Author's Notes:

Right, so I found all of these yesterday. Several I'd forgotten even existed. Oops. For now I'm going to mark this story as complete because I don't intend on doing much more with this universe of characters. What I do finish will most likely be posted as standalone oneshots anyway. It's been a long journey, and hopefully much of it was enjoyable. :3

So, Loli Loud was actually the first thing ever written for that character, and I'd intended on finished it to establish her character design when she was first introduced, but... I... didn't. Sigh.

Mini Leni is wholesome. Go read that one. :3

Wetting Mr. Loud's Bed is pretty hot~ It features Kimberly, an OC that Lioxdz made, I believe. She's a friend of Leia's.

Prince Lyle is mostly wholesome. Read that after Mini Leni if you're just wanting the cute stuff! :D

Skylar Sweetwater is the first (and only?) story featuring the son of Lincoln and Lindsey Sweetwater. I wrote it within one hour of the boy being created on /TLVG/.

Finally a Woman is NTR. It's not wholesome. But, depending on your tastes, it'll either be really sickening, really funny, or really hot.

Liena, Devourer of Louds is disturbing. Just don't even read that one. I wrote it one day after weeks of /TLVG/ making those stupid "Leni is a whale" memes. Yeah, I was pretty upset. Sorry.

Disclaimer: The Loud House Copyright Nickelodeon (2019)

Volume VI

Loli Loud

Loli wakes up and comes downstairs to breakfast. She's still wearing the panties Daddy fucked her in last night.

And nothing else.

Why would she?

Daddy loves it when she's nude.

Doesn't matter that her sisters are literally vomiting out the window.

Or that her aunts are looking away with cringing frowns.

Or that her mother is nowhere to be seen.

Her eyes instinctually find Daddy lounging in the lazyboy in front of the TV.

She crawls up to him and climbs into his lap.

Curling up into a ball.

She purrs and paws at his chest.

Bats her eyelashes.


Lincoln looks at his underaged daughter.

"What is it, honey?"

Her eyes go lidded.



Her fingernails rake across his naked chest.

Daddy was only dressed in his boxers.

The same he had tugged down to his knees as he was fucking her from behind last night.

She leans closer, pressing her lips to his chin.

"Daddy~" the sound coming from her lips like a pleading moan.

Lincoln's body starts to react to her request.

And she can feel it, too.

She starts wiggling in his lap. The random movements of a child, with the precision of a horny teenager desperately trying to seduce her father.

Her breathy lips press against his parted mouth, silencing him before he can even speak.

"Daddy..." her eyes finish the question; they plea Lincoln lift her up.

The whole girl weighs nothing more than a feather to his manly arms.

He gets up and sits her back down onto the chair.

Her knees on the seat, her wrists laying on the back. She looks over her shoulder at him. Her blonde pigtails swishing across her naked back.

Lincoln looks down her back. His hands running down her warm skin. Till he sees her favorite pair of panties wrapped snugly 'round her sex. They are pink with big white letters, that read "DADDY" on them. A cute little heart follows the word, and seeing it never failed to make his own heart ba-bump a little faster.

His fingers tug at the waistband, and she grows still and obedient. His favorite daughter, sitting there for him, being good, accepting his love. Why couldn't any of his other daughters do that?

Loli is something special though. She never complains when he decides to fuck her throat deeply. Or when he cums without telling her. And she always swallows.

When Lincoln pulls her panties down over her perfectly formed bubble butt, he remembers seeing the doctor smack those right after she was born.

When the panties are tugged down mid-thigh, he sees how wet she is for him. Almost like the Amazon has flooded her thighs. And he remembers how wet she was for him that first day he saw her. He also remembers how much wetter she was after he came, but that's a story for another day...

Her panties are finally tugged down to her knees, and that is good enough. His precious little girl is wiggling on the seat now. Her breathy moans, "Daddy, daddy, daddy," repeating with desperation.

He smiles.

"Ok girl. Sit still and be a good daughter, and I'll give you a treat. How does that sound?"

