A/N: This is an idea that has been lingering in the back of my mind after watching the anime. It goes without saying that Minato will not be canon. I have an idea of which Sekirei will be his which I'll be listing in the coming chapters. All mistakes are mine and mine alone.


Sekirei and Star Wars belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 1

The galaxy can be a beautiful place but it can also be a cruel place. Minato Revan learned this hard truth when he was twelve. He lost both his parents to a Sith Lord that wanted to prove he was better than his father Revan and his mother Bastila. He survived thanks to his parents friend and surrogate uncle Carth who took him at the behest of his mother who stayed with his father not wanting to leave his side again and so they both perished.

As Minato watched his home burn and the planet he grew up on destroyed by the Sith fleet from the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk he swore revenge on the man who killed his parents and he wouldn't rest until he destroyed everything that the Sith Lord held dear, he would decimate his fleets and hunt down his apprentices.

That's how Minato found himself on the bridge of Sith Lord's super dreadnaught standing over the man who killed his parents cradling his severed right hand. Minato crossed his lightsabers forming an X in front of his target's neck. "Do it," the defeated Dark Lord said staring at Minato with hate in his eyes. "Do what your father and whore of a mother couldn't." The Dark Lord attempted to goad Minato. Minato clenched his lightsabers tightly that his gloves creaked. "Do it and the Jedi will never take you back." Minato closed his eyes though the Dark Lord couldn't see do to Minato wearing his father's Mandalorian armor and helmet. Opening his eyes Minato looked down at the man who killed his parents.

"I'm not with the Jedi or Sith." Minato told the Sith Lord who looked surprised before Minato pulled his lightsabers apart decapitating the Sith Lord. Minato deactivated his lightsabers after the body of the dead Sith fell on the ground, taking a deep breath Minato felt a calmness wash over him. After five years of chasing the Sith Lord down, of hunting his associates down, taking apart his fleet one ship at a time and killing his advisors until he was weak enough that Minato could strike with the help of Carth and the Republic. Minato finally did what he set out to do when he was twelve and avenged his parents, now he had one last thing to do. Walking over to the command console Minato activated the ship's self-destruct and left the bridge running to the hanger where his ship the Ebon Hawk is docked.

Entering the hanger Minato ran inside the Ebon Hawk and quickly went to the cockpit, getting into the pilot seat Minato powered the ship up and guided the ship out of the hanger. "Carth pull your ships out. The super dreadnaught will self-destruct in five minutes." Minato told Carth over the radio while preparing the ship for the jump to light speed, entering the coordinates for the planet where he grew up.

"Did you get him?" Carth asked over the radio.

"Yeah, thanks for everything Carth." Minato said after he finished entering the coordinates.

"Where will you go now?"

"Back home," Minato said getting ready to make the jump to light speed when another super dreadnaught appeared from hyperspace in front of him. The super dreadnaught opened fire on the Republic Ships while fighters appeared from the docking bays and headed for him. Minato maneuvered the Ebon Hawk away from the super dreadnaught while dodging the incoming fire from the fighters following him, a blast shook the ship followed by another and another, soon an alarm alerted him that the shields were down. Minato knew that he couldn't take another hit so he did his best to avoid the incoming fighters when he saw republic fighters coming to his aid. Looking out the window Minato saw Carth's ship engaging the super dreadnaught, Minato sent a 'thank you' to Carth before making the jump to light speed but before he made the jump one of the Sith fighters managed to land a hit on the rear of the Ebon Hawk near the engine room.

Carth watched just in time to see the Ebon Hawk make the jump to light speed, with the Ebon Hawk safely out of danger Carth ordered the fighters to pull back to the ship and for his ship to disengage from the super dreadnaught and reunite with the rest of the fleet before the Sith Lord's ship self-destructed taking his ship and the newcomer with it. The moment Carth saw an opening he took it and ordered his ship to light speed seconds before the Sith Lord's ship detonated.

Carth relaxed the moment they were in hyperspace. He sighed as he thought of Minato and hoped that the teen would find peace after killing the man who killed his parents and destroyed his home. After Carth saved Minato from the destruction of his home he took him to the Jedi temple on Coruscant in the hopes that the Jedi Masters would guide and train Minato and hopefully dissuade Minato from the path of vengeance. But those hopes were quickly dashed when the Jedi outright refused to the take in let alone train Minato just because he was the son of Revan and Bastila. Turns out the Jedi can hold onto a grudge as Revan and Bastila broke their number one rule of no relationships in the Jedi Order when Revan and Bastila got married shortly after the Star Forge incident and that alone caused a lot of controversy within the Order. But not as much as when Revan and Bastila tried to change how things were done in the Order by saying that feeling things such as love, hate, and anger does not weaken a Jedi's ties to the force but rather strengthens it and both of them got a lot of followers within the Jedi Order.

