
Hermione, Harry and Ron were all in the forbidden forest, and they were talking about Harry's latest idea to bring Lord Voldemort down.

Hermione: So, Harry, let me see if I have gotten right. Your plan is that we dress out like chickens and jump him (him being Lord Voldemort)

Harry: yep

Hermione: -_-

Ron: I don't know.

Harry: What do you mean you don't know, mister I-don't-know

Ron: Well, don't you think he would react if he saw three human sized chickens running around whit wands.

Harry: You're right! Of course, we must find a place to hide our wands.

Ron: That's not the point..

Harry: What do you mean, I don't get it

Hermione: No surprise there..

Harry: huh

Hermione: Never mind.

Ron: my point is, don't you think Lord Voldemort will react if he sees three CHICKENS running around.

Harry: Yes, but he will be so shocked that he won't have time to kill us, and then we run like hell, well you and me Ron, and Hermione takes him out.

Hermione: Hey, why me!!

Ron: Well, that actually makes sense.

Harry: I told you

Hermione: No it doesn't!!!! Don't you get it? Voldemort would kill us at once, because he WOULD react at once if he saw three human sized chickens. And it's not fair that I have to stay behind and kill him while you two make a run for it.

Harry: Well someone has to deal whit the press..

Ron: let me think

Harry: me too Harry and Ron thinks .... and thinks

Harry: well, you know what Ron. You're right, chocolate does beat soda. 'Cause when you think about soda's ...

Hermione: Idiots, I'm surrounded by idiots...

Ron: Hey, that's not very nice.

Hermione: Whatever.

Ron: Harry, I think Hermione thinks she's better than me...

Hermione: I do not

Ron: do to

Hermione: I'm not responding to that

Ron: Harry, tell Hermione that I'm not talking to her.

Ron sticks out his tongue

Harry: Hermione, Ron's not.

Hermione: I know.. I hear, gees Ron. Act you age not you're IQ.

Ron: Thanks ^_^

Hermione: Umm, that's not a comp... never mind, let's go on

Harry: Where were we?

Ron: Dunno

Hermione rolls eyes

Harry: I know, we were talking about how soda is not...

Hermione: Not that, the plan

Harry: Oh, right..


Hermione: Um...we were talking about how it's not a good idea, because Lord Voldemort would kill us before we get a chanse to say Chocolate frogs

Ron: Why would we want to say chocolate frogs.?

Hermione: .-_-..

Ron: I mean, help I would understand, AU and stuff. But do you really think that when you die, you go "oh no, I'm dying chocolate frogs"

Harry: You're right. I think my last words would be shit or something

Hermione: That's not the point

Ron: You just won't admit that you were wrong.

Hermione: Rrrright.

Ron: Now don't you feel good admitting it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Lord Voldemort appears.


Ohh, cliffhanger..