|Through Different Eyes|

Summary: Harry's abuse has been taken too far with the Dursley's. Harry, unable to take anymore, wishes to be taken far away and given peace. Arceus hears his call, and brings him into the Pokémon world...But as a Pokémon? Slash M/M Pokémon!Harry

Author Notes: This is a new story theme. Most Harry Potter/Pokémon stories are the Harry-Becomes-A-Pokémon-Trainer Idea, and I thought that we needed more Harry-Becomes-A-Pokémon Stories. So, without further ado, please enjoy!

!WARNING!: There will Be violence

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or Pokémon. I am not making money off this story either. Harry Potter Belongs to J.K Rowling and Pokémon Belongs to The Pokémon Company.

!Chapter 1!Season 1! Save Me!

4 Privet Drive, 1981

The winds were rushing in excitement, as the chilly cold air hummed. On a cold night such as this, only the sound of a motorcycle ruined the silence. The wind picked up and the air got colder as an old but wise man stared into the seemingly endless night.

'This must be done' The man thought as he took a small bundle in his arms.

'The prophecy will come true' He repeated throughout his mind with conviction.

The wind harshly blew as if disagreeing with the man's thoughts. Feet shuffled in through the snow, as the man approached a tall, stern-looking witch in robes.

"Are you sure of this Albus? They're are the worst sort of muggles imaginable." The witch argued with the twinkle-eyed-man.

"I am quite sure Minerva, I am sure they would not harm their own blood. They will treat him as they would their own, surely" The old man- now known as Albus Dumbledore- said trying to convince the stern witch. "And I will make sure to check over little harry over the years" he said thinking that the witch would finally understand.

"But Albus-"

"Hush Minerva, this is for the greater good. Harry will be treated perfectly fine and he will be happy. I can promise you that." He said giving the witch a stern look.

The witch gave a tight-lipped smile and nodded. As she walked away, she turned her head and gave a small smile to the bundle. "I hope you understand what you may be subjecting that poor baby to, Albus." She said. Without waiting for a response, she apparated away.

"It's All for the Greater Good..." The man whispered as he placed the bundle down on the porch, with a letter. He walked away, thinking of the future where a certain dark lord would meet his doom.

Alone on the porch the bundle gave a little wiggle, as vibrant glowing green eyes and a heart shaped baby face popped out of a blanket. The baby- now known as harry potter- gave a small coo as the winds caress his face.

4 Privet Drive, 1991

"BOY, COME HELP MAKE BREAKFAST!" A loud voice shrilled through the three-bedroom house. A horse necked woman pounded on a small cupboard. On the other side a small black-haired child woke with a start, as he scrambled to find his glasses.

As soon as he found them, he called back "Coming Aunt Petunia!"

The Boy- known as harry- crawled out of his cupboard, and headed towards the kitchen. He grabbed the supplies needed to make a full English breakfast, knowing that it would be demanded of him. Today was his cousin Dudley's birthday, and as such, his aunt and uncle would demand perfection.

Speak of the devil, And the devil shall come. Petunia Dursley chose that moment to walk into the kitchen and demand that a cake be baked along with their meal.

Harry sighed knowing that he would not be getting any food today. As he made the food, he thought about the new book he had just gotten for free from the kind librarian. It was call "Another world, A new Paradise" It was about a man who went through a portal to find his true love, but instead ventured to a dangerous world.

Harry wondered if that was what he wanted too. To go to a new world and start a new life. Many have probably dreamed of the same. Who wouldn't? As he contemplated that decision, he turns off the stove. As he had done that, the other males of the house decided that it was now time to venture downstairs.

The pounding of two pairs of feet made its way to the dining room. A whale of a child came waddling into the dining room, heading towards his mother. "Here he comes, the birthday boy."

"Happy birthday son" Vernon, Dudley's father grunted.

As harry was serving the breakfast, Dudley complained about the number of presents he had gotten.' He's got more than I've ever gotten, and I've gotten none' Harry rolled his eyes as Petunia tried to satisfy Dudley. Luckily, his uncle was to busy with his whale of a son to notice.

As the day went on, with harry somehow vanishing glass between Dudley and a snake cage. Vernon immediately knew that harry had cause the mess. As harry was thrown into his cupboard, with the promise of no food for a week, harry wondered what had happened.

'Apparently, I can talk to snakes...' Harry thought, and gave a shiver. Harry sighed as he pulled out his book. 'At least I can finish my book' he thought, as his mind escaped to the world of his thoughts.

Harry stayed awake reading his book for the rest of the day. As midnight started to approach, harry heard deep but soft foot-steps. Harry slowly sat up as the knob on the cupboard rattled and turned. Harry blinked when he said the mad face of his uncle.

