Chapter 1 (Padme's POV)

It's been three weeks since the Clone Wars has ended. Three weeks since the Jedi found out about mine and Anakin's marriage. Instead of expelling him, they gave Anakin the rank of Jedi Master and a sit on the Council. They said that he proved that a Jedi can have an attachement and not get distracted from a mission. So, the Code was changed and now Knights and Masters can have a relationship. I was very happy when Anakin told me this. Even if we can make our marriage public, we both decided to wait until the babies are born. Soon after Palpatine's death I went to the doctor to see if the baby was healthy. It was a big surprise when she told me that I'm pregnant with twins.

My family still doesn't know about my marriage or the babies. I want to tell them everything, but I'm afraid of what they are going to say. My parents will probably be dissapointed in me that I hid this from them. I think Sola will be happy for me, but of course that she will be a little upset because of the lie. Ryoo and Pooja are the only ones who know about me and Anakin being together. Leave it to them to catch me kissing my husband.

I snap out of my thoughts since I have to get ready to go down in front of the Senate's building. Today we are finally going to announce peace after more than three years of war. I still wear a voluminous dress to hide my pregnancy. Perhaps after today I will be able to leave to Naboo without anyone realising until I am already gone. The Senators know that tomorrow I will be officially on maternity leave. I only hope that Anakin will be able to come with me.

"Chancellor Amidala, it is time" my assistant comes to tell me.

"Right. Let's go and get this done. This Galaxy deserves to be free".