The four days were finally up. They could all finally come off their wards again. It was like a breath of fresh air to finally have a little freedom back. Well as much as they were ever going to get living in a hospital.

Cat decided to bounce down the corridor to Jade's room (as it was the closest to hers).

"Hiiiiii" Cat shouted in a chirpy tone.

"Hey Cat" Jade replied in a not so chirpy voice.

"You don't sound very happy" Cat said with a pout on her face.

"No I am. I'm just tired. That's all" Jade replied.

"Oh. Well I know what might cheer you up" Cat chirped.

"What?" Jade said in a confused tone.

"The nurses on my ward said we can all have a sleepover in my room, and I've already woken everyone else up and asked them. They're all innnnnn" Cat said happily clapping her hands together.

"I guess it could be fun. We've not seen each other in a while" Jade replied.

"Yayy! It'll be so fun" Cat said practically jumping.

It was now 12 noon.

Cat and Jade were walking through the hospital, bored, trying to figure out something to do. In the distance, they could see what looked like Beck having a heated discussion with a doctor. They just looked at each other in confusion and walked closer to hear what was being said.

"What do you mean I have to stay for at least another year? That's insane! I'm not doing that!" Beck said in anger.

"Well unfortunately, you have no choice in the matter. Your parents have already signed the agreement" said the doctor calmly.

"This is crazy" Beck said whilst storming off, looking obviously annoyed.

Jade approached the annoyed Beck to see what was wrong.

"Beck what's wrong?" Jade said expressing her concern.

"Apparently I can't leave this hospital for at least another year" Beck said angrily whilst using her fingers to air quote what the doctor said.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, we're all in the same position" Jade said calmly.

"The same position? Are you kidding? You're just wasting a hospital bed here instead of someone that really needs it. You don't have to be in this hospital. You don't have to be here!" Without another word, he stormed off. It was clear that he had only said those words out of anger, but they really got into Jade's head. It really made her feel bad. It made her feel selfish.

Jade just stood there in complete shock and a little upset. But also a little mad too. He had no right to say that. He had no right to be so hurtful! Cat and Jade just walked off in complete and utter disbelief.

After Beck had calmed down about everything, he started considering that it might not be so bad that he had to stay in hospital a lot longer than he had anticipated. At least he could spend time with his friends and especially Jade. Then suddenly his eyes shot open wide. Jade! He remembered how he was so mean to her before for no good reason. He didn't mean what he said. He was just angry and confused about everything. He knew he had to speak to her. He knew he had to apologise and make things right.

In Tori's Room:

She was packing all of her things for the sleepover. This was going to be so much fun! She hadn't seen any of her friends for 4 days. It would be a good time for them to catch up. She was racing around her room getting everything together but suddenly had shortness of breath (Heart murmur symptom). She knew the best thing to do was sit down and relax a little. After a while she felt okay again. André came into her room to see if she'd finished getting her stuff ready for the sleepover.

"Heyyy" André said in a weird voice.

"Hi" Tori said not very enthusiastically.

"What's up. You don't seem very happy" André replied raising an eyebrow.

"No, it's okay now, I'm fine. And I am really excited for this sleepover!" Tori said.

"Then why don't you tell your face that" André said whilst laughing.

"Sorryy. I just couldn't catch my breath before" Tori said trying to pass it off as not important.

"Well do you want me to bring the nurse?" Andre asked.

"No no honestly, it's nothing. It happens a lot" Tori continued.

"Oh right, so it's to do with your heart?" Andre asked.

"Yeah it's fine" Tori muttered. It kind of embarrassed her a little. It's like, she didn't feel normal.

A little later on, Beck was searching around for Jade, she wasn't in her room, she didn't seem to be anywhere. He went through the old folks unit (not looking for her there. Just passing through) but suddenly, he saw her. She was sat at a desk calling out the bingo numbers for the old people. (Her unit all had to volunteer to do a good deed). He just leaned against the wall, waiting for her to finish. At first, she didn't even notice him, but right before she had nearly finished calling out the bingo numbers, she caught him from the corner of her eye and her head darted to his direction. She just frowned and looked back at the sheet of paper in front of her, and then to the bingo balls. After the bingo had finished, she got up, attempting to avoid Beck at all costs. She knew he was waiting for her, but she didn't want to talk to him. She just tried to walk right past him, not making eye contact, but he grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"Hey" Beck said coolly. Jade just looked at him and then his hand on her arm, then removed it and attempting to walk away again.