"Get out here freak, and quietly so you don't wake your aunt or Dudley." Vernon snarled. Harry followed the command, and softly followed his uncle. He had already known this would be coming. But it was not his fault something weird was going on today.

As his uncle lead him to the back yard, harry watched his surroundings as something black flashed by him. Harry blinked as he tried to comprehend what just happened. As harry was about to turn around to face his uncle, a large hand grabbed his neck and slammed him into a wall causing his knees to buckle and his head to start bleeding.

"You thought what you did today was funny BOY?!" Vernon spat in a dark tightened his grip around Harry's neck.

"N-No" Harry faked a whimper. 'Of course, I do. Anything Dudley thinks he can do, is funny' Harry thought. He knew not to say that out loud.

"Well after today you won't even try to think it is. This time I will make sure that I can beat the freakishness out of you." Vernon snarled as he threw Harry's body at the wall.

As Harry's vision started to darken the last thing he saw was a dark aura surrounding his uncle and a shadowed creature in the background.

Magnolia Road, Surrey England 1991, July 30th

Five weeks later...

Harry walking down the side of the road, with his book in hand, harry stared lifelessly at the sky. He clutched his book tightly to his chest and gave a sigh. The beating from five weeks ago had yet to fully heal. Harry sighed again as he approached the park.

Nobody was at the park except an old man reading the newspaper on a bench and the chirping ravens. Harry sighed for the third time, knowing it wouldn't be his last. He walked over to the man and said "Do you mind if I sit with you?"

The old man looked up and smiled. He had dark black hair and wore a thick coat. He was pretty pale, but his eyes, when they hit the light, looked gold and Silver. 'Must be my imagination' Harry tried to convince himself. The man looked pretty shady, but once he smiled, he looked pretty friendly to talk to.

He had a few scars here and there, but that was nothing compared to the one going down his face.

"How polite, of course you can young one." He said gently as he watched harry fidget to himself and examine the man before him. Harry gave a tight-lipped smile and sat down. The old man put his newspaper back up and went back to reading.

As minutes went by, Harry would sigh to himself of stare at the sky lifelessly. The old man glance at Harry for the tenth time and then put his newspaper down.

"Now young'un tell me what worries you" The old man said as harry flinched as the question was dropped on him.

"N-Nothing of course" harry replied nervously. He couldn't just tell some random stranger that his uncle, every so often, decided to beat the freakiness out of him. He knew the Dursley's would blame it on him if they were caught and sent to jail. He was blamed for almost everything...

"Nonsense, you young ones always have some sort of problem these days." He said as he gave a Cat-Caught-The-Canary grin and put down the newspaper to face harry.

Harry's lip trembled as he clutched his book. He took a deep breath, and decided maybe it was time to let out some of his problems to the first person, who actually wanted to hear his story. He tried to tell many people of the abuse at the Dursleys but they all decided he was either lying or that he mistook a couple of chores as beating.

"W-well, the problem...the problem is that I hate my relatives!" Harry cried as soft tears poured down his face. He tried to keep in his tears, trying not to look weak in the eyes of the old man. 'No one likes a weakling...' Harry thought sadly.

" I don't know what I did to make them hate me ever since I started to live in their house, but what ever I did must of have been bad" Harry said as he wiped his tears on the back of his arm. As he explains his abuse he clutches his book tighter in his grasp and takes deep breaths to calm himself.

A warm hand covered over his and gently took the book from him and layed it down gently on the bench.

Harry looked up at the smiling old man. " You don't have to say were very strong, to last this long" the old man said with kind eyes.

Harry's tears fell quickly as he thanked the old man. He wiped his tears and smiled.

"Now, instead of talking about solemn topics, how about you tell me about this book your reading, hmmm?" The old man took the book and put it in Harry's hand.

Harry gave a soft smile as he remembered about his book. He and the old man talked for a good two hours. Harry finally felt like someone at least tried to understand his pain.

"-and at the end of the story the hero decides to stay in the other world" Harry grinned and stood up, to bow to his one-man audience. The old man chuckled and clapped with vigor. A unknown glint entered his eyes. The old man smiled and asked gently.

"Is that what you wish for? To be taken to a new world, where you can be loved? To have a family that you can call your own?"

Harry didn't even hesitate.


"Then I wish it comes true. You have my blessings, young one"

"Thank you" Harry said softly. He was just glad someone finally understood.

The old man stood up and said " I had a lovely tome talking with you, young one"

"Me too" Said Harry with a smile. Harry looked back down at his book, feeling satisfied. He finally was able to talk to some and take out his frustration.

The old man walked away and the sun began to set. Before he left he looked back at Harry who was still re-reading his book and said.

"Happy early birthday Harry Potter. May your wishes come true. We will meet again one day, but until then keep trying to smile..."

Harry, who heard the old man and looked up, only to see that the old man had disappeared.

"Weird...When did I tell him my name?"