Chapter One - Home

Téa Gardner stepped off the plane from New York and inhaled the fresh air with a huge smile. The fourteen hour flight plus a delay had not dampened her spirits; she was glad to finally be home.

She made her way through security and then baggage reclaim, before walking through Tokyo airport to Arrivals. There, waiting for her, with an enormous 'Welcome Home Téa!' banner, were her best friends: Tristan Taylor, Joey Wheeler, and Yugi Muto.

"Hi!" she squealed, running towards them with open arms. They embraced her tightly. Ah, the gang all back together again. She felt a warmth that had been absent whilst she was away. Friends like these couldn't be found just anywhere. They were made through years of saving the world over and over again, getting caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and prevailing through the constant threat of someone or something trying to defeat you. These friends weren't just friends, they were family, sharing a bond that was impossible to apprehend. A bond that could never be shattered.

"We've missed you, Téa."

Téa pulled back and almost did a double take at the person who'd spoken. The last time she'd seen Yugi was almost a year ago, before she went on the second half of her tour with the New York Dance Company. He was... different now. He was much taller, still the smallest of the three boys, but he towered over her with ease. His voice was deeper, his features more angular and strong arms had encircled her.

She felt herself blush, she'd not noticed that Yugi Muto had grown up. In a small voice, she uttered, "I've missed you too, Yugi."

His vivid amethyst eyes entranced her. A shiver rushed down her spine.

"We can't wait to hear about your travels. It sounds like you've had a great time."

She felt her stomach knot and then a pang of something she didn't recognise. She'd always felt a certain way about her oldest childhood friend, but now… well, now she wasn't so sure what that was. Her heart raced; could it be? No, he was gone. Wasn't he? Her breath caught in her throat. He didn't even have the damn puzzle anymore. And even if he did, it was empty. She knew that.

"Er Téa?" Joey interrupted, startling her and causing her to blush a deep pink. She shook her head, banishing the dangerous thoughts that belonged six years in the past. "Everything ok? You've been staring at Yuge for a few minutes now. It's kinda weird."

Oh God. Her racing heart showed no signs of abating. Especially not now.

Think Téa, think. Say something, anything.

"I'm, I'm so sorry," she gushed, avoiding eye contact with the group, "I'm tired, it must be jet lag from the flight."

Shock continued to consume her. He was so much like him. She should have seen it coming, really. Yugi was Atem's reincarnation after all. She wanted to kick herself for not recognising the signs. But honestly, nothing could have prepared her for the old flame to suddenly reignite low in her belly. And the confusion that shortly ensued. Her brow furrowed, as if the memories were painful.

Not now, not here.

Pleading irrationality, Téa immediately turned to grab her forgotten luggage. The arrivals hall had become very warm all of a sudden, and just like when she had been on that wretched plane, she found herself almost gasping with the need for fresh air.

But Joey didn't buy her excuse. Obviously, he didn't. No one did. It's written all over their faces. His lip quirked and spread into a wicked smile. "Sure… Somethin' tells me that you got a cru-"

"Of course!" Yugi cut in, and smiled kindly. "It was a long flight, I don't doubt that you're exhausted. Let's get you home so you can have a nap. I'm sure Joey will need one too."

He nudged his friend with the facade of playfulness. Shut up, Joey. Téa silently thanked Yugi for dissolving the awkward conversation.

I've just got back, it's too early for me to die with embarrassment.

Still, she didn't feel any relief.

What am I going to do?

"Hey!" The blonde retorted, and they both laughed, "it's beauty sleep, alright? Anyways, you need to be in tip-top shape Téa for tonight."

Joey winked and pointed a finger at her.


It was Yugi who spoke up. "Bakura is holding his birthday party at a bar in town, and we're all invited, including you." He paused, and looked to the side. "But if it's ok if you don't feel up to it."

He sounded disappointed. Why?

Tristan piped up. "Everyone's gunna be there, you have to come. Us, Mai, Serenity, Duke, Mako, Kaiba..."

"What!" Joey yelped, "who invited Kaiba?"

Tristan gave him a look. "Well, I'm guessing Bakura did."

"Smart ass," the blonde roared, igniting an argument between the two. "Why don't you come on over here and say that to me again?"

Téa and Yugi rolled their eyes simultaneously at the bickering. Nothing felt more like home than Joey and Tristan winding each other up. She felt grateful for the familiarity.

At least some things don't change.

But not forgetting their interrupted conversation, Téa swallowed and placed a hand on Yugi's arm. She felt him let out a soft exhalation and their eyes locked for a moment, before the squabbling duo came back into view. Now, playful fists were being thrown and the group were beginning to attract unwanted attention. Security officers raised their eyebrows.

"I'm sure I'll feel fine later. You can count on me, " she smiled. "Shall we get out of here? Before someone gets hurt? Or we get thrown out?"

Yugi let out a relieved laugh. It's so good to hear that laugh again.

"That sounds like a plan," he said, but concern laced his voice," Is everything ok? You don't seem yourself."

"Yeah, I'm fine," she lied, "don't worry about me."

Sweet Dragon of Ra, what am I going to do with myself?

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