"Will you wait up! Please!" Beck said almost begging.

"Why? So you can yell at me again?" Jade said trying to walk away.

"Look I'm sorry! Really sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that. It wasn't true" Beck said, looking really sorry. "I was just mad about everything and I didn't mean to take it out on you" Beck continued.

Jade just looked at him. She wasn't entirely sure if she even forgave him.

"Come on! We've been really REALLY good friends for so long now! Don't let this ruin it!" Beck said almost pleading.

"Well maybe I don't wanna be friends anymore!" Jade said angrily. (Not meaning any other than what she said).

"Neither do I!" Beck said and before Jade could even think he just kissed her. Jade was taken by complete shock and surprise, she didn't know how to react. She kissed back but she didn't know why. The minute they broke apart, they could here Cat screaming Jade's name from around the corner. Jade just looked at Beck in complete shock, and just walked away in Cat's direction. (Cat hadn't seen anything). After Jade was out of Beck's sight, a large grin spread across his face as he walked away in the opposite direction.

It was almost time for the sleepover in Cat's room. Jade was freaking out. Beck was going to be there and she didn't know how she was supposed to act after that had happened. She was pacing up and down her room. Just completely freaking out. Finally, she decided to sit on the couch. Running her fingers through her hair, she started to calm down. But what the hell was she going to do?

In Cat's room:

Tori, Andrè, and Beck were all there. They had brought all of the things they would need. Jade and Robbie were yet to show.

"I wonder were Jade and Robbie are" Cat said with a confused face, scratching her head, which caused Beck to look up from his phone.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon" Tori said, reassuring Cat. "This is going to be such a fun night!" Tori continued.

"I knowww!" Cat screeched, clapping her hands together.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Jade appeared in her pyjamas and slippers, with her bag and a HUGE fluffy blanket and pillow. Beck and Jade shared a look but was quickly cut off my Trina following behind Jade with a extremely large musical sleeping bag (that's right. A MUSICAL sleeping bag). Tori looked at Jade with her eyebrow raised.

"I couldn't talk her out of it. She absolutely insisted and when I said no she starting scream singing and got all of her stuff and followed me" Jade said casually, acting like it was normal (to her, it was normal, she was used to it seen as her room was right next door to hers).

"Where am I sleeping" Jade asked, motioning to Cat.

"You can have that comfy chair there" Cat said, motioning to the chair. (It was a little swirly sofa chair).

Without another word, Jade put her HUGE blanket on the chair, followed by her huge fluffy pillow. "So what should we do?" Jade asked.

"Oh oh I know" Cat screeched putting her hand in the air. "I have monopoly" Cat said, getting out a monopoly box.

Interrupting, Robbie walked in holding Rex (the puppet). He only had one shoe on and was clearly out of breath.

"What happened to you? Asked Andrè with a confused look on his face.

"Well you know that weird guy, Damien?" Said Robbie, getting his breath back. "Mmhmm" replied Andrè, still confused but half not paying attention. "Well he chased us for no reason for 20 minutes and when I couldn't run anymore I stopped to ask him what his deal was and he just started laughing and took my left shoe! AND Rex's" Robbie said holding Rex's foot up. "Put my foot down" Rex said in a sharp tone. Causing Robbie to drop Rex's foot.

"Well anyway, let's play monopoly" Tori said, just trying to get her head around the weird things that happen in this hospital.

The gang went on to play monopoly but it was cut short as Robbie flipped the board as he was losing.

"Hey!" Tori shouted. "You're a sore loser" she continued

Jade had avoided Beck at all costs so far. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Beck new he had to try and speak to her on her own. He just needed to find the right time. Tori was a little worried about her heart, but she felt okay, she just thought to her self, she would ask the nurse tomorrow.

"Oh just forget it, it was getting pretty boring anyway. Who wants to play Never Have I Ever?" Andre suggested

"Ohh I love that game!" Tori said happily

"Boringggg. I've practically done everything because I'm Trina and Trina is ahead of everyone else" Trina said in a very annoying, loud voice.

"You don't HAVE to play Trina" Tori said sarcastically.

"I'm still playing!" Trina shouted.

"Fine! Let's start" Tori said.

"Cat, you go first" André said, pointing at her.

"KAY Kaay" Cat squealed in excitement. "Never have I ever licked a unicorn" Cat said holding 10 fingers up.

