A.N. Hello Everyone, this is the first post for something I hope many of you will enjoy. As I couldn't find this elsewhere, I thought "Why not write it myself?" And thusly, here we are.

The basic premise is "What if there were Abyssals on Remnant."

Anyway, enough rambling, onto the story.



It was a rather odd feeling, Ruby thought as she sunk rapidly towards the bottom of the ocean. She felt colder the deeper she sunk, watching the shattered moon become ever smaller. Blinking, she realized she was so tired. She just wants to sleep. After all, tonight was a rather adventurous night.


Ruby had finally managed to corner the crime boss on the roof top.

"Hey!" She said, grabbing the crime boss's attention

"Persistent." He muttered under his breath.

It was at that moment that she felt a cold lance of pain in her back. She had exhausted her Aura earlier, trying to catch up as he hopped from roof to roof. She turned to look and saw a pink and brown-haired girl, wearing a white overcoat and pants, holding a sword with an umbrella handle coated in red. At this, she fell over, holding her hands at the exit wound on her front. As she fell, she screamed. 'It hurts, why does it hurt so much?'

"Tough luck Red. You really should have run while you could." He turns to the other girl "Take care of her, we can't handle anymore problems with how we have been doing lately." As he says this he turns and goes down the stairwell.

At this, Ruby begins panicking. 'Oh god, oh god, I am going to die. She is going to kill me.' She begins to try to crawl away, hating herself for forgetting her scroll on the nightstand. If only she had it, then maybe she wouldn't have tried to chase this guy so long. She feels another jolt of pain as she is stabbed in her shoulder this time. The girl then picks her up and begins carrying her downstairs. When they reach the bottom floor, Ruby begins smelling salt and realizes that she was incredibly close to the ocean. She is dropped unceremoniously into the hold of a ship. Ruby begins trying to get herself up, desperate to escape, to get home, to be back with her family. As she manages to get to a wall, she begins to hear growling. She turns and is immediately met with a pair of cold, red eyes. She begins to huddle in on herself, whimpering, trying to protect herself as her Crescent Rose was left on that roof top. This only seems to encourage the beast, which immediately sets upon her with a ravenous fury.

After what feels like an eternity, of barely managing to cover herself form the hungry beast, she hears another whimper and sees the beast has been skewered by the girl from earlier. As she looks up to the girl she begs "Please…please I have family I need to get back to."

However, the multi-colored woman ignores her and begins dragging her up to the deck of the ship. Ruby begs and hits the girl with all of her might, which does little more than irritate the girl if her pulling is any indication. Ruby is then tied in rope by the girl, with a weight attached at one end. The other girl begins looking at her before smiling as she stabs Ruby one more time in the chest before pushing Ruby off the deck into the cold, churning water below.


Ruby begins closing her eyes as water begins fill her lungs. After a brief burning in her lungs she begins to black out. But as the last vestiges of consciousness begin to leave her, she manages to form one last thought.

'Sorry Yang, I guess I won't be able to see you off to Beacon. Mom, I'll see you soon. I just wish I could have become a huntress like you.'


After a while, Ruby begins to hear a voice, cold but motherly calling out to her.

After a while, Ruby begins to hear a voice, cold but motherly calling out to her.

"Wake up."

"Please, let me rest. I am so tired."

"Wake up little one. The time of rest has ended."

"I want to, but my time is done. I died."

"But what if I said you could, and that I would be the one to facilitate it?"

At this Ruby opens her eyes, only to be greeted darkness.

"...Really? I can come back? I can see my sister again, I can be a huntress!?"

"Yes, you could see your sister again, and even become the greatest huntress the world has ever seen. There is only one thing I ask in return."

Ruby feels a hand brush her cheek. She slowly raises her hand to meet it .

"What do you want me to do? Please I'll do anything, I can't leave my family."

"All you need to do is agree to become one of my children."

At this, Ruby grabs the hand and pushes it down and away from her, as she begins to look for the source of the voice.

"...What? What do you mean one of your children, who are you?"

At her question, she sees a pair of violet orbs open in the distance. They begin coming closer until they are directly in front of her, cold, featureless, and intimidating. But at the same time, sad? "You may call me Tiamat, but I am also called the Abyss, the Depths. And what I mean by that is simple. My children are my will made manifest, my desires born into flesh. It is the only way I can bring you back."

"Would I be able to be with my family? Yang, Dad, Uncle Qrow?"

At this the eyes look as if they are smiling, before blinking and going back to there previous state. "Of course, I would never separate you from your family."

"And what would you want me to do? I am guessing this isn't going to be free of charge."

At this the eyes begin to slightly narrow as the voice begins to cool. "I would have you merely do what you have trained to do, drive these invaders from the oceans and surface. These 'Grimm' have long overstayed their welcome."

After this the eyes again revert, going back to calmly looking at Ruby. "How can I do that? I am just one girl, don't get me wrong I can try, but I am just one girl."

"Easily, as by becoming one for my children I would give you a form more suiting one of my sweet children. And you won't be alone, I have many children who have been waiting on my word."

"And what about after all of that is said and done?"

"You could do whatever you want, even be the Heroic Huntress who saved the world. I care not, as long as you would be happy. After all, what kind of mother wishes for anything but happiness for her children?" Ruby begins to feel hands gently hold her shoulders. "However there is always a cost associated with this. The Payment for your return is your name."

At this Ruby recoils, and moves away from Tiamat. "What? I thought that the only thing that you were asking for was my help, not my name!"

"That is my price for helping you in the first place. This is the toll to cross back over to the realm of the living, something that not even I can change. And besides it is just your name, just what you are called."

"But, that's my name, how will my family even recognize me when I come back if I don't have my own name? How will they even know that it's me if I look different?"

"But it is simple, you have her eyes, that is one thing this will not take from you. The one thing that binds you to your original mother, that shows you are her daughter. And besides, why would you need it, after all, 'a Rose by any other name is just as sweet.'"

Ruby mulls it over for a bit before final asking "Really? And that's it, no fine print saying you own my soul or something like that?"

The voice rolls its eyes at this, before delivering in the same level tone. "None, I hardly need to lie to achieve my goals. Now, do you agree?"

Ruby considers this for a moment before calmly stating "Deal."

And with that, Ruby's world explodes into blinding pain


Post Script

Alright, so this was the first part, just wanted to get this hammered out. Any review or criticism would be appreciated.