Hey everyone, I'm back. I'm really sorry for taking forever to update the story (it's almost been a year. Time flies). But with school starting and all that, I didn't have the time nor energy to write. Plus, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I feel the need to go back to the books and make sure that whatever I'm writing isn't completely contradictory with the original storyline. And that gets tiring. Anyway, I don't know how long I'll take to write the next chapter, but I promise it won't be as long as it took for this one. Please let me know what you think about it. The italics are excerpts from the Goblet of Fire and the Order of the Phoenix, respectively.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, all its characters and locations are property of JK Rowling. No profit is being made from this fanfic. It's merely for entertaining purposes.

Chapter Three

Harry and Ron met up with Hermione in the common room, and they went down to breakfast together. They spent most of the morning in Gryffindor Tower, where everyone was enjoying their presents, then returned to the Great Hall for a magnificent lunch, which included at least a hundred turkeys and Christmas puddings, and large piles of Cribbages Wizarding Crackers.

They went out into the grounds in the afternoon; the snow was untouched except for the deep channels made by the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students on their way up to the castle. Hermione chose to watch Harry and the Weasleys' snowball fight rather than join in, and at five o'clock said she was going back upstairs to get ready for the ball.

'What, you need three hours?' said Ron, looking at her incredulously, and paying for his lapse in concentration when a large snowball, thrown by George, hit him hard on the side of the head. Hermione just waved and disappeared up the stone steps into the castle.

'What do we do?' whispered Ron to Harry, 'We've still got two hours and a half left.' said Ron as another snowball hit him straight on the face. 'Hey, I wasn't paying attention!' he shouted at Fred and George who were laughing like mad men.

'Your fault.' said Fred. 'Well, we'll be going too.'

'What? You need three hours to get ready too?' asked Ron.

'Have to look our best little bro.' said George.

'Although your robes would make us look dashing even if we were naked anyway.' said Fred ruthlessly. He and George laughed and took off towards the castle.

'Those gits.' said Ron. 'Thanks for saving me from that Harry.'

'No problem.' said Harry, and he frowned. 'I didn't expect Hermione to leave so early.'

'What do we do? Do we go to the kitchens anyway?' asked Ron.

'Let's take a shower and get some dry clothes first.' said Harry. They were soaking wet because of the snowball fight.

'Alright, let's go.' agreed Ron.

They made their way to Gryffindor Tower. They noticed that among the few people left roaming the castle, hardly any of them were girls. 'Why do they need hours to get ready?' asked a confused Ron. The common room was empty, except for a group of what looked like second years. When they got to the dormitory they found it was empty, but they weren't surprised. Most guys would probably start getting ready an hour before the ball started.

'You go first.' said Harry.

'Alright, be out in a bit.'

Harry started looking through his trunk for a change of clothes. He decided to wear Muggle clothes. Robes could get in the way, he thought. Ron finished and Harry got in the shower. He got out quickly and Ron was already dressed. After Harry made sure he had everything they needed (his father's Invisibility Cloak, the Marauder's Map and the Firebolt) they started to make their way downstairs.

'Wait, maybe we should put on the cloak.' said Harry. He knew no one should suspect them of anything if they saw them walk down towards the Entrance Hall, but he was a bit paranoid.

'Right.' said Ron, and they put the cloak over themselves and walked downstairs. They managed to slip through the portrait hole as Dean and Seamus walked in, talking eagerly about the ball.

'Can't wait! The Weird Sisters here, at Hogwarts!' said Seamus.

Harry had heard that Dumbledore had booked a rock band called the Weird Sisters. He had no idea who they were but everyone who wasn't Muggle-born was thrilled.

'I wouldn't mind seeing the Weird Sisters. Bugger.' said Ron.

