AN: ITT au is mine. ask-joeydrewstudios is cozylittleartblog .


It had been a month since Inky had been sent home (about six months since he had first been summoned) and things had pretty much returned to normal, though there were still signs of his influence everywhere. Allison and Tom were dating steadily and a betting pool (started by Wally) had sprung up in the studio on how long it would be before they got married. Shawn would constantly talk to his two plushies and it was more common to see them moving. Bendy still pranked like normal, but now he also helped clean up afterward. Even though the little Ink Demon had had only been there for a short time, people had grown attached to him and they were now missing him.

"How do you think he's doing?" Bendy wondered out loud as he held a plushie that looked like Inky, sitting on his bed. Inky had made all the toons gifts after they had found out he could make things out of his ink. Bendy had gotten the plushie, Alice had gotten some hairpins, and Boris had gotten a bone.

"I'm sure he's doing just fine," Joey assured, rubbing the devil between the horns before tucking him into bed. "He's back home with his own family again. I'm sure he's happy."

"Do you think he misses us?" Bendy continued. "Like we miss him?"

"I'm sure-"

"Can you make a way so we can visit each other?" Bendy continued, jumping up in excitement with his tail twitching rapidly behind him. "You're good with the magic stuff Papa Drew… surely there is some way…"

"I'll look into it," Joey chuckled, getting Bendy back under the sheets. "But you need your rest. Sleep well… goodnight my toons…"

"Goodnight Papa Drew…" the toons chorused back as Joey gently closed the door. A smile was on his face as he headed back to his office. He had some time to do a little research before he went to bed himself. He was sure Bendy wouldn't drop the subject of seeing Inky again until he had some way of making it possible and he was sure he could. And with how well things went with Inky… maybe Joey could help a few more other Bendy's…

AN: And that's the end. I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.