Author's Notes:

For several months last year I took various requests on 4chan, via the Loud Verse General threads. I experimented a bit and stepped out of my comfort zone, and in doing that I ended up writing a ton of little snippets and oneshots under the pen names, AberrantScript, Lame-O-non, and the Forgotten Writefag. It was an interesting experience, and one that I quite enjoyed.

I know that these are just a huge bundle of stories and it's super messy, and spelling/grammar issues are likely; and I apologize for that. I'm just posting these as they are, in bulk, to get them out of the way and off my mind.

Be advised that some of those go pretty dark, touching on suicide, dark humor, murder, torture, but the majority are lewd, comfy, or humorous. I hope you all find something here you'll enjoy. :3

Disclaimer: The Loud House Copyright Nickelodeon (2019)


Volume I

Laundry Day

Lemy grumbled as he drug a heavy basket filled to the brim, and mounded higher yet, with dirty, nasty, smelly girl clothes.

Lyle happily carried a small basket full of his mother and two sisters' used laundry.

And Bobby was wheezing as he tugged behind him another heaping pile of feminine garments.

Lyle was taught by his mother to treat her homemade undergarments with the utmost care, having to wash them with a special detergent and very particular settings on the laundry equipment. Because of this he always made sure his specific family unit's attire was properly separated from all the rest. Which, in turn, also meant he got to gleefully carry a small tote and silently laugh at the misfortune of his two partners in crime.

Lemy grunted and groaned, but refused to stop or take a break until this fucking box of filthy girl smell was inside the wash room. Ain't no fucking way a Legolas-wannabe looking motherfucker was gonna show him up.


Oh fucking God, why were there so many damn females living under one roof?

Better yet, why couldn't they just wear the same pair of underwear all week long like he did?

Bobby heaved and pulled and slipped and barely caught himself from face-planting on the ground.

He may have been a thin-armed spic, but he wasn't gonna wimp out or let an Elsa-haired, snow goblin like Lyle show him up...

Or a buffalo-huffing, Bon Scott-wannabe scuff mark like Lemy either.

It took a lot of effort and elbow grease, but eventually they made it.

Lyle was the only dork of the bunch that still had the umph to sit his small load on the dryer and start lifting out the individual pieces and tossing them into the washer.

It was when Lemy finally looked up after heaving for oxygen to rejuvenate his ravaged boy arms, that he finally noticed how Lyle had developed a routine.


See, out of the three, only Lyle had ever done laundry before. Leni believed in having everyone in her family share chores equally. But the boy secretly loved doing his girls' laundry so much that he always volunteered to do it.

"...why the fuck are you sniffing your mom's panties?"

Lyle took another big whiff, crinkling the underwear against his nose as he breathed in deeply.

"Ahh... b-because she has the most wonderful smell..."

Scuff Mark and Toothpick looked at each other, then turned back to Lady Galadriel with a grimace.

"Lyle, your brain is really fucked up."

The boy didn't stop though. Until he had sniffed not just his mom's, but also his two sisters' dirty bottoms. Gently, he laid them into the washer, and with a sigh he turned back to the basket and away from their heavenly scent.

Lemy and Bobby didn't want to look at him defile his family's dirty smelling undies anymore, but-

Lyle lifted up a flimsy string a lace that had two ginormous cups stitched into it; each easily able to hold a melon the size of Lyle's head.

Lemy and Bobby both were entranced by the lacy fringe and delicate fabric. But mostly by what the heck it was supposed to be.

"Dude, what is that?" Lemy called.

Lyle, smiling, held it up to display it for them before laying it softly atop the panties in the washer.

"That's one of my mother's bras."

Bobby choked.

"M-man, I've seen bras before, but those... those were so skimpy there's no way they'd hold anything without letting it all fall out."

Lemy paused.

"You mean to tell me Aunt Leni's jugs are that big?"

Lyle grinned widely and nodded excitedly, so reminiscent of his mother's own quirky behavior.

"Yup! And they feel really nice as pillows."

The others gaped at that casual, thoughtless remark.