"Caaatt! No one has done that!" Tori complained.

"What's that supposed to mean" Cat said in a defensive voice.

"Nothinggg! Let's carry on. Never have I ever been arrested" Tori said.

Both Robbie and Trina put one finger down.

"Whooaa I didn't expect that" André said.

"It wasn't my fault! The police man thought I was crazy because I was wandering around the streets with no pants on! It wasn't my fault! They were taken by street toughs!" Robbie said defensively.

"And it wasn't my fault either! It was a misunderstanding! I was only trying to speak to the record producer but he drove off so I jumped on top of his car and sang him a song!" Trina screamed.

"MOVING ON!" Tori said in a loud voice.

"MY TURN! Never have I ever fainted!" Trina said aggressively.

Jade and Tori put down a finger. Everyone looked at them both.

"OKay, I can understand rexo over here" André said pointing at Jade, "But why did you faint Tori?" Andre asked.

"It was so long ago. It was probably from the heart condition I didn't even know I had back then. But howw was I supposed to know that?" Tori said defensively.

"O-kay" Andre said holding his hands up.

"Okay. I'll go. Never have I ever had to be tube fed" Tori said, trying to win the game (Trying to get people out).

Jade put a finger down. "Not fair!" Jade said. Beck was just staring at Jade. Remembering when she would cry everyday because of it.

"My turn. Never have I ever had a heart attack" Jade said glaring at Tori.

"I DIDN'T HAVE A HEART ATTACK SO HA" Tori said loudly.

Jade just mimicked Tori by mouthing her words.

The gang carried on playing Never Have I Ever, Robbie won. (It turns out he hasn't done a lot)

They played quite a few games, they were now on twister. Cat found it difficult with her oxygen tank, but of course, being Cat, she managed it fine. Beck was dangling over Jade, and then he realised, if he wanted to talk to her, he could just get them both out by falling on her. So that's exactly what he did, causing her to scream.

"Beck! Well now we both lose!" Jade screamed. Beck just pulled her to the side of the room.

"I need to speak to you, come outside the room" Beck said pulling her out of the room by her arm.

Jade just looked at Beck as they were stood out die the room, waiting for him to say something. The rest of the gang didn't notice they left the room.

"Listen, we really need to talk about what happened before" Beck said."You know how I feel about you! And I know you feel the same way too!" Beck blurted out, not being able to hold it back.

Jade just looked at him in complete shock. She didn't think he felt anything for her, and after what happened, she didn't know what to think. But she sure as hell didn't think that. She didn't think anyone could feel that way for HER.

"I don't understand. Guys like you don't LIKE girls like me? I'm not blonde or popular or worrying about what party i'm going to this weekend" Jade said passionately meaning every word.

"How can you say that? You're amazing! Your caring, smart and beautiful! I don't understand why you can't see that!" Beck said meaning every word.

"Well I don't know who the hell you're talking about but it sure isn't me" Jade muttered, looking at the ground.

"You need to focus less on liking other people and more on liking yourself!" Beck replied.

"I don't know how to do that" Jade said in all seriousness. "Anyway, why are you saying all of this now?" Jade continued.

"Because I want us to work, I really want this, but do you?" Beck asked.

"How on earth are we supposed to do that" Jade said half laughing.

"We'll figure it out" Beck assured her, laughing, whilst grabbing Jade's hand and leading her back inside.

They had a really fun night. One of the best they'd ever had in the hospital. Everyone started yawning at around 2:30 am so they all decided to go to sleep. Cat curled up in bed with her big unicorn pillow and went straight to sleep. Tori curled up in her blue sleeping bag with huge slippers on and a beanie hat on. Trina's musical sleeping bag was playing music with her voice recorded on it (it's when you can personalise it by recording your own voice on it). Jade was curled up on Cat's little sofa chair with her HUGE blanket and fluffy pillow; her incredibly long hair dangling over the side of the chair. Beck had his sleeping bag near to Jade, and André wasn't to far away either. Robbie and Rex had their matching blue striped pyjamas on, sleeping on a beanbag.

Tori was mumbling something in her sleep: "I want chinesee foood" Tori slurred in her sleep.

I hope you liked this chapter. It turns out when I write things at night I have more of an imagination and can think straight XD

My instagram is: slowly_becoming_perfect (just in case anyone wanted to know)