Carth still remembers the day the Jedi Council told them that unless they divorced and stopped their ways of teaching they would be banished from the Jedi Order. Both Revan and Bastila told the Council that they can shove their lightsabers up their asses before they left the Jedi Temple and the Order behind them. Surprisingly all of their followers left the Order to follow them believing that their way of teaching was superior to the Jedi. Of course their followers were killed when the up and coming Sith Lord attacked killing them all and so Carth decided to help Minato in his quest for vengeance knowing full well how consuming it can be. Carth hoped to be the voice of reason which seemed to help Minato as over the years he didn't take as much risks and reigned in his anger to the point that Minato could control and use it in a fight.

"Sir, we're exiting hyperspace." One of the bridge crew told Carth dragging him from his memories. Carth looked at the window just in time to see the blue glow of hyperspace change into the black background of space hoping that Minato will find peace.

Alarms blared in the cockpit shortly after the Ebon Hawk entered hyperspace, T3 came rushing into cockpit rapidly beeping and whirring telling Minato that the hyper drive has been damaged and cannot take any more stress or else it will explode taking the ship with it. Minato quickly pulled the ship out of hyperspace just in time as the engine room exploded killing power to the entire ship. Minato and T3 left the cockpit heading to the engine room to assess the damage. Upon entering the engine room Minato knew that the hyper drive is a lost cause as it was smoking and split open exposing the internal mechanisms. Sparks flew across the room from the damaged parts and the fire suppressers were still on keeping any fires from starting, turning off the fire suppressers Minato and T3 set about working and repairing the engine room using the spare parts that they had onboard.

After an hour of doing repairs Minato managed to get the heat system working again which is good because the ship was starting to get cold. Finally, after two hours and many bypasses later Minato and T3 restored power to the Ebon Hawk by repairing the engine, of course T3 had to disconnect the hyper drive from the main engine just to keep the ship from exploding when it comes back online. Sighing to himself Minato went back to the cockpit to see where he was and hopefully find a habitable planet to land. Walking into the cockpit Minato goes to the navigation terminal to see where he exited hyperspace, the terminal however showed him three words that confused him.

No Match Found

Minato couldn't believe it the Ebon Hawk has the latest navigational data in its system and with the hyper drive damaged he couldn't get back home. Rubbing his eyes Minato knew that there was nothing he could do about the state of the hyper drive and had to make the best of his current situation. He had his aunt Mission Vao to thank for his outlook and finding the best in any situation, sighing to himself he did a scan of the system he's currently in and found at least nine planets orbiting a sun. From those nine planets only one appeared capable of supporting life, the third planet from the sun.

With the planet as his destination Minato brought the engine back online. 'Thank the Force', Minato thought to himself when the ship didn't explode, piloting the ship to the planet. As he neared the planet Minato noticed satellites orbiting the planet, deciding to have T3 hack into one as it's better to have information rather than going in blind especially since he didn't know what kind of technology or species inhabited this planet. Pulling the ship next to a satellite labeled MBI and powering down the engine so the Ebon Hawk floated next to the satellite, "T3 so if you can hack into that satellite and download everything you can before they lock you out." Minato told the utility droid who beeped in response before heading down to the cargo hold, locking the door to the cargo hold after T3 entered and lowered the ramp causing the oxygen in the room to escape into the cold vacuum of space. T3 deactivated the magnets holding the droid in place when the ramp lowered so the droid wouldn't get sucked out with the oxygen.

T3 activated the boosters installed on its two front legs and on its back shortly after deactivating the magnets flying out of the cargo hold and towards the satellite. T3 deactivated the boosters once the droid got halfway to the satellite and let momentum carry the droid to the satellite, using the boosters T3 reoriented itself so it landed on the satellite and used its magnets to keep itself on the satellite. T3 used its scanners to find an access panel and found one, moving over to the panel and opening it T3 found the access ports didn't match anything the droid had seen. A panel on T3's chassis opened and a small cylindrical object flew from the opening and attached itself to the satellite and began slicing through the firewalls that were child's play to T3 who is a master slicer at breaking security encryptions. Seconds passed before the T3 sliced through the last firewall and began downloading everything at a rapid pace.

