I am SO SORRY everyone, something happened when I uploaded this and I have no clue what. Thank you for the kind people who alerted me of this so I could fix it. Hope it works this time.
Severus walked along the edge of the Forbidden Forrest, waiting for Magorian to come out and meet him. He should have been here over half an hour ago, and Severus did not like to think of what was going on to make the formidable centaur late. He jerked around quickly at the rustling in the bushes and his eyebrow rose in thinly veiled shock as Magorian stepped out with Bane who was carrying an unconscious Hermione Granger.
"Magorian, Bane, is she alright?" He bowed to the centaurs quickly before rushing over to get a good look at her. "Do you know what happened?" He stroked her hair out of her face and Magorian laid a hand on Severus' shoulder.
"We do not know if she will last the night, Herd Brother. I'm afraid there isn't much more we can do for her, but if there is something you can do, then help her. I know the Herd Sister and you got into a fight, but please do not let her perish over it." Magorian nodded to Bane who handed Hermione over to Severus and Severus took her gently.
"I will do everything in my power, Herd Brothers." He bowed his head and summoned his magic to him as he flew across the grounds of Hogwarts and into Minerva's window. "Minnie! Wake up, Hermione is hurt, I need you to summon Poppy!" He laid her limp form on the couch and knelt down. "I will save you, Hermione, this I swear." And with that he got to work.
Eleven months prior….
"No, Minnie! I refuse! I do not want that know-it-all swot of a girl as my apprentice and that is final! Do you understand? Or are all of you Gryffindors incapable of understanding plain English?" Severus seethed and Minerva shook her head.
"Severus, you two are a perfect fit, and she will apprentice under no one other than you. Or me, which means that we shall share her, you only have to teach her for half of the time, and we both know we need her help repairing the castle. If you do not accept her she will not stay to apprentice under me either." Minerva glared at him and Severus sighed, plopping down into a chair with much more grace than that single act should have been capable of.
"She has been a thorn in my side for the past eight years and now you want me to have her as an apprentice for four years or more, then I will take out any irritations I have on you, because it will have been your fault." Severus lifted an eyebrow at her and Minerva nodded and sat next to him.
"On one condition, that you do not take it out on her, unless she has done something truly worthy of your ire. Treat her with respect, or at least civilly until she earns it." She held out her wand hand and Severus sighed. He hoped this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.
"If accidentally snap at her then I shall explain myself and why I did. Note that I am only doing this because if I say no you shall never let me live it down and I do not need to hear this for the rest of your days as Headmistress and all your days in your portrait long after." He sneered and clasped her hand.
"Perfectly acceptable, laddie." She grinned and Severus chuckled at her. "Something amusing Severus?" She lifted her eyebrow in a mockery of his and Severus smirked at her.
"You have a few feathers in your whiskers Minerva." He dropped her hand and Minerva laughed merrily, causing Severus to scowl at her. "Now I have to go draft apprentice papers, no thanks to you, meddlesome tabby." He stood and swept out of the room, his robes billowing behind him ominously. Minerva shook her head and transformed into her tabby cat form, padding down the hall and made her way to court yard to her new apprentice.
"Headmistress." Hermione bowed her head in respect and Minerva padded out onto the grounds her tail waving like flag behind her. Hermione followed the tabby and looked around curiously as they made their way inside the Forbidden Forest. Hermione snapped her head around as she heard hoof beats rapidly approaching.
"Herd Elder, pleasure to see you." Magorian bowed in respect and Minerva nodded her head, transforming back into her human form. "Good to see you Wild Cat." He grinned at her and she chuckled.
"Good to see you too, Magorian." She ushered Hermione forward and Magorian looked her up and down circling her. "This is my apprentice, Hermione Granger." She smiled as Magorian sniffed her hair causing it to ruffle.
"Abha, Herd Sister Abha." He bowed and Hermione fell into a formal low curtsy, her robes pooling out from her. Magorian nodded approvingly and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Place your hand on my withers, so you may meet the Herd." Hermione did as she was told and Minerva jumped on Magorian's back in her tabby form, more than happy to be carted around instead of having to walk. Hermione openly laughed at Minerva's antics and Magorian chuckled deeply along with her. Hermione followed Magorian and happily met the other members of the heard, who received her well. The children thought her hair was so fascinating and brushed it until it was smooth. They then proceeded to braid things into it, such as feathers and flowers, for health and protection. Hermione smiled and said she would visit again soon as it was growing dark out. Minerva padded along side her as they made their way back to the castle and Hermione stopped and turned to her Master seriously.
"Will you teach me to be an animagus?" She looked down at the tabby and suddenly Minerva stood before her with a sly grin.
"On one condition, my apprentice." She whispered and Hermione quickly nodded, whatever it was she was sure it would be worth being able to learn such a skill. "You allow me to watch Severus' reaction as you creep up on him when you have mastered the form." Hermione smirked and nodded.
"Deal." She held out her hand and Minerva shook it, at least it would be good payback for what she was about to endure as his apprentice.