Geuss who's back? It's me. We've got a few things to go over, so let's just get right to business.

First, a thank you to Bob Le Destroyer And Anon for correcting me on a few points I messed up on. I've gone back and fixed them, but they were minor, so I'll just tell you here so you don't go back and look for the one word changes.

1: Mt. Lady would weigh 11.2 Tons, not 1.2. I forgot to take into account that, while the show is two dimensional, the world is 3-D.

2: 'Enhancement' isn't one of the three types of Quirk. Transformation is the one I forgot about. So, 'Analysis' is now a Mutation Type.

Next, a few people pointed out to me that Inko's apologetic behaviour is a cultural thing. I still don't like her for the other reasons I mentioned, but I learned something new, so thanks.

Another important thing to note is that I understand all the Bakugo hate. I don't like his character in canon either. He's a straight up asshole who actively refuses to learn anything for almost three seasons. 200 chapters into the manga, and he's starting to have some growth, but some people don't care anymore. But that's "canon" Bakugo. I believe that the character has potential, if started on the right path earlier, like I did in this story.

To Bob Le Destroyer again, a few answers to your latest review.

1: Fainting while overexcited is one thing, but literally projectile crying so hard it damages the ceiling and floods the house is another.

2: Izuku's Quirk only hurts him because he goes to far. And a lot of the times he's gone that far was to save someone else from being actually murdered.

To clarify, I greatly appreciate your input, so don't apologize. You're right, the written word lacks some of the emotional nuances of spoken language, so if my reply came across as hostile and insulted, that's my fault. You have good points, and I'm always happy to hear from anybody that likes my story.

Last thing. This chapter kicked my ass. It starts great, but it fought me at every turn. I think it turned out okay, but it's not as good as the last one, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just being overly critical of myself, but I'll leave that up to you. So, without further ado, let's begin.

The sun slowly began it's daily trip across the sky, gently illuminating a lone figure standing on the beach. The young boy breathed deeply, tasting the salty sea air and listening to the light crash of the waves. He remained like that, eyes gazing off towards the horizon, for several minutes. He knew no one would bother him, not at this hour.

Finally, he began to stir. He reached up as high as he could, then bent over at the waist and touched his toes. He twisted his torso, first to the right, then the left. Returning to his original position, he took another deep breath and removed his shirt. Feeling the incredible power he kept stored inside begging to be let out, he let the now familiar energy flow through him. The green lightning crackled around him like it always did, enhancing every inch of his body. Pushing past ten percent, he started to feel pressure squeeze him from all sides. He fell to his knees and quickly released the power.

'13.68,' Izuku thought, crawling over to his bag and taking a large gulp from his water bottle. 'Not bad, but it doesn't look like I'll make it to an even fifteen before the school year starts. Oh well, back to training.' Charging back up to ten percent, he ran down the pier and dove into the ocean.

Technically speaking, he hadn't received his acceptance letter yet, but he didn't doubt that it would arrive on time, just like Present Mic had said. Sure, he had been slightly worried about it the first day, and the fact that All Might had stopped returning his calls didn't ease those dark thoughts. It wasn't until three days after the exam, when he worked up the courage to go back to the beach, that he realized how stupid he was being.

If he took everything at face value, he had ended the Practical Exam with zero points. But Izuku was the kind of person who knew that nothing was ever truly what it seemed. Looking deeper, he saw the hidden layers of the test. He asked himself why they would include something like the Trap Villain in the first place, and what purpose it was supposed to serve. The explanation they'd been given said that it was to teach them that not all fights were worth fighting, but that didn't make sense. Looking at it a different way, however, it could have been that some fights had to be fought, whether you wanted to or not.

And that was when the answer came to him. If they hadn't wanted people to fight them, they could have just made them worth zero points. But if they did that, there would still be a few people, *cough* Kacchan *cough* who would have done it anyways. By saying that it would reset their scores to nothing, though, they had created an opportunity. Anyone that attacked it to try and show off would reveal themselves unfit to be a true Hero, while those who fought it to protect others would show the opposite. That they were willing to put the safety of others before their own personal goals. It was just like All Might had taught the two of them, just a few months ago.


Now, he just had to wait. But not for too much longer.

