

Title: Hunger
By: Baked the Author
Genre: Horror/Humor
Rating: STRONG M
Description: Taylor dies in the locker. She isn't too happy about this setback, or the results, but at least she can still try to be a hero… while trying not to indulge in all the tasty snacks running around. Zombie!Taylor, AU, TaylorXMulti WARNING: dark, char death, lewd


Okay, so this was a recent plot-bunny that my illustrious pre-reader, Skittles, thought up. No, she doesn't have an account, mainly because she can breed plot-bunnies like a ravenous hentai tentacle monster breeds hapless explorers, but has a problem putting them into word and verse.

I have a feeling I'm going to regret working on this with her… or posting it, one of the two, maybe both. But I owe her a favor, so… yeah.

The way we usually do things is: I present a chapter to her, she reads it, and tells me whether it sucks or not. Occasionally, we both miss some grammar and spelling mistakes that slip through the editing process. Additionally, if she doesn't know what fandom sandbox I'm playing around with, she immerses herself for a week or two to get an idea of what I'm harping on about.

INTERFACE was my idea, but she hadn't read all of Worm by the time I posted chapter 5, so she'd been grumbling about the idea. She's caught up now, and this story was her first plot proposal to me.

I have a feeling it's vengeance for posting that Prologue without her express review and permission, but I owe her a story for all the help she's given me thus far, so I can't find a reason not to, especially as my other grimdark story, Unforgivable, is stuck in limbo and I needed something to get the creative juices flowing for my other stories. Again, I have a feeling I'll regret agreeing to make this…

Basically, this story explores what would happen if a greater undead was exposed to the Worm universe. To prepare, Skittles and I spent a day, recently, watching a marathon of zombie movies, looking up zombies and undead in pop culture and gaming, and brainstorming how to present such an idea to you, the reader, in such a way that is intended to be, at once, humorous, gruesomely horrifying, and, above all, believable from both an in-universe perspective and from the perspective of someone who is now a walking, talking, hungry corpse.

The challenge was daunting, but we're made of sterner stuff than the average dynamic duo!

Pizza was eaten. Arguments were had. Words were said. A keyboard was broken. Chairs were thrown. Feelings were hurt. Ceasefires were made into alliances and treaties were signed. It snowed.

Behold the final result of our combined madness!

Before you go on, though, there are a few more things I have to go over so there's no confusion about how things play out:

Firstly, Taylor's ability here is like a dark variant of Alabaster's, in that she can rebuild her body from nearly any injury; her only weakness is if she doesn't have enough biomass to regenerate from a debilitating blow. On the other hand… well, there's a plus side to this, but you have to read about it. No spoilers!

Secondly, this story probably isn't going to be very long, and I'm not going to make it a priority with three other fics on the boil. Expect sporadic updates.

Thirdly, and fuck you Skittles for making me write this, THIS FIC IS NOT FOR CHILDREN! If you haven't had sex yet, or have a problem with reading about gory things and/or highly questionable acts of debauchery, or if you have issues with questioning your own mortality, TURN THE FUCK AROUND RIGHT GODDAMN NOW, HIT THAT BACK BUTTON, AND LEAVE!

There will be absolutely sickening depictions of depraved acts in this story, including, but not limited to:
detailed descriptions of death in the first person,
drug use,
the enslavement and rape of underage persons,
graphic descriptions of Taylor eating people and animals,
the violent deaths of characters you may or may not like,
and very, very vulgar language.

Having said that, I've done my best to pad this nuthouse-worthy scree up with as much humor as possible to soften the blows, but this story is still really fucking dark. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Right, I think that covers everything. Now…

Without *gags* further ado…
