Madellaine loved it when Sarousch took her to Notre Dame.

Yes, it usually involved a visit to Frollo (who creeped her out to no end), but it also meant that she could visit the one person she could count as a friend.

Racing up the stairs towards the bell tower, she beamed at the sight of the sunrise through the open balcony.

"Quasi?" she glanced around, only to frown when there was no reply, "Quasi?"

When there was still no reply, she sighed, moving to head back downstairs… until she heard the chirping. Rushing over to Hugo the gargoyle, she beamed at the sight of the baby bird in his mouth. "Good morning…" she whispered, "… look how big you got! Are you going to fly today?"

The bird chirped uncertainly, as she lifted it into her hands, "It's the Festival of Fools today! It's the best time to fly!"

The bird still wouldn't budge, so Madellaine started to bounce her hands up and down in encouragement. "Think of the music, the juggling, the dancing!" Once the bird started to flap its wings frantically, she slowly moved her hands out from under it, giggling when the bird noticed, catching it once again.

As a flock of birds flew past the cathedral, the baby bird chirped eagerly, following them with his eyes.

"Go on…" She whispered, "… nobody wants to be cooped up forever." With another gentle bounce, the bird flew off, leaving Madellaine behind.

"I thought he'd never leave."

Madellaine spun around and beamed at the sight of Quasimodo limping towards her, a fond smile on his face.

"Well… Hugo should be happy, right?" Madellaine knew that Quasi was the only one she could say these things to… Sarousch and Frollo would just scold her for having an overactive imagination. "It's the Festival today… the Feast of Fools? Will you be watching?"

Quasi gently took her hand in between his own two large hands, stroking it gently with his thumb. "You know how much I love your act."

"Even if all I do is stand there and look pretty?"

"You'll get your chance someday." Quasi tried to give her a reassuring smile, "Sarousch will see your potential someday."

As he let go of her hands, and headed back inside, Madellaine frowned. "Why don't you sneak out… hide in the crowd to watch?"

"Come on Madellaine, I wouldn't fit in out there. I'm not… normal."

Gently patting her friend on the back, Madellaine cautiously spoke up. "I-I really think you should go. You can try some of the food, bob for apples, dance?"

When Quasi didn't reply, Madellaine had another tactic.

"You don't want to stay cooped up here forever either… right? Just grab a fresh tunic and cloak, and you can meet me around the back of the magic show and we can go around the markets and- "

"- Thank you." Quasi gently interrupted her nervous rambling, "But you're forgetting one thing."

Almost immediately, Madellaine knew what he was talking about, nervously taking a step back as she glanced around. If either of them heard what she was-

"- My apologies Claude." A thin hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from Quasi, "I honestly thought I'd taught her some manners!"

Madellaine winced as the grip on her wrist tightened, just as Frollo strode past, a sneer on his face.

"Indeed… Quasimodo. Missing something?"

Quasimodo quickly grabbed the said items, not daring to look Madellaine in the eyes, especially as Sarousch pulled her to one side.

"So… you want your little friend to watch you?" he hummed, tipping her chin up so that she looked him in the eye.

"I-I just thought- "

"- now, now my dear. You know how I feel about you thinking." Sarousch smirked as she lowered her gaze, "Besides, me and Claude are government officials, we have to be there. You have to be there to look pretty… Quasimodo can't do that. It's better he stay up here."

"I-I didn't mean to upset you!"

Sarousch just shook his head, sighing sadly. "After all that I've done for you… taking you in when no-one else would, giving you somewhere warm to stay, food to eat, the clothes on your back, a good life! And here you are… trying to turn against me!"

Madellaine hung her head in shame, "I'm sorry."

"You two don't know what it's truly like out there…" Frollo spoke up, "… we do. The world is cruel and wicked! We are the only ones you can trust! Anyone else would take advantage of you."

"Exactly!" Sarousch piped up, "We are the only ones who'll defend you."

"You are good to us!" Quasimodo pleaded, trying to speak up in defence of Madellaine, "W-we're sorry!"

Frollo and Sarousch glanced at each, coming to a silent decision in their minds, before Sarousch nodded and grabbed Madellaine, dragging her out of the area.

"Remember Quasimodo…" she heard Frollo whisper, "… this is your sanctuary."

If this was Quasi's sanctuary… then where was hers?