But Lyle was merely grinning even wider, thinking about how soft, and gentle, and warm, and comforting his mother's chest was.

"You get to lay on them? Damn," Lemy whistled, while Bobby just kept staring in disbelief; perhaps both boys were wondering when, or if, they'd get to experience that as well.

...perhaps with specific girls, like Lyra or Loan, as two completely random and non-specific examples.

Lyle pulled out another, similar bra, bringing it up to his lips to give each cup a kiss.

By this point, Lemy and Bobby were done teasing him, and were ready for more.

"S-so is it just your mom's, or have you felt Liena's boobies as well?"

Lyle looked at them, noticing they were blushing. Heh, he was a little pink in the face, too.

"Yeah, mom's are definitely softer, but Liena's are like two warm ovens," the boy sighed.

Bobby couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Do they wear those fancy looking bras your mom makes?"

Lyle shook his head with a silly grin.

"Nope! Remember how Liena likes to go around nude sometimes?"

They both nodded stiffly.

"Well, inside the Lenicoln bedroom, as my mom likes to call it, we don't wear any clothes! And we sleep in one bed, too!"

"W-wait, so you mean-"

"Yup! My mom sleeps on one side, hugging me to her chest, and Liena does the same on the other side, and Bed sleeps on top of me. It's really comfortable, though sometimes it does get a little warm and awkward when my girls start rubbing on my legs..."

He paused to give a thoughtful face of confusion and curiosity.

"Though I still don't understand why both my hips are wet every single morning..."

Peeping Pervs

Lemy, Lyle, and Bobby were all standing around a corner.

Aunt Lynn had just came out of the shower, and was dripping water everywhere as she walked down the steps and headed toward the kitchen.

She only had a towel wrapped around her torso, barely long enough to cover her small chest and her freshly cleaned pussy.

The three boys' mouths were watering as they watched the shorter woman get onto her tippy toes and reach for a cup in the cabinet. Her towel started to slip, and she didn't even bother adjusting it.

Lynn went to the fridge and got out some juice, pouring it into her cup and shoving it back inside. Kicking the door closed as she spun around, the motion causing her towel to slip down far enough to let one of her nipples poke out to say a friendly hello to the young male perverts... Lynn froze.

She saw the little stooges all staring at her from around the corner by the dining room.

But instead of biting their heads off, she smirked and opened her towel, letting it drop to the floor.

And she chuckled as the three fainted at the glorious sight of her naked, athletic, goddess-like body.

Tipping the cup of juice up to her lips, she reminisced about the time she pulled that trick on Lincoln and Clyde.

...and ended up getting impregnated with Lacy later that night.


Now she was getting hot and bothered right after a good, cold shower.


As she gazed down on the three unconscious young men at her feet...

She probably wouldn't have to look very far to find a suitable male, or three, that would be interested in training to tame the beast that was Lynn Loud.

Trying On a New Swimsuit

Leni was standing in front of her vanity mirror in just her bra and panties. Her hands primping her hair, preening and fiddling with it, pushing it up and down.

"Are you sure it looks good like this, boys?"

There was a note of worry in her voice.

She turned around, her arms crossing just underneath her bra, pushing up her perky, full, motherly boobs for both males to gaze it in delirious curiosity and barely hidden lust.

Lincoln and Lyle were sitting on a bed, staring at her.

They looked at her hair, done up in a messy bun, with little wispy locks that fluttered around her forehead and temples, just begging to be pushed out of the way with fingers to clear the way for lips to press against tantalizingly soft skin.

"Y-y-you look n-nice as always, mom," her son stuttered, his face blushing furiously.

Lincoln merely gulped. It was his son's first time. The poor boy didn't know what was coming next.

Leni hummed. Turning to a chair and lifting up a skimpy swimsuit, a top and bottom that were guaranteed to barely cover even the barest essentials for decent modesty.

She grinned as she turned back to them.

"Yay! I totes think it would look great with this outfit! Would you boys mind waiting while I change?" She pouted her lips at them, laying her innocent manipulative charm on as thick as a slab of cinnamon-sugared butter. "Pretty please?"

