"Hey Adora."

At that moment in time, Adora froze, her fingers going numb despite being wrapped around her hot beverage. Looking up slowly, her breath caught in her throat. She hadn't seen this girl in years and there she was, standing right in front of her, her hand on her hip as it was cocked to the side. Time slowed for Adora and she hadn't realised Catra had taken a seat opposite her.

Catra crossed her arms, leaning them on the table. She cocked an eyebrow asking, "Adora?"

She hadn't changed a bit - if anything, Catra seemed even more wild to Adora than before. That was exciting. Amazing, even. Hair still untamed, ears twitching at every sound, tail twitching as it curled and uncurled around Catra's chair - no, nothing had changed at all. It had gotten better.

"Adora!" That got her attention.

Shrieking, Adora jumped, spilling her drink all over herself and the table. She stood and groaned as she looked down at herself. "Fuck," she mumbled, grabbing some nearby tissues and dabbing furiously at her chocolate stained top.

"And that is why you should always pay attention to yourself and your surroundings."

Slowly, Adora stopped and looked up to see a cocky smirk plastered on Catra's face. She was giggling, which made Adora laugh too. "It's not my fault!" Adora wheezed out. "You made me jump!"

"Because you weren't paying attention!" Catra laughed, passing more tissues to Adora as she continued to attempt to dab at her soaked t-shirt.

It was like old times again. The pair laughing, being happy after years of not seeing each other.

"Oh shush you." Adora sighed, dropping her hands, giving up on trying to dry her shirt. She looked at Catra again who was still trying to contain her laughter. When she had finally stopped, Adora said, "I'll be right back," as she gestured to the cafe toilets.

Ten minutes later Adora still hadn't returned. During that time Catra had ordered herself a drink and had already finished it. Getting up she walked towards the toilets on the opposite side of the building. Walking in she could hear Adora mumbling to herself which was very cute in Catra's books, cuter than she remembered.

Catra gave a little knock on the stall door. "You okay in there?" She asked, trying her best not to laugh again.

Adora groaned. Loudly. She opened the door and Catra froze, cheeks tinting a rose colour. Adora had her top off and god, she was hot. Catra could tell from Adora's fine muscles and defined abs that she worked out at least every other day. She was also wearing a sports bra which mainly gave it away.

"I am fine," Adora bluntly replied, clutching the stained shirt in her fist. She tilted her head at Catra for a second before smirking slightly. "Are you checking me out?"

Catra looked up to Adora's eyes. So she was taller too. Catra blinked. "Pfffft, what? You wish."

"Yeah, okay, sure." Adora gave her a sideways glance. "It's not like I checked you out when you first got here too." Laughing at the disbelief of Catra's face, Adora tried to escape. However, she didn't get far as Catra's hand quickly clasped itself around her wrist.

"You can't just say something like that and run off."

"I can try."


Adora held up her hands in defence. "I was kidding?"

Catra's ear twitched, dropping to the sides of her head. "So you weren't checking me out?"

"Are you serious?" Adora watched as Catra shrugged and jumped onto the sink basin, curling her tail around herself. Adora moved to stand in front of her. "Of course I was. Who wouldn't?"

Catra huffed.

"I'm sorry you know," Adora mumbled, keeping her eyes on the floor.

"I know. You told me like a hundred times when you were texting me." Catra rolled her eyes.

"I was stupid, and emotional and irrational and worried and I took all of it out on you. You didn't deserve that."

"No I didn't," Catra agreed. "It was unfair to me and you knew I loved that horse as much as you did." Shrugging, she continued, "But, it happened anyway. It's in the past now. I don't dwell on the past."

Adora stepped closer which made Catra's tail twitch. "I can see that. But I am sorry. For leaving as well. I'm glad my mother made that album."

"Speaking of that, when are you going to show me it?" Catra ignored the buzz in her chest as she realised how close Adora was getting to her.

Adora was only an inch away from standing between Catra's legs. "Whenever you want. If you can't afford anywhere to stay, mine is always open."

