Episode 11: Spys, like we


Kongo was furious. The human was right again! One of the destroyers sent to Iwo Jima was destroyed by fire from the island. And if not for the advice of the man to send two ships to investigate, she would not have received any data, because the advanced destroyer just blew to pieces direct hits before he had time to report the discovery of the enemy. And, judging by the monitoring data, the fire was led by the battery of the Ise class battleship. And since there were only two such ships in the entire fleet of the Fog: Ise and its Hyuga sistership ... the conclusion was unequivocal - since Ise itself is now part of the Reserve Squadron, the battery on the island belongs to the Hyuga that was sunk a year ago. Damn Chihaya Gonzo somehow managed to subdue the battleship! Moreover, to capture with it, a small reserve base of the Second fleet! Just unbeliveble!

The human, who had studied the information on the tactical tablet, looked up, squinting.

"M-mm ... Kongo, I hope you are not going to immediately storm this base with a cavalry assault? Of course, I don't know what Hyuuga is like in reality, but in that stupid anime it was a very active person. I am even afraid to imagine what she could turn the island into, having at her disposal the resources of a whole base."

Squinting darkly at him, the Kongo shook her head negatively:

"The local reserves are not very large, moreover, if Hyuga took over the management of the base, its computing power is not sufficient to conduct a full-fledged battle."

"And she can't strengthen? Or, for example, build a fleet of destroyers? Nanomaterial is in her abundance, as I understand it."

"No. Quantum crystals which serve as the basis for the core, are grown over the years. And in any case, on this base there is no equipment for their production."

"Hmm ... and you? Can you increase your fleet?"

"No. Even the creation of a destroyer core takes more than six years. In addition, there are restrictions on the quantitative composition of each fleet."

The human grimaced.

"Let me guess, again the Admiralty code?"


"I see. Then may I know your future plans?"

Kongo hesitated for a moment. In fact, she was not used to discussing her actions with anyone. Especially with people. But recent analysis has shown that the "human viev" may be useful in planning. And, in the end, just silly not to use the available resources. Even if these resources ... - Kongo threw a gloomy look at the person waiting for an answer, - ... are rather dubious.

"I'm not going to attack the island right now" she said, after a pause. "I-401 from Yokosuka went to Hokkaido. But sooner or later she'll be here."

"I see. So, you want to drown the poor OJS?" with a heavy sigh, stated human.


"Oh, yeah, sorry, OJS - is an abbreviation for Ordinary Japanese Schoolboy.*

"Humans in the crew I-401 already out of school age" she said coldly, internally wincing from another human specimen of jargon.

" Yeah, out" a sour-faced man nodded. "but not so far"

*(OJS or Ordinary Japanese Schoolboy - it refers to a cliche in most Japanese anime, where the main character is an ordinary Japanese schoolboy.)


Damn that Hyuga! Why the hell wasn't she sit quietly? Damn sniper! Although, if remember the original, with Hyuuga's head in general problems. Very big problems. For example a love story to the 401st which was sunk her. fell in love head over keel with that snotty submarine! "Ah, Lady Ilona, Ah, Goddess of war, Ah, her torpedoes hit me in the…". Ugh, damn, pervert. No, I'm not against love in General and maiden in particular, but squeaking with delight to jump on the one who drowned you… I think it's masochistic.

Hmm, but the Kongo is really pissed off. But approached the matter much more thoroughly than in the stupid anime. In the four days that we hung out in the sea, waiting for 401st to appear, the electronic reconnaissance ship and the naval strike brigade in full force joined to the Kongo squadron (the same "student Council" from the cartoon), - four heavy class Myoko cruiser under the command of the battle cruiser Hiei.

Also an interesting company. But I haven't met them yet. In order not to frighten off the 401st all this violent five drifted on the other side of the island, outside the detection radius.

Oh, I feel like it's gonna be fun.

Sitting in her favorite spot by the window, Foggy suddenly perked up and whispered with a predatory smile:

"I-401, you came."

Here it comes.

"Hmm, and if they sit down on base?" I asked a little aloof, glancing at the tactical tablet, which displays the situation of the area in real time. "Even with the forces you now have, storming the island will be a challenge."

On the face of the Kongo flashed a smile.

"They won't. A moment ago, I sent an order through the tactical network to the battleship ISE to follow Iwo Jima."

" So what?"

"Since I-401 has access to the tactical network, she will notice this order and try to leave the island before the Backup squadron approaches. Or I'll drown this island with her."

"Good move," I admitted. "One moment, if you will."


"You once mentioned that Takao was expelled from the composition of its fleet for desertion."

"Yes. And what?"

"I mean, Takao doesn't have access to your network right now, right?"

"Yes," Kongo said, flushing with displeasure. "As a flagship, I had the right to delete her identifier."

"And now the question..." I squinted, staring directly into the eyes of foggy "Why is the 401st, which also deserted, and much earlier, still has this access?"

Kongo froze. She frowned. A minute later she said thoughtfully:

"I don't now"

"By the way, from which fleet is she, who is her former flagship?"

"White fleet, Yamato super battleship," foggy replied thoughtfully.

"Ah, well, then it is clear," I nodded.

Kongo raised an eyebrow.

"What is clear?"

"Why 401st is not excluded. Although ... and who is now commanding the White Fleet?"


"I realized that before the flagship was the Yamato, and now who? Musashi?"

"Super battleship Musashi is a flagship of the Scarlet fleet" Kongo irritably explained "White Fleet, as before, is headed by the Yamato super battleship."

"Wait, wait..." I shook my head, puzzled "You mean Yamato is alive?!"

"And why should she die?" no less puzzled staring at me Kongo.

Well, something is wrong here, according to the canon, Yamato should be at the bottom long time a go.

"E-mm… You see, in that cartoon I told you about, Yamato was drowned by her younger sister Musashi."

"Why?!" girl's eyes widened.

"Who the hell knows. Some kind of family dispute."


"Yep. Look, are you sure Yamato is okay?"

"Yes, I sure. We met a month ago, and now her ID is present in the tactical network."

Well, that's funny now

"Then why didn't she exclud 401-st"

"I don't now but...I can guess." said Kongo, again falling into reverie.

"Interesting to hear"

"I-401 periodically puts in the tactical network reports about Humans. Most of the information that is now there, received from her."

I whistled involuntarily.

"It turns out that Yamato foisted people her agent."

Kongo gave me a far from friendly look in response.

"That's just a guess."

"But it is quite logical"

"Then why I or Nagato don't know about it?"

"Who's Nagato?"

"Flagship of the First Eastern fleet battleship Nagato. Her's fleet is carrying out a blockade of the North-Eastern coast of Japan."

"Oh, I see, she's your roommate."

Kongo winced, clearly unhappy with the comparison, but nodded:

"Yes. And since we're…" she suddenly fell silent in mid-sentence.

It looked very frightening. Mouth half open, eyes fixed…

"Kongo, what happened?!"

She withdrew from stupor, several times blinked her eyes, returning in reality, finally, slowly, as if not believing in the that intends to say, spoken:

"I was contacted by I-401... she... invites me to negotiations."