Holy, the baby wolf :

Disclaimer : Final Fantasy VII and its characters belong to Square Enix.

Author note : I think I reached a new level of cuteness in this one, brace yourself! lol

I was inspired by a fanart (the cover image) about Cloud holding a wolf (or dog?) in his sweater who was licking Tifa's finger. A really well-done fanart, and it wasn't difficult to imagine a story from it. I wasn't able to find the author's name of this fanart, if you know it, please tell me so I can credit him/her.

Read and review ;)

Takes place several months after the end of Advent Children Complete.

Cloud was on his way back in a dirty road in the middle of the forest, his delivery done. Suddenly he was forced to stop Fenrir and slammed on the brakes. If it wasn't for his mako infused eyes, he wouldn't have noticed that something was on the middle of the road and would have run over it.

On a closer look the thing was a little animal trying to reach the other side of the road. Cloud had noticed earlier a dead wolf on the side of the road with her babies also dead by her side, it was a disgusting view, the poor animals seemed to have been killed.

Cloud took off his bike and approached the little survivor, a new born baby like that will die soon as well. Cloud frown and remembered a veterinarian clinic in Kalm. In no time he picked the tiny ball of fur, put it in his sweater and raced towards Kalm.

He was now waiting in the clinic, the veterinarian surprised when Cloud handed him the baby wolf.

"Well that baby is malnourished, and his right front paw is broken, I don't think he will live more that a week. I'm sorry."

"I see... but can't you try to feed him and to do something for his paw? I noticed you have a nursery, can I let him in your care?"

"Well it's not free you know, do you have enough to pay for that?"

Cloud send the veterinarian a death glare "Yeah I can pay don't worry."

"But there are few chances he will survive you know..."

"I understood what you said, just try."

With that Cloud left and every day he made a stop to Kalm after his deliveries to checked on the little baby. At first the veterinarian frowned at him but soon was ok with the daily visits.

A week after, the baby wasn't dead yet and seemed to be better. Two weeks after, the veterinarian was happy to announced he was saved.

"Really Mr Strife, it's a holy miracle, I have never seen a newborn baby survived his mother's death. Oh and I forgot to tell you it's a female not a male."

Cloud smiled at the man, who was at first unsympathetic but finally had used his skill to save the baby wolf.

"Thank you. Do you mind to take care of him...no her... a little longer?"

"Ok but no more than two weeks, I can't keep an animal more than one month, my clinic is full you know. You have two weeks left to find a solution."

"Ok, thank you. That baby still need to be taken care of? I can't put her back in the forest?"

"Definitely not, she can't defend herself."

With that Cloud left and again arrived late at Seventh Heaven, like the past two weeks, to Tifa's dismay.

He had decided to settle the baby wolf in Aeris's church, providing blanket, and feeding her usually before and after his deliveries. It wasn't easy nor convenient for Cloud but he was doing his best, the use of a feeding bottle was new to him. He was lucky enough the clinic gave him a feeding bottle and some specific milk for animals.

Sometimes he brought her home in the garage late at night and leaving with her in the early morning so that Tifa and the kids will not notice the little baby.

But of course it couldn't last long. Eventually Denzel found out Cloud's secret and soon after Marlene. They both were all AAHH and OOHH at the cute baby and were more than glad to help Cloud in feeding her.

They promised not to speak to Tifa about the occasional stay of an animal in the garage of Seventh Heaven.

Slowly but surely winter was approaching and Cloud didn't know what to do, the church was colder and colder with every passing day, and not a place for a baby wolf.

One evening, a snowstorm alert made Cloud go frantic inside and worry sick for his little wolf.

"We're gonna have a snowstorm this night, I hope there wouldn't be too much damages in Edge tomorrow." said a slightly worried Tifa while serving food for her family.

"It can be really dangerous, isn't it?" said a stern Denzel.

"Don't worry Denzel, Seventh Heaven will be ok, it's safe here."

"What about animals?" said Marlene.

Cloud gave her a death look.