Two days later, he and Katsuki were in the living room, playing the newest entry in their favorite fighting game franchise, Plus Ultra Arena 8. Just like the old playground game they used to play, they had decided that you couldn't pick All Might. Katsuki was currently using Endeavor, trying to win by spamming fireballs from long distance. But Izuku had a strategy of his own. Best-Jeanist wasn't the strongest fighter in the game, nor did he have any particularly good combos. What he did have though, was a ranged trip attack. He waited until Endeavor's SP Bar drained, giving him a five second window to pull off his move. Fortunately, for Izuku at least, his reaction time and hand-eye coordination were nearly perfect, and he managed to send his opponent to the ground. Once that was done, it was an easy task to keep him stun-locked and slowly chip away at his HP.

"Bullshit!" Katsuki shouted after the game declared Best-Jeanist the winner. "I won this fight back when we were five!"

"You did, and I agree with you. In a real fight, Endeavor could easily burn away any material Best-Jeanist tried to send at him, and then knock him out with a few punches. But this game doesn't have that mechanic, so I won. If I remember correctly, and I do, perfect recall and whatnot, that means you have to do my chores for the next week. Thanks bro."

Before Katsuki had a chance to express his displeasure with the outcome, preferably with his fists, his mom called for them.


Their feud temporarily forgotten, they rushed into the other room, pushing and shoving the whole way there, each of them trying to be the first one to get accepted to UA. Upon arriving though, they were slightly confused. There, waiting on the table, was a single envelope addressed to both of them. They looked at each other for a moment, then reached for the letter. Izuku was slightly faster and picked it up, but Katsuki grabbed the other side and tried to pull it out of Izuku's hand. Unsurprisingly, this caused it to be torn in half. What was surprising was the small metal disc that fell out, clattering about the table for a few seconds before coming to a stop. The disc beeped twice, then suddenly sprang to life.

"AHA, I AM HERE, AS A PROJECTION!" the holographic form of All Might declared. He was wearing a yellow pinstriped suit, and appeared to be on the set of a game show. "YOUNG MIDORIYA, YOUNG BAKUGŌ, I HOPE YOU'VE BEEN WELL! I'LL BET YOU'RE WONDERING WHAT I'M DOING HERE! YOU SEE, YOU ARE LOOKING AT UA'S NEWEST FACULTY MEMBER!"

A small sound came from off screen, and All Might turned away from the camera. "What's that? Quit showboating? Wait, I have to do how many more of these?!" He turned back to the camera with a small cough, then continued his speech.


The image flickered, revealing a shot of Present Mic standing in an empty classroom. There was a quick knock on the door, then it flew open as two people walked in.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Present Mic, sir, could I talk to you about something?" Ochako Uraraka asked sheepishly, her face slightly flushed.


"It's about the exam. There was this kid, spiky blond hair, intense red eyes, really angry."

"Oi, that's rude, Pink Cheeks!" the aforementioned angry blond kid shouted uselessly at the hologram.

"Anyway, I was wondering if I could give him some of my points? See, I don't know how many he had, but he took out that giant robot you said would make their score go back to zero. But the thing is, he only did it to save me. If it wasn't for me, he would probably have a great score, and I couldn't live with myself if he didn't get in because of my mistake."

"Shut up you idiot! I didn't do it for you, you just happened to conveniently give me an excuse to do what I wanted to!" Katsuki continued ranting, not paying attention to Izuku's exasperated sigh right next to him.

"I SEE, AND WHAT ABOUT YOU?" the Voice Hero asked, looking at the other student that had come in with the girl.

"Basically the same, but slightly different," Hitoshi Shinsō replied lazily. "In group B, Izuku Midoriya also defeated the Trap Villain. He also went out of his way to help me get some points too. The only reason he went after that thing though was because if it wasn't stopped, then a lot of the other students would have been hurt badly. I don't have a lot of points, but if you could give them to him, I'm sure they could help him. He told me that being a Hero wasn't a numbers game, and that he was fine trading his chance to get in for mine, but if you're gonna let me in and not him, then I'd rather pass on the whole 'Hero' thing."


Once again, the hologram shook, returning to the shot of All Might in the studio.


He gestured to his right, revealing a scoreboard.


And with that, the projection ceased. Silence filled the room, before Katsuki turned to look at Izuku.


Just like that, the fight from earlier began anew. Lightning sparked and explosions popped, but before it could go any further, they heard a small cough. Looking over, the boys saw Mitsuki Bakugō, a smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh boys, what are you up to?" she asked with false curiosity.

"We were just..." Izuku started to respond, before the fireworks went off.


The brothers quickly bolted, practically flying out of the house before things escalated any further.

Across the country, many other teens had just received similar letters to the one they had just watched.

