I could barely sleep with the adrenaline running through my veins. So much had happened since Christian entered the hospital. I wanted to keep the focus on his recovery and not on my investigation. His health was still my primary focus. I could barely keep my excitement to myself. I called Ro and Kate in celebratory glee. The thought that normalcy would return to our lives was something that gave me great comfort. However, my conversation with Andrea was still in the back of mind in a troubling way. Did Gerald have anything to do with that girl's disappearance? I didn't like to cast unfair judgement but even if he didn't do it I was sure that he knew more than he was willing to admit. Bothering Christian with my suspicions would only upset him and until I had something more substantial and concrete I wanted to keep my ongoing investigation to myself. It would only look like I was attacking his staff rather than running the company anyway.
I picked up Christian just before the nurses gave him his discharge paperwork. The smell of disinfectant filled the air. I pushed the two double doors of the unit open and found Christian waiting by the front desk. He had on the same blue t-shirt and jeans that he was wearing when he first arrived. A smile spread across his as soon as he saw me standing in the front entry way. I had waited for what seems like forever to take my husband home.
"Ana!" His smooth loving voice sang like music to my ear
"Christian!" I responded on the verge tears.
"We need to celebrate." Christian chimed in. He was a man that was used to being busy and sitting in a hospital bed for the last month was surely driving him stir crazy.
"What did you have in mind?" I asked with a wink.
"Dinner at my favorite restaurant." Christian answered. Just the thought of a good meal was enough seemed to get his blood pumping "I've been eating hospital food for too long."
"Name the place and we're there," I stated with confidence.
"Where's Taylor?" Christian asked as I picked up his two hospital bags.
"He's downstairs waiting to drive us home." I replied.
"How's Grey Enterprises?" He asked "You haven't mentioned anything about running the company. I thought that you would have at least some issues. I called Ros and she says that you only called a few times to request information and that was it."
I knew that this subject would come up, but I hadn't practice my response. I started biting my lower lip and fidgeting with my fingers while avoiding eye contact. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hide my nerves. "It's well run and all I had to do was go through each department and offer assistance when needed. Ros helped me out a few times but I found it to be an amazing learning experience." I explained
"Care to share it with me?" Christian smiled, beaming with curiosity.
"Ugh," I started "I met some of your top managers for the different departments."
"And?" Christian asked with genuine curiosity for my professional opinion
"And I learned alot from the experience." I replied as vaguely as possible.
"Can you be more specific?' Christian asked.
Damn him for being so brilliant and knowing the exact questions to ask. I wasn't much of a liar especially around my husband. He knew me better than anyone. I could tell from his piercing eyes and stern expression that he knew that there was more to the story than I was letting on.
"Should I asked Ros?" He pushed
"I spent most of the time meeting managers and learning about the company. There weren't any board meeting so I had spent most of the time with the workers on the floor. I'm not sure if I accomplished all that you had envisioned." I stammered
"Don't be nervous, I'm just asking," He smiled in his usual calm polite tone.
"The hard part was starting the business Ana. To be honest most of it runs like a well oiled machine. I have enough advisors and staff that I can delegate tasked that I don't want to do. I'm sure that if there was a big catastrophe that you or Ros would have called. Let's go home." He announced walking past me to the two double doors to the unit.
"Makes sense," I agreed
Christian never ceased to amaze me. He walked out of the front doors to the Seattle General to see Taylor standing in front of a black Mercedes. Christian gave Taylor a firm handshake then as though they had a unwritten bro-code that I was not privy to Christian wrapped his arms around Taylor in a strong embrace.
"Good to see you sir!" Taylor said nearly bring Christian to tears.
Their reaction to seeing each other for the first time in a month spoke volumes of their close relationship. Christian was a private man of few friends, however over the years Taylor had won his trust through his devotion and integrity.
"Hospital food is every bit as terrible as everyone has told me." Christian stated with certainty
I laughed "What do you have in mind?"
"I need a good burger," He answered.
"I know just what you mean." I replied.
"After you Sir!" Taylor said opening the front door for Christian.
My focus for now was getting Christian comfortable at home. His health and recovery were of high importance but there was no way I was going to let Gerald's missing girlfriend go.
This was something that I needed to get to the bottom of.