Her pupils have hearts in them as she grips the chair's back with her hands and prepares herself for his first thrust.


Lincoln hears the coffee pot crash on the kitchen floor.


He just happens to look over and see Lori standing by the table, her mug tipped sideways, the boiling coffee burning on her shoes. He smirks and blows a kiss, knowing she wishes she could have his dick again, but she doesn't treat him good like Loli does. None of them do, actually. He fucks his good girl hard. Everyday. All day. Because she deserves it. Because she wants him.

He's railing his daughter pretty good once he starts thinking about how desperate Lori and the others probably are. Practically salivating and needing him. Soaking their thighs. But knowing they can't get any cause they weren't Loli.

He rams himself into his daughter so hard that the chair rocks forward, and Loli screams~

Another minute of hard fucking goes by, and Luna taps him on the shoulder.

"Dude, can you keep it down? Mr. Grouse just called and thinks someone's dying, with all the screaming your whor- uh, daughter is doing."

Lincoln can't hear her. He only has ears for his daughter's beautiful moans.

Another minute has him finishing inside her, like he usually does. As he wipes the sweat from his brow, Loli clings tightly to his chest.

He can see Lynn in the kitchen, leaning against the bar. She is grimacing.

Lola enters the living room, heading for the front door. She spits on the ground as she passes him.

Lincoln just wraps his arms around his favorite girl. He doesn't need any of those bitches cause he has something that they never gave him.

"Daddy~" Loli purrs into his neck.

Mini Leni

Bed was searching mom's cabinets in the bathroom. Her eyes gazing at each and every single item she pulled out as she slowly made a mountain of boxes and makeup in the floor.

She was trying to find a box of hair dye; her mother's to be precise.

Leni Loud was a beautiful woman in her late thirties, and she took great pride in maintaining her beauty; both for herself and her loving husband's enjoyment. As such, she detested having grey hairs, and had started dying her hair the same natural shade of blonde she'd always had. From a casual glance, you wouldn't notice any difference. But no grey would be seen.

Bed needed it, not to get rid of grey hairs, but to remove the black hair on her head.

Ever since she was adopted by her mother, she'd tried her best to become just like her.

She walked like her, tried to become a bit more clumsier (at her own risk, too), and tried everything her mother did. She even drank a sip of every smoothie her mom made, even when they tasted awful!

The young girl had started practicing Leni's facial expressions in the mirror a few months back, and she did great impersonations.

She was basically an expert on the correct way to say "Totes!" in any imaginable situation.

But it was never enough because she didn't look like her mother.

So, here she was in her parents' bathroom, wearing one of Leni's mint green dresses (which hung really loosely and trailed behind her like a bride's train.)

And she was going to find that hair dye and apply it to her hair, giving herself beautiful blonde hair. And finally, she'd be perfect just like her mother.

Only she couldn't find it! She'd went through all this trouble and there was no hair dye!

She sat on the ground, with the much-too-big-for-her dress spread out around her like an ocean, and put her chin on her hands.

Well, this totes sucked.

And mom chose that exact moment to come into the room and gasp.

"Bed! Why is everything on the floor?"

The young girl sighed and looked at the ground. She waited until Leni came over and knelt in front of her. She didn't want to make her mom upset, she didn't want Leni to yell at her. She just wanted to be like her.

Leni's face softened as she held her daughter's cheeks in her hands.

"I'm sorry for yelling, sweetie. But why are my things on the floor?"

Bed looked her mom in the eyes, starting to tear up; her body shaking with fear and upset.

"I tried to find the hair dye."

Leni blinked, then frowned.

"Why did you want that?"

Bed exhaled.

"I... w-want to be like you, but I couldn't find any."

Leni smiled and felt her heart warm as she pulled her little girl into her arms.

"Oh, honey, you don't need any hair dye."

Bed opened her lips, "But, I need-"

Leni pulled her into a hug.

"I just want you to be my daughter, Bethany."

The young girl heard those words, felt the emotion behind them. And she hid her pink face in her mother's golden hair, and finally let herself cry.

