Chapter 1

Volterra Italy, Winter

If anything could be said of the vampire race, it would be that they were rather predictable. This is the least that could be said with the drama of the victorian masquerade ball that occurred in Volterra every decade.

On the other hand, the human race could be generalized to have innate survival instincts. Not one to be predictable, a ballroom full of ancient vampires did not shy Isabella away, not in the least.

The year was 2018 when Isabella first stepped foot in Volterra, Italy. While she did possess all the answers as to why, she continued to follow her instincts that had never led her astray.

These instincts, not necessarily survival based, led her to the entrance of the ancient Volturi castle, surprisingly undetected. She was not entirely sure how she managed such a feat in a Victorian ballgown and heels, that in her younger years would have resulted in catastrophe.

No, the young and naive Bella Swan of years past would have never dared to be where she was now— shy, timid, bumbling, and lacking any conceivable backbone when it came to her independence and dignity. Isabella stood straighter at this thought, a smile playing at her lips. As many stories go, she had risen out of the ashes of her own macabre existence to become the woman she was now— fearless and determined to make this world right, despite the consequences.

This determination led her to the sweeping ballroom, the marble accented with swirling designs of gold and red from the floor to the intricately carved ceiling. A chandelier adorned the center of the room, and although it lacked modern electric lighting, the combination of the flames reflecting off of a myriad of crystals and frosted glass of the fixture seemed to dazzle the room in a radiant glow; the reflective quality of the marble skin of the vampires below only added to the spectacular effect.

At least a hundred vampires occupied the room, dancing and talking At this notion, the steady beating of her heart inside her chest reminded Isabella of just how mortal she was— not that anyone might detect her. Her lip quirked again at this as her eyes scanned the room, falling on the three ancient rulers of the vampire world who overlooked the spectacle below.

The leftmost vampire, Marcus, looked bored. His unwavering, glassy look of discontentment had followed him throughout the centuries. The rightmost vampire, Cauis, wore a perfectly mastered sour expression— one that could be named a talent for how easily it slipped over his features. The center vampire, Aro, looked fearfully jovial, his crimson eyes reflecting a balance of careful calculation and mischief.

These crimson eyes met Isabella's from across the room, his coming alive with curiosity. Seeing this, Isabella gently inclined her head downwards a fraction, lowering her eyes to the marble below her feet. After a moment, she began moving fluidly across the line of windows that encompassed the ballroom to a doorway leading to an exterior area of the castle, all the while feeling his gaze on her.

Continuing along her path, the warm Volterra air greeted her along the exterior stone hallway, acting as a bridge point between the ballroom and an exterior courtyard. It was as beautiful as the ballroom as she just beheld: darker, near black stones were laid in an intricate floral pattern, framing the central fountain beautifully. Beyond the paved courtyard were lush gardens of lavender, honeysuckle, flowering almond trees and wild orchids.

Isabella regarded her surroundings silently, hands folded in front of her as she waited for Aro to announce his presence. A small disturbance in the air just behind her cued her to turn to face him, standing only inches from her.

"Aro." She inclined her head once more, smiling softly.

His gaze did not betray surprise, but intensified fascination. "Buona sera, piccola… May I?" He murmured, outstretching his palm.

Isabella unclasped her hands and offered hers, feeling his cool hands enclose around her own. The sensation of tingling electricity between their hands caused her to inhale sharply. The sensation was not uncomfortable, but something she did not entirely expect as his gift met the unwavering wall of a boundary invisible to his eyes.

"Interesting…" His hands held fast to hers, his grip tightening fractionally. "Tell me… why did you come?"

"The vampire world is in grave danger, unlike any you have ever faced." Isabella lifted her unoccupied hand to rest on top of their joined hands. "I believe we have the power to stop it."

Buona sera, piccola — Good Evening, little one.

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