"Hee? well I guess most of them are clever enough to find a shelter." answered Tifa, even not sure as to why Marlene asked that.

"What about baby animals?" continued Denzel.

"They have parents and older ones who protect them." said Tifa, raising an eyebrow at the two children.

"If they haven't, they may die?" insisted Marlene.

Cloud was growing more and more upset, he knew what they were trying to say to him. And sure enough in no time Marlene will be scolding him and reveal his secret.

Tifa noticed something was going on between the kids and Cloud, who was fidgeting awkwardly and saying nothing.

"Tifa, do you like animals? If you could save one, would you do it?" asked Denzel.

"Yeah of course. I like animals, I had a cat when I was a little girl. Why do you ask?"

"Just to know..."

"But when you saved one, you have to take care of it afterward, otherwise it's useless!" exploded Marlene.

"Marlene!" Cloud's booming voice echoed in the room. It was rare to hear him scold the child.

Marlene shrank on her chair but gave him a dirty look.

Tifa observed the exchange attentively and finally was out of patience.

"The three of you stop that, what's going on?"

Silence answered her.

Cloud stood of his chair and finally said "I'm sorry Tifa, I have to go."

He was on his way to the garage when Tifa called him.

"Wait! There is a storm coming at us!"

"We have to save her Tifa." pleaded Denzel, grabbing Tifa's arm.

"What? Who?"

"Holy!" yelled Marlene.

"It's ok, I won't be gone for too long." said Cloud.

"Hold on! Will you tell me what's going on Cloud?" she followed him in the garage.

He sighed, he couldn't hide anymore the existence of the baby wolf to Tifa. He wasn't at ease because he knew she is going to be sad when she is going to realize he lied to her. He turned to her, he had to explain himself now or she would be mad at him.

"A baby I found on the road during a delivery, I let her in Aeris's church thinking it would be ok but with the snowstorm she will be freezing cold... I have to go check on her."

Cloud sighed again, waiting for Tifa's reaction.

"I don't want her to die." whined Marlene.

"Nor me, I want to play with her again." continued Denzel.

Tifa was upset to say the least to have been left out of the whole story.

"Ok, I understand, but what is Holy? A cat? And Cloud you named it after Aeris's materia? Why no one told me anything?" she sent daggers with her eyes at Cloud who visibly flinched.

"But Tifa, you already said we weren't allowed to have a pet because of the bar." said Denzel.

"It's not a reason! I still want to know what's going on!"

"Tifa, can Cloud bring her home just for tonight, please?" asked Marlene with her puppy dog eyes.

She sighed, just what can she do against the three of them?

"Yeah, yeah, ok bring it here. The garage will be ok for you?"

"Yes!" both child answered her.

"Thanks Teef, I'm going" said Cloud.

"Wait, I'm coming with you. And you didn't answered, is Holy a cat?"

"Well not really..."

"Oh I see, a dog?"

"Not quite..."

"Cloud! Spill it!" she always has patience with him but sometimes, just sometimes, it was not enough.

"It's a baby wolf." he said sheepishly. Tifa was left speechless. Did she hear well? A wolf?

"Hu, Cloud, of all the things you could have pick up on the road, you picked a wolf?"

"I didn't choose it, it just happened, I almost ran on her with Fenrir, she was in the middle of the road... you're sure you want to come?"

She glared at him "Yes I'm coming, let's go pick up your wolf, silly boy!"

He felt relieved she didn't take the news too badly. He smiled at her : "Thank you."

"Marlene, Denzel, you stay here, we won't be long."said Tifa to the two kids who nodded at her.

When they arrived, stray dogs succeeded to enter the church in order to protect themselves from the upcoming snowstorm. Tifa kicked them all out of the church in less than two minutes.

Cloud panicked seeing no trace of Holy, scared the dogs had attacked her and ate her.

"Shit! Where is she? Marlene is right, I'm the worst, why saving her two months ago if it was to let her die now?"

"Cloud, calm down, go search around the church, I'm looking inside. She can't have been gone far if she is just a baby but those dogs may have scared her away."

