Petunia Dursley of Privet Lane in Surrey, England, was a perfect woman in a perfectly normal family. She had a loving husband who worked hard in his perfectly normal office job as well and her precious Duddykins who was a handsome, perfectly normal baby boy. Everything in her life was perfectly normal; and she loved keeping it that way thought Petunia as she opened the door one early morning to collect the milk bottles and then screamed as her eyes landed on the sleeping baby placed on her door stoop.
Reeling in her shock, Petunia snatched the child and, after checking to make sure Number 3 wasn't already up and peering through her window, Petunia quickly entered her house and slammed the door shut.
Nearly throwing the baby, now startled awake from the sound of Petunia's scream, onto the couch, Petunia hurriedly rushed up the stairs to the master bedroom where her husband was still fast asleep.
"Vernon! Vernon, wake up!" said Petunia in a soft, but shrill voice.
Vernon woke with a heavy grunt, and still groggy, was about to ask what the matter was, when they were interrupted by the piercing cry of a baby. Petunia's eyes widened as she turned to her husband.
"There was a baby on our doorstep Vernon. A baby. In November. What would the neighbors think?"
Vernon climbed out of his bed and put on his slippers, moving as quickly as his large body would allow him.
"Don't worry Pet, I'll get to the bottom of this!" as his moustache quivered angrily.
Making their way downstairs, the elder Dursleys paused at the sight of the crying baby on Petunia's pristine couch. The baby looked to be about a year old, with a familiar mop of black hair and very familiar green eyes that tearily looked back at them.
Petunia gasped in alarm. "It's the child of my freak sister and her husband." she said as she instinctively picked up the crying baby and began soothing it. In picking up what was apparently her nephew, a letter (that she was quite sure wasn't there before) dropped to the couch. Petunia gingerly picked up the letter and passed it to her husband as she hurried into the kitchen, baby in hand. She began to make two bottles knowing that her son would be waking up for his morning bottle and figured it would just be convenient to feed the other child. Vernon lumbered behind her as he opened the letter and began to read it out loud.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dursley,
As you may have noticed, your nephew Harry Potter has been placed upon your doorstep. As I hope Lily has kept you informed, there had been a terrible war in our world, whose effects had spread to both worlds despite many efforts to prevent this. I am very sorry to say this, but Lily and her husband James Potter have been murdered October 31 by the leader of the enemy forces who has been vanquished by your very nephew. However, Harry has now been left orphaned, and with no knowledge of any immediate family, we have decided to place him with you, knowing that you will gladly take him with loving arms. The funeral for Lily and James Potter will be held at Godric's Hollow, England, November 16 if you wish to attend.
My sincerest condolences,
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin First Class, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.
There was a moment of silence before-
"How dare those- those- those freaks...think that they can tell us normal people what to do!" spluttered an indignant Vernon as his face began turning bright red, his piggy eyes glaring murderously at the parchment paper clutched tightly in his beefy hands.
"Vernon, calm down honey, we'll get this figured out, we'll go to the funeral and have them explain everything and take the boy back." Petunia said quietly as she placed a calming hand on her husband's shoulder.
"Go to the bloody funeral!? Pet, have you gone mad? Consorting with freaks, -"
"Despite being a freak, she's still my little sister." Petunia declared sharply, eyes daring her husband to continue.
Shocked into silence, Vernon cautiously wrapped his arm around his wife and the baby now quietly dozing with a bottle in his mouth; tightening his grip when she began to quietly sob into his shoulders.
They stood there in the kitchen until they heard the grumblings of Dudley as he began to loudly cry for his mother. Petunia, who had been quietly nesting on Vernon's shoulder, seemed to snap out of her funk as she gently placed her sleeping nephew on the living room couch, and with the other bottle, she disappeared upstairs to feed Dudley. Vernon was left staring at his sleeping nephew awkwardly until his wife returned downstairs with a sniffling Dudley hefted in her arms as he sucked almost angrily at his bottle.
Quietly, as if scared of his wife's fury, Vernon asked what she wanted to do.
Stubbornly staring at Dudley and avoiding the stares of her husband or the sight of her nephew on her clean couch. "I will inform our close relatives of her death and the funeral. If they decide to show up, then that will be that. We will figure out what to do with the boy afterwards, for now we'll just put him with Dudley." she curtly responded as she began burping the hefty baby in her arms, cooing when he let out a huge belch before falling asleep in her arms.
Vernon looked at his little family fondly before looking at the child on the sofa. His- nephew, despite his disgust- was comfortably curled up on the couch, innocent and blissfully unaware that he was an orphan dumped on a cold stoop of people who didn't really want him. Vernon felt a twinge of pity for the child before he ruthlessly stomped it out. They were living comfortably as they were right now and taking care of one baby was expensive enough; trying to juggle taking care of two, a freakish baby at that, could easily overwhelm them or cause them to spend more money on the freak instead of their own child. No, it'd be better if they could return the freak, or at least send it to some remote orphanage. He knew Petunia was just in grief, she wouldn't want to keep the boy, especially if it took attention away from their Dudley.