A blond boy with a small black lightning bolt in his hair fell to his knees, thanking every God he could come up with that he had somehow, just barely, passed the written exam.

A bright pink girl with small horns did a little victory dance, then decided to go on a celebratory shopping spree.

But one person had gotten a slightly different letter, one that didn't contain the bright, smiling face of the Symbol of Peace. Instead, it showed a vision of a tired looking man with long black hair.

"Hitoshi Shinsō," the voice droned, checking a clipboard in his hand. "Academically average, slightly unfit, no really outstanding qualities to speak of. Yet, you managed to pass the Hero Entrance Exam with a ninety-two percent on the written portion, and fifty-nine points in the practical. I've reviewed the footage personally, and have come to the conclusion that, without the help of one Izuku Midoriya, you would have almost certainly failed."

Shinso bristled at that, afraid of where this message was heading.

"I'll have to thank him when the school year begins, because he saved you from a life of mediocrity."

The purple-haired boy blinked. He hadn't been expecting that.

"The current setup of the practical exam is highly illogical, and something that I try to get changed every year, to no avail. Normally, someone like you would fall through the cracks, ending up in General Studies, if you got in at all. Non-combative Quirks like yours aren't 'flashy enough' for the spotlight of Pro Heroism. But that doesn't mean you can't be a great Hero. You won't get many action figures or endorsement deals, but if what Mic told me is true, you probably don't care too much about that. The road won't be easy, and you'll have to work harder than most to succeed, but if you put in the effort, you can do great things. Step one is to get in shape. I've included a membership card to a gym near your house. Use your time wisely, and be ready to Go Beyond.

The recording ended, leaving Shinsō alone with his thoughts. He grabbed the envelope and pulled out the card the man had mentioned. He groaned for a moment, but eventually he stood up and grabbed his jacket, heading to the city.

'This is gonna suck,' he thought, as he closed the door behind him.

UA Classroom 1-A, first day of school...

Bakugō, Midoriya and Shinsō were huddled in a corner, talking about nothing in particular. Katsuki sat with his feet up on the desk, Izuku took a reverse position in his chair, and Hitoshi leaned against the wall. A few other students slowly trickled in, but none bothered the trio until the tall boy from group B arrived.

"Excuse me, but what do you three think you're doing?" he asked, chopping the air like a robot.

"What, you got a problem or something?" Katsuki replied, staring back at the new arrival.

"As a matter of fact I do. You have placed your feet upon that desk, which is a great insult to not only this hallowed institution, but it's esteemed alumni as well. To add further disrespect, you are not wearing your tie."

"Are you for real? It's a desk. And the tie clashed with my style, four-eyes."

"'Four-eyes'? My name is Ten'ya Iida, and you would do well to be more courteous to others in the future. And you," he continued, pointing at Izuku, "your name was Midoriya, correct? I thought I had misjudged you, but here you are associating with this delinquent and ignoring the dress code as well."

"What?" Izuku asked coldly, hoping he misheard the boy, but knowing he hadn't.

"You are wearing sunglasses indoors. The School Handbook clearly states that all non-prescription eyewear are prohibited," Iida explained, missing the dangerous tone in the green-haired boy's voice.

"But..." Izuku tried to respond, before Shinsō put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's right, Midoriya. You should definitely take them off," his new friend said, sharing a knowing look with Katsuki.

By this point, the full attention of the room was focused on the four of them.

"Are you sure about this?" Izuku asked, looking at Iida.

"The rules are quite clear."

"Alright, but remember, you asked for this."

He closed his eyes before he removed the glasses, stood up, and opened his eyes staring directly at the taller boy. His Quirk activated, and as the information filled his mind, he spoke it aloud for everyone to hear.

"Name: Ten'ya Iida. Age: 15. DOB: August 22, 22..."

"Enough!" Iida shouted, startling everyone in the room.

"But you told me to take my glasses off."

The argument could have gone on forever, but a loud slurping sound interrupted them. Izuku put his sunglasses back on before looking past Iida to find the source of the disturbance. Lying in the doorway, he saw a giant bagworm drinking a juice pouch. Then it stood up, and a zipper opened. Out of the bag stepped a lanky, dark-haired man with bags under his eyes.

"Everybody take your seats and be quiet. Socializing time is over," he said as he walked up to the podium. "My name is Shōta Aizawa, and I'll be your homeroom teacher until I decide otherwise. And this is my student teacher..." he continued, pointing at an empty chair at the front of the room. He scowled and pinched the bridge of his nose, before pulling out a clipboard and checking it over.

