INFO: Hey there! The original chapter one of TETHERED has been scrapped. I apologise for changing it so suddenly, but I hope you all will like this reboot a lot better. (I know I do!) Please enjoy and have fun!!

Life is full of surprises.

A sudden peck on the cheek. A pop quiz on the last day of school. The untimely death of a loved one. We're given tools at an early age to ready ourselves for these unforeseen events, but nothing could have prepared Charlie for the day she found her volkswagen beetle cowering meekly in the corner of the garage.

It was hard to believe what had gone down at her old home just a few years back. Hell, that house was still being remodeled. Every visit with her family sent bittersweet memories rippling through her subconscious. A subtle reminder that everything that had taken place here really did happen. Alien robots had in fact fallen from the sky and her canary yellow car had actually come to life. And he was the best friend she'd ever made. Despite having grown up and moved on since then, she couldn't help but wonder about him every now and again. Little intel was shared with the public about the Autobots and their whereabouts. It made things easier, when trying to forget, but did she really want that…?

Charlie stared blankly at her ceiling, sprawled haphazardly across her bedsheets. With a jutted lip she puffed at her wrinkled bangs. It was about time to take a shower and get out of this stuffy apartment. She wiggled herself unceremoniously off of the mattress and strolled to the bathroom, shedding clothing along the way. Steam invaded the hallway as it seeped through the cracked door, joined by the muffled verberations of classic rock. A healthy jamming session during her scorching cleanses were usually required, taking up at least three fourths of her showering time.

Toothbrush popped in her cheek she toweled off and began sifting through piles of clothes. Half begrudgingly she slipped into a crimson plaid skirt, complimented by a branded white tee. She crinkled her nose at the small pink makeup bag sitting at the edge of her desk. A gift from a friend who refused to take no for an answer. After a brief moment of hesitation she plucked the thing from its perch and took it to a mirror. Just a touch of mascara and lip gloss, fear keeping her from experimenting further.

A quick glance at the clock sent Charlie into flight mode. Through a sling of panicked curses she hurriedly slapped her black leather jacket on and grabbed her shoes. With no time to lose she hopped out the front door, a finger hooked in one of her boots, frantically tugging it onto her bare foot. She hit the steel railing with her palms and stomach, peering worriedly over the edge. At the very bottom was a tall young man leaned against his sick ride. He glanced up and gave her a nod, a sly smile creeping onto his lips. Blushing with embarrassment she began descending the twisty flight of stairs.

Today was going to be interesting.