't we all deserve to find love as much as the leaders do?

Layla isn't a dragon. She doesn't know how high the consequences of this choice could be on the Thunder, Natsu, and me.

But after all that the two of us have been through, all the moments we've shared, the kiss we had, it wouldn't be right not to try to be with him.

I know I'll get my heartbroken. It isn't a possibility. It's almost guaranteed.

Natsu said that rules are only a suggestion, and he's right. It's not about rules, it is about our hearts, and my heart is telling me to try.

Even if…

Lisanna couldn't finish her thought as she was interrupted by her sister and Levy flying into her path. The three dragonelles stopped in midair in front of each other. They stayed there in midair, staring at each other for a moment before Mira gave a quick jerk of her head towards the mountaintop and took off in that direction, followed closely by Levy.

Upon reaching the ledge at the peak, the dragonelles reverted to their human forms to talk.

"What's going on, Mira, Levy? Is something the matter?" Lisanna asked in confusion. In their human forms, Lisanna was able to see the troubled looks that the two were giving her.

"Lisanna, we're concerned about how you've been acting lately," Mira said bluntly.

A confused look comes over Lisanna's face, "What are you talking about, Mira?"

"You have been acting differently lately, Lisanna. Even Lucy has noticed, and it's starting to worry us." Levy said as she stepped closer to her friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about Levy. I've been acting the same as I always have." Lisanna replied, sweat starting to form on her brow.

"No, you haven't. You haven't for a while now, and it's becoming more obvious by the day. You're hiding something Lis, and it's about time you stop hiding from your friends."

Oh gods, did they figure out what's been going on with Natsu and me? I thought I was hiding it so well.

"Levy, really, I'm not hiding anything. You guys are worrying about nothing." Lisanna said before turning back into a dragon and flying away.

Lisanna hoped that would be the end of that conversation, but Mira was having none of it. She and Levy became dragons again and followed the Tigress Dragonelle, determined to get to the bottom of what Lisanna was hiding.

Mira circled in front of her sister and stopped her again in the air, "We're not done talking, Lisanna."

Lisanna tried to turn around but found Levy at her back, boxing her in. Seeing that she was trapped, Lisanna turned back to her sister to continue their conversation.

"You never used to hide things from us, Lisanna, and now that's all you seem to be doing. Please, tell us what's going on, I promise that we'll listen to whatever you have to say and anything you say will stay between us." Mira pleaded.

It was at that moment that Natsu flew past the trio heading south. Even after he passed, Lisanna kept her gaze on the retreating form of the Fire Drake.

"Does it have something to do with Natsu?" Levy asked with a knowing voice.

Lisanna was startled at the question and turned toward her friend. Lisanna opened her mouth to respond but hesitated.

That hesitation was all the two needed to conclude an answer.

"I promise you, there is nothing wrong, and it has nothing to do with Natsu," Lisanna said finally before flying back into the Thunder Hall and going straight into her cave to continue the debate from earlier.

The others are starting to figure it out. If that isn't a sign that this is a bad idea, then I don't know what is.

It doesn't matter. I still want to follow Natsu to the waterfall cave.

Even if it means getting hurt in the process?

Yes. I know it's risky, but nothing of worth comes without a level of risk.

But what if the risk is too great? If things go wrong, I could lose the only home I've ever known.

But if I stay at the Thunder, then Natsu will hate me, and I might lose the only chance I'll ever have at being happy.

I'll be happy staying with the Thunder and my family. I want to find love more than anything, but not if it means losing everything I care about in my life.

Can I really call that happiness? By living each day of my life regretting giving up my chance at love? I'd rather take the opportunity to be happy than to be miserable.

I'd rather be miserable than alone.

But I won't be alone. I'll have Natsu, and even if I can't see them every day, I'll never lose Mira and Elfman.

And what happens if things don't work out with Natsu? I'll have given up everything for nothing.

This choice is too hard to make. No matter what I choose, I'll end up losing something important to me.

At that, Lisanna decided that she had better go to sleep. While she was still debating, it had gotten quite late. Laying down in her nest, Lisanna drifted off to sleep with one thought in her head.

What am I going to do?


The next day was almost exactly similar to the day before. Lisanna woke up early and spent the entire day flying around the Thunder Hall, debating what she was going to choose. Mira and Levy interrupted her debate again to try and get her to spill her secrets.

This time, however, they brought Elfman with them, and none of them were taking "I'm fine," and "I'm not hiding anything," for an answer. It got so bad that Lisanna had to fly down to Magnolia, turn into a human, and outrun her friend and her siblings all day just to get a little privacy to continue the debate.

And that's how it went for the next three days after as well. With Lisanna flying around the area near the Thunder to find a quiet place to think and debate with herself, Mira, Levy, and Elfman chased her around all-day no matter where she ran, interrogating her for answers. It was like one giant game of tag that spanned days.

But at the end of that game, Lisanna had made her decision. It certainly wasn't the most straightforward choice she has ever have to make, not to mention the harassment from her siblings and friend. But at the end of the day, Lisanna found enough time alone to make her decision. Whether or not that decision was the right one, only time could tell, but she would see that decision through to the end.

Just wait for me Natsu, I'll be there soon!


When Lisanna woke up the next day, it was barely light out. She was much too excited and nervous to get much sleep, so she was ready to leave quickly. She made her way out of her cave and down into the Great Hall to see that Mira was the only one awake at this hour.

Just my luck.

"Mira, I'm going hunting for a few days, let master Makarov know please," Lisanna said before walking to the entrance. She wanted to leave quickly so her sister couldn't stop her with a bombardment of questions.

Mira did nothing but nod as she watched her sister leave. After chasing and losing Lisanna for the past few days, Mira realized that Lucy was right. She was invading her sister's privacy, and she needed to stop. She trusts her sister. That should be enough.

Lisanna was confused about why her sister would just let her leave like this when she was chasing her the past two days, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Leaping from the ground, she was just about to fly outside, when she ran face-first into a runic barrier that appeared in the doorway.

"The hell…" Lisanna cursed as she went reeling from hitting the barrier.

"Lisanna, what happened?" Mira called in a shocked and concerned voice as she ran to her sister's side.

"She ran into my magic." a voice called out as a black and green dragon rounded a corner from outside the Hall.

At fifty-five feet long, this dragon towered over both dragonelles considerably. He had thick, square scales that covered him from head to tail that were as black as ink, with claws and teeth as sharp as any dagger. The drake had a wild mane of emerald green hair from its head to the base of its tail. The tail was unique. Long and thin with a sword-like tip with silver feathers just behind it that made it look like a quill. At the head, his right eye was a mass of scars that kept the eye shut, the drake's left eye was narrow and sharp as he glared at the sisters. On top of his head were two horns that looked like lightning bolts on either side of his mane that seemed to be of the same emerald color. The wings were like a bat's with its webbing the color of the scales.