The boys were glued to their seat. Gulping and nodding, they sealed their fate.

The mature woman's eyes grew a shade darker, almost like a tropical storm was brewing inside her blue irises.

"I promise I'll be quick," she breathed out, her hands reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra.

Lyle's eyes grew wide as the flimsy fabric slowly fell away, and revealed her-

Holy fuck...

His heart stopped.

Lincoln's face was flushed, his hand moving to adjust his pants.

The woman laid her bra down beside the bikini top and then she turned around.

Looking over her shoulder, right at her husband... and then at her son... she put her fingers into the hem of her panties and slowly peeled them down her wide, childbearing hips.

Lyle's eyes followed the lacy lingerie until his mother bent all the way forward and spread her legs... Then, his eyes were focused on her shapely rear and what lie between- b-b-between her-

...Oh God, have mercy...

Leni bent back up, like she was a mermaid arching her beautiful, seductive figure out of dangerous waters before a crew of sexually-starved seamen.

She turned to face them, her cheeks pink and her hair just slightly more messy than before.

She grabbed her bikini top and wrapped it around her stomach, clasping it at her front. Then, slowly and teasingly, she slipped it around her body so the cups rested on her flat belly.

Finally, she began lifting it up, up, up... until each cup grasped one of her porcelain mounds.

Her hands moved to push her well-endowed chest properly into the bikini bra, filling each cup almost to the breaking point.

The top had no straps. It relied solely on elastic to keep it in place. And the cups were so small that the very tops of her areolas were visible.

Next, she bent down to grab her bikini bottom and slipped one leg into it. Lifting her foot high into the air, making sure (or perhaps as a completely happy accident) that her flowering, and slightly glistening, lips were in Lyle's full, unhindered view.

She slipped her other leg inside and started wiggling her ass around, trying to slip it up her generous thighs.

The thin fabric wedged itself up against her wet slit, and the waistband straps were pulled high up on her waist. It was more or less a thong, and both boys were actually able to see her outer pussy lips threatening to part and let her bottom ride up inside with how tight they were fitted over her sexy body.

Leni coughed, and the two males blinked and looked at her face.

"So, do I look good in my new swimsuit?"

Her eyes were lidded and her heart was racing with pounding lust.

They nodded, itching to jump up and grab her and show her how beautiful they truly thought she was.

The woman leaned back against the bedroom wall, raising a single hand, palm up, and curling one finger in a come hither motion.

"Then, why don't you two come take it off of me?"

Her two men were more than happy to oblige their mistress of the sea.

Doctor Liena

"A'wight, Lo, le's see whatcha got wong!"

Baby Loan giggled as her older sister, Liena, carried her with a struggle into the living room. She saw her Daddy on the couch, smiling at her, and she giggled and waved her hand.

She blinked as she was laid down on the ground.

Suddenly, a plastic case was placed beside her and opened up.

"A'wight! Hmm..." Liena scratched her cheek as she looked inside.

She pulled out a plastic, flexible bandage and held it up.

"I haf to do sugary on yur head!"

She pulled out a tiny plastic hammer.

Loan's eyes were huge as she watched it lift into the air by her sister's super amazingly strong arms.

"Hold still, I'm a protection doctor!"

Loan blinked as the little hammer bopped her head.




Liena hummed.

She didn't want to make Loan upset. Clearly something was really wrong.

So, she took the bandage right as Loan started to fuss, and laid it on her hair.

Instantly the girl stopped, blinked her wide eyes, and looked into her sister's eternally wide pupils.

"There! I fixed you!"

She grabbed her sister and lifted her up, hugging her tightly.

And Loan giggled, her hand holding the hammer now.


And she started fixing Liena, too.

One whack at a time.

Gift of Life

A little baby looked up into his mother's eyes. His face blank, his lips slightly frowning.


A pair of bright blue eyes smiled as Leni reached into the crib and lifted her young son up into the air.

"Oh, Lyle! It's time for num nums!"


He watched her with wide beady eyes as she carried him to an old wooden rocking chair.

