Sal noticed something weird was going on with Larry in the past three months. in the day time he seemed alright, but on certain nights he'd be acting weird. sometimes in the day he'd act strange. he'd push Sal and his friends away. Sal would often see him sneak out on those nights and would wait up all night, only to see him come back around 4 or 5 AM, exhausted and often only wearing pants. Sal was going to follow him tonight. he was ready. so as soon as he saw Larry leave, he went after him. running down the stairs of the apartments and out the back door as quiet as possible. he followed Larry in the light of a full moon, but it was dark in the woods and Sal quickly lost sight of him. he didn't want to risk turning on the flash light he'd brought, just in case Larry saw him. he frowned until he heard leave crunching. he froze, surely Larry hadn't let him get that close right? he moved to hide behind the nearest tree. looking around, Sal noticed a large creature in the distance. its large black body covered in the pale moon light. the light also illuminated shreds of a brown t-shirt on the ground. there was blood and what looked like Larry's shoe's on the ground. oh god, had this thing... eaten his boyfriend!? it threw it's large furry head back and howled loudly. the sound had Sal's blood freezing. not a dog. surely another dog hadn't terrorized his family yet again.

"oh god, Larry..." Sal muttered softly. his breath hitched and he took a step back as its head snapped towards him. it growled lowly and got down low. Sal let out the most terrified scream in his life and took off running in the opposite direction. "oh shit! oh shit!" Sal screamed. he honestly didn't know he could run this fast. he tripped and winced. before he could blink the creature was on him. Sal shrieked again and rolled over, kicking it hard in the face as he scrambled away. a full on panic attack was setting in Sal couldn't breathe the memories were coming back. the claws ripping at him and his mother. his heart was pounding. he couldn't get himself up off the ground. this was the worst time to have a panic attack he threw his mask off and screamed, curling up in a ball. the creature stopped as if the scream of pure terror had scared it. the other screams from Sal's throat had been scared, but he was terrified now. the creature walked closer and stood over him, sniffing him.

what the hell are you doing out here?

the tension in the creatures body lessened and it nudged him with it's nose. immediately Sal kicked it hard in the face again. it hissed and rubbed his nose as Sal got up, grabbing his mask. he put it on and took off running. the creature watched him go, almost sadly. Sal ran as fast as he could until he was cut off by another creature. it was just the same size and it was a white color. it snarled at him and Sal swallowed hard, taking a step back. he paused when he bumped into something. it was the big black creature and it was staring down the white one. they were at least 7 foot tall and the black one moved to stand over Sal protectively. Sal looked up and swallowed, was this thing protecting him? what was happening? Sal shouted as he was grabbed by the back of his shirt and lifted into the air. "h-hey! put me down! don't eat me! I don't taste very good!" Sal shouted kicking his feet and struggling. whatever it was seemed to chuckle, but carried him off. it dropped Sal carefully then laid beside him. "what are you? who are you? did you eat my fucking boyfriend? why are you here?" Sal ask, scrambling away. the creature's tail twitched, it was some kind of overly huge wolf like creature. it seemed amused, but nervous.

if only you could understand me.

Sal was slowly backing away from the large wolf, heading for the apartments, but it stopped him.

"I'll fucking kick you again!" Sal hissed backed against a tree. he saw flash in the creature's eye's. god those eye's look so... no. oh god no. there was no way he was... but the only other explanation was he'd been eaten. he swallowed the lump in his throat and in a very unSal like voice managed to squeak something out. "L-Larry?!" Sal squeaked. the creature gave what Sal could only assume was a smirk and winked at him. it stood to it's full height and nodded at him. Larry seemed to think he was the shit like this.

finally! bask in my glory Sally!

Sal stared at him a moment as he lowered back down to look Sal in the eye. Sal was pissed and kicked him in the face. Larry whined softly.

"you fucking shit head! I thought you were going to fucking eat me!" Sal shouted. Larry's ears twitched in amusement. "I thought you'd been eaten! why did you bleed!?" Sal hissed.

so thats why he thought he was going to be eaten.

Larry sat and lifted up one of his front rather large paws and showed Sal the dried blood on it. since he couldn't talk to Sal, he grabbed him in his mouth and carried him to were he could show him.

"put me down!" Sal hissed kicking his feet. man he really had a temper. Larry put Sal down and nudged the dead tree infront of him. Sal could see blood on it. "what you stepped on it?" Sal ask. Larry made a so so motion with his head and smiled at him. "this is creepy and weird and I don't like it and I'm on the edge of a panic attack. this is much worse then you being eaten." Sal muttered backing up slightly. Larry seemed confused, until he noticed Sal was tightening his mask.

oh right, over sized dog staring him right in the face, didn't think that one through. he's not even sure it's me.

