Good morning/afternoon/evening. Before anything else, I want to apologize for the extreme delay in the release of this chapter. As I had mentioned before some events irl have taken place and worsened leading to my inability to focus on my writing. While I prefer to not go into detail, I can say the last months have been the hardest ones of my life forcing me to deal with something that tends to seem very far away.

Despite that, however, I have returned with renewed motivation and reasons to continue this story to the end.

Like always feel free to leave your criticism and opinions below as I am still learning and welcome the feedback.

Now without any more delays, let the story continue.


The dull sound of metal striking metal echoed through the woods, the cold night air revealing the girl's labored breaths as she struggled to keep herself steady. The heavy scent of sweat and vanilla filling the air, her eyes and ears open wide seeking the threat hidden within the shadows of the forest.

"Splendid focus Hikari, splendid! But do not forget you must pay attention to me as well!"

Claudius's booming voice echoed through the empty forest forcing Hikari to, reluctantly, shift her focus away from locating the threat.

"Tell me then, in the history of Rome who is known as the first mother?"

Questions such as this filled her mind all throughout the training session, while forced to survive Sétanta's assault she would need to listen to Claudius's lessons and answer any question he might throw at her.

"The she wo...!"

Before the answer could even leave her lips, a loud bang, no different from a giant metal bell, echoed through the night sky. Having seen Hikari's attention shift, the unseen opponent claimed the opportunity to strike. If not for the pale reflection of the moonlight Hikari would have never blocked the incoming strike, her armored leg raising only to barely block the strike, tumbling flat onto her rear from the sheer strength of the hit.

With a disappointed sigh, the hidden attacker made her way into the light, her dark red hair almost shining the pale light. Extending her weapon down she would offer the girl some help, pulling her up to her feet the moment her slender fingers wrapped around the metal rod. Her weapon was no more than a simple iron pipe, now bent and broken from its wielders abuse.

"You should never take your focus away from the threats surrounding you, although you managed to notice the strike and block. I suppose there is still hope for you,"

As always she would spare the girl no slack, with words sharp enough to cut steel she declared both the girl's failures and successes. While her tone was hard to get used to the small bits of praise that finished her assessments always managed to draw a smile from the trainee.

"I only barely noticed the rod reflecting some moonlight, I have much to learn about how to keep my senses from focusing so much"

With a sigh, she would hang her arms in defeat, exhaustion coursing through her body as the metal plates protecting her arms and legs grew heavier with each passing moment.

"Now now, your senses are your finest quality! I am certain that in your place I would sport far more bruised flesh than dents on metal!"

Claudius's inexhaustible joy breaking through the girl's tired state, his seemingly endless supply of energy proving itself as contagious as a plague.

"After all not only were you able to defend against Setanta's deadly strikes but you also paid full attention to my lessons. As proof of this, I wish for you to give me a short summary of today's history lesson."

Confused by his apparently simple request Hikari began to speak, her arms crossing protectively as if she was expecting a trap to spring from the simple challenge.

"You told me the tale of Rome's founder, Romulus and his brother Remus the supposed sons of the Roman god of war Mars. The story told that the king of Alba Longa, was scared that the boys would rise and steal his throne, unable to kill them out of fear of a gods wrath he instead asked his servant to have them drowned in hope that the gods wrath would not befall him should their death come by the hands of nature."

Taking a moment of pause to recall the rest of the lesson Hikari would fail to the approving smile rarely held on Sétanta's lips.

"The servant out of either fear of the gods or simply by having a good conscience choose instead to send the boys down the river on a raft hoping the gods would keep them safe. According to myth, such did happen with the raft being caught on a low hanging branch and a she-wolf appearing to nurture the children until…"

"Such charming prose! Truly you hold the senses of a beast!"

Claudius's thunderous declaration causing Hikari to jump unsure how to take his words, unsure even if she should be happy about being compared to a wild animal.

"It is in fact quite impressive you were able to hear him through our fight especially with how far away he was,"

Sétanta's words did little to help Hikari understand their point.

As if reading the confusion displayed on the girl's expression Claudius released an audible laugh.

"Throughout your little sparring match, I have been moving, dictating the story from a varying distance."

With this short explanation, Hikari would finally begin to understand the source of their smiles.

"I see you got Sétanta to smile training must be going well,"

Making his presence known Lucas would approach the group, his own lips curled into a smile.

"She's still too green in combat if this had been a serious fight she wouldn't be standing."

Sétanta's previously smiling lips were now stuck in an annoyed frown, during the short time she had spent with the trio she had learned that she would make this expression whenever Lucas spoke.

"You say so now yet moments ago your eyes glowed with pride. One should be honest when they speak with the ones they fan…gh!"

Before the sentence could end Sétanta's sharp elbow shot towards her comrade's spine, the blow causing a cracking sound before the large-bodied exorcist fell to the floor with both hands clutching his back.