Leni hummed as she stroked her daughter's back, holding her close.

"I love you, Bed."

The girl broke her trained formality as she pressed her lips to her mom's hair.

"I love you, too, mommy."

Wetting Mr. Loud's Bed

"Oh crap!" Kimberly whispered as she turned, and turned, and turned, circling the room quickly, trying to find a place to hide.

"Leia! I don't know what to do!"

The door knob was turning before she found a place to hide...

So, she dived under the sheets, and pretended to be a pillow.

She'd only jumped into this room because she was trying to find a good hiding place whilst Marsha was counting, but Leia took the best one. And that left Kim with trying to hurry to a new place before Marsha finished counting.

She had no idea whose room this was, until she heard Mr. Loud come out of the bathroom; wet footsteps coming toward his bedroom door...

The same door she had been hiding behind.

But now it was too late. She couldn't escape. She was quivering under her blanket, trying to remain calm even as she heard his towel hit the ground.

Mr. Loud stretched, and she could hear his joints popping. Gosh, he was such an old man!

But she never did hear any dresser drawers or closet doors open up. There was no rustling of fabric.

He sat down on the bed, startling Kimberly so bad she held her mouth to keep from screaming.

"Oh, already in bed, Lynn?" he asked as he placed a hand on her hip.

Kim's face paled.

"Mmm, how are you so small after all these years?"

His hand drifted up to her shoulder, then to her neck.

The young girl's heart stopped as she realized she had the same body shape as Leia's atheltic aunt.

Oh crap!

He suddenly yawned and pulled his hand away.

"S-sorry, honey, I'm too tired to play tonight. Would you mind if we waited till tomorrow?"

He got under the sheets and wrapped his arm around her midriff; and Kimberly realized he was waiting for "Lynn" to reply. So, she nodded her head.

Mr. Loud pressed his body closer to hers, and his partner shivered as his hard cock touched the back of her thigh.

"Mmm," he slurred sleepily, "You like that?"

He angled his hips so his dick pressed into his wife's pajama bottoms, sliding through her butt cheeks. He heard her squeak, and he held her tighter.

Kimberly's face was burning. There was absolutely no question what that big object was that was humping her butt.

And the worst part was that it was feeling good!

Was this sex!? Was she even still a virgin!? She'd have to ask Leia...

Mr. Loud groaned and moved his hips again. This time his thick cock pushed between her thighs, and Kimberly was shocked to see him pushing all the way through and sticking out a few inches on the other side.

Damn, he was big! There'd be no way he could fit in her.

No, Kimberly, don't think about Leia's dad like that!

But she moaned anyway as he humped her thighs again and again. She started holding her legs tighter together, giving him more incentive to keep his dick close to her center.

She heard him grunt and felt his arm squeeze her painfully tight. His rock hard dick started pulsing, and then her legs felt wet. Like, really wet. And hot!

Mr. Loud slurred something that sounded like "thanks," and he fell asleep.

Kimberly slowly slipped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom.

Once there, she looked down and touched the white goo that covered her thighs.

It was sticky and smelled weird.

She wiped it off before heading back to Leia's room, hoping that neither would notice she wet herself.

Prince Lyle

Why was Lyle stuck babysitting three girls again?

Oh, that's right. Cause he was the responsible older brother.

The young boy sighed, kicking his feet along the floorboard.

He looked to his left and to his right, and sighed again.

He was sitting in a chair in the living room, watching Lizy, Bed, and Leia fight over who should be the princess in their fairy tale game.

Leia scoffed, throwing her head back and looking down on her sisters. She was the tallest girl after all.

"I am obviously the princess because I am the smartest, the prettiest, and most funniest person here."

Lyle rolled his eyes.

Every time. This happened every time! They start roleplaying. It inevitably leads to fairy tales, then to princesses and princes, then to marriage, and finally...

Shipping drama.

Literally why?

Well, Bed leaned toward the haughty blonde and bared her teeth. Her fists were shaking with sudden rage.

