I do not own the Devil May Cry original series by Capcom or the reboot by Ninja Theory, the cover picture is also from a Star Wars character creator on Azalea Dolls, it's how Evelynn looks, and she is the only thing I own besides Xanthus and Cassius. I had posted this before, but I hated it, so I took it down and decided to completely revamp the idea I had. I had a gut feeling that Evelynn's personality was darker then the version of her I originally posted. I hope you guys enjoy!


Footsteps echoed through the dark and shadowed corridor. The walls seemed to stretch vertically for miles, the celling being covered by ominous shadows. Flashes of scales, feathers, and jagged teeth could be seen for brief seconds as the creatures they belonged to hissed at the tall, disheveled figure marching forwards.

The dark figure ignored the demons above his head, a destination in his mind that he was determined to reach quickly. He had to report the news to his mistress, she had to be told immediately, her and her brother's rule over Hell being at stake. A large black door stood before him at the end of the demon infested hall. The door stood around three stories high and it was in a bell shape. The black stone, was decorated with golden images of humans being dragged to Hell by all kinds of unholy creatures.

As he placed his hand on the warm door, he could feel the power pulsing from behind it. His mistress was there, and she was waiting for him. He pushed open the door and his pupil less black eyes met the figure sitting a few yards away. She was sitting on a throne, it had hundreds of sharp edges along the top, the edges giving a silent threat to rip apart those who stepped to close. It was made of solid black obsidian, allowing it to glimmer in firelight.

Upon the throne she sat in all her glory. She had her head resting on her right fist, her blonde hair cascading around her slim body, brushing against her thighs. Her eyes were lined in a thin elegant line of black eyeliner, showing the wing very clearly as they were closed, her long black lashes ghosted over her pale cheeks. She had her plump, red lips parted as she silently breathed in her meditative state.

She had her long legs crossed at the knees and her black dress flowed seamlessly to the marble floor, the train falling over the first two steps leading away from the throne she sat on. The top of her dress was skin tight, two cut outs under her medium sides breast and multiple more along her sides and down to her hips. The sleeves hung off her shoulders, the dark material clung to her arms, the ends coming to a gentle point on the back of her hands.

From her back were two massive wings, the parts closest to her were white and gradually turned to a raven black as the wings continued to stretch. There were close to seven feet long, versus her 5 feet and 5-inch stature. They gave testament to her otherworldly origins, and to the amount of power she held.

The man dropped to his knees before the steps leading up to the grand throne. He placed his head to the ground, his greasy black hair limply hanging from his head, bald spots in his head showed the flesh there was just as scared and weathered as the rest of him. His black robes seemed to be falling off his frail form, showing the small about the body mass he held under them. He kept quite while he waited for his mistress to acknowledge him.

Silence continued to echo through the dangerous room, the woman still in her peaceful state and the man on the floor grew more nervous with every second she ignored him. Thoughts raced through his mind 'had he displeased her? Had he done something wrong and she was coming up with a punishment for him?'. His breathing picked up in panic, but he continued to keep his head to the ground.

"Why must you interrupt my meditation Xanthus? I can hear your thoughts from here." The woman's voice was heavenly but had a seductive undertone that broke the illusion that she was a pure being. Her voice shot through the man's chest, the annoyance in her tone clear.

"I bring news mistress, about Mundus." Xanthus said, trying to hide his fear of the woman. "Mundus? What makes you think I want to hear anything about that disgusting being?" The woman scuffed at the name, her vibrant golden eyes opened to pin the man in front her with a glare.

Her eyes were a molten gold, a deep color that had been tinted from her many years being tied to Hell. They radiated power, anger, confidence, and a hunger that drove lesser beings to their knees. Xanthus raised his head but stayed on his knees before her. "Ours spies have brought information that he is rapidly gaining more power and has taken almost complete control over the human world. He has been using demonic power to rule over the humans, throwing off the balance." Xanthus informed.

"Mundus has always been greedy for more power ever since my brother began his slumber. He forgets his place and where his loyalties should lie. I do not care for the human world, but the balance is a necessity to prevent another war with the angels. He will cause another war if he continues on this path of greed." The blonde said leaning back into her throne.