With a light-hearted chuckle, Lucas would shake his head, it seemed that to him these events were nothing new.

"I see, if you managed to make even Sétanta proud then I think it's about time I explain to you why we are here."

As he spoke his usually jovial tone would grow serious, it seemed that despite his personality he did truly take his job seriously. Reaching beneath his cloak the sound of sliding metal rung out, within the silence of the woods the simple sound seemed deafening.

"As I told you before our mission is to recover the holy sword Excalibur or to be more exact the stolen fragments of the sacred blade."

Swinging the blade in his hand the exorcist would swiftly aim it towards Hikari, a severe shiver running across her spine. Even after seeing this blade multiple times, the sense of dread its aura brought to the girl seemed to intensify every time she sees it.

"This blade is one of the fragments of the Excalibur, its name is Excalibur Transparency. I was entrusted with it for this mission after being granted god's blessing to wield the blade."

Lucas's lips curled into a proud smile as the words left his lips, a show of emotion that he quickly cut short by storing his blade away once more.

"Unfortunately 3 other fragments of the holy weapon have been stolen, we suspect the devil's involvement as we tracked down the weapons to this devil controlled city."

The final words drawing a look of shock from Hikari's eyes.

Noticing the growing concern in their newest members expression Claudius began to speak.

"Most devils have a firm level of sentience, the one you faced before was known as a stray and a rather feral one at that. There are even noble families amongst devil kind, they are granted territories within which they are left responsible for whatever happens. Through our Lord's mercy, a peace treaty was signed between the devils and heaven, so long as they do not bring harm to humans they are not to be struck by an exorcist's holy justice."

Even as he tried to explain, the situation to Hikari Claudius himself was unable to hide the conflicting emotions that came from the understanding that gods will stops exorcists from slaying the sworn enemies of heaven.

Coughing lightly to draw both their attention once more Lucas continued his explanation.

"Right, currently we reside within their territory without informing them of our presence, as we suspect their involvement we desire to avoid warning whoever holds the swords of our presence. Up until now, we have been blindly exploring the city without leads or hints for where to start, however, we now have a possible means to locate the blades even if they are hidden."

Sliding his blade back upon its sheath he kept his eyes locked on Hikari approaching her with his now empty palm.

"Your sacred gear, your new sense of smell will now be the key to locating the swords, even now you can feel the scent of my blade can you not?"

His declaration caused Hikari to sharply inhale, like before the sweet scent of vanilla filled her nose but alongside it, she could distinctly feel a contrasting scent.

"Metal and … Roses?"

Her eyes would drift from the man's hand towards his face seeing an excited smile upon his lips.

"So the holy power of heaven mimics the scents of earth's most beautiful flower, or perhaps it's the flower itself that envious of the divine scent mold their own scent to that of heaven"

If nothing else, it would seem her words exited their flamboyant comrade.

"Your nose is able to track down scents we can never feel, with the blades hidden or sealed we are unable to find them but you, you can trail their scent and locate the blades even without seeing them."

Lucas explanation allowed the gears in Hikari's head to start turning, with a growing smile on her lips she would nod.

"So my job is to track down the swords,"

The enthusiastic words left her lips, as she brought her arms up towards her chest. She was beyond aware the difference in skill between herself and the three around her, so to know that she had an ability that they lacked and needed, caused a sense of pride to form within her ample chest.

Morning at Kuoh Academy

"Forgive me but are you ok Hirano-san?"

A kind voice rung out drawing the admittedly scared mind of Hikari back to the present, her tired eyes scanning the boy. Pale blond hair and bright blue eyes that could melt the heart of almost any girl, something the few sharp glares that crept across her back made clear.

"Y-yea… I mean yes, sorry I had a rather rough night is all."

Rubbing the back of her head with a nervous laugh Hikari could barely contain the blush that crept across her cheeks. A blush of embracement but unlike most of the girls of her friends it did not come from talking with the schools biggest male idol, it came instead due to her sloppily fixed hair and dead tired eyes.

"I see, you should avoid staying up too late Hirano-san. Buchou often says a girl should get a good night's rest if they wish to keep their charms."

His heart-melting smile and words drew the collective gasps from the adoring club that stood both outside their classroom and gathered around the exhausted girl's desk.

"R-right, I will make sure I get enough rest. It's just a few friends needed my help and I couldn't really say no."

Yet again, her words came out swiftly followed by her nervous laugh.

"Hikari! There you are!"

The sharp yet familiar tone rung throughout the classroom. With a furious stride, the upperclassman pushed throughout the crowd of fangirls that gathered around Kuoh's prince.

"Aya-senpai, what are you doing here?"

A confused and tired Hikari would question looking up towards the track star of the third year student's.