MBI TOWER HQ – Teito Tower

Takami Sahashi entered the elevator from her office desperately wanting a cigarette to ease her stress but she ran out earlier in the day, she knew that it was disgusting habit and she didn't care. Dealing with her ex Minaka and his crazy bullshit was more than enough to make the woman go grey losing all of her original hair color leaving her with grey hair and a bitchy attitude that earned her the nickname 'Ice Queen Bitch' from her fellow coworkers but she didn't care what they called her. Right now she had a new problem to deal with, the disappearance of Sekirei #88 or Musubi as Yume named her. The convoy transporting her to another secure research facility was attacked by an unknown strike team, fortunately for MBI one of their security personal managed to subdue one of the assailants. Unfortunately, they couldn't stop the kidnapping of #88.

When the Discipline Squad arrived with reinforcements they handed the prisoner over to Karasuba who took great pleasure in extracting information on who sent them and where they were supposed to take the young Sekirei. According to the info a researcher was selling info to the American government about the Sekirei and gave them the route the convoy would be taking. After #88 is taken, they are to take her to an airport which the strike team would take to an undisclosed location. Takami had security screen every message from all the researchers and she found the man who sold them out for money, she gave him to Karasuba when the Discipline Squad returned to the tower after they raided the airport and found that the plane carrying Musubi had already departed.

Lucky for them the strike team left behind a tablet that Sekirei #2 Matsu the Brain Sekirei, arguably the most intelligent being on Earth aside from Sekirei #22 who Matsu had a rivalry with and also the biggest pervert on planet Earth. Which is by no fault of her own after all half the internet is full of porn and when the brain type Sekirei fist connected with the internet her brain was flooded with the pornographic images and videos that turned her into the proud pervert that she is today. So, Matsu hacked into the tablet and told Takami and her team where the strike team is taking Musubi, a top secret facility in New Mexico. With the location now revealed Takami ordered Yume and the Discipline squad to New Mexico, their mission retrieve Sekirei #88 Musubi by any means they deem necessary which caused Karasuba to smile and Yume to frown at her friend and squad mate before they left.

And where was Minaka during all this, where he usually is. In his office spouting his usual spiel about gods and fate and being the man who will usher in the new age of gods. While Minaka may be the CEO and founder of MBI but it's Takami who really kept the company running and her workload only increased after Takehito left MBI with Sekirei #1 Miya his wife to open a board house, a refuge to those that needed it in the northern part of the city. The elevator dinged drawing Takami from her thoughts as the doors opened revealing a control room that MBI built in preparation for the upcoming Sekirei battle royal that is set to take place in eight years. Exiting the elevator Takami strolled to the security chief who handed her a headset that she put on.

"Yume, where are you?" Takami asked as the large screen in front of her came to life displaying Yume.

"We just landed in Albuquerque. Minaka called ahead and High Risk Solutions are preparing a helo and some men to take us to the location of the lab." Yume explained while getting into a car. Takami knew Minaka recently bought a PMC based in New Mexico, High Risk Solutions. 'looks like Minaka gets to try out his new toys', Takami thought to herself.

"Alright, contact me when you're airborne and try to reign in Karasuba." Takami told Yume, "I know I said by any means you deem necessary but we don't need another bloodbath like Singapore. So, I'm counting on you to try and limit the death toll." Takami told Yume knowing full well that Karasuba is listening on their conversation.

"I'll do my best, but you know how Karasuba can be." Yume said before ending the call. Takami heard Karasuba telling Yume 'good luck' and then the worst came rolling in around the corner when alarms began blaring throughout the room.

"We have a security breach!" One of the technicians in the room yelled. "Our firewalls have been breached!"

"What are they going for!?" Takami shouted as the technicians furiously typed trying to block out the intruder.

"Everything ma'am. All the files on the Sekirei and the upcoming tournament. Everything is being downloaded! Even you and Minaka's personal servers."

Takami paled when she heard that, everything they have discovered since she and Minaka first found the ship is being downloaded and with Matsu away with her team in New Mexico she couldn't trace the attack back to the source. "What is the issue?" Takami heard Minaka, turning around she saw the smug bastard strolling out of the elevator oblivious to the grave issue that is happening.

"Someone hacked into our servers and is downloading everything. Everything." Takami told her ex-lover who for once looked visually pale and scared which would have brought Takami pleasure at seeing him squirm if the situation wasn't so dire. The large screen came to life and showed all the files that MBI had being downloaded as the bar slowly progressed towards the complete stage.

