Author's Note: I made a mistake last chapter, Kaz didn't have 40 Skill Points but 20 instead, since you only get 10 Skill Points per level!

Well, am I ready to go?

I brought up my Menu and pressed Inventory.


51 Silver Coins(Fire Nation)

5 Copper Coins(Fire Nation)

I got no Earth Kingdom currency, great. I look up to see the village I was gonna enter.

How exactly am I gonna get in, first off I'd have to take off my uniform...

This is a bad idea, isn't it?

Besides going into this village wouldn't help me with my mission.

"I'll have to go somewhere else". I mumbled sadly.

My stomach growled as I said that.

I continued walking on a road leading to a mountain.

The mountain was rather big, and this heat is killing me..

I look up and try to look at the blazing sun covering my eyes with my hand.

I then move my hands and lifted up my skull plate.

I still don't feel better. Why did I agree to join the damn Navy? They just threw me into a war without proper training.

I mean the signs were so obvious, they were mass recruiting teenagers from school.

Wonder what my Father would say about this, bringing honor to our family.

Wait, he's not even my Father to begin with..

Why do I miss them already, I don't even know them.

Ignoring the pain in my heart I made it to the top of the mountain.

Wow, the view.

There was alot of forests and water around.

Wait, is that..

I rubbed my eyes.

It's a village with a harbor, I can get a ship and get out of here!

Though it looks really far, no doubt it'd take a day to get there if I go by foot.

"Obviously, but once we get there we can see for ourse...lves".

I look away from the Village with the harbor and look back to see who's voice it belonged to.

There was 3 people around my age, I think.

They seemed to be Earth Kingdom Civilians.

They froze as if they were a statue.

I froze too, I didn't expect this.

Hell I'm already out of stamina from walking here!

Ok calm down, maybe if I intimidate them, they will run away.

I quickly slammed down my skull plate to cover my face.

There was 1 girl and 2 guys, I got this under control.

"Tava...we should run away". The guy told the girl.

The girl however, had a look of rage.

I tried my best to look intimidating...

I straightened my back with a good posture and tried to look domineering.

"No Jin, you know damn well he's one of the soldiers that's responsible for the invasion"!

"Jin...she's right, they burned down The Elder's house"!

Fuck this, I'm threatening them, there was no way we can walk away like nothing happened.

"You all better back off my crew is coming up, you don't wanna get captured, now do you"?

Haha, that was actually pretty good! I had a cheeky grin behind my skull plate.

Speech Check Failed: 5/35

My heart sank when I saw those words.

The girl yelled back and took a step forward.

"Let them all come, We can take you all on"!

Why am I not surprised.

Her friends decided to take me down, they suddenly felt confident when I yelled back.

I guess we're fighting.

I got in a stance.

I think it was a stance.

It felt comfortable to me.

Quest: Power of a Fire Nation Soldier

Defeat the 3 Earthbenders that want revenge for the village your crew burned down.


- 1250 Exp

- 2 Silver Coins(Earth Kingdom)


- 100 Exp

- Captured


If I declined, would I still have to fight?

I pressed accept, I didn't wanna risk it.

As soon as the screen disappeared.

Over 10 rocks the size of fists were thrown at me.

I quickly jumped and rolled getting hit by the rocks a few times.

I gotta shoot fireballs.

I swiftly got up and quickly imagined a huge fireball coming out of my fists.

I threw a punch aiming at them.

Bending Check Success: 48/45

Chi Control Failed: 5/45

Instantly a giant fireball came rushing at them.

It was a size of a boulder.

"Dodge it"!

I didn't know who said that as I quickly dropped to my knees.

That took so much energy to make...

Was it cause of the chi control?


The fireball I made probably slammed into another boulder or something.


I couldn't feel my body.

It felt...numb, like I'm wearing body weights.

I slowly looked up.

I see another fist-sized rock rushing at me.

I felt no will to fight for some reason.


I fell to the ground.

Thank god I got this helmet.

That hurt like a bitch.

I can't even beat some civilians.


I'm just

"Did we get him"?

"Think we..".


I blacked out.

Several Hours Later


I opened my eyes, to see those 3 exact Civilians who attacked me.

Quest Failed!

- 100 Exp

- Captured

I couldn't move my arms, I looked down to see I was bound by a rope.

We also seemed to be on a carriage.

Guess they know I'm awake now.

"Where was your crew"? Kava asked.

Oh right, I did say my crew was coming.

I didn't respond back however.

She looked annoyed as I didn't respond.

"Kava, just forget about it, we captured him atleast". Jin assured her.

I struggled a little but this was some tough rope.

Or I was just weak.

"How much coins do you think we can get by turning him in"? I didn't know his name besides the other two.

"Probably to last us a month or two". Jin responded.