They made their way down towards the Entrance Hall. Harry's paranoia was increasing by the second. He expected Professor McGonagall to turn up at every corner and drag him herself to the dance. Ron was visibly fidgety too and Harry hoped he wouldn't back out at the last second. Having Ron by his side made this feel like an adventure instead of a protest (and even though he wouldn't admit it, a desperate escape from humiliation). Finally, they made it down to the Entrance Hall and turned left towards the door that led to the Hufflepuff common room entrance. When they got to the corridor filled with food paintings, they walked towards the painting of a bowl of fruit and Harry stuck his hand out the cloak to tickle the pear. The fruit giggled and turned into a large green handle. Harry opened the door and walked into the enormous room, the same size as the Great Hall above it. He took the cloak off of himself and Ron, and they saw dozens of house-elves preparing the Yule Ball feast. The food looked delicious. Harry approached one of the elves.

'Excuse me, have you seen Dobby?' asked Harry politely. The house-elf lifted his head and said in a high-pitched voice, 'Of course, sir. Dandy be right back.' and he ran off quickly. Ron couldn't wait any longer.

'Hey, do you think you could get me some food? I'm starving.' he asked two elves. As soon as he finished talking, ten house-elves came trotting carrying silver trays with chicken legs, roast beef, bread, and pumpkin juice. Ron grabbed a bit of everything and thanked the elves, who bowed profusely. Ron was stuffing his face with food when Harry heard an excited high-pitched voice.

'Harry Potter, sir!' said a thrilled Dobby. 'Harry Potter has come back to see Dobby!'

'Hi Dobby!' said Harry. Dobby was wearing the jumper Ron had given him earlier. At least it made him look a bit better. 'How are you?'

'Great, Harry Potter, sir! Dobby is always happy to see Harry Potter!' said Dobby. Harry couldn't help but feel embarrassed about the elf's enthusiasm. Ron swallowed his food to greet the elf.

'Hey Dobby, how does the jumper fit?' asked Ron. He seemed to really like Dobby.

'Great, sir! Dobby is very happy with his present, sir!' Ron smiled at this.

''Dobby, d'you think we could get some food to take? I don't think we'll be able to make it to dinner.' said Harry mischievously.

'Of course, sir! Anything Harry Potter wants!' said Dobby and he ran off, coming back with loads of food and other elves carrying more trays of it.

'Thanks Dobby!' said Harry taking some chicken legs.

'Makes me want to free a house-elf.' said Ron smirking and taking some food too. 'Harry, don't you reckon it's better to stay here? We could eat as much as we want!' said Ron longingly.

'Too dangerous. We'll be under everyone.' said Harry pointing up to the Great Hall, Ron deflated.

'It's probably freezing at the Chamber.' he said grudgingly. He took a bite of a loaf of bread and turned to Dobby. 'You wouldn't happen to know of a safe place to hide would you, Dobby?' he asked hopefully. Harry rolled his eyes.

'I told you Ron, there's nowhere safer than the Chamb—'

'Yes, sir! Dobby knows the perfect place!' said a thrilled Dobby.

'What!?' said both Harry and Ron.

'The other house-elves told Dobby all about it, sir! It is known by us as the Come and Go Room, sir, or else as the Room of Requirement!' he said happily.

'Why?' said Harry curiously.

'Because it is a room that a person can only enter,' said Dobby seriously, 'when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker's needs.' said Dobby confidentially.

'D'you think it's safe? We don't want to be found by anyone, not even Dumbledore.' said Harry. As much as he liked Dobby, his ideas could be pretty mad. He still remembered the rogue bludger from second year.

'Oh, yes, sir! The room will turn into anything you ask it to. Just make sure to ask for a place no one can find Harry Potter and his friend!' said Dobby. He was thrilled to be able to help Harry, as always.

'Brilliant!' said Ron. 'Perfect, Harry. We don't have to go down to the chamber!'

'I don't know, it might still be safer to—'

'Come on, Harry! Dobby says it's safe, don't you Dobby?' said Ron.

'Yes, sir! The house-elves always hide unwanted things there, sir.' said Dobby.

Harry thought about it for a moment. He didn't really fancy going down to the Chamber either, but since it was the safest place he knew he was determined to go there. Now though…

'Alright. Dobby, where is this Room of Requirement?' said Harry.

'On the seventh floor! Dobby can take Harry Potter right now if he wants!'

'Let's go!' said Ron. Harry nodded.

