Chapter 8

A Game of Snakes and Giants

A large group of students was crowded in the hallway, endlessly shoving against one another in order to see better. Ichigo paused his task to approach the group and noticed Hermione at the forefront.

"What's going on?" He asked as he stood next to her. Her lips were thin and her gaze burning. Ichigo didn't think he had ever seen her so furious. "What's wrong?"

"Someone told," she spat. "They had to have, look!"

Ichigo followed her gaze, his eyes landing on the newest addition to Umbridge's tyranny. According to the post, all student groups and activities had to be reported and approved by Umbridge.

"Well," Ichigo began, trying to lighten the mood. "Technically it says student groups and technically I'm not a student. It's not my fault that all of you just so happen to watch me practice the lesson plans that I don't have," he shrugged.

Hermione shook her head but kept her voice low, not wanting any extra listeners from the group around them. "The start of our meetings and this post are too close together to be a coincidence. That means that someone had to have told her. But everyone in that group is someone that we can - that we thought we could trust. "

"Hey, you and I both know how wicked that woman is. There's any number of ways that she gets her information. I wouldn't be surprised if she's reading students' mail. Besides, I'm sure a smart witch such as yourself can surely think of something to protect against that?"

Hermione rubbed her hand against her face. "There is this jinx that I read of once, I'm sure I could manipulate it to do just that."

Ichigo smiled. "See? There's no reason to get so worked up. I'll be off now, so you work on that."

Hermione nodded and Ichigo watched as she maneuvered her way through the throng of students, most likely heading back to the Gryffindor common rooms. First crisis of the day, averted. Ichigo's gaze lingered on Umbridge's new post for a moment longer before he turned away, heading back towards his original destination.

Earlier that morning, Winky had woken him to the news that Hagrid had finally returned to the castle grounds. How she came to know this, Ichigo couldn't fathom, but he was immensely grateful regardless. He had been absent for quite some time, and the shinigami missed the man's company. Many found Hagrid to be cumbersome and underwhelming, but then again, these same people thought Ichigo was just a wizard. They were the kind of people who wouldn't know a bludger even if it hit them in the face.

The early winter air was crisp against Ichigo's skin as he stepped outside. He was suddenly glad that he had asked Winky not to accompany him today. She was so thin and wore so little that she would likely freeze to death. He also imagined that whatever he and Hagrid discussed, the other man would want to do so in private. Not that Ichigo could blame him, Ichigo had no doubt that Umbridge was going through everyone's mail (and who knew what else the old toad was up to).

Ichigo quickly crossed the remainder of the courtyard and came face to face with the door of Hagrid's hut. He knocked once, twice, and a third time before Hagrid finally opened up. Of all the things that caught Ichigo's attention, the bruises on the other's face are what took precedence. The dark marks and cuts stood out, even amongst all of his hair. Ichigo's expression soured into a scowl. Without saying a word, Hagrid stepped aside and let him in.

Barely waiting for Hagrid to shut the door, Ichigo turned around and asked, "Do I need to use this?" while he grabbed the hilt of Zangetsu.

Hagrid shook his head and waved him off, "No, nothin' like that."

"Good," Ichigo replied, sitting himself down on the couch. "Now, care to tell me where you've been the past few months without so much as a single letter?" he asked, glaring.

"I told Dumbledore where I was headed before I left." Hagrid frowned. "Did he not tell ya?"

Ichigo averted his eyes. "Headmaster Dumbledore has been rather distant lately."

"Ah, I see… Well, in that case..." Hagrid trailed off. Ichigo watched patiently as Hagrid poured two mugs of butterbeer. He tried to steer clear of the beveridge around Winky, but watching the foam build up made him crave its sweet flavor. Hagrid handed him his share as he took a seat.

Ichigo eagerly raised the cup to his lips, relishing the smooth glide down his throat. "As you were saying?" he asked.

Looking into his cup, Hagrid answered. "As you know, tension among the Ministry is high, especially against Dumbledore. Not only that, but You-Know-Who has returned. With all o' this piling up, I thought it best to seek assistance. So… I went to speak with the giants."

Ichigo nearly spat out his drink. "G-giants...? How did it go?"

"I'm sure you can guess," Hagrid said, gesturing to his face.

"Well, that's unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected. Afterall, wizards an-" a knock interrupted Ichigo.

He and Hagrid looked at each other pointedly before Hagrid opened the door. A sickenly pink woman forced her way into his hut. Ichigo couldn't quite make out what she was saying she spoke so fast, but when her eyes landed on him she paused.

"This is a private conversation, Mr. Kurosaki. Please head back to the school."

Ichigo took a long drink before he replied, glaring at her. "No. I was here first."