Kava however just kept glaring at me.

Wait, where exactly are we heading to?

"Where are we going"? I asked them.

Speech Check Failed: 5/25

They just looked at me, not answering my question.

These skills sure determine everything...

I should've just entered the damn village back there!

I wish I can just go back and not join this Military.

Will the Earth Kingdom torture me once they imprison me?

More importantly, why was I brought to this world?

It's beyond real..people can control fire and control rocks, the animals are different...

And I know this isn't normal, no way.

Wait, can I use my fire bending to burn this rope?

Perhaps just heat up my body?

No..I got this armor on, it's best if I wait for a better opportunity.

"We're here"! The rider yelled back at us.

I look to my right to indeed see a village.


What a coincidence, the Village with the Harbor, it's here!

I smirked again behind my skull plate.

Wait no stop this!

There are 6 guards at the gate.

Wait, wait!

I struggled against these ropes.

If a person were to look at me they'd think I have a psycholgical problem.

I just didn't wanna be imprisoned!

Fuck this!

We then stopped by the gate.

One of the guards walked up to the rider.

"Why are you entering Quo Yan"? Asked the Captain of the Guards.

"I'm here to transport some goods and you should check the carriage in the back". He smiled nervously.

2 guards from the other side of the ride gave each other looks and decided to check it themselves.

Only to see a Bound Fire Nation Soldier.

"S-sir, you should come and see this"! They had bewildered looks.

The Captain walked to the carriage with his hands at his back, clearly shows that he was in the army in his prime.

"A Fire Nation Soldier". He gave a look at these 3 teenagers.

"Did you 3 capture him"? He asks.

"Yes, and I would like my reward". Kava demanded.

All of a sudden I was being lifted up.

"You'll get your reward, you 2 take this filth to the cells".




I tried to muster up all my strength to roll. I couldn't.

How can I be so weak?

"Get off of me, this is an invasion my crew is coming"!

Speech Check Failed: 5/45

"I will make my armor burning hot let go of me"!

Speech Check Failed: 5/50

System, Menu, help me please!

I don't wanna rot in a cell!

There's no way I can escape with my skills!

You failed the quest so stop crying and take it like a man.


Fuck you!

I didn't wanna be in this world and all of this!

You should just make me level 100 and get this over with!

It didn't respond back, as if it didn't wanna hear Kaz's whining.

I quickly looked around.

There was plenty of villagers looking at me with rage.

They were carrying stones like they were about to throw it at me but couldn't do to the 2 guards carrying me.

Other than that, this looked a bit big for a Village, a Town sounds more fitting.

We then arrived at a building made out of metal.

Maybe I should try one more time.

"The whole Fire Nation is gon-".


Did he just punch my helmet?

It didn't hurt but I felt that impact, I'll remember your face, I'll throw back 20 more hands at you!

I struggled even more.

"Tch, hey you there open a cell up, this one won't shut up"!

A flimsy guard quickly opened a cell and they just tossed me in there rope bound.

"Dont you need to cuff him, he can firebend". The flimsy guard asked.

"He has armor and a helmet he can't possibly burn the rope, and even if he does, he's stuck behind thick steel, many weapons are impervious to it and especially firebending". The guard smirked and went off.

They put me in this extremely comfortable position.

I was in a position where it looked like I was sleeping on my sides...but I'm bounded!



I can't roll.

Quest: Lone Soldier Completed!

Oh User, look you found an ally, congratulations!

Requirement Completed: Found a Fire Nation Soldier.


2000 Exp!

Level up!

Level 5: 0/4000 Exp


"Hey shut the fuck up"! It sounded like it came from a farther cell.

Though Kaz was elated!

"Menu". I whispered

I couldn't really press Status but with the power of my mind I was able to access it!


Name: Kaz Ernal

Level 5: 0/4000 Exp

Strength - 6

Endurance - 5

Dexterity - 5

Perception - 5

Intelligence - 5

Charisma - 5

Pts - 3


Bending - 48

Melee Weapons - 11

Ranged Weapons - 8

Unarmed - 5

Speech - 5

Barter - 5

Medicine - 11

Chi Control - 5

Crafting - 5

Sneak - 5

Picklocking - 5

Skill Pts - 10


Bending Affinity I - Firebending: User is able to bend Fire and has slight resistance to the Element.

Perk Points: 1

Maybe I should let it be for now.

Now, how did I complete the quest?

Maybe someone in this small prison is a Fire Nation Soldier like me?

I should escape before something bad happens!

"Hey, Soldier, look at me".

I heard a raspy voice behind me.

I attempted to roll.


I did it!

I was now lying on the floor on my back.

I look to my right to see an old man.

Wait no, maybe he's technically not old but he looks to be in his late 40s.

"Don't you know how to respond to a Captain"?