She sat down and laid him down on her chest. So little and small. He latched onto her dress instantly.

Leni sighed, feeling her heart melt as she pulled her sleeves down and let the dress fall, exposing her breasts.

Lactating wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing in the world. But she grew to really love it.

Pressing her baby's mouth to her nipple, squeezing her breast to get herself started, she truly loved it. Her heart bursting with love as her precious little boy latched onto her teat and drank life giving milk she made just for him.

She stroked his thin, wispy hair, and began singing to him. Little lullabies and sweet nothings. Whispering to him her love for him, her happiness, her joy, her hope that he'd grow strong and healthy and live a wonderful life.

She judged he had enough time on one breast, so she nudged him away and laid him on her other breast.

The strange sensation of him nursing on her body reminding her a little of when her husband made sweet and tender love to her, but special and intimate in its own way.

Little Lyle in such a vulnerable state, entirely trusting her to give him life and safety. His mother Leni giving him every ounce of love she had stored away inside her body.

After she burped him, she took him to the couch. And she sat down, and leaned back. Laying her baby on her breasts, now covered once more by her dress, she picked up a children's book and began reading to him.

"One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish-"

Soon he fell asleep to the sound of her voice and the rhythm of her heartbeat, and she laid the book down and stroked his hair again.

She kissed her fingers and pressed them to his cheek, afraid to do anymore lest she wake him up.

And Leni decided to close her eyes and rest for a few minutes as well before laying him back in his crib.

The smile on her face showing she'd never been happier a single day in her life than when she became a wife to her adoring husband and a mother to her two precious babies.

Lemon Business

"Alright, I need you to make me a set of uniforms for my lemonade stand," bossed Leia to her Aunt Leni.

The older woman tilted her head.

"Do you want them to be sour?"

Leia, once standing proudly and domineering, broke her stance to gape at her aunt.

"What, no!"

"So you want them to be fruity?"

"Why the hell would I want them to-"

"Oooh they could stand! Like magic clothes!"

"Leni, no-"

"Wow! What if they could, like, make the lemonade for you? That'd be totes cool!"

"And you're, like, totes insane!"

"Ahhh! I could make pitchers and little lemon hats! But then, where would I get enough yellow liquid to fill up your uniforms?"

"Oh hell no. Fuck this. I'm going to the Pakistani sweat shop that's Lemy's bedroom and blackmail him for free slave labor."

"Like, ok! Have fun with your brother!"


"She's just like her mother, that bitch."

Schoolyard Savior

"Hey! Stop it!"

The young girl was shivering in a brick corner, her blonde ponytail being yanked on by a boy.

"Oh ho ho, looks like your gay ass lezzy sister is coming to save you again, Lo-ser-an," taunted the boy, yanking even harder on her hair.

"Ohhhhh!" chorused his gang.

"Leave my sister alone, bulky," a younger girl, only a year or two their lesser, was stomping to them.

The pompous boy turned to face the angry girl.

"Oh, yeah? And what are you gonna do, lez-bitch? Suck my dick?"

Her balls fisted as she moved quicker toward him, her body moving like a train.

They all had a good laugh about it.

What the fuck could a tiny bitch do but yelp like a pup? Hahaha!

She didn't stop moving as she pulled her right hand back and launched her fist right into his body.

He squealed, his hands instantly moving to his groin.

But the girl didn't stop until his nuts were pinned to the brick wall with her fist.

Leaning in with a smile that promised he'd see Satan soon, she whispered in his ear.

"Suck on that, asshole."

Liena turned to her sister.

The poor girl's hair was messy, her face in tears, and we body shaking.

She came closer and opened her arms.

Loan waited no time before launching herself into the younger girl's arms.

"You're safe now," Liena whispered, stroking the older girl's back.

They stayed that way until recess was over and they were called to return to classes once more.

The Flower Fiasco

Lemy understood one thing about sisters.

If you make them angry, you buy them chocolates and flowers.

Problem was, the local Wally World was sold out of chocolate.

Apparently it was a sucktastic day for the male species.