Umbridge visibly bristled. "Very well. I'm not naive enough to think you not privy to this information anyhow." She turned her sharp gaze on Hagrid. "I know where you went. After all, it's only natural that when one feels threatened, they turn to their family… now tell me, what did they say?"

Hagrid shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about-"

"The giants!"

Her voice was so shrill Ichigo was surprised that it didn't shatter their mugs. If Hagrid was alarmed by her knowledge, he didn't show it. As for Ichigo, it only confirmed his suspicions that she was spying in on personal conversations. He would have to make sure that he and his companions had a secure method to contact one another should the need arise. Ichigo felt that it would be sooner rather than later.

"Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about. Everyone knows that wizards and giants don't get along. Why would I even need to talk to 'em in the first place?" Hagrid replied.

"You wish to feign ignorance? Very well. I gave you - both of you - the chance to work with me, with the Ministry. I will not hold my breath."

With those parting words, Umbridge left the hut.

"Good riddance," Ichigo said, downing the rest of his drink.

Hagrid made sure that Umbridge made it back into the castle before he continued their conversation. "Anyway, like I said, they wouldn't help."

Ichigo sighed. "I wouldn't help us either, if I were them."

Hagrid snorted in amusement.

"On that note," Ichigo said, standing up. "I best get back to the school. Who knows what those children will get into while I'm gone."

Hagrid nodded and they bid each other farewell. Ichigo was pleasantly surprised when Hagrid's pat on the back didn't knock him over. It was a testament to how much strength he had regained since last year. Ichigo stepped outside and headed back to the castle.

"Yeah, King, that was a real drag."

Ichigo rolled his eyes. 'It's not like I meant to.'

"I can't help but feel partially to blame," Zangetsu confessed.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, ol' man. Although, it was pretty boring around here while you were sleeping."

Ichigo smirked, slowing down. "Awe, Shiro, I didn't know you cared."

"Shut up!"

Ichigo snickered and resumed his walk. Instead of returning to his chambers like he had planned, Ichigo decided to take a detour. Classes had just changed, so he was caught in the throng of students. When he was finally able to reach the bird statue, it took a moment to remember what the password was.

"Chocolate frogs."

Ichigo waited for a moment, but nothing happened.

"Chocolate frogs."

The statue remained motionless. Ichigo frowned. That was definitely the password. If it wasn't working, that meant that Dumbledore had changed the password recently… and hadn't told him. Ichigo glared at the statue. Even though he couldn't intimidate the statue into moving, it did make him feel marginally better. Ichigo thought about going to McGonagall, but the poor woman already had enough on her plate dealing with Umbridge as it was. The last thing she needed was for him to groan and complain to her.

Instead, he spent the rest of the day sitting in on lectures. His biggest mistake was going to a history class of Professor Binns. The ghost was boring enough on his own, but Ichigo actually living through the events made it even more brutal. Herbology proved much more pleasant, as did the more advanced Health and Healing course for seventh years. He had been wanting to attend a lesson once the new class had been announced, but hadn't gotten an opportunity to do so yet.

After watching classes, he went to the great hall for dinner. Unsurprisingly, Dumbledore was not in attendance. Umbridge did little to hide her glare from both himself and Hagrid. They ate, unbothered. Ichigo returned to his chambers after dinner. Winky prepared him some tea and he turned in early for the night.

A few hours later, Ichigo was shaken awake. He shot up and grabbed Zangetsu before his mind had finished clearing. When he was able to focus, Ichigo easily recognized bushy brunette curls. Her skin was pale, but her eyes were red even in the dark.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Something's happened with Harry, he's had another nightmare. Headmaster wants to see you."

Ichigo nodded. Grabbing a shirt from his dresser, he followed Hermione through the hallways and to Dumbledore's office. When they arrived, Ichigo saw Harry, Ron, Dumbledore, and McGonagall waiting for them. They all had grim looks on their faces. Harry was the only one sitting down, and he's wrapped in a blanket. Ichigo senses a darkness in his magic that isn't normally there, but he's distracted by Dumbledore speaking to him.

"Ichigo, thank you for hurrying. I know it's late. Harry, please tell Ichigo what you told me."

Harry frowned and was silent for a moment, but he eventually nodded. "I had this nightmare. I was… some sort of creature. A snake, I think. And I was at the Ministry… All of a sudden, Mr. Weasley was there, in a room full of glass. Then I, well, the creature… it attacked him. I think he's in trouble."

"If I'm not mistaken, then this is one of the first… nightmares that we haven't shared." Ichigo announced. "I was sleeping just fine in my room. What do we do now"

Dumbledore turned to the portraits on the wall. Previous headmasters and mistresses, if Ichigo wasn't mistaken. "I'm going to raise the alarm. Ask the Order for help in locating Mr. Weasley."

Ichigo nodded. "I'll go with them."