"You, Kyōka Jirō."

The person he pointed at, a girl with short, dark purple hair, stood up. "Yeah?"

"According to your file, your Quirk allows you to hear things by plugging those jacks on your ears into things. So here's your first test, a search and rescue mission. Check the air ducts for any strange noises or unusual movement."

Jiro frowned, then her earlobe extended like a rope and stabbed into the ceiling. The room was silent for about five seconds, before the earphone jack detached itself and returned to it's original position.

"Above Shades over there," she replied, nodding at Izuku.

"Great. Would anyone like to volunteer to go up and get her?"

"I got it," Izuku said, getting out of his chair. Summoning five percent of his power, he jumped up and pushed the tile up into the rafters. Then he grabbed the support beam, and pulled himself up as well. As he did, a small bundle leapt at him and latched onto his head. He fell backwards, but something caught him before he hit the ground. Whatever it was set him gently back on the floor, then let go. Reaching up, he pried the unknown object off his face.

"Nyan, I'm a kitty cat!"

He was now face to face with a little girl, who had flowing black hair and cat ears. Very confused by this turn of events, Izuku set the little girl down and looked at Aizawa.

The teacher ignored his questioning gaze, and instead focused on the child. "Shiho, you're not a cat, and you can't play in the vents. How many times do I have to go over this?"

"But I was so bored. I asked momma what to do, but she was busy writing boring school stuff, and told me to find you. So I went on an adventure. 'The Great Shiho's Quest to Find Daddy!' I went to Uncle Mic's room, I talked to the nice bear-mouse man, I..."

"Alright, I get it. Well come on, we're already behind schedule."

The girl ran after him as he headed out the classroom door. Just before he closed it, he seemed to remember something.

"Right, you all need to go to the locker rooms and get your gym clothes on. Then meet me on the P.E. Grounds. You have ten minutes."

And with that, he left. Chaos erupted as the students raced out of the room, so many questions flowing through their minds, but no time to ask them.

P.E. Grounds, 8 minutes and 37 seconds later...

The class slowly gathered around Mr. Aizawa as he checked his phone. Looking up and noticing that all twenty of them were present, he began speaking.

"Excellent, you all made it. By the end of the year, those of you that are left should be able to do this in two minutes instead of ten. Now, our first order of business is a Quirk Assessment Test."

"WHAT?!" everyone shouted, looking confused.

"But we'll miss orientation!" Uraraka added.

"A true Hero doesn't have time to waste on pointless ceremonies and long-winded speeches. UA is a freeform educational institution, which means I get to run my class however I wish. You may recognize the equipment set up here. We're going to be doing the same standardized testing you've been doing for years, but here you are allowed to use your Quirks. The Ministry of Education irrationally holds students back by forcing them to compete on an equal footing. But in today's Hero Society, that kind of thinking is dangerously small-minded. Midoriya, you got the highest score on the Entrance Exam. How far was your best Softball Throw in middle school?"

"Sixty-two meters."

"Okay, now let's see how you do when you don't have to hold back. As long as you don't leave that circle, you can do whatever you want."

Izuku handed Katsuki his sunglasses, then stepped into the circle. Charging up to ten percent, the familiar lightning crackling around him, he prepared his shot.


Wind: 1.2MPH N

Temperature: 63°F

Optimal Trajectory Calculated

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and launched the ball into the air.

"You all have to know what you're capable of. These tests are the most rational way to determine your Heroic capabilities," Aizawa explained, holding up his phone to display Izuku's distance.


The class gasped in awe, then everyone started talking at once.

"Nine hundred and thirty-eight meters? That's crazy!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Oh, oh, me next. That looks like so much fun!" Ashido called out.

"Finally, a chance to let loose," Sero added.

"So this looks like fun to you, huh?" Aizawa asked, startling everyone out of their reverie. "You have three years here to learn how to be a Hero. If you think it's all going to be fun and games, you're sorely mistaken," he went on, as a predatory smile lit up his face. "This isn't just a test, it's a competition. There are eight activities to gauge your potential. Whoever has the lowest total score at the end has none, and will be expelled. I told you earlier, this is my class, and we'll do things my way. If you've got a problem with that, you'd be better off just leaving now."