"Stop the download!" Minaka shouted surprising Takami as she never once saw the man lose his control.

"We can't, whoever is doing this is using a program that I've never seen before!"

Takami looked at the progress bar slowly nearing the end of the bar signaling that whoever is doing this almost has everything that is on hers, Minaka, and MBI's servers. "Shut down the servers! Shut down the system, take everything offline!" Takami ordered getting every technician to stare at her like she is crazy but since they couldn't halt the download Takami knew that shutting down the servers is the only way the stop whoever is doing this and Minaka seemed to agree as he also ordered the servers be shut down. Down in the basement technicians immediately began shutting down the servers as they were told, after a few seconds they managed to shut down every server.

Takami couldn't believe what just happened they managed to shut down the servers and take MBI offline but they were too late as the download finished seconds before everything went dark. Now, someone out there has everything that she, Minaka, and MBI know about the Sekirei. She really needed a cigarette and a drink now.

Above the Earth – MBI Satellite

T3 finished the download and the small cylindrical object detached itself from the satellite and floated away while T3 also detached itself and went back to the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. Bringing the ramp back up and bringing oxygen back into the room before unlocking and opening the doors to the cargo hold T3 went back to the cockpit where Minato sat in the pilot's chair asleep.

Minato found himself surrounded by darkness the only light seemed to be emanating from his body, "help me." Quickly turning around Minato found that the darkness bled away and he found himself standing outside a building in the desert based upon the sands dunes and rocky formations around him. "Help me, please." The voice said again sounding like a girl's voice as the scenery changed again this time Minato appeared to be in a hallway in front of a door labeled Specimen 1. "Help me, please." The voice said again this time in desperation and in pain. Soon Minato found himself looking down at the building from an aerial perspective giving him a view of the land, then the scene zoomed out to space showing him where the building was located. "HELP ME!"

Minato woke from his dream not meaning to fall asleep as he waited for T3 to return, there was something about the dream that unsettled him yet at the same time he could feel a pull compelling him to find the source of the voice from his dream. Minato knew that the Force could sometimes show a person images from the future or a person if they're in danger. That's how his mother knew Revan was in danger after he left for the Unknown Regions and went looking for him. But Minato didn't know anyone on this planet or in this system so that begged the question just who was calling for his help. He could already hear his mother telling him to help and not turn his back on anyone in need and if the Force showed him where to find the girl the voice belonged to then she must be important. If there was one thing, he learned from his parents it was to trust the Force.

After making sure that T3 was back onboard Minato powered up the engine and started descending towards the planet using the clues that the dream provided to find the building. Passing through the upper atmosphere of the planet Minato hoped to remain hidden from whatever sensors might be in place. Keeping to the clouds to provide cover Minato piloted the ship to the location the dream showed him and also there was a pull in the Force that Minato could feel leading him to his destination when alarms went off. Minato checked the radar and saw two aircrafts following him before one of them launched a projectile at him, reacting too slow the projectile impacted with the ship's shield. Taking evasive maneuvers Minato piloted the Ebon Hawk the way Carth taught him maneuvering the ship the way a seasoned pilot would avoiding the incoming fire from the pursuing aircrafts that struggled to keep up with the ship. Dodging another projectile only to be hit by another exploding against the shield Minato knew that he shouldn't be wasting time so he pushed the throttle up increasing the Ebon Hawk's speed outpacing the pursuing aircrafts and going into the clouds disappearing.

The pursuing aircrafts followed Minato into the clouds attempting to find him but after a while they gave up and headed back to where they came from. Shortly after the aircrafts a distortion in the air almost like a mirage grew bigger and reveled Ebon Hawk. Minato was once more glad that Carth pulled some strings with the Republic and got the cloaking prototype installed in the Ebon Hawk, it has saved his life more than once and even allowed him to sneak onboard the Sith Lord's ship. Free from the pursuing aircrafts Minato soon found the surrounding area matching his dream and he knew that he was close to the building from the dream.