"Well, I should be princess because he's my brother and you suck."

Lyle blinked, then smiled. That was the most fierce he'd ever heard her speak. Go Bed!

Lizy, as timid and gentle as she always was, tugged on Leia and Bed's clothes.

"I think I should be princess."

Leia laughed.

"And why would Prince Lyle ever marry you?"

Lizy looked at him. He looked so handsome, so far away in his distant throne...

"Cause he loves me."

Bed smiled at the girl.

"He loves us all, Lizy."

The youngest girl blushed and hid her face behind her dinosaur-print shirt.

"B-but I love him too!"

This made all of them pause.

Lyle saw his two sisters, Bed and Leia, stare at each other.

Leia realized that she only wanted to feel important.

Bed realized she didn't want to lose her only brother.

But Lizy, they reluctantly admitted, truly loved him enough to marry him because she wanted to be his princess.

Leia scoffed, but didn't stop Bed from delivering the good news.

So, the ravenette knelt down before her young half-sister and hugged her.

"A-am I in trouble?" Lizy asked.

Bed smiled at her.

"No, you're ok. But we decided that, since you love Prince Lyle, you should be the Princess."

Lizy beamed and leaped at Bed, hugging her tight.

"Thanksthanksthanks!" she was nearly crying.

Bed put the plastic tiara on Lizy's head, under Leia's watchful guidance.

And Lizy did a curtsy in front of her Prince; her tiara tipping to the side, and her legs bending awkwardly.

"H-hi," she said.

"Hello, princess," said Lyle.

"Marry me!" she suddenly yelled, blushing fiercely.

The boy jumped in his seat, shocked at the loud request.


Oh, gosh, she was staring at him with those big, round, puppy dog eyes...

"M-maybe we could go on a date first?"

Lizy beamed and happily agreed.

And so, that's how Leni, Lana, and Lola found their kids all sitting together around a small table. They were having a tea party, and even Lizy's dinosaur toys were in attendance. It seemed everyone she knew and loved was there to celebrate her conquest of Prince Lyle.

Skylar Sweetwater

"I can't seem to find my daddy," the little six year old boy worried, clinging closely to the stranger's leg.

Lincoln was standing there a bit awkwardly, his hand patting the young man's head.

He'd just gotten a call from Lindsey Sweetwater to finally reveal that he had another son... with her.

He had come to this pageant to meet him.

He didn't expect for Lindsey to suddenly dump the boy on him and leave.

Alone, without either parent, young Skylar Sweetwater had tears running down his eyes as he hugged his 'uncle' Lincoln tighter and tighter.

It broke Lincoln's heart, but also made it race and gallop.

Skylar's hands kept moving up and pressing against his groin.

At first he ignored it, then he pushed them away.

What was up with this kid?

Skylar leaned his cheek against Linc's thigh, and his sorrowful breaths were heating up the man's pants.

Fuck, Lincoln was starting to feel like a creepy ass pedophile...

"Please, sir," the little shotabait whined, "help me find my daddy and I'll do anything for you."

Lincoln looked down at him; it was hard to even tell it was a boy to begin with. All that makeup, the frilly outfit, the high heels, all of it. He could pass for a girl, and if Lincoln closed his eyes for a few seconds he was sure that he could imagine this was an innocent little pageant princess in need of a strong man's help.

It would be gay if he let him suck him off, right?

Fuck! What's he thinking!? The boy's six years old!

Yeah, but no one's gonna know, will they, Lincoln?


Skylar's hand was back to stroking the zipper of his pants, his palm going up and down Lincoln's thick cock.

Fuck... maybe for a little bit...

"Unzip my pants, and I'll help you find your daddy, little girl."

Skylar flinched, but he did as he was told. He'd be this man's good little... girl... if it got him what he wanted.

Finally a Woman

Lemy was struggling against his bonds. His arms were tied behind a chair, his knees and ankles strapped to its legs. His mouth was gagged but his eyes were open and clear.