With that announcement, the class split into three groups. Some people, like Bakugō and Kirishima, were excited, ready to put their skills in action. Others, like Shinsō and Hagakure, were scared. Fitness tests like this weren't their forte. And then there was Yaoyorozu. She alone assumed that this was a ploy, something to make everyone try their hardest. Izuku might have agreed with her, were he not as adept at reading people as he was. But Aizawa's tone held no humor, not the slightest hint of deceit detectable in the man's words.

"But we just got here! That's not fair!" Uraraka cried, wiping the smirk from their teacher's face.

"Life's not fair. Grow up. Natural disasters, accidents, powerful Villains; this world is full of unfairness. It's a Hero's job to combat that unfairness. It's time for you to Go Beyond, Plus Ultra style. Otherwise, you can just go home."

Thus began their first day at Ultra Academy.

The tests were simple enough, a no-holds-barred free-for-all to determine who had what it took to make it in the cutthroat world of Pro Heroism. Each challenge had a few stand-outs, with some Quirks better suited to the task than others. Iida had a natural advantage in the speed based tests, and Asui, a frog-like girl, was quite skilled at jumping. However, Izuku blew them all away. From the beginning, he held a comfortable lead, with the two recommendation students, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, vying for second place. But it was the other end of the scoreboard that was truly important. Filling the last three slots were Hagakure, the invisible girl; Mineta, a short boy with grape-like protrusions on his head; and Shinsō.

While Mineta had performed well in the Sustained Sideways Jump, and Hagakure was actually very fit all-around, Shinsō was lagging. The few weeks of exercise he had done since the Entrance Exam helped, but they weren't going to be enough to be enough to keep him from getting axed. He needed a miracle.

Finally, they came to the last test, the Softball Throw. Since Izuku had already completed that one, he decided to sit down and observe. Katsuki went up and exploded the ball over seven hundred and fifty meters. Yaoyorozu made a cannon, and shot it eight hundred and nine meters. But the truly impressive throw belonged to Uraraka. She walked casually into the circle, picked up the ball, and lightly tossed it forward. And it went forward, on and on, untethered from the laws of reality, before finally disappearing from sight. A few seconds later, Aizawa's phone beeped. He tilted the screen, revealing an infinity symbol to the class.

No one else was very interesting after that, until the end. The last person called was Shinsō. He stood in the designated area like everyone else, and began his preparations.

"Hey, Uraraka?" he called, turning to the crowd.

"Yeah, what can I..." she began to respond, before her eyes glazed over.

"Come here and use your Quirk on this ball."

The class looked on, all except Izuku and Katsuki slightly confused, as the girl did as she was told. Tapping the ball with her fingertips, Uraraka once again removed the shackles of gravity from it, then stepped back. Shinsō tossed the ball, and just like before, it vanished into space, never to be seen or heard from again. With a quick tap on the shoulder, Shinsō released Uraraka from his spell, and she casually skipped back to the class.

"Hold up a sec! That's cheating! You can't do that!" Mineta whined, looking at Aizawa for support.

"Why not?" Shinsō asked, looking down at the little creep. "The rules said that I had to stay inside this circle, and use my Quirk to throw the ball as far as I could. So that's what I did."

Aizawa laughed, watching the scene unfolding before him. "That may be true, but Mineta does have a point. You can't just take control of your classmates like that. It's not very honorable. However, you did follow my instructions and used your Quirk creatively, so I can't fault you for that. Seeing as how it was her abilities you borrowed, I'll let Uraraka decide how this plays out."

"Oh, it's fine. He asked me first before he did it."

"Then it's settled, here are the final results."

A display popped up out of Aizawa's phone, showing the rankings from first to twentieth.

1: Izuku Midoriya

2: Momo Yaoyorozu

3:Shōto Todoroki

4: Katsuki Bakugo

5: Ibara Shiozaki

6: Ten'ya Iida

7: Fumikage Tokoyami

8: Mezō Shōji

9: Mashirao Ojiro

10: Eijirō Kirishima

11: Mina Ashido

12: Ochako Uraraka

13: Tsuyu Asui

14: Yūga Aoyama

15: Hanta Sero

16: Denki Kaminari

17: Kyoka Jiro

18: Tōru Hagakure

19: Hitoshi Shinso

20: Minoru Mineta

"Now then, Shiho would you... And she's gone again. Alright, Mineta, leave your gym clothes and uniform in your locker, I'll see the rest of you tomorrow. Class dismissed."

Without another word, their teacher walked off the field and disappeared into the building.

Mineta started crying, and a few people thought about trying to comfort the poor boy.