Finally, on the horizon he saw the building now he just needed to find a spot to land that wouldn't draw attention to the ship. Minato found a spot to land next to a formation of rocks that should provide cover for the ship and within walking distance of the building, setting the ship down Minato powered down the ship and left the cockpit grabbing his mandalorian helmet on the way out. Inside the cargo hold Minato made sure his lightsabers were attached to his belt before putting on his helmet, the hiss of the helmet signaling a good connection with the rest of his armor before pulling his hood up covering the majority of his helmet. Lowering the ramp Minato was met with the heat of the desert as he walked down the ramp, "T3 lock down the ship until I return." Minato instructed the service droid once he stepped off the ramp onto the sand, the droid beeped in response before bringing the ramp back and locking down the ship.

Minato walked to the top of a rocky formation to see the building, walking in the desert heat wearing black robes and mandalorian armor would make some people question his sanity but it was bearable compared to the searing heat of Tatooine. As Minato approached the building he saw two armed guards carrying weapons he'd never seen before notice him, Minato quickly reached for his lightsabers and activating them just in time when he felt a disturbance in the Force as the two men began shooting at him. Minato saw the projectile and blocked it with one of his lightsabers and was surprised to see the projectile disintegrated rather than be reflected and judging by the looks of surprise on the two armed men they clearly weren't expecting him to block their bullets. Taking advantage of their surprise Minato rushed the guards who shook of their surprise and opened fire once again, Minato went for the closest one and cut his weapon in half using his lightsaber and slashing him vertically across the chest the man's body armor did nothing to stop the lightsaber from slicing through like a hot knife through better.

Turning to the last guard Minato reached out with the Force and yanked his weapon from his hands and froze him in place using Force Stasis that his father taught him. Walking to the frozen guard who looked scared at he could do, stopping in front of the guard Minato examined his gear closely noticing that he wore a helmet and a vest of some kind that offered no protection against his lightsabers. "What is this place?" Minato asked the guard after examining his gear hoping that the guard spoke Galactic Standard, his helmet distorting his voice and making it deeper than it actually is.

"Go to hell, freak." The guard spat out clearly trying to hide his fear that the helmet was instilling. "When we kill you. You can join the other freak."

Minato was surprised that the guard spoke in Galactic Standard but quickly shook off the surprise. "You will tell me what this place is," Minato said waving his hand in front of the guard using the old Jedi Mind Trick. The guard looked at Minato weird before a glazed look entered his eyes.

"I will tell you what this place is." The guard said and started to explain. "This place is used as an off the books research lab. The lab is located underground, the only way in is by an elevator that needs an access code." The guard told Minato which made him frown as the guard didn't seem to know much about what goes on in the lab.

"You will operate the elevator for me," Minato told the guard waving his hand in front of the guard again.

"I will operate the elevator for you," the guard said before Minato released him from the stasis. The guard led Minato inside the building and called the elevator, once the elevator arrived both Minato and his 'escort' entered and the guard inputted his access code and soon the elevator began its descent.

"You will tell me what kind of security is in place."

"I will tell what kind of security is in place." The guard said still with a glazed look in his eyes. "Cameras on every floor along with infrared sensors. 200 hundred security personal on site with orders to shoot to kill any intruders. Some researchers are also here. The lab is equipped with a self-destruct only to be activated in emergencies."

"Who is in charge of this lab?"

"Dr. Richard Hightower." The guard told Minato.

Minato looked to the guard under his control, "you will knock yourself unconscious." He told the guard mentally thanking him for all his help and for providing information.

"I will knock myself unconscious." The guard said before walking to the side of the elevator and banged his head against the wall knocking himself unconscious. Minato smiled under his helmet before schooling his features and prepared himself for a fight he knew was coming as the Force was warning him as the elevator stopped and dinged. Minato didn't wait for the doors to open as he Force Pushed the doors open causing the doors to fly out and into the soldiers waiting for the doors to open, exiting the elevator Minato could feel through the Force that the soldiers wanted him dead. Activating both his lightsabers Minato charged towards the group of soldiers and cut them down.

A/N: And cut, so Minato is a grey jedi and the son of Revan and Batsila. Which is my favorite SW couple from the KOTOR game (great game, hope they make a remake of it). In this fic Revan did go to the unknown regions but returned with Bastila when she went to find him, the events of the book based on Revan didn't happen as that book is terrible by having Revan become a window and never got to meet his son or be with Bastila in her final days. Nor did he get his happy ending.

This is actually my first time writing a harem story and lemons. I'll try my best to write it to the best of my ability. Also I'm a fan of SW but not a hardcore fan that I know the extended lore of the SW universe, I'm just going from memory and assumptions about the SW universe and how things work such as the hyper drive and the cloaking prototype and so on. I apologize if I get some things wrong that's on me.

See you in the next chapter.