And he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Oh, Mr. Loud, you're finally awake~"

Lina was standing there, all cute and naked, with her neon blue eyebrow piercings and short messy platinum hair.

She was looking at him, giggling and winking her naughty eyes at her boyfriend.

"Did you sleep well, babe?"

Lemy growled. He had a knot on his head from when she walloped him one good with a skillet. Fucking bitch.

He screamed thru his gag, but it came out a messy bundle of absolute nonsense.

"Awww, I love you, too, hun~" the girl giggled again.

She started walking toward him, falling on her knees when she reached his legs.

"I'm gonna show you just how much I really love you, baby," her lips were close to his, her breath puffing on his face.

"So, make sure you watch all of it. I wouldn't want you to miss a thing."

Lemy's bedroom door opened, and his dad walked in, followed by Pop Pop and Lyle.

The tied up boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

What was going on?

These three dudes were also naked, their junk out and hard and swinging wildly like Tarzan.

Lina winked at him and turned around, rubbing her ass on her boyfriend's knees before leaving him.

She wet her lips as she eyed her sizable prey.

The poor girl was so horny and so indecisive, she eventually just settled for a game of "my mother said" and her finger landed on Lincoln.

Her face lit up as she skipped over to the man, already falling onto her knees like a reverent little angel. She placed her hands on his thighs and she oooh'd at his massive dick.

"Fuck, Mr. Loud, I guess your son didn't take after you. I don't even know if I can take this in my mouth..."

She looked at her boyfriend, "What do you think, Lem, should I try it?"

Lemy's face was fiercely angry, burning tears running down his cheeks.

She nodded at him, "You're right, I totally should."

Lina's eyes looked up, all big and wide.

She pressed her face against his dick and, fucking wow, his tip was laying on her forehead, his balls under her chin.

This fucking beast was gonna destroy her throat...

Lemy could never do that even at his most aroused.

That or he was gay. Pffft, she giggled again.

Oooh that would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

The girl pulled her face away, and that massive dong twitched against her lips. She gave it a kiss with her small lips, and then she opened her mouth and started taking it.

She awkwardly moved to the side so Lemy could see better. Lincoln put his hands round her head, and the girl let herself be used like a ragdoll as the man pushed more and more of his dick into her lips.

Lemy's eyes grew wide as her throat started to bulge, but dad wasn't done yet.

He went deeper, and deeper, fuck he was gonna break her!

The man finally bottomed out, his heavy balls pressing against the girl's chin and his thick pubic hair covering her nose.

He slowly pulled out, and the girl gasped for breath.

"W-wow, th-that was intense..."

She turned to Lemy.

"Why couldn't you ever choke me with your dick, babe? Am I not attractive enough?"

She ran her hands all over her sexy, nude body.

Lincoln chuckled, "Nah, you're not the problem."

He grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up, pulling her closer.

"You're fucking gorgeous."

He picked the girl up in his arms; she was hanging there like his little plaything doll.

And his lips fell on hers before she could say another thing.

Lina was hungrily devouring her new man's mouth when she felt another pair of skilled hands and lips pressing onto her back.

"Hey, honey, how's my favorite great-grandkid doing?"

She pulled her lips off her dad and turned her head to the side.

"I'm feeling much better now that a pair of real men are finally touching me."

She kissed him, too, and moaned in the kiss.

Fuck, maybe Lemy would finally be a good lover when he's in his eighties...

But Lincoln and Pop Pop were getting impatient. They were holding this hot piece of loli ass in their arms and their dicks were so ready to break her in half.

"How do you want to screw her, granddad?" Linc asked with a grin.

Pops put his hands on her round little bottom and groaned.

"You're still young and need to sire more kiddos. Mmm, and her ass is so fucking tight..."

They all heard a ton of noise from the side, but paid no attention to it. It was surely nothing. Absolutely nothing important or meaningful whatsoever.

Lincoln groaned as his dick touched Lina's wet heat.

"Fuck, were you ever this wet for Lemy?"

She sighed as both men were pushing against her two tight holes.