"There is more, my Queen." Xanthus said quietly, afraid to tell her the piece of news his spies had told him. He knew it would send her into a fit of rage, and he did not want to be the one who faced her wrath. "What is it?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him, and growing impatient.

"Mundus has been declaring himself the king of the demons…he has claimed that your brother no longer has the power to control them and that is why he has been asleep for 5 millennia." Xanthus said and bowed deeply.

"King?! He has declared himself king while my brother still breathes?!" The woman stood, and her power seemed to increase, forcing Xanthus to grit his teeth in pain. "How dare he! My brother has been the King of Hell since we were both banished from Heaven, and now this insolent cretin thinks he can replace an almighty angel?! My brother and I were some of the original beings that were created, Mundus could never dream to hold a mere fraction of our strength!" She had started pacing in front of the throne as she spoke. Causing some of the columns lining the hall to crack under the pressure of her power, dust from the celling to fall onto the floor.

"My Queen! Please calm yourself! Your servant begs you to calm yourself" Xanthus pleaded as he was pushed onto his stomach from the force of her aura. She growled and stopped pacing to stare at the man before her. When she saw him sweating and being forced into the floor she took a deep breath and allowed herself to calm down, the air turning calmer, and less threatening.

"I took my brother's place as ruler of Hell while he slept, protecting it from those who wished to steal it, and now, Mundus thinks he can just say he is King and that's it? Has he forgotten that I still reside here in my brother's place? I won't allow it; my brother would never forgive me if he awoke to find his throne stolen and that I let it happen. No, I will intervene but how?" She stopped pacing once again and started to twirl a piece of blonde hair as she bit her red lip.

"Why not just kill him my Queen?" Xanthus asked.

"I can't do that, not without my brother. It would cause a war between our followers and his and I don't want to fight a demonic war, it's messy and tiring." She waved her hand to dismiss his idea.

Silence once again filled the hall as they both tried to work out a plan to defeat Mundus. Xanthus stared at the floor in thought, trying to remember everything his spies had been telling him in the last few years. His head shot up when he came to realization. "Nephilim…" He whispered. She turned around to look at him.

"Speak up Xanthus" She snapped.

"Nephilim are the answer my Queen. According the legend only Nephilim can defeat a demon king. I remember my spies once told me that there are two Nephilim on Earth currently, they are the sons of…"

"Sparda" She breathed out, interrupting Xanthus. She turned to look at him, a new light filtered into her molten eyes. "I remember them. The last time I visited Earth was to help Sparda hide his family from Mundus. They were quite small then, 4 years old maybe? The oldest was a hellion, just like I remember his father being as a boy. Dante, I think his name was. The youngest…the youngest was quiet and thoughtful. He was very calm compared to his twin. What was his name?" She sat back down on her throne with a thoughtful look.

She remembered the little silver haired boy had a solemn expression on his young face when she had first met him. It intrigued her that such a small child was so calm, she figured he would have been trouble because of his hybrid blood, giving him an endless amount of energy. He had piercing blue-grey eyes that were a spitting image of his fathers. The name came to her when remembering the angel Eva calling out to her boys.

"Vergil is the other son. Are they still alive Xanthus? What have our spies found?" She asked with a tone of eagerness.

"Yes, my Queen. Our spies tell me that Dante has been the cause of mayhem on Earth. He seems to have grown into a violent troublemaker but seems to take no action against Mundus. Our spies have not heard much of Vergil, all they know that he has become a successful hacker, but he lives a relatively quiet life. They both reside in Limbo City." Xanthus informed.

"Is that so? Well, I will just have to change that then, won't I Xanthus? I need them to defeat Mundus, and perhaps a little push is all they need to get things moving. Watch over my brother's body while I am gone, Xanthus." She commanded and strode out of the room, heels clicking with each confidant step. She reached out her arm and slowed to a stop, "Come here, my pet" She called into the shadows.

The shadows seemed to spin for a minute before flying towards her and shaping into a large eagle that rested on her extended forearm. "It seems we are going to Earth, Cassius. Are you ready for the trip my love?" She asked and stroked its wispy beak. Smokey shadows billowed from its body and seemed to caress the woman's soft check affectionately before spinning and turning into a long, sleek, black dagger with an amethyst resting on the handle. She allowed a smirk to rise to her lips as she strode out of the room.