I dont Own Alvin and the Chipmunks here is Chapter1
Chapter 1
Brittany was in her room doing her hair when she heard a knock on her bedroom got up from her chair too get the door. Brittany opened her bedroom door and seen Jeanette and Eleanor in her doorway.
Brittany:What is Jean and Ellie
Jeanette:Britt are you coming with me and Ellie too the boys house.
Eleanor:Alvin wants too see you Britt
Brittany:I don't know what If Jade is there I don't want too started arguing with Jade about why she could date my bestfriend since middle school.
Eleanor:Britt we know how you feel about Alvin and it's also painful too me Jean too see Theo and Si date Kelly and Terri but we do have talk about school with the boys.
Brittany:Ellie you don't understand I have too deal with Lars my ex boyfriend sighs lucky you two don't have ex boyfriends.
Jeanette:Well me and Ellie are going too the boys house right now when will Miss Miller be back from her trip Britt.
Brittany:Miss Miller will back in three weeks.
"Jeanette and Eleanor walked out of Brittany's room too go downstairs too go over to the Chipmunks house. Jeanette made sure had her house keys and iPhone XR with her Eleanor also made sure she had her house keys and iPhone Xs max with her.
Eleanor:Britt need too come with us too see Alvin.
Jeanette:Ellie if Britt don't want too come with us she don't have too. Let's Go I want too see Simon.
Eleanor and Jeanette walked out of the front door Eleanor walked cross the street too go the Chipmunks house. Jeanette took out her purple house keys and locked the front door. Simon and Kelly were in the Chipmunks pool with eachother.
Kelly:Simon I love you I'm lucky too be your girl.
Simon:love you to I know you told million times everyday by the way can we go work on our science fair project.
Kelly:Can you buy this amazing purple diamond necklace Si.
Simon:I already bought you an necklace Kelly I need too save some of my money to help my father and my brothers out.
Kelly:please Simon I promise I won't ask for anything else.
Simon:Fine but this is final time I am buying something.
Theodore and Terri were in the kitchen making cookies for everyone too have. Eleanor walked in the Seville's driveway. Eleanor was really happy that could see her best friend Theodore she wanted too help bake cookies with him. Jeanette also walked cross the street too go the Seville's house. Brittany was in her room wondered why she and Alvin weren't dating eachother.
Brittany:Ugh why I have too watch my bestfriend be with someone else it's really painful my heartache an lot.
"Eleanor walked too the Sevilles front door and rang the door bell. Al the Sevilles butler answered the door.
Al:Hello how may I help.
Eleanor:Al is Theo home
Al:Eleanor yes Theodore is in the kitchen
Eleanor:Thanks Al
Al:You're welcome Eleanor.
Eleanor walked into the Sevilles household Jeanette seen only Simon and Theodore cars in the driveway.
Jeanette:Alvin must not be here and Dave is still on his trip in New York City. Now I see why Brittany didn't want too come over too the boys house Alvin isn't here.
"Jeanette heard giggling coming from the back of the house Jeanette walked too the backyard too see what Simon was doing. Eleanor walked into the kitchen and seen Theodore already baking cookies with Terri Eleanor felted her heart break in half.
Eleanor:Hi Theodore
Theodore turn around and seen Eleanor standing front of him and seen Simon and Kelly in the pool together. Jeanette wish Simon was with her instead of Kelly. Jeanette knew Kelly was using Simon for attention and money. Jeanette walked over too Simon and Kelly too see how they were doing. Brittany looked at her iPhone XR and seen that she had a text message from Lars. Brittany rolled her light blue eyes she did not want too talk too wanted too block Lars number from contacting her Brittany read Lars Text message.
Lars:Hey Babe are you busy can I come over
"Brittany widen her eyes why did Lars want too come over Brittany finished her hair went too her window too look outside of the window. Brittany walked back too her dresser mirror too get her iPhone too text her best friend. Regina Walker.
Brittany:Hey Regina how are you doing Lars just text me about coming over too my house what should I do.