Larry leaned forward and nudged him with his nose, but paused. he straightened up and growled. Sal backed up again.

"thats not a friendly sound." Sal muttered. suddenly the massive creature grabbed Sal, in his mouth, by his legs and started running. "hey! stop it! what are you doing!?" Sal shouted. Larry stopped by the apartments as Sal heard another howl, that couldn't have been his. Larry dropped him quickly by the back door, urging him to get inside. he turned and growled running back into the woods. without a second thought, Sal raced into Larry's bedroom and shut the door. he was terrified. that couldn't have been Larry right? but if it wasn't why had it raced him out of the woods at the first sign of danger? Sal couldn't think about that right now, the panic from before had caught up with him and suddenly he couldn't breathe. he collapsed onto Larry's bean bag and fell unconscious.

Sal groaned softly, unsure as to what time it was, but he saw the large black creature staring at him and he was now laying on Larry's bed covered up and tucked in.

"how long was I out?" Sal muttered. Larry nudged the alarm clock closer to him with his large nose. "it says midnight... that can't be right... unless... I lost a whole fucking day!?" Sal cried. Larry growled lowly, in a shushing manner. Sal reached up and rubbed his face, looking up when Larry moved. "so it's really you huh?" Sal ask. Larry nodded once. "why didn't you tell me?" Sal ask.

I couldn't. I know how you feel about dogs and I was afraid...

since he couldn't say this he just stared at Sal.

"right you can't talk like this..." Sal muttered getting up. on all four Larry was just six or seven inches taller than normal. he walked around Larry hesitantly, keeping a distance, as he looked him over. Larry smiled and sat still letting him look. "what was that other thing last night, if you're a person isn't it?" Sal ask. Larry growled lowly, but nodded once. "so it like a territory thing or something?" Sal ask.

you really don't understand I can't speak.

Larry huffed out his nose and tilted his head to the side.

"right. I'm not used to that you usually can't stop talking and now you can't talk." Sal said. Larry glared at him and Sal laughed slightly. he knelt down and motioned for Sal to get on his back. "what? no. no no no no no no no no." Sal said nervously. Larry nodded at him, smiling at him. "no." Sal said. Larry's ears drooped and he looked pathetic. "I'm supposed to be the cute one you know." Sal muttered, climbing up on his back. Larry chuckled slightly and got up walking out of the door with Sal on his back. he headed outside, Sal holding tightly to his neck. "I'm not happy about this! I don't like it!" Sal hissed, holding tigher to Larry's neck. Larry paused in his running and Sal realized, they were at the lake. "I don't like the lake either." Sal huffed. the scene was gorgous, but Sal wouldn't get too close. Larry took off running and jumping into the water, barking at Sal. "no I'm not coming in. it's cold and I'm already not dressed for this." Sal said. Larry walked over and shook off. "stop! hey! stop it asshole!" Sal shouted. Larry walked over to him, tail wagging.

whats wrong?

Larry tilted his head curiously.

"I don't like water. we don't get along." Sal said. Larry nudged him towards the water and Sal smacked him hard. "I said no!" Sal glared. Larry recoiled shocked and huffed nudging him. "I can't swim so would you please stop pushing me towards that lake before I drown?" Sal snapped. Larry stopped and nodded. Sal turned away and crossed his arms over his chest. Larry nudged him gently and grabbed him in his mouth. "let me go you dick." Sal hissed.

no, come with me.

Larry headed off, heading back towards the apartments.

"put me down!" Sal hissed, smacking his face. Larry growled but sat him down. "thank you. I am not a chew toy." Sal glared. Larry saw something nervous flash in his eye's though. Larry or not, Sal was still afraid of him. he was a giant dog and he was terrified of dogs. he leaned down and nuzzled Sal, licking him. Sal gave a cry of disgust, covered head to toe in slobber. "disgusting!" Sal hissed, shaking slobber from his hands. "you stupid fucking mutt." Sal hissed, glaring. Larry didn't take the words to heart. he froze suddenly and grabbed Sal quickly, running as fast as he could for the apartment. it wasn't playful like he'd been before. "Larry! what are you doing?!" Sal shouted. he suddenly went flying into a tree as Larry was tackled. Sal groaned and sat up turning his head. he slowly got up off the ground and winced, feeling his head. he hissed pulling his hand back, it was covered with blood. he turned to look at Larry. the large white wolf was back now and was digging his teeth into Larry's neck. Larry let out a howl of pain. wolf or not, Larry was his boyfriend and Sal wasn't going to let this wolf hurt him. he picked up a rock and chucked it hard a the white wolf, it bounced off his head. he growled and looked at Sal.

Sal! you idiot!