Catra breathed heavily. "I'd like that."

"Really?" Adora perked.

"Yes Adora. I would." Fuck it. "Come here." Catra tugged Adora, making her stumble forwards, her hands landing either side of Catra's legs. Before Adora could move away, Catra nuzzled her nose against her bare neck, arms snaking around Adora's back. "This is not because I've missed you."

Adora chuckled, "Yeah, sure it's not." She returned the hug and they stayed like that for at least a couple of minutes. Finally, Adora pulled back and announced, "I need to find my shirt."

"Welcome to my humble abode."

It was cleaner than her own apartment, Catra would give Adora that much, the odd glass lying around in a random spot. It felt more like a home too whereas Catra's felt like a prison. Through the door Catra noticed the small kitchen to her left plus a door in the wall, two doors on the right - presumably another bedroom and the bathroom - and a seating area with a small rectangular table in the middle with a flat screen television sat on a small cabinet. There were also colourful throws over the sofa and two chairs, with matching curtains against the windows.

Catra nodded in approval as she walked behind a chair, running her hand along the throw. She then turned to Adora, arms crossed across her chest. "It's a nice place. How did you afford all of this?"

Shrugging, Adora walked over and sat in the chair opposite Catra. "My adoptive mother and my roommate's father helped pay for half the shit you see in here."

Catra whistled. "They seem pretty loaded."

"Oh they are." Adora nodded, swinging a leg over the chair after pulling her boots off. "We only go to them when we're in desperate need of money though. I'm still trying to pay off all of my student debts."

Catra smiled softly at that. She expected that from someone like Adora. She hated taking things from people - even presents - and she always felt like she would need to repay them back somehow. "I haven't got any," Catra said smugly.

"Lucky you." Adora shot back. Then she laughed. Catra did too.

"Yo Adora? You back?" A voice shouted from one of the adjacent rooms.

"Yeah M! I'm with Catra in the living room!" Adora shouted back, winking at Catra as Mermista walked out of her room.

"I'm going out. Do we like, need anything?" She asked, waiting besides the door.

"Uhh..." Adora stood and jumped into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and peered inside. "Juice, milk and bread I believe?"

"Ugh, fine," Mermista drawled. "I was hoping you'd say no."

Adora walked over to Catra and sat on the arm of the chair, her head coming in line with Catra's shoulder. "Sorry."

The door closed loudly as Mermista left and it was just the two of them again.

"Let me guess," Catra started, "she can be a handful?"

Adora glanced up at her. "No, actually. She's really nice and supportive when she's not in one of her moods. You on the other hand..." Adora elbowed Catra's side gently who retaliated with a shove on the shoulder. She stood again. "So how long you planning to stay for?"

Forever. "Whenever you wanna kick me out."

"We both know that'll be never."


Adora smirked. "Sure." She sat on the sofa with her leg hanging off the side of the arm rest, watching Catra as she slid down onto the chair.

"I mean..." Catra clicked her tongue and continued, "I guess I can visit?"

Adora raised her eyebrows. "Do you want to?"

"Of course I do!" Catra snapped.

"So you're not still pissed with me about me leaving you behind?"

Catra groaned. Adora gave her a look. "Yes and no," Catra mumbled, hugging her legs to her chest in a tight embrace.

"What was that?" Adora smugly asked.

"I said," Catra growled, "yes and no."

"Care to explain?"



"No Adora."

Adora stood and made her way over to Catra. She leaned down and knelt down on the ground, looking up into Catra's striking eyes. Her tail twitched as Adora made a move to grab her hand. "Just talk to me when you're ready."

Catra's ear twitched as she rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

"Aaaaaand she's back." Despite the sarcastic tone, Adora was grinning up at her feline friend. "So..." Adora stood up straight, holding her hand out to Catra. "Ready to see this album?"

Catra stood, her tail wrapping itself around Adora's ankle. "As ready as I'll ever be."