Tifa searched between the wooden benches, looked into the pool of water, into the lilies, under the multiple broken pillars but to no avail.

When she finally sat on a rock in the far end of the church she noticed some grey fur between the crack of a nearby rock.

"Hee? What is that? Do rocks have fur?" She looked closer only to notice something was hiding inside it.

"Oh? Could it be what I'm searching for?" She bend in front of the rock and saw two yellow eyes watching her back.

"Are you Holy? Maybe I found you." She put her gloved hand in the cavity and was rewarded with a growl, or what should have been a growl but was more like a whine.

"You're scared, aren't you? Will you come with me?" She again tried to have a hold on the little bundle but she only had some tiny bites on her glove. The little animal retreating herself more and more at the back of her hole. Tifa frowned.

"Cloud! I found something, come here please!" She called him since he was still searching outside the church.

Tifa looked back at the rock with the fur and smirked at her idea. She poked at the fur, hearing some little complaining noises. "Hehe, if you want me to stop you have to go out of your hole."

Tifa poked harder and put her other hand inside the hole, finally grabbing the little bundle and withdrew it from her hiding place. The poor little thing was munching on Tifa's glove with all her might but it was useless, Tifa was holding her firmly.

"Ah, caught you!" Tifa petted the fur to check if there was blood but the little thing didn't seem injured to her relief. Tifa lifted her arm high to have a good look, Holy in her palm munching on the glove and with her tail going back and forth, her four paws hanging in the air between Tifa's fingers.

"Well, you're a cute thing for sure!" Tifa laughed at the tiny baby wolf.

Cloud arrived seeing Tifa sitting on a rock, holding a very lively Holy high above her head, the light of the moon shining on them both. His heart missed a beat at the beautiful view, it made him think about ancient powerful deity with an animal, the serene atmosphere of the church only intensified the feeling.

Regaining his senses, he raced toward her.

"Tifa! you found her!"

Tifa lowered her arm and Cloud stroke Holy's fur.

"You scared me you know. You're ok? Here, come with me."

"She doesn't seem injured, don't worry."

He petted her to calm the little wolf who didn't appreciate Tifa forceful manner at grabbing her out of her hiding place and was still trying to tore her glove. Cloud took her gently and Tifa watched mesmerized at Cloud's interaction with Holy. The little thing was now purring in his arms, licking Cloud's cheek and he seemed delighted.

"That thing is completely tamed, I thought we were searching for a wild animal!" to say she was surprised was an understatement.

"It's still a wolf Tifa."

"Currently I'm just seeing a cute little bundle of fur who like to be pet!" Tifa laughed at him.

"Well, it's only a baby... Here Tifa, I introduce you Holy. And Holy it's Tifa, you're gonna be nice with her, ok?"

Tifa pet Holy's grey fur and was glad she didn't try to munch on her glove this time.

"Let's go home" Cloud efficiently put Holy inside his sweater, zipping it so that she was well secured. Tifa rose an eyebrow at him "You're going to drive Fenrir like that?"

"Yes of course, don't worry, she is quiet when I'm driving."

"That's not the first time you carry her like that, do you?"

"Well, no..."

"You really kept your secret from me... I should be angry at you, you know."

"Ah, well... Tifa... I knew you didn't want a pet... so... and I didn't really plan to adopt her either... well... sorry, I didn't want to lie to you."

Tifa rolled her eyes, he was so embarrassed and cute and unnerving at the same time, she couldn't stay mad at him.

"It's ok. And it's not that I don't like animals but with a bar restaurant it's no good. And a wolf is usually not a pet. But I think we can still accommodate a little place for Holy, I'm not going to let such a cute thing outside in the cold, am I?" Tifa stroke gently Holy on her head and she seemed to like it, licking Tifa's hand in return, without the glove it was better.

"Thank you Tifa." He smiled shyly at her which rewarded him with a kiss on his cheek.

"Let's go home. Marlene and Denzel must be worried by now."


It's not finished yet ;)