"It's not fair! Now girls will never think I'm cool, and they won't let me touch their boobs!"

And just like that, the feeling was gone, and they all slowly dispersed, leaving him alone on the field.

'Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person,' was the general consensus.

Izuku and Katsuki headed for the train station when a couple of voices called out to them.

"Hey, wait up guys!" Uraraka yelled, running up beside them.

"You guys are some real men," Kirishima added, wrapping his arms over their shoulders.

Shinsō just fell in step with them without a word, his face a mask of boredom.

The five of them continued on their way, talking about the day they just had, and how the future would unfold from there.

And we're done. More major shake-ups, as Mineta gets cut, and a new face joins the crowd. Sato and Koji are also gone, making room for Ibara and Shinsō. I never really cared for Sato, because he seemed kinda lame. I mean, they didn't even bother to explain who he was or what he did until the end of season two. Koji, on the other hand, I don't dislike. He's a good kid, but he also doesn't do much. Hopefully you guys can understand my decision, and we can all still be friends. As for my OC, I have prepared a short story to introduce you to her. Enjoy!

Omake: The Great Shiho's Quest to Find Daddy

The day had only just begun, and she was already bored. She looked over at her mother, who was busy typing something at her desk. Never one for patience, she decided to make her displeasure known.

"Hey, mama, let's play a game!" the little girl shouted, startling the older woman.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but mommy has to finish these lesson plans before the students get here," Nemuri explained, patting her daughter on the head. "Why don't you go find daddy? I'm sure he's not doing anything right now."

"Okay!" Shiho replied, her smile widening. Getting up from her chair, Shiho began her epic quest.

Her first stop was the English classroom. Maybe daddy and Uncle Mic were getting ready for school too. She tried to open the door, but it was locked

' Oh yeah, it's Orientation Day. Uncle Mic's probably in the Auditorium.'

Next up was the Teacher's Lounge. Somebody was usually there, grading papers or taking a nap. The door opened this time, but the person she was looking for wasn't there. She did find a person though. Well, not really a person, but a very intelligent animal.

"Hello Mr. Principal," she said, waving enthusiastically at the bear-mouse-dog as he silently sipped some tea.

"Greetings, little one. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?" Nezu replied cordially, smiling at the unexpected guest.

"Don't call me little, I'm bigger than you!" Shiho pouted, before remembering why she was there. "Have you seen my daddy anywhere?"

"I'm sorry to say that I have not. Your father has an outstanding ability to go unseen unless he wants you to see him. Even I have trouble finding him sometimes."

"Ooooooohhhh, he's playing hide and seek! Alright, don't you worry. Detective Shiho is on the case." Turning around, she marched back into the hallway, a fierce determination on her tiny face.

She wandered around for a while, poking her head into empty classrooms, checking vacant closets, searching anywhere someone would normally be found. Then she realized her mistake.

'I need to look in places people wouldn't suspect.'

With that new plan in mind, she went back to one of the supply closets she'd been in earlier. She found a small ladder and propped it against the wall. Climbing up, she came to a panel that led to the ventilation system. Prying it open, she crawled into the ducts. As she made her way through the web of tunnels, she overheard shouting.


Following the voices, she found another hatch. Opening it, she ended up in the rafters above a classroom.

"Everybody take your seats and be quiet. Socializing time is over."

That was daddy's voice. She finally found him.

"My name is Shota Aizawa, and I'll be your homeroom teacher until I decide otherwise. And this is my student teacher..." she heard him trail off, then realized he was looking for her.

"You, Kyōka Jirō."


Shiho didn't recognize that name, or the girl's voice

"According to your file, your Quirk allows you to hear things by plugging those jacks on your ears into things. So here's your first test, a search and rescue mission. Check the air ducts for any strange noises or unusual movement."

'Yay, new friends! I can't wait to play with them. But first, how do I get out of here?'

"Above Shades over there," Jirō said, interrupting Shiho's thoughts.

"Great. Would anyone like to volunteer to go up and get her?"

"I got it."

That was a male voice, and it sounded slightly closer than the other ones. Suddenly, the ceiling tile in front of her popped open, and a mess of green hair pulled itself into view. Deciding to have some fun, she jumped onto the boy's head, and they fell into the room below.

And that's Shiho. She's really not super vital to the plot, but I think she'll bring an appropriate touch of comic relief to the story now that Mineta and his inappropriate comic relief are gone. As always, thanks for reading this story, and please be sure to leave a review if you have any feedback for me. See you guys next time.