He went next door to a gardening center. Hopped up to the counter, laid on his suave award winning smile, and asked for their finest bouquet of flowers.

The grouchy old man didn't even reply. Merely pointing up at a sign.

Holy fuck!

He loved his sisters but they weren't worth that much money!


Thank god none of them will ever read this story.



He went for plan C.

And he bought them out of their cheapest flowers in stock.

Not bad, all things considered.

Until they wheeled out a forklift and made not one, but two trips...

Soon he was staring gobsmacked at enough flowers to fill a truck bed.

Hmm. Not a bad idea actually.

One phone call later, and a lot of grunting and manly sweating and charlie horse cramping, he was in the passenger seat of a pickup.

Some Amish man was sitting in the middle, hands folded in his lap as he laughed at every little thing the driver said.

Whom was a standoffish jerk trying to get the Amish man to shut up.

On their way to his house, they had a flat tire. And the driver decided to pull out his "you better fucking change my tire, lame ass, because it was your fat ass bitch self that put too much weight on my girls" card to get free child slave labor in exchange for taking Lemy the rest of the way home, disregarding he'd already paid for the whole trip.

Half an hour later, Lemy was setting the last bucket of flowers down on the front porch.

Grinning with pride, he knocked on the door and clasped his hands behind his back.

Leia opened the door, glaring at him like staring at a putrid bug.

"I thought I told you to rot in hell."

Lemy fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Look, I know I messed up, but I went to town and bought you girls apology flowers, so, I don't know, um... I'm sorry I guess. There. I hope you enjoy them."

He stood aside and let Leia come out.

By this time, Lacy and Lyra were at the door. Others were peeking over their shoulders.

"Uh, Lemy... what flowers?"

The boy blinked and turned around.

Leia was looking inside the buckets. Each one. A good four dozen.

"What do you mean what flowers?"

Leia turned to look at him, her face an uncharacteristic look of absolute confusion.

"Why are there seeds in every single bucket?"

This time, Lemy did roll his eyes.

"Well, duh, you have to plant them first. Then, flowers bloom. Didn't you go to school?"

Her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. The other sisters were nearing...

The poor boy was unaware of the hole he was digging for himself... and not for seeds, mind you.

"There's a lot of other things I'd rather spend my money on anyway than stupid prissy flowers for annoying pms-ing sisters."

One hour later, the boy was back at Walmart. This time to buy some bandages, a leg brace, and a walking cane.

And a proper bouquet of flowers.

That Time of Month

Lemy entered the hallway and tilted his head. He looked one way, and then the other.

Hmm. The house was much too quiet.

Unnaturally so.

He took a step forward, but then froze in his tracks.

His father, Lincoln, had just stepped into the living room in his pajamas; tossing on a ragged coat and grabbing his car keys.

The boy could hear him cursing as he stumbled into a pair of boots, nearly tripping over one of Lizy's dinosaurs.

"Dad?" he called out, only to be shushed by his father.

Lincoln looked back at the master bedroom; and suddenly Lemy could hear it.

Pained moans.

The man looked at his son and waved him down.

Lemy came down the steps slowly, dressed in just his boxers and a shirt.

"What's going on?" he whispered.

Lincoln grabbed another coat and put it around his boy's shoulders.

"We're going to the store to buy the girls some things. Hurry up, I'll explain on the way."

Lemy slipped his shoes on as Lincoln opened the front door, letting in a gust of freezing December air.

"Wait- which girls need-"

He paused as his dad turned with a haunted look on his face.

"All of them."

The boy gulped.

"I-is it their, uh, their... time?"

A tiny nod confirmed the boy's greatest fear.

Lincoln stepped outside in the frigid weather, barely dressed and likely to die from hypothermia; but his chances of survival were far greater outside the Loud house.

"Come with me, Lemy, if you want to live."

Marital Training

Gwen was standing just outside Lemy's bedroom. She was dressed in a casual dress with little smiling cats stitched into the fabric, and little ^_^ faces and nyah's everywhere.

Her hair was styled into a bun, with a little cat ears headband on her head.