'Alright, we'll check it out, but if it doesn't look convincing, we'll go to the Chamber of Secrets.' said Harry.

'Alright, just let me get some more food.' said Ron, and the house-elves quickly offered a bit of everything again. 'Thanks a lot!' he said.

'Our pleasure, young master.' said one and they all bowed.

'Don't tell Hermione about that.' said Harry grinning. 'All right Dobby, let's go.' he said, walking towards the door.

'Harry Potter, sir, it is safer if we Apparate there.' said Dobby. 'House-elves aren't normally seen in the halls.'

'Wait, you can Apparate inside Hogwarts?' asked Ron.

'Yes, sir.' said a confused Dobby.

'I'm going to kill Hermione.' said Ron, going red. 'She's always saying no one can Apparate here!'

'House-elf magic is different, sir. Wizards cannot do it here in Hogwarts.'

'Never mind that. Are you saying you can take us with you?' asked Harry.

'Yes, Harry Potter, sir!' Dobby was ecstatic. 'It's called Side-Along Apparition!'

'Brilliant!' said Harry. 'That way no one will see us.' Harry checked his watch. 'Plenty of time, we have an hour and a half.'

'So, Dobby, how do we Side-Along Apparate?' asked Ron.

'It is simple, sir! Just take Dobby's hand and Dobby will do the rest.' shrieked the elf.

'Oh, easy then.' said Ron, extending his hand.

'Hold it.' said Harry, 'Dobby, could you go and check if there's anyone around? We don't want to be seen.'

'Of course, Harry Potter, sir!' said Dobby. There was a loud crack and Dobby vanished.

'Strange, he just vanishes. He doesn't have to twist his body like us.' said Ron.


'Yeah, remember that George said Percy had been Apparating downstairs at the Burrow since he passed the Apparition test? I saw him do it a few times and you sort of have to turn on the spot.'

'Huh.' said Harry, and at that moment Dobby reappeared out of nowhere with a loud crack.

'It's safe, sir. There is no one at the seventh floor!' squealed Dobby.

'All right, so we're supposed to grab your hand?' asked Harry.

'Yes, sir, and do not let go.' Harry grabbed Dobby's right hand and Ron took his left.

Harry blinked and suddenly he was in front of a blank wall. Harry looked around to make sure no one was around, and just as Dobby had said, the hall was empty. As he was looking around, he spotted a weird tapestry opposite to the empty wall depicting a man getting clubbed by some trolls dressed in tutus.

'What's that?' asked Harry.

'That be Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach those trolls ballet, young master.' said Dobby.

'Weird.' said Ron.

'So, Dobby, where is this Room of Requirement?' asked Harry. Dobby pointed at the blank wall in front of them.

'There, Harry Potter, sir.' Harry stared at the wall.

'There's nothing there, Dobby.' said Ron.

'You have to walk past the wall three times concentrating really hard on what you need, sir.' replied Dobby.

'Weird.' said Ron again. 'Let's do it then.'

They did so, turning sharply at the window just beyond the blank stretch of wall, then at the man-sized vase on its other side. Ron had screwed up his eyes in concentration and Harry's fists were clenched as he stared ahead of him.

We need somewhere to hide… he thought. Just give us a place to hide… somewhere they can't find us.

'Harry Potter, sir!' said Dobby sharply, as they wheeled around after their third walk past.

A highly polished door had appeared in the wall. Ron was staring at it, looking excited. Harry reached out, seized the brass handle, pulled open the door and led the way into a room with a fireplace and cosy armchairs. It looked very familiar to the common room. Harry supposed Ron had asked for it to look like it.

'Wicked!' said Ron

'Is this ok Harry Potter, sir?' asked Dobby.

'Dobby, this is perfect.' said Harry with a mischievous grin.

So, there it is! I mostly just finished this up today. I had written most of it eleven months ago lol. Sorry about that again. Let me know what you guys think about it. Also, a little favor. A month ago, I unsubscribed from emails ( ) and now I don't know how to undo that to receive alerts again. If anybody knows how to fix that I'd appreciate some help. I'll start chapter 4 tomorrow and I'll have it up ASAP. Thanks again and please review.