"Nope, he could never make me as hot as you do, Mister. Now, kiss me again, please, I've been starved for so long-"

Lincoln shut her up with his lips as he and Pops sunk their massive dicks inside her body.

Her cute girlish scream was so adorable, but her body was fucking on fire.

When one man pushed in, the other pulled out. It was a constant buffet of sexual pleasure.

Lina just happened to look to the side and her eyes grew wide.

"Oh, you're still here?"

Lemy growled, blinking his teary eyes as his body shook in pain.

"What do you think, babe? Do you like seeing your girlfriend get off on two hot dicks? I bet you wish you were your dad right now, don't you?"

Lincoln growled as he started fucking her pussy harder.

"Mmm, ah, L-Lemy, you're not made I'm letting them do me raw, are you? I really can't help it."

These were real dicks fucking her, not Lemy's broken limpstick. She wanted to feel them, but more importantly, she wanted them to breed her.

A real woman like her didn't want to get knocked up by a beta cuck. They want real men to fuck babies into them.

"Nngh, fuck me harder, daddy," she suddenly cried.

Oh, fuck, she was really gonna get off on a dick for the very first time! Fuckfuckfuck!

Pops chuckled and pulled out, letting Lincoln take his daughter and slam her against a wall.

The little thing groaned and whimpered as she tightened her legs and arms around him.

She glared up at him, "Don't you dare fucking pull out of me, Mr. Loud."

Lincoln growled as he kept pumping her good.

"Don't worry, bitch, I won't."

And he didn't. He fucking didn't. God, her little belly was swelling as he pumped her so fucking full with his sperm.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed, her nails scraping down his back. "More! I need more!"

Lincoln laughed, "Wow, all it took was a big cock and suddenly you're a nymphomaniac. Damn." He turned on his side. "You should have gave her to us a long time ago, she's been repressed far too long, son."

Pops was smiling and excited.

Always a good day when you see a fertile girl get knocked up right in front of you.

Or maybe Lincoln didn't do it yet! Maybe he had time!

Lina groaned as Pop Pop showed his superior strength and lifted her up in the air.

The girl was hanging there like a cat, but obediently wrapped her legs around him and fell onto his dick.

She whined so cutely, he had to kiss her.

"Fuck, honey, you're tighter than your mom was when she was introduced to me."

Lina's eyes were squeezed shut. Her pussy was creaming around Pop Pop, so fucking wet and slick with their sex juices that grandpa was riding her like a fucking bull.

"Do you want more cum, little girl?" he teased her.

As if he was gonna pass up splurging his cum all in her tiny womb.

He growled and she whined, and the girl finally sighed long and heavy as thick ropes of virile cum were shot deep into her belly.

Lina was sat down onto her legs, and their cum was flooding down her thighs. So much of it. Fuck, she felt pregnant already.

She looked up at Lemy and grinned.

"Oh, babe, I don't wanna be selfish in this relationship. Here," she hopped up onto his lap and pushed her pussy against his gag, "why don't we share?"

She removed the gag and forced her cum-sodden snatch into his mouth.

Lemy gagged but had no choice but to drink their fertile cum.

As she was unloading their cum into Lemy's throat, Lyle finally came over.

Aloof and bored looking, he grabbed the girl's ass and squeezed it.

"Eh, I don't see what's so special about this tail, Lemy, you could've done better. Then again, she could've as well."

Lina groaned as the boy yanked her down, so she was kneeling right on top of Lemy's lap. Her knees occasionally crushed his balls, but no one heard it cause he was gagged and it's not like it was anything important anyway.

Lina's hands grabbed Lemy's shoulders for support.

"What are you gonna do?"

Lyle sniffed as he poked her butthole.

"I'm gonna fuck the only part of you that the headband wearing hobo hasn't touched."

Lyle's talk wasn't sexy, but his dick was. It was nearly a foot long, over twice in length as Lemy's.

People often said his sister, Liena was fat, but she was actually always pregnant. Lyle's breeding tool never failed him.