"You've been skipping on the track team, the school's ball tournament is coming up and we are counting on you to help us get the win on the occult club and student council!"

Ignoring the conversation taking place before her arrival, Aya stares at Hikari with an angry glare.

Looking up surprised Hikari reached behind her head lightly scratching her neck.

"I told Chizue-senpai that couldn't make it to practice while my c-cousins were in town."

The light stutter in Hikari's speech sprouting from the girl's inability to tell good lies.

"She told me but you're the track team's ace, I'm sure your cousins won't mind if you join our practice. You can bring them to watch too, it wouldn't it be awesome if they watched you beat the reigning champs!"

The competitive female cheered, her trademark competitive spirit shining brightly with each word. She had many times challenged Hikari for races to see who the team's ace truly was.

Despite her at times irritating competitive nature, Aya was always very popular within the track team, always pushing the other members to do better and ultimately gaining their respect when they notice their growing skills.

"I'll be there, we did promise the first years dint we?"

Curling her lips into a tired smile Hikari looked up towards her upperclassman. Much like the rest she also held a great deal of respect for the senior as her current scores in the timed runs where a result of the many times they would race against one another.

"It will be quite entertaining to face strong adversaries, Buchou will most certainly love the challenge."

Kiba's voice suddenly drew the track stars attention away from each other now focusing it on his almost forgotten presence.

"Oh, we will give you a challenge, this year your little club is going to lose."

Her wide toothy grin brimming with confidence as the words flew from her lips without concern.

"It will be fun to go against the school's idol club."

Hikari giggled with a teasing smile, while Kiba's club was the occult research club the collection of popular students that filled in its ranks caused many to consider it the idols club.

"I look forward to the tournament then."

With a polite bow, the blond prince turned away and left the classroom likely to join the members of his club.

"I'll be heading out too, make sure to keep your promise and come to practice again ok?"

"I'll see if I can make it twice a week at least. I promise"

With her lips curled into a smile, she could only shake her head as the senior left the room.

Kuoh city afternoon

"I'm so sleepy…"

Groaning slightly as she moved through the city, with classes over she was free to help the exorcists with their work. Exploring the city while lightly sniffing the air, she would do her best to find the rose and metal scent that Lucas's sword emanated.

"This is a lot harder than I expected,"

With a long sigh, she would turn away from the 4th flower shop she had visited that day, given whoever held the sword would be hiding it should have been rather obvious that she wouldn't be able to find it on her first attempt.

From the moment, she left the school building Hikari had begun her search, her excitement to assist the exorcists pushing her to move despite her lack of sleep.

Woof, woof

With the rather adorable sound of barking, Hikari ripped from her thoughts shot her hands towards her pockets trying to locate the source of the sound. Once located she pulled her phone from within her pocket answering the call without looking at the caller.

"Hikari? It's mom."

A worried voice rung through the phone.

"Oh mom, Is everything ok?"

"I called to ask you that, you haven't been responding to my messages so I was worried,"

As the words reached her ears a pain of guilt stung her chest, given her nightly activities and lack of energy come morning she had begun to neglect her mother's messages. The old comforting routine, broken so easily, a surprising realization that left Hikari with much to think.

"Sorry, I've been um meeting up with the track team earlier in the day, we have a tournament coming so we have been practicing more. Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

A little white lie, just another little lie. First, she had lied to Aya-senpai, and now she was lying to her own mother. She knew that none would believe the truth but nonetheless lying in such a way felt wrong.

"You sound tired, I know you take track seriously but make sure to take your time rest."

The gentle kind voice, it was like throwing gas into an open flame.

"Don't worry I know my limits I promise to take it easy."

Her voice shook ever so lightly as she spoke, guilt stinging at her heart without remorse.

"Take care sweetie, don't forget about us all the way out here."

"I won't, give dad a hug for me. See you soon"

Closing her phone, she let out a long sigh.

"I never lied to mom before… I wonder if she would be upset."

Her head shaking side to side slowly, it was best not to worry about something like that for now, she had a job to do and the sooner she got it done the better.

Her search would eventually lead to her exploring the outskirts of the city. While she understood, the swords should be within the city limits she figured keeping them on the edge of it might make them harder to find.

"The city is so big, there's no way I can check every…"

Stopping in her tracks a familiar scent filled her nose, it was a scent she had committed to memory even after only feeling it once.

Making her way through the empty road she tracked the scent, the sting of cinnamon and coffee mixing perfectly with the sweet smell of vanilla.

Eventually finding an old shrine. She could tell its age at a single glance, given its surprising size she was surprised no one seemed to be around. She was certain that someone had to be around to maintain it, despite its age the shrine was spotless without any signs of abandonment.

"I'm sorry but the temple is not welcoming visitors."

A familiar sensual voice rung through Hikari's ears as the irresistible scent grew stronger.