Prompt: Not really a prompt but wrote this on the 20th anniversary of Johanna Beckett's death to honor the mother we never really got to know. Thank you for being the amazing mother, thank you for believing in Katie when she needed someone to lean on. Vincit Omnia Veritas.

"It's been 20 years mom. I still miss you, every day," she sighs as she looks over to where her husband is standing with their daughter. "So does my little one. She's been asking about you." She laughs, "She's only 2 but that little brainy has already asked about you. Just the other day I was making brunch the way you made it to me and…" she feels her throat swollen at the memories flooding back, "she asked… she asked why you were gone, not there like Martha. She asked if you lived with her grandpa and why we never saw you." She feels the tears roll down her cheeks. "I told her, as much as I could, and when I was done she said she miss you. And I wanted you to know that we miss you. All of us. Including Castle," she looks over at her family again, seeing Lily in Castle's arms as they talked to each other.

Castle had suggested she'd go over there first, like always he knew that's what she wanted. She loves to have him with her when she talks to her mom, but she also loves how he makes sure to give her the privacy she needs. This was the first time since the few weeks after Lily's birth they took her with them. They simply hadn't had time and Kate had been hesitant to bring her baby into the cemetery, was scared of all the questions she had yet to discover how to answer.

"She wants to meet you. Which is why we took her with us today," she draws in a deep breath as she wipes away the tears. "She's got something she wants to tell you, something she wants to tell you herself." Kate waves to her husband who immediately tells something to their daughter before putting her down on the ground and taking her small hand in his big one.

Kate can't stop the smile forming her lips, she finds it so amusing to see her little girl's hand being completely swallowed by his, loves it almost as much as having her own wrapped hand wrapped over the small hand.

"Momma, cryin'?" Lily asks the second she comes close enough to see Kate's face.

"Uh, yeah," Kate wipes her face again before sitting down with her knees in the grass. She had learned quickly that it helps explaining things to her kid if she comes down on her level. "I miss grandma, sweetie." Lily lets go of her father in order to put her arms around her mother's neck.

"Me too," Lily whispers in her ear and Kate has to bite her lip to not start crying again.

After a few seconds of silence Lily loosens her grip slightly and so Kate turns her daughter in her embrace to put her face to face with the stone representing the place of her mother's body.

"This is Lily, Lily, this is where you can go when you want to talk to your grandma. Her body is in the ground here, but like daddy already told you her soul is up there," Kate says while she points up to the sky. "She knows when we visit her and makes sure to rush down here in order to listen to us. We can't see her, but… she's here."

Kate isn't sure she believes it, but she agrees with Castle on this one. Kids need to believe in the magic, the unknown, and even though Kate isn't sure she believes it she has always acted like she did anyway. She always comes here when there's something she needs to tell her mom, so who says it isn't true? Well, she is if someone other than Castle calls her out on it, but it still might be true. Who knows?

"I jovje you, gjama," Lily's voice breaks through Kate's thoughts and she feels her eyes tear up again.

A hand lands on her shoulder and she looks up to see Castle bending down to sit on his knees right behind her, giving her any support she might need.

"That's right baby, we love her," Kate whispers in her daughter's ear before loosening her arms to witness the little girl walk closer to the stone.

The tears refuses to be held back when she observes her little baby kiss the palm of her hand to place the kiss onto the stone, right in the middle of Johanna's name.

Castle wraps his arms around his wife and she leans into him for support. She feels his lips in her hair as they both stay silent to listen to their daughter starting to tell her grandmother about things. Her vocabulary is not yet perfected but Kate can easily tell the little girl is talking about her favorite games and toys from back home.

Once Lily is tired she backs into Kate and falls into her embrace, mumbling something about a story. And so Kate starts telling her a story. A story about how the girl's grandma had taken her to a beautiful meadow where everything had been possible, and how Kate would take her there some day.

"When?" Lily asks with a yawn and Kate chuckles at the sleepiness coming from the girl's body.

"When you're a bit older. Now's time to go home," she says and kisses her daughter's head.

Castle is the one to raise up first, and helps Kate up with Lily still in his wife's arms. As Lily is slowly falling asleep they start their small treck back to the car waiting for them at the gate.

It might have been 20 years since Kate lost her mom, about 5 since they got her justice, but the way Kate knew she could relive all her beautiful memories when sharing them with her daughter is warming her heart more than she ever thought possible. Johanna would continue to live in their memories, and their hearts. Forever.

A/N: So, as some of you know because you follow me on twitter I decided to make this collection with which I'm going to post all one shots which are too small to be standing on their own. After two polls on twitter I've understood most of you want me to post them on here as well as on tumblr so I will (if I don't forget that is). I won't be posting them on Wattpad though, since I've decided I only post the longer ones on there too.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this little tribute to Johanna Beckett, Rest In Peace Johanna, and until next time for you guys, xxxx