"I don't wanna get something from that STD-infested roach, so-"

He crammed himself inside raw, no lube, all in one go.

Man, fuck, did it burn, but it felt so fucking good too. Wanna know why?

Cause this was what it was like getting screwed by a real man, and not a dollar store brand cheap knock off.

"Oh, fuck, Lemy, your brother's fucking me so good," she kissed his cheeks and lips sloppily.

"Fuck fuck fuck, oh god, oh god, I might cum twice, I've never done that before," she hugged him so tightly, and the tied up boy could feel her shaking.

And then she was screaming and she squirted all over Lemy's lap, and Lyle groaned as he creamed Lina's ass.

The long-haired boy pulled out and his cum gushed out right onto Lemy's legs.

Lina sighed, "W-wow... I'm finally a woman."

She smiled and kissed Lemy right on the lips.

"Thanks for showing me what I did wrong all this time. I'm so happy now."

Then, she got up and went to Lincoln's arms where she belonged.

Liena, Devourer of Louds

Lemy didn't know what was going on but he was scared.

He'd just gotten home from hanging out with the boys, and the front door was broken in.

Shattered and hanging from one hinge.

It was splintered; as if a boulder was thrown through the center, cracking the whole piece.

Blood, flesh, and cloth was smeared across the wood...

And on the floor just inside the house, Lemy saw something that made him vomit.

Kneeling over a little girl's severed arm, he hurled up that hot dog he'd eaten earlier.

It had Leia's bracelet and rings on the deathly white, bloodless hand.

His hands were pale and clammy as they reached out and touched her fingers.

The limb flinched and he screamed, falling down onto his butt.

His legs falling in his own vile sick.

His haunted eyes saw the shredded bones and muscles at the end of her arm, and the sizeable bit marks.

Fuck! One of Lisa's monsters must of finally gotten loose!

His heart sank.

Guilt and shame at not being hear in time.

And an undying fear for what else he'd find.

As he was sitting down there, he heard a scream from the second floor.

He got up on shaky legs and went to the stairs.

His stomach was burning with acid, his throat was aching. He needed to spit up more vomit, but he held it in.

His arms clung to the banister, and his feet bumped against each step as he slowly climbed.

"Come on," he whispered to himself, "Your sisters need you. Get it together, man."

He made it to the top, and his heart fell down to the floor.

Lyra was staring at him from the floor.

Her bloodless, greying eyes were wide and her mouth open.

A dried trail of blood ran down her cheek, down her neck, to her naked chest.

But that's all that was there.

Her arms were torn from the sockets, and he could see her lungs and heart, gushing out from her ribcage.

Everything else was gone. Completely gone.

He ran to her, and he picked her up to his chest.

She was so much lighter now...

He cried into her matted hair, even though clumps of it were ripped out.

He smeared hit snotty face in her scalp, but nothing he could do would bring her back to him.

He heard that scream again, and he turned his eyes.

It was coming from Lizy's door.


He laid his sister down and crawled over to the open doorway.

A river of blood led his way to the broken wooden door.

His sweaty hands pushed the splinters aside.

The piece creaked and groaned as it swung into the wall.

He couldn't breathe, couldn't think.

His feet were frozen solid to the ground.

Not an inch of him could move.

He saw as Lizy's crying face, her screaming mouth, and her terrified eyes were slowly draw into this horrible mass of teeth and fat and tongue.

Her scream suddenly died when the monster crushed the remains of her body between her jaws.

And Lemy's stomach turned inside out as he saw the gelatinous mass swallow three big times, and he saw great bulges in its throat sliver down to its stomach.

The great maw closed, and he croaked out his sister's name.


Then, she was coming to him.

He couldn't move.

As he bloated body swam across the ground like a snake.

She knocked him down and put her claw-like hands on his shoulders.

And he couldn't even scream as her mouth opened up wider than the size of his head.

He could see a clump of Lizy's hair at the back of Liena's throat.

The last thing he saw before she chomped down and jerked her jaws to the side, ripping his head from the neck.