Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever fan fiction about Miles' and Gwen's relationship after the "Into the Spider-Verse" movie. I got the idea for this fan fic right after watching the last scene where Gwen seems to be opening a portal to Miles's universe. I really hope you'll like it, but please keep in mind that this is my first time writing a story like that.


Chapter. 1
Miles was lying in his bed with his trusty headphones on, as always playing the "Sunflower'' to his sleep. Miles loved this song in particular.

It was the one thing that always calmed him down and relaxed, no matter if he was swinging through the city, fighting bad guys, having problems at school or simply argueing with his parents over dinner.

This song just melted all the bad things away, not only that, it was also causing a lot of great emotions. It made him think about everything that happend over these last few months.

The moments he spent with his family, especially with his uncle Aaron, but only the good ones, or when he was web-swinging through the forest for the first time with Peter. He remembered how he met his fellow spider-people, along with his universe's Aunt May, all of which helped him to eventually become the Spider-Man he always inspired to be.

But all of these things were outshined by the memories of one person in particular. Gwen Stacy, the blonde haired Spider-Girl from another dimmension, or school, depending on the perspective, his Sunflower...

Everytime he heard that music, it made him remember every single moment they spent together so clearly, it was like reliving them all over again. Ever since they first met, he knew that there was something very special about her.

From the way she looked at him, her beautiful, light, blonde hair, especially after their "little accident" at school, her adorable smile, subtle piercing in her right eyebrow, and big eyes so gorgeous, he could swear they were made of pure diamonds.

Gwen was very confident, smart and brave, which impressed our hero even more. She was also a great fighter, which she proved more than once.

The blonde haired spider had a deep care for our hero and she was always nice and understanding towards him.

Although she sometimes had her doubts in Miles' abilities, same as everyone else, Gwen never seased to believe in the young hero, and eventually saw a great power in him, which gave her strength as well.

The way they were clumsily acting around each other created a strong, unspoken connection beetwen the two heroes. It made them feel like they knew each other forever, because they resembeld themselfes in a way.

Her voice was so mezmorising, so that when she spoke, Miles couldn't focus on anything, but a cute little gap beetwen her snow white teeth, unless she was wearing a mask, of course.

All of these things combined made him feel like never before, so good, yet never so nervous around anyone else in his life. He knew she was his soulmate, they perfectly understood each other, even without any words. And even though they parted as friends, our hero knew, that it was only the beggining of their shared story in the multiverse.

And as he was dreaming about her, he, FELT Gwen's voice echoing around him waking him up. He couldn't believe that he was looking at his dream being materialised before his eyes.

"Miles? Miles! You got a minute?", said the beautiful shadow exiting the portal, reaching for our hero's shoulder in a similar way he did, when they akwardly got to meet each other at school.

At first, he thought he was still dreaming, but as soon as he felt her discinct touch on his skin, he reconsidered in a very smooth way. So much so, he fell off his bed, straight on his face.

Fortunitely, his roommate was away to visit his family outside the city, so Miles didn't have to worry about him passing out in shock again, even though he already knew Miles' "little secret". Our young hero assimilated with the situation fairly quickly and sat up on his bed, with Gwen sitting next to him.

A simple "Hi'' was the only thing he could bring himself to say in response, astounded by the girl's presence.

Gwen was wearing her casual clothes, to which Miles wasn't very accustomed to, but he didn't mind them, he didn't mind them at all actually...

"She looks so beautiful...", he said to himself in his head. "Ahh, Focus, Morales, focus!", were the thoughts that followed right after, snaping him out of his mindless stare.

"Look, I know that I shouldn't be here, unstable molecules and all, but I have a very important reason to'', said the supposed South-African with no accent, while rolling her eyes.

"And that is?'', replied Miles with a concerned look on his face.

"Y-you'', said Gwen stuttering a little.

You could very clearly see the blush on her face, which made the kid from Brooklyn blush a bit in return.

"I missed you Miles, a lot'', she added.

"You know, in my universe I don't really have anyone since my version of Peter died, and I didn't want to put anyone else in danger, so I kind of cut myself off from people'', said "Gwanda" with a noticible remorse in her voice.

She still blamed herself for her friend's death. You could almost see the tears forming in her eyes, just ready to be spilled.

"It wasn't your fault, you did everything you could to save him'', said Miles carefully wrapping his arm around the gold headed spider. She leaned over his shoulder and sobbed a quite:

"T-thanks Miles...It's really n-nice to finally have someone close to me'', she added, whiping off her tears.

"At your service, Sunflower...'', replied Miles with a confident grin on his face.

"Please say you like it, please say you like it...", rambeled Miles in his head, a bit afraid of Gwen's reaction.

"Sunflower, huh? I like that'', Gwen responded with a little chuckle escaping her mouth as she wrapped her arm around his back.

"She likes it...", thought Miles, trying to hold back a big smirk appearing on his face.

They both felt like they're in the right place, with the right person. The atmosphere in the dorm room was simply stunning. Subtle moonlight creaping through the window, total silence and in the centre of it all, two of them stuck in a warm embrace.

"Should I tell him now? What if it ruins our relationship?", Gwen was constantly thinking to herself, but eventually her feeling got over her judgement.

"M-miles?, she started.

"Yeah?'', he asked.

"I've been m-meaning to tell you s-something, something important", stuterred Gwen, with a different than usual voice and a very distinct look on her face.

She was nervous, her heart was speading up.

"I l-like you...'', she mumbled a bit uncertain.

"I like you too, Gwen'', responded Miles, a bit too hastily and a bit too casually, not realising, what she really meant.

"No, I... REALLY like you, Miles...I mean, like more than a friend'', she said a bit more firmly this time.

Miles suddenly realised his current situation, causing his eyes to widen up a bit, and his mouth to open slitely with an intention to spill out his true feelings for her, but he couldn't do so, overwealmed by his dream's words.

"I have never felt like this around anybody ever before", she continued, looking straight in his eyes.

"I just feel like I belong h-here...with you", she said laying her hand on his thigh.

"Gwen I...I don't know what to say, I really like you too, but...we both know you can't stay here for long", he said with his heart also accelerating, causing an even deeper blush, although this time much more visiable on his dark face.

"Why am I discouraging her? Am I crazy?! That's literally the opposite of what I'm trying to...", rambeled Miles in his head, when he was suddenly cut of by his angel's hypnotizing voice.

"Miles, I...I love you'', she finally confessed, very softly...and very quietly...leaving no more words to be desired from neither of them...