"Brittany send her text message too Regina Brittany miss her bestfriend Alvin Seville she was lucky that her and Alvin remain best friend after Middle School graduation. Brittany was finally going too the ninth grade with her sisters Alvin and his brothers. Regina was at the mall with her boyfriend Peter Baker when she hard her phone ring in her purse Regina took out her phone too see who was buzzing her up. Regina seen her best friend Brittany Miller lead of The Chipettes buzzing her phone Regina looked at her phone and read Brittany text message.
Brittany:Hey Regina how are you doing Lars just text me about coming over too my house what should I do.
"Regina reply too Brittany's text message.
Regina:I'm fine Britt just out shopping with Peter like I told you back in Middle School you should not agree too date Lars he bad news from the starts Britt there nothing I can say but just be careful around Lars if you let come over your house.
"Kelly seen her worst nightmare standing front of her and Simon.
Simon:Hello Jeanette what are you doing here
Jeanette:Me and Ellie wanted too see how you boys were doing before going back too school.
Simon:Everything is fine with me and brothers Jeanette
Kelly tried too kiss Simon on his lips too make Jeanette jealous. Simon push Kelly off of him. Jeanette started too get upset with Simon and Kelly. Kelly seen the anger in Jeanette eyes Simon climbed out of the pool too get his blue towel too dry himself off.
Simon:Kelly come on you get out of the pool and take a shower in the guest house where you be stay.
Kelly:Aww why can you and me take shower together my love.
"Jeanette grow more angry with Kelly calling Simon her love Kelly climbed out of the pool and grabbed her purple towel wrapped the towel around her body. Jeanette become even more upset with Kelly copying favorite color. Simon seen the look Jeanette had on her face Jeanette walked too the front door of the Sevilles house to go inside of the Sevilles house. Eleanor sat down at the kitchen table. Alvin was at the mall with his girlfriend Jade.
Jade:Alvin I am so happy too be your girlfriend I love you so much. I am happy to be with you.
Alvin:love you too I am glad we're dating eachother as well you already met my father and my already know my bestfriend Brittany Miller leader of The Chipettes.
Jade:Alvin where are we going we been walking around the mall for a half hour.
Alvin:We're window shopping for a bit babe.
"Jade had too come up with a plan too stop Alvin being friends with Brittany once and for didn't want Lars anymore she wanted Alvin as her #1 Munkstar boyfriend but how can she tell Alvin how she about her feelings without ruining their friendship. Brittany could not stand seeing Jade in her Munkstar arms. Brittany grabbed her pink diary and started too writing in her diary about her feelings for her bestfriend Alvin Seville. Jeanette sat down on the swing chair that was on the front porch she did not want too see Simon will Kelly at all. Simon was her SmartMunk and love of her life as well bestfriend too. She knew everything about Simon since they were in Elementary School. Jeanette took out her iPhone XR and when through her contacts too find Sam number. Terri finished mixing the Chocolate chip cookie dough in the bowl. Theodore grabbed the oven mittens too open the oven to place first batch of Chocolate chip cookies in the oven too cook.
Eleanor:Theo went you are done can we watch a movie in the livingroom.
Terri:Teddy I wondered if you and me can go for walk after all the cookies are done baking.
Theodore:Sure Terri Sorry Ellie Terri wants too go for a walk with me.
"Eleanor got up from the kitchen chair walked out of the kitchen with tears in her brown eyes she could not believe her bestfriend didn't agree with her quest. Plus hearing Terri calling Theodore by the same nickname she use for Theodore. Eleanor walked too the front door too go outside for some fresh air. Jeanette heard the front door nob turn and open Jeanette seen her youngest sister coming outside. Jeanette seen tears in Eleanor brown eyes.
Jeanette:Ellie what is wrong why are you crying you can tell me what is wrong.
Eleanor:Cries Jean I am going home to take a nap.
Jeanette:I guess I also go home too see how Britt doing and get ready for school tomorrow.
"Jeanette got up from the swing chair and followed Eleanor too go home.