A/N: Hello again! This is the second part of the Out of Wedlock series. Again, I originally posted this on Ao3 but decided to post here as well. Ao3 work number: /works/17099687

By the time he sees it, it's too late.

The damage has been done.

He nearly chokes on his protein shake as the 'news' plays on the television. Too stunned to properly function, his mouth hangs open as he lets the liquid fall out and stares at the screen. Wiping his mouth with his soiled shirt, Bakugou raises the volume to make sure he isn't hallucinating.

"Could this mean what I think it does?!" The shrill voice of the host makes Bakugou grimace. He never liked this host, found her too annoying. Of all of the pro-hero news anchors, Harue Mai was the worst gossip. She would latch onto any and every speculation involving pro-heroes. She must be having the time of her life now that Uravity's pregnancy is the only thing anyone can seem to talk about.

"Hold up! Do you honestly think Uravity would hook up with him?!" Yumi Haruna, the second host, didn't make Bakugou want to stab himself nearly as much. She was pretty and young, often serving as the face of the show enough though she wasn't the main host. Yumi often went along with Harue's speculations, but most of the time she knew when to draw the line.

"They certainly aren't the first couple I thought UA would produce." The third host, Ai Goto, says. She seems to be genuinely confused by the news.

"I don't think anybody would think of them getting together!" Harue exclaims. She wipes a tear from her eye and continues to talk about the revelation.

For a moment longer than he'd like to admit, he thinks they've been found out. His agency wanted to hold off on the announcement for at least a month to figure out how to spin it in their favor. If it were up to Katsuki, he would send a tweet saying, "I'm the father" and that would be it. His agency didn't like that so much, said something about the safety of all involved and protecting their (his) image. And because Katsuki wasn't a stubborn teenager with the emotional maturity of a fetus, he made sure not to tell anyone. That included not being seen together for the past month. So naturally, he didn't expect the news to be talking about the 'Shocking Development' that is his secret relationship and love child with Uravity.

What he expects less is for the news to be talking about Mineta. And Ochako. As in, Mineta and Ochako, together, and with a baby on the way.

He takes five full minutes to calm himself down and to avoid throwing his drink hard enough to shatter his own window. Bakugou counts to ten... then to twenty... and eventually up to 100 before letting off a few sparks and screaming into a nearby vase. They just had to say Mineta of all people, didn't they? At least Deku made sense, Mineta though?


How could that little grape turd ever get someone as out of his league as Ochako?


The important thing was that the grape shit was never with Ochako, never stood a chance. So the claims on the television were absolute trash.

While taking his sweet time trying to contain his anger, Katsuki failed to read the screen and see why everyone suddenly thought Mineta was Ochako's baby daddy. It made no sense, especially since the two were rarely seen working or hanging out together. Hell, they didn't even interact on social media. Bakugou was very active on his social media platforms, despite what 1-A expected. Turns out he wasn't active enough.

After Uravity's announcement, there had been a massive flood of tweets about her and the situation as a whole. There was criticism from all corners of the political spectrum. Feminists were angry that she would "ruin her career" by having a child so early and how she was perpetuating a patriarchal expectation. Conservatives were angry that she was having a child out of wedlock and being a disgrace to Japanese society by doing so.

There were also many people wishing her the best of luck. Telling her that they still loved her no matter what, that being unmarried and pregnant didn't take away from all the lives she has saved. One anonymous woman even spoke about how Uravity having the strength to raise a child alone encouraged her, and made her feel better about being in the same situation.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel bad when he read that one. Ochako might publicly be going through this pregnancy alone, but really, Katsuki was there every step of the way. He wouldn't let her raise their child alone, especially since she wanted to get back into heroics.

All Katsuki had said was:

Ground Zero BAKUSATSUOU ⬝ 24d

She can still kick your ass.

It was enough for people to understand it was about Uravity, even though he hadn't tagged her.

He wasn't the only pro that had supported Uravity after the announcement, though. All of Class 1-A had made statements about her circumstances after the news broke. Iida wrote an entire dissertation on twitter talking about the sexism and unfair treatment women in Japan faced as single mothers and how Uravity would be an amazing hero and mother.

Deku… didn't have the best luck.

He was caught right after the news broke by a tv reporter who managed to get him to speak to the camera. Thinking she was going to ask him about the robbery he just stopped, or the ten villains he took out by himself, he smiled and approached her. When the woman asked, "What do you have to say about Uravity's pregnancy?" Deku had blushed redder than a tomato and very eloquently said, "W-what? Pr-pregnancy?"

Bakugou contributed at least a million views to that video on YoTube.

He later tweeted his support with a photo of the two of them back in UA. The caption read, "Good luck and Congratulations to one of the best people I know!" There was some talk after his unlucky interview that Deku was the father, but he made it clear rather quickly that he wasn't. Some still didn't believe him, citing the fact that the two dated back in high school as evidence that they could have gotten back together.

Needless to say, Bakugou didn't like that one bit.

Most of their former classmates and teachers had made supportive statements in regards to Ochako. One person had apparently taken that a step further and made a joke about it.

On the screen behind Harue's head was a tweet. It was a picture of Mineta's stupid merchandise, a t-shirt for pregnant women with a picture of the pro-hero, Grape Juice, poking out of the stomach. The tweet's caption read:

Grape Juice🍇🍷 grapejuicy ⬝ 19h

Guess you'll be needing some new clothes, huh? 😉👶🍇

On the next screen was Ochako's reply.

🌌✨Uravity✨🌌 uravity ⬝ 18h

Ha ha, very funny😐😒

Mineta had sent Ochako a pregnancy shirt, with his face on it.

And now all of Japan thought that he knocked her up.

Bakugou was ready to punch that little grape shits face in.

"Don't you think that we are being a little too presumptuous?" Ai asks. She hadn't spoken much before with the other two loudmouths speaking over her.

"You think Grape Juice isn't the father?"

"No!" The host says like it's obvious, which to Bakugou, it is. "Don't tell me you actually do!"

The other two hosts giggle to themselves guiltily.

"I don't know what to think anymore," Harue says, "All I know is, she's probably hoping he isn't!" The smug way she says it has Bakugou seeing red. The insinuation that Ochako not only slept around, but that she also didn't know who fathered her baby is enough to make him take action.

Bakugou picks up his phone without pause and opens twitter. He presses the little blue button in the lower corner and types.

Ground Zero BAKUSATSUOU ⬝ 2s