Heyy, this is my first fanfic tell me what you think! If you're new I'm re writing but not going off plot now that I have a beta. I'll leave little notes on chapters that've been updated.
Summary: Bella is able to see the energies/life force of humans and vampires after being bitten by James, but never told anyone except Renee. 3 years after the Cullen family leaves, being the danger magnet she is Bella faces a familiar enemy. In hopes to get Bella killed, she's brought to the Volturi only to find her true mate in Marcus and is the solution in solving a mystery that's plagued the Volturi kings. Now with a new life in store, a chance of new love, and discovering new secrets Bella has been placed under a time crunch to solve Didyme's supposed murder, and Carlisle's involvement with it. Will Bella be able complete this task with her special gift, or will time swallow the life she's trying to make.
I don't own anything, Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer.
(updated chapter)
Bella POV
I opened my eyes but closed them seeing the rare sunshine pouring into my room. Golden rays of light danced with specks of dust in the air, coaxing me to get up and look outside. On days like these, I like to think that my mom didn't ditch me to live in the wettest and cloudiest corner of the country. Sadly, I knew that a change of wind was all it would take to bring me back to a reality without as much as a spark of hope.
With a sigh my feet brought me out of my bed and into the bathroom where I was greeted by a stranger in the mirror. Her long, dark lifeless hair fell in no particular way around her sickly looking pale face. Malnutrition was very evident as I saw her removing her clothes revealing bones that were painfully sticking out. I couldn't find the courage to even look her in the eyes, but I wanted, no needed, to know what secrets they held.
Dark circles surrounded murky orbs that looked like they were trying to get a message across to me, but even I didn't know how to help her out of whatever mess she was in. Giving another sigh I stepped into the shower, after giving my reflection a silent goodbye.
Afterwards, I dressed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, before deciding I was going outside. Looking out into the forest from my window I grabbed some old sneakers and made my way down stairs. Charlie was long gone for work by now, but I was surprised that he didn't leave any of his breakfast mess in the sink. I would usually always find dirty dishes in the morning and something burning lingering in the air, but maybe he just went to the diner this time. My father wasn't one to talk similar like me, but he always did try to let me know he loved me in his awkward, quiet way.
Making sure the doors were locked I put on my sneakers, place my keys in my pocket, and left through the back door of my home with an apple and water in hand. An almost hidden pathway in the forest was in front of me, it was worn but grass was growing, hiding any proof steps were ever taken here. I felt something flutter in the deepest part of my mind, like it was trying to remind me of something tucked away in my memories. I quickly ignored the feeling and continued on my way. I kept walking for maybe a mile or two until I came across a small meadow.
I suddenly remembered why I didn't leave my home, but was already to late as everything just replayed in my head. Not knowing what else to do I ran but didn't know where I was going, breathed but I didn't understand the purpose, wept but no one was going to hear. At least that was what I thought. I was so desperately trying to escape this world I was sucked into, but just to run right back to it. I wanted something or someone to shield me from the events that took place after the Cullens left. Like a broken record the memories kept playing and playing in my mind, not even the burning in my lungs could distract me from them.
Tripping on most likely my feet I fell face first into a muddy puddle, and started spewing mud from my mouth. I brought my water out to clean my mouth out and wash my face and hands, but before I could pour any into my hand a chuckle sounded near by. I was frantically looking around to see if I could find a source of the sound but there was no one around that I could see. Getting up quickly I tripped again and ran back to my house, trying to escape the sense of paranoia. With shaky hands, I unlocked the back door, and frantically locked it back up. Taking my time to slow my breathing, I sat at the foot of my stairs, and tried to calm down enough for a shower. Making my way up the stairs I checked for any open wounds, and cursed when I saw I had scratched the tops of my knees.
Why did I have to be so clumsy all the time?
Putting on a bathrobe I went to the bathroom and assessed the damage. Dried mud was on my face and hair, there were some scratches here and there, and my knees were bloodied from tripping. I started the water and put it to a scalding temperature, before stepping in. The water burned me as I watched dirt and blood go down the drain in a swirling motion. I'm not sure how long I stood there, but when the water got cold I decided to use soap and finally began washing myself. After getting clean I stepped out, and was met with the blurry image of my reflection caused by the lingering steam in the air. Reaching out to wipe some of the condensed water from the mirror, I saw that she had silent tears waiting to fall.
I shouldn't have gone outside.
The safe haven I had tried to build for myself was crumbling, and hiding was no longer an option. I wanted to apologize to her for ruining our chance for some sort of stability in this life but we both knew that nothing could last forever. Feeling very low in spirit I looked away from the mirror, put on my bathrobe, and started to brush my teeth. Spitting out the frothy contents in my mouth, I saw small specks of dirt in it from my previous fall. After finishing up in the bathroom, I went downstairs for some cold water and wait for Charlie to come home. Looking at the clock I was shocked to see it was 11:47pm?
Had I really been outside for that long, or had I showered for longer than I thought. Charlie should have been home by now but he wasn't. Now that I really think of it, I didn't think he called today. Looking at the call history on the home phone, my hunch was correct; the only call was from the reservation. I decided to call Billy and see if he knew anything. He picked up on the third ring.
"Hello?" Came a deep raspy voice.
"Hi Billy, it's Bella. I was wondering if you've heard from Charlie today?" I asked.
