this took longer then expected to write- sorry about that. there is no Percy part in this chapter, just Brenda. the ending is a little rushed- the getting into bed process doesn't really require details :P


"Mountain Lions," I said, smiling. When I'd finished dinner, I'd gone back to my room and began working on homework- math, chemistry, and studying for a spanish test i had- I checked my email. That was when I found Percy's return to my own. I clicked on the document he'd sent me, which he'd titled script. It already had two facts inside, and a little pink line was hovering over a third bullet point. Percy was here, too.

I went to it and hit enter a couple of times then typed out

Hi Percy! I'll try to help you, but I'm afraid I don't know much about mountain lions.

That's alright, he typed. I'll put in the facts, and you can work on how they should be worded and what footage we should try to get for them. When we get a few recordings, you'll be able to write down some facts on your own. I can't even begin to thank you for your help. Doing it myself makes it a bit rushed, and my mom is always pressing me about working too hard and forgetting "necessities" like food and sleep.

I laughed out loud. Yeah, that's a bit what it's like during finals week. Late nights and surviving on granola bars and fruit. Though I'm sure it's worse for you- i only have a week of it. But like you said, now you have me to help out!

Ha, yeah. Hopefully, it'll be a little easier now. Lets get some facts down, shall we?

We shall.

I scrolled up to look at the facts he'd written, then paused for a second and scrolled back down, confirming my terrible suspicions. I'd said we shall, like I was in a fairy tale or something. I sounded ridiculous! But then again, he'd said it too. Chances were he didn't find anything off about it.

I tried to forget it as I scrolled up and and read his facts.

"Mountain Lions live mainly on their own," i whispered to myself. "Unlike lions, who live in prides." I copied the fact and scrolled to the bottom, where I pasted it. I added footage of a mountain lion on it's own, possibly lounging on a rock after it. Then I copied all of the facts he had, putting them under the first. Doing it one by one would take too much time. I added my own notes after them. When I was done, it looked like this:

Mountain lions live their lives mostly on their own, unlike lions, who live in prides. footage of a mountain lion on it's own, possibly lounging on a rock.

When hunting, mountain lions primarily go after large mammals, like deer. They also hunt mice, squirrels, porcupines, racoons, rabbits, and beavers. They travel long distances to find food. After they've successfully killed their prey, they will bury it and come back for it later. A mountain lion hunting, or burying something.

Their mating season is usually from December to March. They have litters of two to four kittens. Mountain lion cubs

Mountain lion children are called cubs or kittens. Maybe combine this fact with the one before it?

Mountain lions are called by several names in different places- pumas, cougars, and sometimes, panthers. Their scientific name is Felis Concolor. Maybe separate footage of these animals in their habitats?

Mountain lion kittens are born blind, and must rely on their mothers until they are two to three months old. A mother caring for her kittens.

I frowned. The footage I'd said they should get would be difficult to find. Would they be able to get those specific clips? I wasn't sure, so i asked percy. I clicked the circle up in the corner, and it whisked me up to where he was typing.

I went to the end of his sentence and hit enter a couple of times.

Hey, I typed. Will you be able to get the footage I say will work? Some of it seems like it might be a challenge.

Don't worry, we'll get it. We go around till we find what we think is the home of whatever creature we're doing, and either watch them from a respectful distance or set up a camera to record the footage. We also set up cameras around somewhere near their home, where there are signs of them to get the footage we need.

That sounds complicated.

It is. It's also very tiring, going through all the hours of footage. but it's worth it! Sometimes, if we can't get footage of me with them for risk of disturbing them, we'll use a green screen. It's better for us and the animals.

Cool! I scrolled back up to the list of facts, and did the same as before. I worked at coming up with the footage for a while, then switched to getting a vague idea of how the facts could be worded. I made sure to leave room for alteration. He didn't have to say exactly what I typed. I wanted it to sound as natural as it did on tv.

"Brenda," my mom called from outside my door. "You need to go to bed. It's late!" I looked at the clock and saw she was right- it was nearly eleven o'clock. This wouldn't be a problem if tomorrow was saturday, but it wasn't. I looked back at the document and began to type.

Hey, my mom just came in and told me to go to bed. I'll work on the script more tomorrow, okay?

That's fine! I was probably going to do the same anyway. Good night! Talk to you tomorrow!

Good night!

I closed the laptop and set it on my desk, leaving it to charge, then changed into pajamas. I flipped the light switch to off and climbed under the covers. Facts about mountain lions flew through my head until I drifted into sleep.