She had even drawn whiskers onto her cheeks.

Overall, the outfit was really dorky, but it was adorable. And Gwen was hoping to really hit her boyfriend hard with the cuteness card.

She was ready to finally get inside his pants~

Oh, the two had been going steady for awhile now. Several months to a year. She couldn't quite remember the exact time off the top of her head.

But in that time, her boyfriend had treated her like quite the gentlecat, wait uh... gentleman.

She was getting too in-character for her planned roleplay that evening.

The two were supposed to go on a date to the roller rink, and she was planning on being extra clumsy so he'd have a reason to put his hands on her body~


His big, strong hands. His rippling muscles. His taut stomach working just to hold her up.

She was willing to bet he could lift her in his arms and carry her around without breaking a sweat~

While the girl got lost in her thoughts, a door down the hall opened.

Gwen turned and her face instantly turned red.

Mr. Loud walked out with his wife, Lynn.

Both of them were only in boxers. Both were topless and barefoot. Both were sweating and flushed. Both were glowing like they'd just went five rounds of mind-blowing sex.

Gwen's eyes went huge as the tall man turned toward her and smiled, his wife clutching his arm and smirking at the young girl before them.

"Hey! Are you here for Lemy?" he politely asked.

Gwen didn't know what to think.

On one hand, Lynn's glistening boobs were right in her face and so firm and round and perky, even after childbirth...

On the other hand, Mr. Loud was extremely hot. Literally. It almost seemed like steam was rolling off his defined chest and abs.

"You'll have to excuse me and my husband, Gwen," Lynn teased as she ran her bare hand across Lincoln's sweaty chest. "We just finished... exercising."

Gwen gulped, her hand reaching up to tug at the collar of her dress.

But Lynn wasn't done yet.

"He's quite strong, y'know," she turned her eyes on her husband's chest and arms. "I bet Lemy will turn out just like him with some good coaching."

She bit her lip~

Lynn turned back on the young girl before them.

"Do you wanna touch him? Get a feel for what your boyfriend will be like when he's older?"

"Lynn, I think that's-" Lincoln paused.

Gwen surprised herself.

Her hand was pressing flat to Mr. Loud's stomach.

Her spine shivered as she felt him up. His hard muscles. His strong frame. His thick arms.

Before she realized it, both of her hands were wrapped around his biceps, and she was standing on her tippy toes to get a better look at his shoulders.

She looked up and blushed even hotter.

To an outsider's perspective, it looked like she was trying to move in for a kiss...

And, well...

Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.

"Gwen, are you-" the poor man couldn't finish anything he'd tried to say.

Because the girl's lips had moved in, all on their own, and her round eyes had closed. Her back trembled and she fell into his chest, purring as his arms wrapped around her back to keep her from falling.

Gwen's lips had touched his collarbone. And the reaction she felt in her body left her so weak-kneed she was afraid she'd never be able to walk again.

The girl trembled as a pair of feminine hands ran up her back, to her shoulders, kneading her muscles.

"Don't worry, Gwen," Lynn whispered hotly into the girl's ear. "I'll make sure your own husband grows up to be just as big and strong as mine."

The girl savored the feeling of Mr. Loud's body for a few moments longer before reluctantly pulling away.

And just as soon as Lemy opened his door and stepped into the hallway, he was tackled by a catgirl.

He yelled out for help, but his plea was swallowed by her lips.

Linc and Lynn watched them move from kissing to petting to breeding before closing the door with a soft shut.

The brunette woman grinned.

"Well, it looks like she's got his training all taken care of!"

Family Movie Night

Family movie night.

The adults were sprawled out across the living room.

Extra pieces of furniture were pulled out. The dining table set. The kids' bean bag chairs. Anything and everything that could be pilfered was taken and set up in the Loud Family's makeshift home theatre.

Liby and Luan were busy attending to the projector hanging from the ceiling, while the ever helpful Liena held the ladder steady for them.

Lemy watched in wide-eyed wonder as his mom worked her magic on the hardware and wiring, somehow managing to attach a half dozen amps to the TV's build in stereo system.