"Sorry kiddo, but not today. Last time we talked was almost 2 days ago about another fishing trip for today actually... He never responded to my call this afternoon either... is everything alright? Should I send one of the boys to you?"
"Everything's fine. He may have just decided to take another case or something. Thank you though."
"Well, call if you need anything and tell your old man to call me back."
"I will Billy. Bye."
"Bye kiddo."
After I hung up the phone, I felt the hunger from the physical exertion I had and forced an apple down before going up to my room. Sitting on the floor with my back pressed against the lower headboard, I started to feel sick from the nerves I had. Where was my dad? At 1am, I decided that I was going to have to track him. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and imagined the face of my father and memories I had of him. When I opened my eyes a cobalt blue strain of energy illuminated in front of my eyes. Got him.
I quickly got up from the floor and put on some black jeans and a dark hood, anticipating whatever was to come. I prayed to whatever god was there that Charlie was going to be okay when I found him, and that we could go back to the life we created for ourselves. My movements were frantic as I left through the front door, slamming it shut and getting into my truck. The truck roared to life as I turned the key in the ignition, and I pulled out of my driveway.
A great thing about my tracking was that the trail always went along with the geography or roads my eyes saw, almost like a virtual reality GPS but that didn't take away from how reckless my driving was now. Car horns were honking at me as I drove, and I ran a few red lights but I payed no mind to my surroundings. Some time went by before I saw a Welcome to Seattle sign, and I started to feel fear for what was waiting on Charlie's end.
My truck started to slow down and eventually came to a stop a few blocks at an old warehouse, forcing me to go by foot. When Charlie's strain was starting to dim a little, it prompted me to run even quicker. A rusty old fence was separating and even older looking shack from the rest of the city, like it was something that didn't belong but for some reason was still standing, and my father was in there.
Taking a deep breath, I walked towards the shack, and opened the door. Charlie was cuffed to an old pipe and looked at me with a pained expression, and when he heard the creaking of the door bloodshot eyes filled with pain looked at me.
"Bells... run... not safe." He said weakly.
I saw that there was blood leaking out of his neck, and knew instantly that there was a vampire nearby. Running to Charlie who was now passed out from lack of blood, I tried to free him. A familiar chuckle sounded behind me and I saw a blonde vampire standing there. He had shaggy hair that framed the sharp features of his face, but his bright crimson eyes looked into my murky ones with a knowingly.
"I must say Isabella, for a clumsy little human you are very good at hiding, hiding in your own town too, I bet Aro would love to see what gift you have. Laurent you can have what's left of your snack. We leave for Victoria in the morning."
I looked back at Charlie before I realized what was really happening, Victoria had found me and used my own father for bait. Bile started to come up from my throat which ended with my apple making a grand reappearance, dark spots started to intrude on my vision as I fought to stay alert. Charlie never made it home, I realized. He wasn't here this morning to make his attempt of breakfast, or to call Billy back, or even to call me to see if I was okay. I felt cold arms wrap around my torso, just as I witnessed my father being drained. His blue aura was dimming into nothing, until it was indeed nothing.
He was gone.
I wanted nothing more than to just disappear into the darkness that was inviting me into it, and when it came I let myself go and didn't want to come out of it.
There was a distant voice in my mind but there wasn't a face I could put to it. It was like someone was trying to reach me in the darkness. A strange sensation was invading my mind and behind my eyes which caused me to open them, but darkness was still surrounding me. In the distance I saw a figure; a woman I think. When they saw me they slowly made their way to my location but then started to run. With fear in my bones I turned around and started to run.
A hand grabbed my shoulder bringing me out of the darkness and into the light. Just a dream.
I was greeted by the crimson gaze of Victoria looking at me with a smirk.
"Isabella Swan, what an enigma you are and a powerful one at that. It's been almost three years since you've disappeared from my radar. What have you done to hide so well at the first place we searched, too? Why would you try so hard to hide from us?" She asked.
Looking around I noticed that I was on a jet, but was quickly brought back to the attention by a sharp pain on my left cheek.
"It's rude to ignore people you know. Now answer my question, how did you hide in your own house for three years?" She snarled.
"..." I couldn't find the strength or even the willpower to open my mouth to answer her. I had tried so hard to protect Charlie from the dangers in the supernatural world that I let into our lives, and I failed him. Was he going to get a proper burial?
Victoria was in my face and had her hand around my neck and started to squeeze, until I was sure my face was blue from the lack of oxygen. When she let go I doubled over and started gasping for air, and coughed madly.
"Stay silent then, but you certainly won't keep your secret hidden for long. The kings in Italy will bring me justice and you're going to pay for getting James as well as those Cullens!" She smirked.
Well this was actually very anti-climatic. She used my father to draw me out, just to have another vampire bring me onto a plane to Italy.
"Why am I going to Italy?" I asked.
"Obviously you haven't caught on that I want you dead, and I want to avenge my James's death. The Cullens broke the law, and bringing you there will ensure that they will die to." She said.
"So you want someone else to do your dirty work?" I said incredulously.
"I can have you killed right now no doubt, but you're the only evidence that this upcoming trial needs." She said, and disappeared to the pilot's side.
I rubbed my sore neck and leaned back in my seat trying to figure out what to make of this. I didn't really think I was going to live that long truthfully, nor did I want to. I didn't show it, but I was happy for the first time in a long time.
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