Lupa watched from a dark corner, near her mother, as all of this unfolded.

Their family was a closely-knit one. And many of the kids adored their dad just as much as their mom, if not more so.

This led to the family establishing the "one per knee" rule with Lincoln.

Every movie night, which happened twice a week, two kids got to sit on his legs. It wasn't ideal but it was fair. And the order was linear and set in stone.

Tonight was Lupa and Lacy's turns.

And Lupa stood stock still as she watched Lacy cuddle against her father. Lucy's hand was on her upper back, giving her a gentle but giving push toward him.

One of the pale daughter's hands reached outward, curled back in on itself, and fell to her side.

She wanted so badly to go to him, and curl up on his lap, and press her face against his warmth.

Part of her didn't even mind sharing with Lacy; one could even consider it an added bonus.

But she just couldn't.

Lupa had set her own path and she was forced to talk it now.

To feel the ever growing cold inching across her arms and legs.

Only the little flickering flame inside her chest was left to give her heat, to fuel her soul.

And the wavering fire burned for her to get closer to him, to hold onto him.

Before she knew it, there were tears in her eyes, and Lupa turned toward her mother.

Lucy didn't say anything as she wrapped her arms around her only child.

Lincoln turned toward them and frowned.

Lupa saw him, and in her self-hatred she saw only disappointment.

Perhaps, there would be next time.

If the cold doesn't snuff out her dying flame before then.

Little Moments

"The tooth fairy isn't real, you dingbat!" Leia scoffed.

But Lizy just continued setting up her little trap.

An old shoebox held up by a stick; a string attached to the stick which led to a secret hideout under the girl's bed, and a handful of Leia's glitter as bait.

Lizy had seen Peter Pan, and let her tell you what for… those fairies go nuts over glittery dust!

"They are too real! And they give you money!" the blonde girl fought back, adjusting her much too big ol' red hat.

Something in Leia's eyes shimmered, and she got down and crawled under the bed with her sister.

"Money, you say? Well, I do like money."

Lizy smirked; a rare occurrence, sure, but just as odd as Leia agreeing to help capture a mythical creature with her annoying younger sister.

Oh, don't let the young girl's dorky and hapless appearance fool you. She was an expert on all things animal and beast and creature. And she knew fairies weren't real.

But she'd do anything to spend more quality time with her favorite sister.

Even if she maybe had to lie to her to do it.

It was for the best.

So, the young girl scooted closer to her older partner and smiled, and hummed, and rested her head near Leia's arm.

Moments like these made life worth living.

Squirrely Thief

Lizy was peed off.

She was in a park, playing with the local wildlife.

But as things go, you know, she had to stop to eat.

She got out a PB&J sandwich her Auntie Lisa had made for her.

The older woman's favorite.

It was delightful, all in all, but Lizy had another reason she enjoyed it.

Lisa was a scientist!

And if Lizy could eat these every day, then she would get smart too!

Maybe even smart enough to be a zookeeper one day.

That was the dream.

But as things go, you know, dreams can fade away… slip through our grasp.

Lizy's dream was literally ripped out of her hands and shoved into the hulking cheeks of a jumbo-sized red squirrel.

Which promptly darted up a tree and took flight to another one.

Lizy glared.

Ah. Two can play at that game, you dingbutt. Or whatever Leia calls people that are meanies. Nur.

Imagine that smug squirrel's face when it turns around and see Lizy climb up to the topmost branches like she's part black bear.

Imagine as its jaw drops as the young girl sprints across the limbs like she's the wind racing through a ship's sails.

She leaps, flailing her arms forward. Her eyes determined. Her heart unwavering.

The squirrel stumbles back as the girl lands right in front of it.

It stares up in horror as Lizy smirks down on it.

Taking her hat off, brushing the dirt away, and putting it back on. Sideways. Cool.

She leans down and puts out her hand.

"Give it back, dingadore," she coolly commanded.

The squirrel was just about to surrender its stolen good, when they both heard a crack.

And then, the limb started to quiver and crunch.

And then…